Las mediciones con un aforador pueden hacerse desde un puente, un carrito suspendido de un cable aéreo o un bote, o bien, si la corriente es poco profunda y bastante pequeña, vadeándola.
ABSTRAa. The role of plasma glucose concentration in the regulation of endogenous glucose production in the human newborn was examined by infusing glucose at 2.6-4.6 mg/kg-min as a continuous infusion to eight normal term appropriate for... more
Requirements specification can often exhibit some shortcomings, regarding contents and organization of its partial specification elements. Sometimes, modularization is deficient, with modules dealing with too much information, or the same... more
Tropos is a framework which offers an approach to guide the development of multi-agent systems (MAS). It relies on the i* notation to describe both requirements and architectural design. However, the use of i* as an architectural... more
Background. Education has been identified as a potent sociodemographic predictor of smoking cessation and the Healthy People 2010 goals include the elimination of health disparities attributable to education.
Diseñar la zapata mostrada en la fig: Si la Columna de 70 x 50 lleva 10 fierros de 1" y transmite las cargas PD = 180 tn y PL = 100 tn . La capacidad portante admisible del suelo es qa = 2.5 kg/cm2 ; ademas fy = 4200kg/cm2 , fy = 280... more
El bucle WHILE...WEND sirve para realizar un tipo de bucle muy utilizado en programación que es el bucle Mientras, que se ejecuta mientras que se cumpla una condición.