Papers by Angélica Arenas Rodríguez

Acta Zoologica, Nov 24, 2020
The larynx is an important morphological structure for sound production in frogs. Recently, high ... more The larynx is an important morphological structure for sound production in frogs. Recently, high levels of variation in calls and their relation to the morphology of frogs in the family Hylidae, besides molecular data have resulted in significant changes in the taxonomy of this family. However, there are few studies that describe the structures and processes of the hyoid, cricoid, or arytenoid in hylid frogs. We studied the hyolaryngeal anatomy of both males and females of three species of the hylid genus Scinax (S. ruber, S. wandae and S. kennedyi) using clearing and double staining methods. We describe the laryngeal anatomy of these species and compare them with those of other hylids. We found that S. ruber has the largest arytenoid cartilage of any species of the family Hylidae studied to date. We show the laryngeal differences between Scinax species and the interspecific variability in the shapes of the projections among the arytenoid in the males of those species. The taxonomic characters described here can play a key role in differentiating these species from other members of Scinax, contributing to the knowledge of the species examined, and helping to differentiate them from other species, and to contributing also the natural history and phylogenetic relationships within the genus.

Revista Latinoamericana de Herpetología
Gymnophthalmoidea es un clado compuesto por las familias Alopoglossidae, Teiidae y Gymnophthalmid... more Gymnophthalmoidea es un clado compuesto por las familias Alopoglossidae, Teiidae y Gymnophthalmidae. La distribución geográfica de tierras bajas a altoandinas, la existencia de especies pequeñas y muy grandes y la evolución de formas con alargamiento corporal y reducción de extremidades hacen de este grupo un modelo único para explorar el desarrollo del esqueleto. Los estudios del desarrollo postembrionario no solo constituyen los cambios en la forma del esqueleto, sino también el patrón de osificación, que constituye una fuente de información filogenética. Por lo tanto, describimos el patrón de osificación del esqueleto de algunas especies de Gymnophthalmidae (Anadia bogotensis, Riama striata) y Alopoglossidae (Alopoglossus bicolor) y comparamos con otras especies en Gymnophthalmoidea. Además, analizamos los eventos heterocrónicos incluyendo Alopoglossidae, Teiidae y Gymnophthalmidae. Encontramos que Gymnophthalmoidea comparte características del patrón de osificación con Squamata ...

Aquatic ecosystems are continually exposed to environmental pollutants that alter the aquatic env... more Aquatic ecosystems are continually exposed to environmental pollutants that alter the aquatic environment. So, it is important to assess the effects of the aquatic pH on anurans who are highly vulnerable to habitat changes. This study evaluated the lethal and sublethal effects to embryos (stage 10) and tadpoles (stage 25) of four anuran species from Tolima Department: Rhinella marina, Rhinella humboldti, Hypsiboas crepitans, and Leptodactylus insularum, when they were exposed to acidic and basic substances. Two acidic pH treatments were tested: 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, adjusted with acetic acid (CH3COOH) and hydrochloric acid (HCl), and two basic pH treatments: 8.5, 9.5, 10.5, 11.5, adjusted with ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The experiments were conducted for 96 hours in microcosm conditions, which simulated some conditions of aquatic environment, such as the presence of soil, macrophytes, sand, leaf litters. We did not find significant differences in pH50 valu...
En La Micrópila podrás encontrar información que te permitirá tener una primera aproximación a la... more En La Micrópila podrás encontrar información que te permitirá tener una primera aproximación a las principales metodologías para el estudio de las semillas. Nuestro equipo procurará que esta página sea un espacio que combine la rigurosidad académica con la práctica y un lenguaje claro, agradable y didáctico; de tal manera que todos los interesados en esta área –estudiantes, profesionales y/o naturalistas aficionados– puedan comprender cómo funciona la ciencia del estudio de las semillas y, porqué no, realizar sus propios experimentos desde su montaje hasta el análisis de los datos.

The larynx is an important morphological structure for sound production in frogs. Recently, high ... more The larynx is an important morphological structure for sound production in frogs. Recently, high levels of variation in calls and their relation to the morphology of frogs in the family Hylidae, in addition to molecular data, have resulted in significant changes in the taxonomy of this family. However, there are few studies that describe the structures and processes of the hyoid, cricoid or arytenoid in hylid frogs. We studied the hyolaryngeal anatomy of both males and females of three species of the hylid genus Scinax (S. ruber, S. wandae and S. kennedyi) using differential and enzymatic clearing and staining methods. We describe the laryngeal anatomy of these species and compare to those of other hylids. We found that S. ruber has the largest cartilage arytenoid of any species of the family Hylidae studied to date. We show the laryngeal differences between Scinax species and the interspecific variability in the shapes of the projections among the arytenoid in the males of those sp...

Although comparative studies of anuran ontogeny have provided new data on heterochrony in the lif... more Although comparative studies of anuran ontogeny have provided new data on heterochrony in the life cycles of frogs, most of them have not included ossification sequences. Using differential staining techniques, we observe and describe differences and similarities of cranial and postcranial development in two hylid species, Scinax ruber (Scinaxinae) and Dendropsophus labialis (Hylinae), providing new data of ontogenetic studies in these Colombian species. We examined tadpoles raining from Gosner Stages 25 to 45. We found differences between species in the infrarostral and suprarostral cartilages, optic foramen, planum ethmoidale, and gill apparatus. In both species, the first elements to ossify were the atlas and transverse processes of the vertebral column and the parasphenoid. Both species exhibited suprascapular processes as described in other hylids. Although the hylids comprise a large group (over 700 species), postcranial ossification sequence is only known for 15 species. Therefore, the descriptions of the skeletal development and ossification sequences provided herein will be useful for future analyses of heterochrony in the group.

Revista Colombiana De Entomologia , 2002
Starch gel electrophoresis was used to elucídate genetic variation at 12 isoenzyme loci among six... more Starch gel electrophoresis was used to elucídate genetic variation at 12 isoenzyme loci among six allopatric Colombian populations of the cluster martensis (D. martensis, D. starmeri and D. uniseta), from Santa Marta (Magdalena Department), Camarones (Guajira Department) and from the Tatacoa desert (Huila Department). This estimation was compared to a phylogenetically related (D. buzzatii) and distant (D. melanogaster) species. The enzymatic divergences were inferred from genetic distantes and the results allowed the identification of six levéis of taxonomic divergence: Local population (D = 0,1031), subraces (D = 0,1412), subspecies or races (D = 0,1870), species of a same cluster (D = 0,7907), species of different clusters (D = 1,0055) and species from different groups (D = 1,4327). Through this preliminary study, the utility of electrophoretic data as estimators of evolutionary divergence was confirmed and a possible example of allopatric speciation is suggested.

International Journal Of Advanced Life Sciences, 2016
Aquatic ecosystems are continually exposed to pollutants that alter the
pH, so it is important to... more Aquatic ecosystems are continually exposed to pollutants that alter the
pH, so it is important to assess the effect of these pH changes on early stages of anurans that depend on water bodies for their growth and development. This study shows that lethal and sublethal effects of aquatic pH on embryos and tadpoles of four Colombian anuran species. Two acidic pH treatments (3.5, 4.5, 5.5, and 6.5) were adjusted independently with acetic acid and hydrochloric acid, and two basic pH treatments (8.5, 9.5, 10.5, 11.5) with ammonium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide. Experiments were kept for 96 hours in microcosms, simulating conditions of the aquatic environments, such as the presence of soil, sand, macrophytes, and leaf litter. Acid pH50 range for these species was between 3.86 and 6.74, and between 8.00 and 10.23 for the basic pH50. Overall, there was not a significant difference in pH50 values between embryos and tadpoles. However, sublethal effects in both acid and basic pH, such as a delayed embryonic development, embryonic abnormalities, changes in tadpole body size and swimming performance were detected. Finally, this study reports that the acetic acid and ammonium hydroxide produced a greater lethal effect than the hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide at the same aquatic pH in embryos and tadpoles of all species studied.
Thesis Chapters by Angélica Arenas Rodríguez

Los estudios sobre variación enzimática han sido una herramienta fundamental en la discriminación... more Los estudios sobre variación enzimática han sido una herramienta fundamental en la discriminación e identificación de nuevas especies, así como en la determinación de relaciones evolutivas intra e ínter específicas. En este trabajo se estandarizó diez y seis sistemas enzimáticos, de los cuales en solo diez se obtuvieron los datos suficientes para realizar el análisis en este estudio. La electroforesis se elaboró en geles de almidón, de tres especies del enjambre martensis (D. martensis, D. starmeri y D. uniseta) para determinar a nivel alozímico el grado de divergencia evolutiva que presentan las poblaciones alopátricas, provenientes de la Costa Norte (Santa Marta y Camarones) y el Desierto de la Tatacoa (Rosalía). La diferenciación encontrada entre estas especies fue confrontada con una especie evolutivamente relacionada, D. buzzatii y una distante, D. melanogaster. Las divergencias fueron estimadas a partir de la distancia genética de Nei (1978) y los resultados permitieron identificar seis niveles de divergencia taxonómica: Población local (D = 0.1031), subrazas ( = 0.1412), subespecies o razas ( = 0.1870), especies de un mismo enjambre ó cluster ( = 0.7907), especies de enjambres diferentes ( = 1.0055) y especies de grupos diferentes ( = 1.4327). A través de este estudio preliminar se sugiere un posible ejemplo de especiación alopátrica.

Aquatic ecosystems are continually exposed to environmental pollutants that alter the aquatic env... more Aquatic ecosystems are continually exposed to environmental pollutants that alter the aquatic environment. So, it is important to assess the effects of the aquatic pH on anurans who are highly vulnerable to habitat changes. This study evaluated the lethal and sublethal effects to embryos (stage 10) and tadpoles (stage 25) of four anuran species from Tolima Department: Rhinella marina, Rhinella humboldti, Hypsiboas crepitans, and Leptodactylus insularum, when they were exposed to acidic and basic substances. Two acidic pH treatments were tested: 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, adjusted with acetic acid (CH3COOH) and hydrochloric acid (HCl), and two basic pH treatments: 8.5, 9.5, 10.5, 11.5, adjusted with ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The experiments were conducted for 96 hours in microcosm conditions, which simulated some conditions of aquatic environment, such as the presence of soil, macrophytes, sand, leaf litters.
We did not find significant differences in pH50 values between embryos and tadpoles of the study species; however, tadpoles showed a greater sensitivity. On contrary, sublethal effects were detected, such as delays in embryonic development, reduction in morphometric size and locomotor performance of the tadpoles, mainly to pH distant from neutrality.
The CH3COOH and NH4OH had greater lethal and sublethal effects than HCl and NaOH at the same pH, both in embryos and tadpoles of all species evaluated. This shows that toxicity in frogs may be given more to the weak nature of the chemical substances rather than the value of pH.
Papers by Angélica Arenas Rodríguez
pH, so it is important to assess the effect of these pH changes on early stages of anurans that depend on water bodies for their growth and development. This study shows that lethal and sublethal effects of aquatic pH on embryos and tadpoles of four Colombian anuran species. Two acidic pH treatments (3.5, 4.5, 5.5, and 6.5) were adjusted independently with acetic acid and hydrochloric acid, and two basic pH treatments (8.5, 9.5, 10.5, 11.5) with ammonium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide. Experiments were kept for 96 hours in microcosms, simulating conditions of the aquatic environments, such as the presence of soil, sand, macrophytes, and leaf litter. Acid pH50 range for these species was between 3.86 and 6.74, and between 8.00 and 10.23 for the basic pH50. Overall, there was not a significant difference in pH50 values between embryos and tadpoles. However, sublethal effects in both acid and basic pH, such as a delayed embryonic development, embryonic abnormalities, changes in tadpole body size and swimming performance were detected. Finally, this study reports that the acetic acid and ammonium hydroxide produced a greater lethal effect than the hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide at the same aquatic pH in embryos and tadpoles of all species studied.
Thesis Chapters by Angélica Arenas Rodríguez
We did not find significant differences in pH50 values between embryos and tadpoles of the study species; however, tadpoles showed a greater sensitivity. On contrary, sublethal effects were detected, such as delays in embryonic development, reduction in morphometric size and locomotor performance of the tadpoles, mainly to pH distant from neutrality.
The CH3COOH and NH4OH had greater lethal and sublethal effects than HCl and NaOH at the same pH, both in embryos and tadpoles of all species evaluated. This shows that toxicity in frogs may be given more to the weak nature of the chemical substances rather than the value of pH.
pH, so it is important to assess the effect of these pH changes on early stages of anurans that depend on water bodies for their growth and development. This study shows that lethal and sublethal effects of aquatic pH on embryos and tadpoles of four Colombian anuran species. Two acidic pH treatments (3.5, 4.5, 5.5, and 6.5) were adjusted independently with acetic acid and hydrochloric acid, and two basic pH treatments (8.5, 9.5, 10.5, 11.5) with ammonium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide. Experiments were kept for 96 hours in microcosms, simulating conditions of the aquatic environments, such as the presence of soil, sand, macrophytes, and leaf litter. Acid pH50 range for these species was between 3.86 and 6.74, and between 8.00 and 10.23 for the basic pH50. Overall, there was not a significant difference in pH50 values between embryos and tadpoles. However, sublethal effects in both acid and basic pH, such as a delayed embryonic development, embryonic abnormalities, changes in tadpole body size and swimming performance were detected. Finally, this study reports that the acetic acid and ammonium hydroxide produced a greater lethal effect than the hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide at the same aquatic pH in embryos and tadpoles of all species studied.
We did not find significant differences in pH50 values between embryos and tadpoles of the study species; however, tadpoles showed a greater sensitivity. On contrary, sublethal effects were detected, such as delays in embryonic development, reduction in morphometric size and locomotor performance of the tadpoles, mainly to pH distant from neutrality.
The CH3COOH and NH4OH had greater lethal and sublethal effects than HCl and NaOH at the same pH, both in embryos and tadpoles of all species evaluated. This shows that toxicity in frogs may be given more to the weak nature of the chemical substances rather than the value of pH.