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    src/core/array.c on line 230, column 1

    (array/concat arr & parts)

    Concatenates a variable number of arrays (and tuples) into the 
    first argument, which must be an array. If any of the parts are 
    arrays or tuples, their elements will be inserted into the array. 
    Otherwise, each part in `parts` will be appended to `arr` in order. 
    Return the modified array `arr`.

3 examplesSign in to add an example
# Flatten single level of nested collections

(def foo [ [[1 2] [3 4]]   
           [[5 6] [7 8]] ])

(apply array/concat @[] foo) # => @[(1 2) (3 4) (5 6) (7 8)]
(def a @[1 2])
(def b @[1 2])
(= a b)  # => false

(def a @[1 2])
(def b (array/concat a 3))
a        # => @[1 2 3]
b        # => @[1 2 3]
(= a b)  # => true
(def a @[1 2])
(array/concat a 3 [4 5] @[6 7] [] @[] 8)
a  # => @[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]