Papers by Jairo Perez-Torres

Animal Biodiversity and Conservation
The lowland tapir Tapirus terrestris is the second largest mammal in South America. It occupies a... more The lowland tapir Tapirus terrestris is the second largest mammal in South America. It occupies a wide variety of ecosystems where it fulfills key functional roles. It is mainly folivorous, supplementing its diet with fruits, insects, and aquatic invertebrates. The lowland tapir is considered fundamental in shaping forest undergrowth and in seed dispersal processes. Despite its functional importance, ecological aspects related to diet, habitat use, and food preferences are still unknown in much of its geographic range. Currently, these aspects in the Colombian Orinoquia are unknown. We wanted to develop an approximation to the diet of the lowland tapir in the Colombian Orinoquia based on analysis of fecal samples and traditional knowledge derived from citizen science monitoring. Fecal samples were collected between October 2015 and July 2018 and vegetation monitoring and interviews with local communities were implemented. We recorded a total of 37 species of plants, 23 species of wh...

Acta Chiropterologica
We assessed the degree of preference for food resources consumed by Carollia perspicillata from M... more We assessed the degree of preference for food resources consumed by Carollia perspicillata from Macaregua cave (Santander, Colombia), and how these preferences were related to nutrient content. Between July and August of 2015, 160 bats were captured with a capture success of 7.04 individuals-night/hours-network. The fecal samples were processed in the laboratory and seeds that were found were identified taxonomically. The supply of fruit and nutritional value of ripe fruit collected from plant species identified in bat fecal samples were determined. The plant species, Myrsine sp., Neosprucea montana, Duranta repens and Maclura tinctoria accounted for over 85% of total food resources consumed, with nine additional species making up the rest of the sample. The diet was dominated by Myrcia popayanensis, M. tinctoria, Vismia glaziovii, Solanum mauritianum and N. montana. The nutrient contents (sugar, water, lipids, fiber, protein and ash) in their fruits varied significantly. Both male and female C. perspicillata preferred M. popayanensis and, to a lesser extent M. tinctoria. Food resource preferences were related (not linearly) to their nutritional content, with the preferred fruit being those showing intermediate nutrient concentrations. Maclura tinctoria and N. montana are new entries on the list of plant species consumed by C. perspicillata.

Frontiers in Marine Science
Unsustainable fisheries practices carried out in large parts of the Amazon, Tocantins, and Orinoc... more Unsustainable fisheries practices carried out in large parts of the Amazon, Tocantins, and Orinoco basins have contributed to the decline in the populations of the Amazon River dolphins (Inia spp.), considered Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Amazon River dolphin byproducts are often obtained through unregulated fisheries and from stranded and incidentally caught individuals that are traded for the flesh and blubber used for Calophysus macropterus fisheries, traditional and other medicinal purposes, and more recently for human consumption. To identify localities of use of Amazon River dolphins, we conducted a systematic review of the related literature published since 1980, complemented with structured surveys of researchers that allowed the identification of 57 localities for uses of Inia (33 in the Amazon, two in the Tocantins, and 22 in the Orinoco basins), and two more on the Brazilian Atlantic coast, with recent reports of targeted consum...
Landscape Ecology
used by I. geoffrensis as reported in the literature as follows: (1) main river, (2) confluences,... more used by I. geoffrensis as reported in the literature as follows: (1) main river, (2) confluences, (3) tributaries, (4) channels, (5) islands, (6) bays, and (7) lagoons. We combined this dataset with GPS location data obtained from 17 tagged Amazon River dolphins to quantify the proportion of habitat types used. We used kernel density estimate (KDE) analysis to identify both areas used (K 95) and core areas (K 50) in the habitat types for the satellite-monitored individuals. Results Satellite tracking of I. geoffrensis individuals reported 16,098 locations classified into seven habitat types. For the analyzed period (rising waters) main habitat types used were as follow: (1) main river (n = 9144, 57%); (2) confluences (n = 932, 6%); (3) tributaries (n = 1423, 9%); (4) channels (n = 1597,

RESUMEN. La Liebre Ibérica (Lepus granatensis) es una de las principales especies cinegéticas en ... more RESUMEN. La Liebre Ibérica (Lepus granatensis) es una de las principales especies cinegéticas en España. Presenta una amplia distribución y poblaciones estables en casi la totalidad del territorio. En Galicia, en los últimos años, factores como la modificación del hábitat, el aumento en la presión de caza y la construcción de infraestructuras viales han venido afectando a muchas poblaciones, llevando a la especie a una reducción e inclusive desaparición en algunas zonas atlánticas. La acelerada modificación de los hábitats naturales ha obligado a la especie a ocupar nuevos territorios, no existiendo actualmente información sobre la forma en la que el animal responde a estos nuevos medios. Es el caso de una población de Liebre Ibérica que habita en la Escombrera Exterior del Yacimiento Minero de Meirama (A Coruña), zona sometida a un proceso de restauración vegetal. En este trabajo se pretende evaluar la dinámica espacial de Lepus granatensis bajo las condiciones particulares de la e...

Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
Leptospirosis is caused by pathogenic Leptospira spp., which can be found in nature among domesti... more Leptospirosis is caused by pathogenic Leptospira spp., which can be found in nature among domestic and wild animals. In Colombia, the Macaregua cave is known for its bat richness; thus, because bats are reservoir hosts of human microbiological pathogens, we determined if the Macaregua cave bats harbored Leptospira in the wild. A total of 85 kidney samples were collected from three bat species (Carollia perspicillata, Mormoops megalophylla, and Natalus tumidirostris) to detect Leptospira spp. The 16S rRNA gene was targeted through conventional PCR and qPCR; in addition, the LipL32 gene was detected using conventional PCR. Obtained amplicons were purified and sequenced for phylogenetic analysis. The Leptospira spp. 16S rRNA gene was detected in 51.8% bat kidneys, of which 35 sequences were obtained, all clustering within the pathogenic group. Moreover, 11 sequences presented high-identity-values with Leptospiranoguchii, Leptospiraalexanderi, Leptospiraborgpetersenii, Leptospirakirschn...

Supplementary Material 1. List of sites and their descriptors. We selected sites that had a sampl... more Supplementary Material 1. List of sites and their descriptors. We selected sites that had a sampling effort greater than 10000 m<sup>2</sup>.h (sampling effort calculated following Straube and Bianconi 2002) and a sampling coverage > 0.8 according to Chao and Jost (2012). Site IDs and descriptors from the ATLANTIC BATS data base (Muylaert et al. 2017).<br>Supplementary Material 2. Correlations between original values from the 19 WorldClim layers (Fick and Hijmans 2017) and the four axes selected after from the PCA. PCA 1 explained 47.1% of the variation across climatic variables and shows a gradient of temperature seasonality across our sampling sites in the Atlantic Forest. Supplementary material 3. Matrix of species occurrences across sites order by environmental seasonality. Sites with less seasonable climate have more rare species (left side of the matrix) compared to sites with more seasonable climate (right side of the matrix). Env.var = Environmental seas...

Revista Colombiana de Ciencia Animal Recia, 2016
Resumen La diversidad funcional es uno de los aspectos de crucial importancia en el funcionamient... more Resumen La diversidad funcional es uno de los aspectos de crucial importancia en el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas y la provisión de servicios ecosistémicos. En este documento de revisión, se analiza cómo la biodiversidad contribuye al bienestar humano a través de la provisión de bienes y servicios de los ecosistemas y, se presentan aspectos relacionados con los procesos ecológicos y su relación con la diversidad funcional de los ecosistemas. Se pretende explicar, de manera sencilla, los conceptos relacionados con la diversidad funcional, la importancia de los grupos funcionales y el papel de los rasgos funcionales de las especies como elemento clave en las respuestas de los organismos ante los cambios ambientales. La comprensión de la relación entre los procesos ecosistémicos, la diversidad funcional de las especies y la provisión de servicios ecosistémicos, permite una mejor gestión de los ecosistemas naturales y su biodiversidad, posibilitando la conservación y uso sostenible de los diferentes tipos de servicios que ofrecen los ecosistemas. Abstract Functional diversity is one of the crucial aspects of the functioning of ecosystems and the provision of ecosystem services. In this review paper, we analyze how biodiversity contributes to human well-being through the provision of goods and ecosystem services, and related aspects of ecological processes and their relationship with the functional diversity of ecosystems are presented. It aims to explain in a simple way, the concepts related to functional diversity, the importance of the functional groups and the role of functional traits of the species as a key element in the responses of organisms to environmental changes. Understanding the relationship between ecosystem processes, functional diversity of species and providing ecosystem services, allow better management of natural ecosystems and their biodiversity, enabling conservation and sustainable use of different types of services provided by ecosystems.

El mono aullador rojo (Alouatta seniculus) es de las pocas especies colombianas de primates que n... more El mono aullador rojo (Alouatta seniculus) es de las pocas especies colombianas de primates que no se encuentra bajo alguna categoría de amenaza. En comparación con otras especies de primates posee una alta plasticidad ecológica, lo que le permite ocupar ambientes más variables en cuanto a tamaño de hábitat y oferta de recursos. Los bosques secos tropicales (BsT) de Colombia han sido fuertemente afectados por la implementación de sistemas ganaderos quedando un porcentaje muy bajo respecto a su distribución original y la mayoría como pequeños fragmentos. Aunque A. seniculus puede ocupar estos fragmentos, se desconoce la proporción de ocupación de estos y qué características estructurales o funcionales determinan esta ocupación. Se analizó si las características estructurales, funcionales y espaciales en dos fragmentos de BsT en la reserva natural "Betancí-Guacamayas" (Departamento de Córdoba, Colombia) explicaban el uso del espacio por parte de A. seniculus. Se encontró que las características estructurales de la vegetación explican principalmente la utilización de los espacios. Se desarrolló un índice de calidad que describe la probabilidad de ocupación de los espacios disponibles en los fragmentos por parte de la especie, teniendo en cuenta el DAP, la cobertura, el diámetro de copa y la altura de fuste.
Mammalogy Notes, Jan 15, 2017

Climate change can cause geographic displacement of the ecological niche of a species, so that si... more Climate change can cause geographic displacement of the ecological niche of a species, so that similar species that previously did not coexist could begin to face new interactions such as competition. Such geographic displacement and increased competition can also be exacerbated by anthropic intervention. Until less than 100 years ago Vultur gryphus and Coragyps atratus did not coexist. Nowadays, possibly as a result of climate change, changes in the distributions of both species created areas where they are now sympatric. Through ecological niche modeling, we evaluated the possible effects that future scenarios of climate change and human influence would have on the distribution and sympatry between the two species. Our models predict that the current distribution of V. gryphus will be reduced between 18% and 24% by 2050 and between 21% and 32% by 2070. Additionally they predict that the distribution of C. atratus will be reduced from 31% to 52% by the year 2050 and from 15% to 60%...
Los ICH varían en su estructura matemática y definición de sus variables. Problema: Selección sub... more Los ICH varían en su estructura matemática y definición de sus variables. Problema: Selección subjetiva de variables a incorporar al ICH. Este es un nuevo procedimiento para elaborar ICH para cualquier especie animal (cualquier contexto espacial y temporal). Ofrece criterios para escoger ordenada y objetivamente variables explicativas del patrón de presencia-ausencia de una especie en cualquier ambiente. Introducción Posible comparar variables (pesos específicos): criterio jerárquico de calidad para ambientes. Calificar unidades espaciales con habitabilidad idónea para analizar escenarios y escoger áreas prioritarias de conservación, para monitoreos ecológicos, y ordenamiento territorial.

Agroforestry Systems, 2022
The establishment of extensive livestock systems in the Colombian Caribbean Region has historical... more The establishment of extensive livestock systems in the Colombian Caribbean Region has historically generated a strong loss of the tropical dry forest (TDF) with negative effects on biodiversity. Currently, the implementation of silvopastoral systems (SPS) has been proposed with strategy to curb the loss of biodiversity caused by the conventional management system (CS). The objective was to evaluate the effect of SPS and CS of extensive livestock on the assemblage of bats associated with fragments of TDF. During a continuous year and a sampling effort of 30,240 h-net/night, the structure and composition of bat assemblage between SPS and CS were compared. 2788 bats belonging to six families, 23 genera, and 39 species were captured. ThePhyllostomidaefamily presented the highest species richness (S = 30), with the greatest abundance in theStenodermatinaesubfamily (n = 1543). Bat assemblage in the SPS fragments was more equitable; and the relative abundance per species, per genera, and ...
As a scientific discipline, mastozoology is our best approach to the methodical and systematic st... more As a scientific discipline, mastozoology is our best approach to the methodical and systematic study of all aspects that are associated with mammals. Although, as a result of more than three centuries of history, enormous advances have been made in their knowledge, there are still innumerable questions, unresolved issues and problems to be solved. This means a huge opportunity for the exercise of the discipline itself, and, in addition, a call for attention to all generations of mastozoologists to fill these gaps.
Papers by Jairo Perez-Torres
mamíferos no voladores presentes en los sectores
Llanos del Tigre y río Manso; zona de recuperación
natural del Parque Nacional Natural Paramillo
(Tierralta, Córdoba). Se emplearon técnicas de
captura (trampas Sherman®, Tomahawk® y Havahart), observación directa, registros indirectos,
y encuestas con cazadores y habitantes de la zona.
Se registraron 44 especies de mamíferos terrestres,
representados en nueve ordenes, 24 familias y
36 géneros. Entre las especies más importantes
registradas se encontraron Tapirus terrestris,
Odocoileus virginianus, Panthera onca y Saguinus
oedipus. A pesar de los procesos históricos de
intervención antrópica presentes en la zona, se
encontraron especies con altos requerimientos
y calidad de hábitat, que indican que estos
ecosistemas deben ser considerados como zonas
especiales de manejo para la vida silvestre.