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0.88.3 How to fix boss not visible


Click on the image location to open a console command.


Type "ResetMainMission" in the console command.


Then click the button on the right and when ResetMainMission disappears, the input is complete.


Finally, save and reload your game.


Syahata's bad day_v0_88_3.rar 501 MB
Mar 16, 2024
【Android】Syahata's bad day_v0_88_3.apk 532 MB
Mar 16, 2024
Public_Syahata's bad day_v0_88_3.rar 197 MB
Mar 16, 2024
【Android】Public_Syahata's bad day_v0_88_3.apk 268 MB
Mar 16, 2024

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What are the console commands?

I can't buy the game love the work I would like to get the paid version but it says 404 error and I can't buy it....please fix this

I finished the game twice and I didn't unlock the gallery, Android 88.4, what should I do?

Gallery is only available in paid version ~(=^‥^)ノ

Как победить цветочного босса? Патроны кончились и меня трахнули



Click on the small white box on the right


For some reason, the instructions for the boss to appear don't work for me, I'm playing on Android, how can I fix it?


everything is ok, I found a solution to the problem

Lo he hecho ya pero me sigue pasando lo mismo y no aparece el jefe

I with I'm playing on the computer, but

can't see the last boss 

Saa kwan yi rennyɛ adwuma mma me

Can you create a english page so we can buy and support the game

(2 edits) (+1)

Alright, that seems to have worked for  me.

And yeah as other people say, do the console command in the room before the boss, but definitely not right on top of where the boss will spawn.

Next problem... Boss has too much HP to kill with bullets and I can't aim up with the broom to hit them in their next phase. Well more specifically I can aim up but I can't attack with the broom.

To be able to do Steps 1-4 first close the game then re-open beside the bench thats close to the boss and DONT GO TO THE BOSS. Do steps 1-4 and it should work!

Нормальный бос цветок только вопрос сколько надо патрон чтоб убить боса


Hey jashinn I still can not see the boss although I did all things u have post, what must I do to see it🤔


Ничего не помогает, что делать?

I just get frozen in place when I type the command i

Eu coloco o comando mais ele n funciona

I should see a boss here but I don't see it and I already put the ResetMainMission command and it doesn't work for me 

Then, since I reached the second phase, I shot it but it doesn't die, what do I do?

Que paso con los hongos en el bosque ?

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