Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi
Deportment of Biotechnology
The plasticity region of the Helicobacter pylori genome comprises strain-specific gene loci. We performed genotyping and functional biology analysis of one such locus (jhp940) that was previously found to be functionally unknown but... more
The plasticity region of the Helicobacter pylori genome comprises strain-specific gene loci. We performed genotyping and functional biology analysis of one such locus (jhp940) that was previously found to be functionally unknown but... more
Helicobacter pylori cagA and vacA genotypes have been used for almost a decade as stable entities to link the severity of gastritis and ulcer disease. We describe here microevolution of the two genomic islands, cag pathogenicity island... more
The study was conducted between 2000 and 2003 on 750 human subjects, yielding 850 strains of staphylococci from clinical specimens (575), nasal cultures of hospitalized patients (100) and eye & nasal sources of hospital workers (50 & 125... more
Helicobacter pylori cagA and vacA genotypes have been used for almost a decade as stable entities to link the severity of gastritis and ulcer disease. We describe here microevolution of the two genomic islands, cag pathogenicity island... more
The plasticity region of the Helicobacter pylori genome comprises strain-specific gene loci. We performed genotyping and functional biology analysis of one such locus (jhp940) that was previously found to be functionally unknown but... more
Helicobacter pylori induces cytokine mediated changes in gastroduodenal pathophysiology, wherein, the activated macrophages at the sub-mucosal space play a central role in mounting innate immune response against the antigens. The... more
Tuberculosis(TB) is a disease of global significance, which accounts for a death in every 15 seconds. Recent studies shows TB is rising in certain parts of the world, and Saudi Arabia is one of them. Several factor contribute in... more
Drug abuse is a serious problem associated with different pathological outcomes including modulating the immune system. Drug abuse is rising in Saudi Arabia and so as TB, a disease of worldwide significance, caused by immunological... more
Assisted reproduction involving third party (sperm, ova or uterus) in the procreation has invited fierce debate amongst Muslim scholar’s world over and the two main theological schools of Islam; Shia and Sunni responded to it differently.... more
The human body is an extremely intricate work of art, with systems and organs interacting to create what has been acknowledged as life. Among these intricate relationships, one of the most fascinating and significant is the one that has... more
Background: The study was conducted between 2000 and 2003 on 750 human subjects, yielding 850 strains of staphylococci from clinical specimens (575), nasal cultures of hospitalized patients (100) and eye & nasal sources of hospital... more
Drug abuse is a serious problem associated with different pathological outcomes including modulating the immune system. Drug abuse is rising in Saudi Arabia and so as TB, a disease of worldwide significance, caused by immunological... more