Journal of international oral health : JIOH, Dec 31, 2015

PubMed, May 1, 2012
Background: Periodontal subgingival pathogens affect local and systemic immune responses and init... more Background: Periodontal subgingival pathogens affect local and systemic immune responses and initiate an acute phase systemic inflammatory response characterized by the release of C-reactive proteins (CRPs). This study has been carried out to evaluate the serum concentration of CRPs, which can be used as a marker of periodontal disease as well as a risk indicator for cardiovascular diseases. Materials and methods: In a retrospective study a total number of 45 subjects were selected from the outpatient department of periodontics a mean age of 40 years. Based on the periodontal status, the subjects were divided into 3 groups of 15 subjects each. Group I: Control group [with attachment loss (AL) ≤ 2 mm and pocket depth (PD) < 3 mm], Group II: Generalized aggressive periodontitis (AL ≤ 5 mm), Group III: chronic periodontitis (AL ≥ 2 mm, PD ≥ 5 mm), which includes moderate and severe periodontitis. The clinical parameters recorded were plaque index,gingival index, bleeding index, probing PD, and clinical attachment levels and scoring was done on 6 surfaces of all teeth. For the CRP assessment, blood samples were collected from subjects at the time of clinical examination. Analysis of covariance was used for comparison of mean values between the groups to adjust the ages (P value < 0.05). Results: Overall, the mean CRP levels were high in subjects with generalized aggressive and chronic periodontitis compared with controls. This was found to be statistically significant. A statistically significant difference (P = 0.012) was found in the CRP level between groups I and II and between groups II and III, and between groups I and III. Conclusion: The results of the present study indicated an increase in serum CRP levels in subjects with generalized aggressive periodontitis and chronic periodontitis as compared with the controls.

Journal of advanced oral research, Sep 1, 2012
Introduction: The studies have demonstrated that the hydrolysis of the trypsin substrate N benzyl... more Introduction: The studies have demonstrated that the hydrolysis of the trypsin substrate N benzyl-Dl-arginase-2-naphthalamide (BANA) by sub-gingival plaque correlates best with the numbers and proportions of periodontopathogens in plaque samples and may serve as a marker of periodontal disease. Aims & Objectives: To determine the efficacy of N benzyl-Dlarginase-2-naphthalamide (BANA) hydrolysis by sub-gingival plaque microorganisms as a diagnostic tool in periodontal disease. To correlate the test reaction with the clinical diagnosis in healthy patients and patients suffering from chronic periodontitis. Methodology: Fifty five subjects from a periodontally defined population were evaluated for the ability of their sub-gingival plaque samples to hydrolyze a 0.67 mmol solution of BANA and correlate it with its clinical diagnosis. They were divided into 2 groups. Twenty five periodontally healthy patients were placed under group I (control) and Thirty periodontally diseased patients were placed under group II(diseased). After the clinical assessments were made and the findings recorded, 4 to 6 sub-gingival plaque samples were obtained from the buccal interdental areas around the first molar tooth in each quadrant. After dispersion in 0.6 ml of Sorensen phosphate buffer, 50 microlitres were incubated with 0.1 ml of BANA solution at 37 0 C for 18 hours. The outcome of the hydrolysis was recorded, results obtained were tabulated and subjected to statistical analysis. Result: The outcome of BANA test was highly significant (p<0.01) in periodontally diseased subjects. It can be used as a reliable indicator of BANA positive species in sub-gingival plaque. Conclusion: It can be used as a reliable indicator of BANA positive species in sub-gingival plaque.

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 2015
Background: Periodontitis, a chronic inflammatory oral infection may have profound effects on sys... more Background: Periodontitis, a chronic inflammatory oral infection may have profound effects on systemic health. Studies have suggested that periodontal infection can result in metabolic deregulation of serum lipids causing cardiovascular disease which remain the leading cause of death in industrialized countries. As it is hypothesized that hyperlipidemia in cases of periodontitis could be due to increase in serum IL-1β levels, similarly if a correlation is found between serum IL-1β levels and periodontitis, it will help us in increasing awareness amongst the medical faculty about the role of periodontitis as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Aim: To evaluate and compare the serum Interleukin-1β levels in subjects with healthy periodontium with those suffering from chronic generalized severe periodontitis. Material & Methods: 30 subjects with a healthy periodontium (control group) and 30 subjects suffering from chronic generalized severe periodontitis (test group) were selected for the study to compare their serum Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) levels after obtaining informed consent. Blood samples were collected and sent for the assessment of serum IL-1β levels and the data was subjected to statistical analysis. The results of our study show that there is a significantly higher level of serum IL-1β in chronic generalized severe periodontitis as compared to healthy periodontium. The observation of this study was that there was a statistically highly significant serum IL-1β level in chronic generalized severe periodontitis as compared to healthy subjects suggesting a relationship between periodontitis and cardiovascular disease.
Developments in medicine have resulted in an increase in the life span of people, thereby le... more Developments in medicine have resulted in an increase in the life span of people, thereby leading to an increase in the number of geriatric patients. Adverse oral health has been identified as a risk factor for several systemic disorders/diseases. Therefore, dental care should be integrated into overall health management of all geriatric patients. Increased numbers of such patients in dentistry has resulted in the preferred use of alternatives like endodontics rather than extractions to improve the longevity of the natural dentition. Special knowledge, skills and attitude are necessary for the management of the geriatric patients. This review discusses the unique challenges faced by the endodontist in carrying out root canal treatment in such individuals

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2021
Abstract Buildings located in mountainous areas are prone to be damaged by hydro-meteorological e... more Abstract Buildings located in mountainous areas are prone to be damaged by hydro-meteorological events, such as landslides and floods. The assessment of the physical vulnerability (PV) of the exposed built environment is a key factor in geo-hazard-related risk mitigation. The latter requires the knowledge of the event magnitude and building characteristics. For areas where scarce or no records of the past events are available, indicators-based methodologies are used, allowing to estimate the component of the PV that only depends on the building properties (susceptibility). In this view, this paper gives an overview of the indicators most used in literature, with a novel indicator-by-indicator approach; then, five of them are selected for a sample area located in a mountainous zone in southern Italy, prone to landslide and debris flood events. The chosen indicators are: Structural typology, State of maintenance, Building orientation, Number of floors and Number of facades with large openings, for each of which multiple configurations are defined and weighed, in reason of the expected ability of the considered configuration to withstand in case of calamity. This approach has several advantages, such as user-friendliness, flexibility of use, possibility of being updated over time and helpfulness for further purposes.

Background and aims. The present study was envisaged to compare the efficacy of adjunctive use of... more Background and aims. The present study was envisaged to compare the efficacy of adjunctive use of Azithromycin with scaling and root planing (SRP) the adjunctive use Amoxicillin and SRP, and SRP alone in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. To correlate the use of N-Benzoyl DL-Arginine 2-Naphthylamide (BANA) hydrolysis test and percentage of spirochete count with the periodontal parameters before and after periodontal therapy. Materials and methods. Thirty subjects with chronic periodontitis were randomly selected and divided into three groups as follows. Group I: Subjects treated with scaling and root planing (SRP) alone. Group II: Subjects treated with SRP and systemic administration of Amoxicillin (SRP + AMOX). Group III: Subjects treated with SRP and systemic administration of Azithromycin (SRP + AZM). Periodontal parameters comprising of plaque index, bleeding index, probing pocket depth, clinical attachment level and microbiological parameters comprising of spirochete count and BANA test scores were assessed at base line and six weeks after completion of periodontal therapy for subjects in all the three groups. Results. The reduction in post-treatment scores as compared to pre-treatment scores of plaque index, bleeding index, pocket depth, clinical attachment levels and spirochete count was highly significant in all the groups(p<0.01).BANA hydrolysis is a reliable marker of periodontal disease as it has proved to be a suitable test for detection of spirochetes. Conclusion. The judicious use of systemic antibiotics in the treatment of chronic periodontitis may provide an additional benefit in the clinical outcome compared to SRP alone.
1 * Reader , Endodont ics and Conservat ive Dent is t ry, Peop le Denta l , Academ y, Bhopal , Ma... more 1 * Reader , Endodont ics and Conservat ive Dent is t ry, Peop le Denta l , Academ y, Bhopal , Madhya Pradesh, Peoples Campus, Bhanpur , Bhopal , Ind ia . Emai l : draruna15@gmai l .com , draruna2008@red i f fmai l .com ; Tel . : 9630226239. 2 Professor and Head of Depar tment of Per iodont ics , Peoples Denta l Academ y, Bhopa l , Madhya Pradesh, Peoples Campus, Bhanpur , Bhopal , Ind ia . Emai l : dr rosaiah@gmai l .com , medha98@gmai l .com ; Tel . : 9893050554.

General dentistry, 2012
Periodontal subgingival pathogens affect local and systemic immune and inflammatory response and ... more Periodontal subgingival pathogens affect local and systemic immune and inflammatory response and cause the release of cytokines; this results in periodontal destruction and initiation of an acute phase systemic inflammatory response characterized by the release of C-reactive proteins (CRP). This study set out to evaluate the serum concentration of CRP that can be used as a marker of periodontal disease as well as a risk indicator for cardiovascular disease. Based on their periodontal status, 45 patients were divided into three groups. The following clinical parameters were recorded: plaque index, gingival index, bleeding index, probing pocket depth, and clinical attachment levels. Scoring was done on six tooth surfaces for all teeth. For the CRP assessment, blood samples were collected from subjects at the time of clinical examination. The results indicated an increase in serum CRP levels in patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis and chronic periodontitis as compared to ...

Ectodermal Dysplasia (ED) is a hereditary disorder characterized by abnormal development of certa... more Ectodermal Dysplasia (ED) is a hereditary disorder characterized by abnormal development of certain tissues and structures of ectodermal origin. The most frequently reported ED syndrome is X-linked hypohidrotic dysplasia, also known as Christ-Siemens-Touraine syndrome, which affects one to seven individuals per 10,000 live births. Orofacial characteristics of this syndrome include anodontia or hypodontia, hypoplastic conical teeth, underdevelopment of the alveolar ridges, frontal bossing, depressed nasal bridge, protuberant lips, and hypotrichosis. The characteristics associated with ED will often result in afflicted individuals having an abnormal appearance. Normal social and psychologic development of young ED patients dictates that they look and feel as normal as possible. Also, a "tell-show-do" approach to treatment is recommended for the young ED patient.The multi-disciplinary treatment can involve composite restorations,fixed, removable, or implant prosthodontics, si...
Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences, 2015
Stem cell refers to a clonogenic, undifferentiated cell that is capable of self-renewal and multi... more Stem cell refers to a clonogenic, undifferentiated cell that is capable of self-renewal and multi-lineage differentiation. They are unique and form the basis of development, growth and survival of a living organism. Stem cells are the foundation cells of every organ and tissue in the body including the periodontium. Numerous clinical techniques, including bone grafts, root surface conditioning, barrier membranes and various growth factors, have been utilised over the years in an attempt to achieve periodontal regeneration. The recent identification and isolation of stem cells from the periodontal ligament represents a significant development in the progress towards predictable periodontal regeneration. This review is an overview on the role of stem cells and tissue engineering in periodontal regeneration.

Background:The traditional approach for treating hypersensitive dentin is based on the hydrodynam... more Background:The traditional approach for treating hypersensitive dentin is based on the hydrodynamic mechanism. Aims: To evaluate the effectiveness of three agents in treating dentinal hypersensitivity associated with non-carious, non-restorable cervical lesions. Material and Methods: Twelve patients presenting with cervical hypersensitivity were randomly enrolled for the study. The lesions were divided into three treatment groups namely amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) group, G.C. tooth mousse group and gluma desensitizer group. Sensitivity was assessed by tactile and thermal tests and measured with a visual analogue scale. Results: G.C. tooth mousse and gluma desensitizer caused greater reduction in sensitivity when compared to ACP. A partial reversal of hypersensitivity was observed with the ACP group. Conclusion: Tooth mousse and gluma desensitizer showed a rapid and sustained desensitizing action and were effective in reducing cervical dentinal sensitivity.
Peripheral ameloblastoma is a rare, but develops in the soft tissues of the gingiva and mucosa an... more Peripheral ameloblastoma is a rare, but develops in the soft tissues of the gingiva and mucosa and exhibits an innocuous clinical behavior. This paper reports a case of peripheral ameloblastoma in a 35-year-old female that presented as a painless swelling on the mandibular anterior labial attached gingiva. This reports emphasis the need for submitting all excised tissue for microscopic examination and to include ameloblastoma in the differential diagnosis a gingival lesion which clinically resembles a pyogenic granuloma, peripheral giant cell granuloma, or parulis/gumboil.
The best dentistry is no dentistry. If treatment is unavoidable, the second best is minimal invas... more The best dentistry is no dentistry. If treatment is unavoidable, the second best is minimal invasive dentistry (MID). Ideally early caries diagnosis should be carried out using lasers and the caries managed by diet modification and remineralization. Despite this, if the laser reading keeps rising, it is advisable to resort to MID where air abrasion plays a significant role.

Maximum removal of gutta percha and sealer followed by reinstrumentation is very crucial for succ... more Maximum removal of gutta percha and sealer followed by reinstrumentation is very crucial for successful re-treatment. As the bacteria or fungi surviving and thriving under the gutta percha and sealer have to be removed [1-3]. Gutta percha can be removed using K or H files along with chemical solvents. Alternatively, it can also be removed from the coronal portion using gates glidden drills or heated pluggers followed by the use of ultrasonics, lasers or Ni Ti rotary files for the remaining part of the canal [4,5]. Pro-Taper instruments (Dentsply-Maillefer Ballaigues, Switzerland) have a convex triangular cross-sectional design with different shafts. A new NiTi rotary system, ProTaper Universal Tulsa (Dentsply Tulsa, Tulsa,) is introduced. This new system is integrated with 3 ProTaper retreatment files, D1, D2, D3. The 3 ProTaper Universal System retreatment files (PTUS) are designed to facilitate the removal of filling material. Each file has different lengths, tapers, and apical tip diameters. Mtwo Retreatment Files consist of two instruments of 21mm length with active cutting tip: R1 (size 15, 0.05 taper) and R2 (size 25, 0.05 taper). They have S-shaped cross-section but a shorter pitch length to enhance the advancement of the file into the filling material. They are used at a speed of 250-350rpm and a torque of 120gcm. These instruments are characterized by two cutting edges, which cut dentine effectively [6]. Thus, the purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate and compare the efficacy of two rotary retreatment file systems: ProTaper universal retreatment files, mtwo retreatment files and hand files (Hedstrom Files) in the removal of root canal filling material during root canal retreatment and the influence of the type of sealers zinc oxide eugenol and AH plus on the presence of debris of filling material in re-instrumented canals in single rooted mandibular premolars.

Dentistry, 2012
It is evident that oral microorganisms have the capacity to respond and adapt to changing environ... more It is evident that oral microorganisms have the capacity to respond and adapt to changing environmental conditions. Individual microorganisms are able to sense and process the chemical information from the environment and thereby adjust their phenotypic properties. The term biofilm is used to indicate the presence of a film of condensed microorganisms on any surface. Bacterial condensations on the walls of infected root canals have been observed suggesting that mechanisms for biofilm formation also exist inside the root canal space. A mature biofilm is a metabolically active community of microorganisms where individuals share duties and benefits. A growing body of knowledge suggests that organisms in biofilms assume a stronger pathogenic potential than those in a planktonic state. From these aspects, the formation of biofilms carries particular clinical significance because not only host defense mechanisms, but also therapeutic efforts including chemical and mechanical anti-microbial treatment measures, have a most difficult task to deal with organisms that are gathered in a biofilm. Such bacterial aggregations have been thought to be the cause of therapy-resistant apical periodontitis. The aim of this communication is therefore to give an overview of the biofilm concept and to discuss how it may apply to endodontic infections.

Dental Research Journal, 2012
Background: Periodontal subgingival pathogens affect local and systemic immune responses and init... more Background: Periodontal subgingival pathogens affect local and systemic immune responses and initiate an acute phase systemic inflammatory response characterized by the release of C-reactive proteins (CRPs). This study has been carried out to evaluate the serum concentration of CRPs, which can be used as a marker of periodontal disease as well as a risk indicator for cardiovascular diseases. Materials and Methods: In a retrospective study a total number of 45 subjects were selected from the outpatient department of periodontics a mean age of 40 years. Based on the periodontal status, the subjects were divided into 3 groups of 15 subjects each. Group I: Control group [with attachment loss (AL) ≤ 2 mm and pocket depth (PD) < 3 mm], Group II: Generalized aggressive periodontitis (AL ≤ 5 mm), Group III: chronic periodontitis (AL ≥ 2 mm, PD ≥ 5 mm), which includes moderate and severe periodontitis. The clinical parameters recorded were plaque index,gingival index, bleeding index, prob...
Aim-To review the use of various anti-microbial adjuvants in the treatment of periodontal disease... more Aim-To review the use of various anti-microbial adjuvants in the treatment of periodontal disease along with mandatory scaling and root planing. Background-Periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial infection of the periodontal tissues which can negatively affect the quality of life of the individual.5 to 30% of the adult human population is affected by this disease.Proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment with scaling and root planing along with the judicious use of various anti-microbial agents helps in controlling the periodontal disease.This article is aimed at reviewing the various anti-microbial agents used to combat periodontal disease.