Papers by Mokarram ravanbakhsh

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jun 29, 2023
Water is needed for numerous metabolic functions and its loss can affect all characters of plant ... more Water is needed for numerous metabolic functions and its loss can affect all characters of plant life. Acer velutinum is a fast-growing species and significant diffuse-porous hardwood in afforestation and reforestation. In this study, the impacts of water deficit on growth, biomass, pigment contents, relative water content, osmolytes such as free proline, soluble protein, and soluble sugar, and also antioxidative enzymes including guaiacol peroxidase and catalase were studied to describe the protective mechanisms related to their drought resistance. One-year-old seedlings were exposed to four drought treatments (100, 75, 50, and 25% of the field capacity). The drought treatments had negative impacts on A. velutinum growth as exhibited by reduced plant height, basal diameter and biomass. Drought stress decreased significantly relative water content and chlorophyll content while increasing electrolyte leakage, osmotic substances, and catalase and peroxidase activities. Findings demonstrated that A. velutinum seedlings have the capacity to adapt to water deficiency and can be recommended for afforestation and reforestation.

Ecologia Balkanica, 2016
The aim of this study was to identify the ecological species groups and investigate the diversity... more The aim of this study was to identify the ecological species groups and investigate the diversity among them. The research area comprises in a coastal system of Boujagh National Park, inNorthern of Guilan Province, Iran. Vegetation sampling was carried out along 6 shoreperpendicular transects, ween minimum 153 m and maximum 5562 m long. A total of 52 plot of 25square meters were taken in transects. In each sampled plot, the cover percentage value of eachspecies was estimated using Bran-Blanquet scales. Vegetation classified using Two-Way IndicatorSpecies Analysis (TWINSPAN). Classification of plots showed four vegetation groups: Convolvuluspersicus - Crepis foetida, Argusia sibirica, Eryngium caucasicum - Juncus acutus, Rubus sanctus. Plantdiversity in these vegetation groups have been evaluated. The comparison of diversity indicesamong groups were performed with ANOVA test. Results of analysis of variance in speciesdiversity indices showed significant differences among the groups i...

Received 28.06.2016; accepted 02.08.2016; printed 30.09.2016 The aim of this study was to identif... more Received 28.06.2016; accepted 02.08.2016; printed 30.09.2016 The aim of this study was to identify the ecological species groups and investigate the diversity among them. The research area comprises a wetland system of Boujagh National Park, in Northern of Guilan Province, Iran. Vegetation sampling was carried out by 44 sample plots placed within the different zones in a stratified random manner. In each sampled plot, the cover percentage value of each species was estimated using Bran-Blanquet scales. Vegetation was classified using Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN). Classification of plots showed four vegetation groups: “Ceratophyllum demersum-Nelumbo nucifera, Juncus acutus-Rubus sanctus, Mentha aquatica-Phragmites australis, Hydrocotyle vulgaris-Phragmites australis”. Plant diversity in these vegetation groups has been evaluated.The comparison of diversity indices among groups was performed with ANOVA test. Results of analysis of variance in species diversity indices ...

IUFS Journal of Biology, 2014
This study, carried out on vegetation of the Gisoum forest reserve with 171 hectares area located... more This study, carried out on vegetation of the Gisoum forest reserve with 171 hectares area located 14 km to Resvanshar city, Guilan province, was to examine the structure and composition of the forest vegetation. A first topographic map of the area with the scale of 1:10000 was prepared and the study area was delimited. Transect- quadrate method of sampling was used to record the floristic and phytosociological data necessary for the analysis in about 44 quadrates of 400 m2. Some vegetation parameters viz. density and diameter at breast height (DBH) for trees (over story vegetation) as well as cover-abundance for under story vegetation were recorded, respectively. The life form spectrum of Raunkiaer, the dominant vegetation type of the area, is based on importance value and vegetation structure based on frequency classes, also their chorology caring a central importance in vegetation description were determined. The study of the floristic list showed that 76 species belonging to 66 g...

This research was conducted to investigate the plant species diversity in the protected and non-p... more This research was conducted to investigate the plant species diversity in the protected and non-protected sites via comparison of biodiversity and similarity indices. The research area comprised a coastal system in the north of Guilan Province, Iran. Vegetation sampling was carried out along 16 shore perpendicular transects, approximately 500-m long. A total of 50 plot of 25 square meters were taken in transects. In each sampled plot, the cover percentage value of each species was estimated using Bran-Blanquet scales. Data analysis was carried out using diversity numerical indices of richness, diversity and evenness index. To assess the significance of numerical measures a student's t-test was used. The similarity index was selected for clarifying the species similarities between two sites. Graphs of Rainey parameterise diversity indices and species abundant model were plotted. The results showed species diversity in two compared area was very close together based on numerical i...

Nova Biologica Reperta, 2016
This paper concerns itself with the study of sand beaches of the Boujagh National Park with an ar... more This paper concerns itself with the study of sand beaches of the Boujagh National Park with an area of 3477 ha. The purposes of this study include the determination of the plant species diversity and plant groups. In addition, the determination of the impact of environmental and specific variables on the presence or absence of certain species and their communities is another aim that the study follows. In order to attain those purposes, 52 plots across 6 transects of the district were used. In each plot, the materials were identified and abundance-dominance of species by using Braun-Blanquet criteria were obtained and their life forms were determined according to Raunkiaer classification. To determine the plant groups, a Two-way analysis of significant modified species (Modified TWINSP-AN) was utilized. Detrended Canonical Analysis (DCA) was used to determine factors affecting plant groups. The results showed that four plant groups exist in this district: Convolvulus persicus-Crepis foetida subsp. Foetida group, Argusia sibirica group, Eryngium caucasicum-Juncus acutus group and Rubus sanctus group. The first and second groups consist of higher percentages of therophytes and spread in areas where the soil contains more sand. Plants in the third and fourth groups spread in areas with stabilized sand and high percentage of silt. DCA analysis results showed that soil factors (texture, OC, Na, K, N, Ca, Mg) have significant relation with plant groups were studied. Among the plant groups, the percentage of silt and sand, species richness and life forms of therophytes and geophytes show significant relations. Therefore it can be concluded that these factors affect on the separation and distribution of plant groups.

Nova Biologica Reperta, 2015
Boujagh National Park, with water ecosystems including Boujagh and Kiashahr wetlands, has an area... more Boujagh National Park, with water ecosystems including Boujagh and Kiashahr wetlands, has an area of approximately 3477.3 hectares. In order to study factors affecting the vegetation in aquatic and wet habitats, 44 releves were implemented in the region. To test the chemical properties of the available water, samples were collected from 22 releves. The results of a two-way species indicator analysis of the modified TWINSPAN suggested that four groups of plants were present in the region. The first group being floating, immersed and submerged and the third and fourth groups being mostly helophytic. The second group of plants grows in areas with sand and mud. The results of comparative DCA analysis of water factors (PH, Depth, P, N, Cl, CO 3 , Hco 3 , EC, Na, K) showed a significant correlation between the factors and plant groups and the most important factors influencing the distribution and separation of plants was found to be water depth. In addition, Boujagh and Kiashahr wetlands vegetation map, based on the plant groups, was also prepared.

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2015
Ravanbakhsh M, Amini T, Hosseini SMN. 2015. Plant species diversity among ecological species grou... more Ravanbakhsh M, Amini T, Hosseini SMN. 2015. Plant species diversity among ecological species groups in the Caspian Sea coastal sand dune; Case study: Guilan Province, North of Iran. Biodiversitas 16: 16-21. Biodiversity is often discussed in terms of species diversity is concentrated. Species diversity is one of the important characteristics of biological communities and its as a functionof the number and size represent populations of species in a special geographic region.The aim of this study was to identification ofecological species groups and investigates the diversity among ecological species groups. The research area comprises a coastal dunesystem in northern of Guilan Province, Iran. Vegetation sampling was carried out along 22 shore perpendicular transects, approximately500-m long. A total of 62 plot of 25 square meters were taken in transects. In each sampled plot, the cover percentage value of eachspecies was estimated using Bran-Blanquet scales. Vegetation classified usi...

Acta botanica Croatica
Drought stress is a major environmental factor limiting plant growth. Selection of drought-tolera... more Drought stress is a major environmental factor limiting plant growth. Selection of drought-tolerant plants is of critical importance in vegetation restoration and forestation programs. Alnus subcordata and Acer velutinum are two valuable, dominant, and endemic species in the Hyrcanian forests. There are fast-growing species and significant diffuse-porous hardwood in afforestation and reforestation. One-year old seedlings of both species were exposed to four water shortage treatments (100, 75, 50 and 25% of field capacity (FC) chosen as control, mild, moderate, and severe) for 12 weeks. Thereafter, their morphological characteristics such as height and basal area, total and organs biomass (root, stem, and leaf), leaf area (LA), specific leaf area (SLA), leaf area ratio (LAR), as well as physiological and biochemical characteristics such as relative water content (RWC), content of chlorophyll, free proline and malondialdehyde (MDA), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) ...
Papers by Mokarram ravanbakhsh