? ?
Journal created:
on 19 April 2006 (#10061377)
on 27 December 2013
Janice Dickinson Fans
Los Angeles, California, United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Janice Dickinson Fans

C o m m u n i t y R u l e s (1) NO bashing, if you dont like Janice Dickinson dont join. (2) Respect all the members as well as their thoughts. (3) Large images go under a cut. (4) Icon Posts must consist only of Janice. All others must be behind a cut by link. (6) NO Promoting at all, do that in your own journal. (7) ALL posts must be Janice Related.

O w n e r Owner:xgrinch Want to help out and be a mod? Let xgrinch know!

A f f i l i a t e s topmodel thinkpiink camie_diaz tyrafans lindsay_loh modeljunkies natasha_poly american_models
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J a n i c e R e s o u r c e s Myspace Janice Fansite

C r e d i t Credit goes to reversescollide for the overrides. And thanks to emmysdream for the user info coding. All graphics are made by obsessed_chick.

abigail clancy, actress, agent, alaia, america's next top model, author, charmed, check please, elite, everything about me is, fake and i'm perfect, fashion, fashion for relief, fashion photographer, first supermodel, i'm a celebrity, janice & abbey, janice dickinson, janice dickinson modeling agency, janice doreen dickinson, jdma, mating and extricating, mick jagger, model wars, modeling agency, nathan fields, no lifeguard on duty, oxygen, simon fields, studio 54, supermodel, sylvester stallone, the accidental life, the surreal life, tv, tv show, valentino, versace, vogue, wassup rockers, world's first supermodel
