Hello! Привіт! I'm James (/d͡ʒeɪmz/) (also capjamesg). My pronouns are he/him/his. I live in Scotland. This is my blog.

I hope this website can bring a little bit of joy into your day.


  • Website reflections

    Published on under the IndieWeb category.

    Guided by wondering “what would I say to my younger self starting a website?”, I started taking notes. Here they are:

  • Tales of Debugging: The missing character

    Published on under the Coding category.

    I received an interesting bug report this week. A new user of Artemis reported that the letter “n” was missing from all of their post titles. For example, one post title ended in “Oe Moth I” instead, as it should read, “One Month In”. What was causing the bug? I had a hunch.

  • Quotes

    Published on under the Web category.

    I collect quotes on a quotes page on my website. I add to it every few months. Since I think the quotes page is only linked on one page — my pages page (#meta) — I wanted to publish a post to say it exists.

  • Matcha

    Published on under the Life category.

    I am excited by the arrival of spring; a time of flowering and growth and, hopefully sunshine. As it gets (a little bit) warmer, I have been in the mood for my go-to, non-coffee iced drink [^1]: a matcha latte. Last week, after drinking one, I thought maybe I could try making iced matcha at home! I ordered some matcha and, today, I made my first iced matcha latte.

  • Pattern: Filtering over content firehoses

    Published on under the Coding category.

    Every week, BBC Scotland publishes a collection of photos as part of a Your pictures of Scotland series. Readers are invited to submit photos of anywhere in Scotland. The series has opened my eyes to all of the landscapes across the country. From morning frost over the hills to kingfishers by rivers, the series brings me great joy.

  • Designing code snippets in technical content

    Published on under the Technical Writing category.

    When I was re-designing my website, I thought a lot about the presentation of prose, guided by the intention to build a more focused theme for reading my words. Over the last few months, I have also thought about the design of multimedia content: images and videos. Designing for multimedia content is a world unto itself: choosing image formats, aspect ratios, and more. So too is there a similar realm in designing code snippets.

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