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The purposes of the present study have been to analyse the presenting features, response to therapy and survival of myeloma patients aged 70 years or more, in comparison to younger patients. From January 1985 to December 1989, 487... more
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      PsychologyPublic health systems and services researchAge FactorsGeriatric Assessment
Background and Objective. Intensive induction and post-remission therapies have improved the prognosis in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). However, different from children, the impact of late intensification therapy in the... more
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      Time FactorsAge Factors
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The objective of this research is to characterize the current situation of the practices and methods used to create new products from the harvest and post-harvest processes of the banana crop. Bananas' morphology is composed of a central... more
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    • Business
Supine weight-bearing exercise within lower body negative pressure (LBNP) alleviates some of the skeletal deconditioning induced by simulated weightlessness in men. We examined the potential beneficial effect in women. Because dietary... more
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      Environmental EngineeringErgonomicsOccupational Health & Safety
In this paper, we present a study of the linearity of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61000-4-15 flickermeter when subject to rectangular fluctuations of different amplitude. We show, both analytically and through... more
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      Power QualityFlicker NoiseElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Aim: To develop a new method to suppress the artefact generated by chest compressions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) using only the frequency of the compressions as additional information. Materials and methods: The CPR... more
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    • New Media
Providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to a patient in cardiac arrest introduces artefacts into the electrocardiogram (ECG), corrupting the diagnosis of the underlying heart rhythm. CPR must therefore be discontinued for reliable... more
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      AlgorithmsAutomated External defibrillatorCardiopulmonary ResuscitationPublic health systems and services research
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Para establecer una relación ente LEAN y la Quinta Disciplina, empezaremos por definir y entender que significa cada uno de ellos.
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 Pero en vez de verse los descubrimientos de Mayo y su equipo como un llamado a un mayor respeto y una mayor preocupación por la persona del empleado y sus problemas, los administradores, ayudados por los continuadores de Mayo, sólo... more
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Representaciones sociales de uno de los sectores más deprimidos de Cali (Colombia) a través de un diario local (El País), desde su surgimiento, en los años ochenta, hasta la actualidad, en tres momentos distintos.
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El ex presidente Álvaro Uribe Vélez es un obstáculo para la paz en Colombia. Si bien, Uribe sostiene que la única vía para salir del conflicto armado en Colombia es la vía militar pero se sabe qué responder a la guerra con más guerra solo... more
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me gusta mucho contabilidad
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