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Jamey Wright Fans
[Most Recent Entries] [Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in Jamey Wright Fan Club Prez's LiveJournal:

Sunday, May 14th, 2006
12:37 pm
Thursday, September 22nd, 2005
5:00 pm
Way to go Jamey!!!
A 20-1 shellacking of the visiting San Diego Padres made for an awesome pitching job and victory for Jamey on Tuesday at The Keg :)

The Rockies provided Jamey with all the offense he needed and Jamey also added something of his own too :) I am proud of Jamey, who came into the starting role that day via an injury to originally-scheduled starter Byung-Hyun Kim.

Current Mood: happy
Thursday, April 28th, 2005
4:07 pm
Jamey's last outing
I got to see that game and he did fine until he gave up a homer to Juan Pierre of the Marlins. From there, the game started a downhill slide which I feel was not Jamey's fault in any way, shape, or form. He's my favourite pitcher and I will continue to stand by him and support him always.

Current Mood: calm
Sunday, April 17th, 2005
10:26 pm
New community
jameywrightfans has been created for the fans of Jamey Wright. Please feel free to post any articles/memories/pictures of Jamey here.

Current Mood: contemplative
10:24 pm
Welcome to the community
Enjoy yourself and feel free to post any stories/articles pix you may have or find on Jamey...after all that is what the group is for, right? Go Jamey and GO ROCKIES!!!

Current Mood: contemplative