Serious pecuniary indebtedness has become a taxing phenomenon, even among civil servants. This re... more Serious pecuniary indebtedness has become a taxing phenomenon, even among civil servants. This research intended to identify the level and relationship of the financial well-being of civil servants who experience serious pecuniary indebtedness in the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE). The study sample consisted of 635 respondents, including officers and members of the implementation group (AKP). Financial well-being instrument (Abd Rahim, 2018) were used to measure the study variables. The instrument had a Cronbach’s alpha reliability of .89. The study’s data confirmed that the percentage for the financial well-being covering subdimensions knowledge, thought, and behaviour was at a high level. On the contrary, the percentage for the emotional subdimensions was at a moderate level. The study’s conclusions also unearthed no significant difference between financial well-being by gender and marital status reported. However, a significant difference was recorded between financial well...
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)
The cross-cultural counseling inventory-revised (CCCI-R) is one of the limited instruments availa... more The cross-cultural counseling inventory-revised (CCCI-R) is one of the limited instruments available to measure the observed multicultural counselling competence. Most studies utilized self-report multicultural counselling competence instruments. Therefore, for the benefit of counsellor educators and multicultural training in Malaysia, this study investigated the factor structure, reliability, and validity of the adapted CCCI-R in the local context. There were 38 supervisors who completed 205 the adapted CCCI-R for their respective counsellor trainees. As the result, internal consistency was found to be=.947, while construct reliability was found to be .968. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) yielded a convergent validity value of .909. The adapted CCCI-R factor structure, reliability, and validity were all verified in this study. Counsellor educators were able to successfully employ the CCCI-R across gender and ethnicity when rating counsellor trainees observed multicultural co...
International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 2021
The concept of career decision self-efficacy has been a topic of discussion for a long time and r... more The concept of career decision self-efficacy has been a topic of discussion for a long time and remains an important concept up to this day. Career counselling is effective in helping students in their career development. The current study examined the relationship between career decision self-efficacy and vocational identity. We followed the expectations of the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) and hypothesized that there is a significant relationship between career decision self-efficacy and vocational identity. We also studied the differences between genders on the two variables and the effect of career decision self-efficacy on vocational identity. The sample of the study comprised of 243 Generation Z participants from UiTM Shah Alam. The finding shows that there are no differences between genders on the career decision self-efficacy and female and vocational identity and female, which finding is in contrast to previous findings. The result of the study also shows that there...
A correlational study was conducted in order to examine the relationship between difficulties in ... more A correlational study was conducted in order to examine the relationship between difficulties in emotion regulation, subjective well-being and working alliance between counsellor and client among substance abusers from ten local residential substance-use treatment centres in Malaysia. A total of 211 participants were recruited through random sampling. The age of participants ranged from 18 to 61 years old (min age 36 years old). Data was collected through the administration of Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Difficulty in Emotion Regulation Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Loneliness Scale and Counsellor-Patient Relationship Scale. The research intends to explore the associations between aspects of emotion dysregulations with level of satisfaction with life and working alliance between counsellor and client. Data was analysed using Pearson’s correlation. Significant findings revealed that: (a) More difficulties in two aspects of emotion dysregulation are associated with lower ...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Jan 10, 2018
The study examined the cancer patients' psychological wellbeing and the need for mental health sc... more The study examined the cancer patients' psychological wellbeing and the need for mental health screening among cancer patients undergoing cancer related treatments. This research was conducted on 240 cancer patients (120 male and 120 female) from the Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology, Hospital Kuala Lumpur. This study used the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS) as an instrument for mental health screening and data collection. Both descriptive and statistical analyses were performed on the data using mean, frequency, percentage, and independent sample t tests. Findings show that female participants recorded higher prevalence rates of symptoms related to depression, anxiety, and stress. Statistical analyses indicate there are significant differences in mean scores of depression, anxiety, and stress between genders. Implications of the research and suggestions for further study are also discussed.
Teachers’ financial well-being and job satisfaction are quintessential as teachers are the princi... more Teachers’ financial well-being and job satisfaction are quintessential as teachers are the principal players entrusted in delivering knowledge. This research intended to identify the level and relationship of teachers’ financial well-being and job satisfaction in the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE). The study sample included teachers in a district in the State of Perlis. This investigation employed a financial well-being questionnaire established by the Division of Psychology and Counseling with researchers (2018) and a job satisfaction questionnaire utilising the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) introduced by Weiss, Dewis, England & Lofquit, 1967. Financial well-being instruments had an Alpha Cronbach reliability of .89, while the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire Instrument (MSQ) had an Alpha Cronbach reliability of .90. The study outcomes confirmed that teachers obtained a high percentage of the level of the financial well-being of 49.5%, followed by a moderate ...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
Human development tasks must be geared toward achieving career planning for adolescents' futu... more Human development tasks must be geared toward achieving career planning for adolescents' future careers. Career planning is an important part that will determine the success of adolescents’ future lives. This study examines the impact of a career development intervention module on high school students’ career maturity and decision-making in Saudi Arabia. A quasi-experimental design involving pre-test and post-tests was adopted using forty respondents randomly selected from each of the two high schools assigned into experimental and control groups. Two sets of questionnaires were adopted and used for data collection. An independent t-test showed that a career development intervention module has a significant effect on Saudi high school students’ career maturity and career decision-making. Thus, the career development intervention module significantly improved students’ maturity in career choice and decision-making for future life. As a result, professional career training should ...
This study is to determine the relationship between perceived stress and resilience with happines... more This study is to determine the relationship between perceived stress and resilience with happiness. This study used a descriptive, cross-sectional design. A representative sample of 310 pre-university students were selected through multistage sampling. The study utilized Perceived Stress Scale, Resilience Scale, and Subjective Happiness Scale. The finding reveals that there is a difference between males and females' pre-university students in terms of happiness variable. Female subjects are happier compared to males. There are simple and multiple relationships between perceived stress and resilience with happiness among pre-university students. Increased level of resilience and decreased level of perceived stress are associated with students’ happiness. Based on the results, enhancing the students' level of happiness should receive more attention in order to produce professional graduates who are academically competent, and able to adapt to their environment. Directions for ...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
The study assesses the relationship between career decision-making and family, financial reasons,... more The study assesses the relationship between career decision-making and family, financial reasons, and self-esteem among undergraduates in Jigawa state, Nigeria using a quantitative correlational research design of the 1,200 undergraduates from Sule Lamido University and Federal University Dutse who made up the population of the study, 373 undergraduates were randomly sampled for the study. Instruments used are: Factors influencing undergraduate students' career decision-making questionnaire and a career decision-making self-efficacy short-form questionnaire. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) by using Smart Partial Least Squares (Smart-PLS3) was used to analyse the data in line with the hypotheses. The results show that family and financial reasons are positively significant in career decision making among undergraduates. Decisions about family and career (t = 4.300), (β= 0.225), and (P=0.000). With (t = 2.047), (β =0.102), and (P=0.041), the second most significant paths are f...
International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2022
This paper examines relationships between family, peer group, media and career decision making am... more This paper examines relationships between family, peer group, media and career decision making among undergraduate students in nigeria. A quantitative correlational research design was utilized. 1,200 undergraduates form the population while 373 constitute the sample size of the study. The instruments used are factors influencing undergraduate students' career decision making questionnaire with a reliability coefficient (α=.853) and career decision making self-efficacy short form questionnaire (α=.919). Structural equation modelling (sem) by using smart partial least squares (smart-pls 3.2.9) show that family and career decision making has highest significant path (t=3.828), (β=0.197) and (p=0.000) and the second highest significant path is media and career decision making (t=2.806), (β=0.129) and (p= 0.005) have significant relationship with career decision making at 0.05 level of significant. It was recommended that parents should support and endorse their children’s career ch...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2020
Counselling is a professional service that required the counselor to use scientific theory for pr... more Counselling is a professional service that required the counselor to use scientific theory for providing effective session with the client. Theory is an important aspect of counselling that which helps the counsellor conceptualize client issues and as a guide for directive session. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of effective treatment that commonly used in wide range of issues. The aim of this review is to identify effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy in group counselling. The review is based on Science Direct database from university as a primary literature to search journal articles. The electronic databases used are ProQuest and Google Scholar website also has been utilized. The term "effect", "effectiveness", "cognitive behavioral therapy", "cbt" and "group counselling" as key words are used in the search. 10 journal articles extracted were reviewed. The review found that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy seems to be effective for group counselling session. CBT also give significant improvement for each individual members in group counselling. In conclusion, it is proven that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach contribute benefit and effectiveness for group counselling process.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2018
This study is to identify the enhancement of students' self-concept through the implementation of... more This study is to identify the enhancement of students' self-concept through the implementation of group guidance. A group guidance activity was conducted in accordance with the group guidance structured activities, aiming to improve the self-concept of primary school students. A total of 64 fifth year students were selected for this study through simple random sampling. They were randomly assigned to a treatment group (n = 31) and a control group (n = 33). Both groups were given the Tennessee Self-Concept Children:2 (TSCS: 2) to measure their level of self-concept before and after the intervention. The experimental group went through a seven-week group guidance module with two sessions per week. Analysis shows that there is a significant difference in the mean score of the self-concept of post-intervention between the treatment group and the control group. The implementation of group guidance has helped to improve the self-concept of primary school children through adaptive activities.
The International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2020
Counselling is a professional service that required the counselor to use scientific theory for pr... more Counselling is a professional service that required the counselor to use scientific theory for providing effective session with the client. Theory is an important aspect of counselling that which helps the counsellor conceptualize client issues and as a guide for directive session. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of effective treatment that commonly used in wide range of issues. The aim of this review is to identify effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy in group counselling. The review is based on Science Direct database from university as a primary literature to search journal articles. The electronic databases used are ProQuest and Google Scholar website also has been utilized. The term “effect”, “effectiveness”, “cognitive behavioral therapy”, “cbt” and “group counselling” as key words are used in the search. 10 journal articles extracted were reviewed. The review found that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy seems to be effective for group counselling session. CBT also giv...
This paper examines relationships between family, peer group, media and career decision making am... more This paper examines relationships between family, peer group, media and career decision making among undergraduate students in nigeria. A quantitative correlational research design was utilized. 1,200 undergraduates form the population while 373 constitute the sample size of the study. The instruments used are factors influencing undergraduate students' career decision making questionnaire with a reliability coefficient (α=.853) and career decision making self-efficacy short form questionnaire (α=.919). Structural equation modelling (sem) by using smart partial least squares (smart-pls 3.2.9) show that family and career decision making has highest significant path (t=3.828), (β=0.197) and (p=0.000) and the second highest significant path is media and career decision making (t=2.806), (β=0.129) and (p= 0.005) have significant relationship with career decision making at 0.05 level of significant. It was recommended that parents should support and endorse their children's career choice and not to impose any career that is against their wishes. It was concluded that institutions and non-governmental organization should be organizing regular career guidance program, it will enable students to explore their interests and abilities at an early stage of adolescence that may help them make wise and realistic career decision.
Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2021
Background: Alfred W. Adler (1870-1937), psychotherapist and founder of the school of individual ... more Background: Alfred W. Adler (1870-1937), psychotherapist and founder of the school of individual psychology, believed that education, marriage, and job play important role in human development. Higher learning is a demanding and challenging period for students that can result in high rates of psychological distress affecting their life satisfaction. Aim: The research is to study the links between family communications, perceived stress and resilience with life satisfaction among pre-university students in UPM. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted among a sample of 310 (females 158 and 152 males) pre-university students from a public university in Malaysia. Four instruments were used in this research namely the Family Communication Scale (FCS, Olson et al., 2004), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS, Cohen et al., 1983) Resilience Scale (CD-RISC, Connor-Davidson, 2003) & The Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener et al. 1985). The data were analyzed using independent t-test, Pearson c...
Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, 2021
This study validated and tested the reliability of Career Development Intervention Module (CDIM) ... more This study validated and tested the reliability of Career Development Intervention Module (CDIM) meant for unskilled workers within the context of Malaysia. The module was developed based on Intelligent Career Model (ICM), with incorporation of Sidek’s Module Development Model (SMDM) at the time of the development process. The content validity of the developed module was determined by gaining feedback from a panel of five experts during the module development phase. The reliability test was performed via pilot test that involved 30 unskilled workers in a vehicle assembly plant. The participants were composed of young employees who had joined the selected company for less than three years and yet to obtain certification for their skills. The validation analysis revealed that the panel of experts was in agreement with the suitability of the developed CDIM for unskilled workers in order to improve their career competencies. The outcomes of the pilot test displayed that the objectives o...
Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research, 2017
Lack of structured group guidance modules that assist students in enhancing their emotional intel... more Lack of structured group guidance modules that assist students in enhancing their emotional intelligence and competencies spells an unfortunate circumstance as such modules represent an indispensable application that can be routinely used by counsellors and guidance teachers. In light of this scarcity, the need to develop a comprehensive module and its constituent sub-modules based primarily on counselling and psychology theory grows more and more imperative to equip counsellors and guidance teachers with a proper alternative that can be used in a range of diverse settings to help develop students holistically. This paper presents a group guidance module developed for students’ emotional intelligence and discusses the test of its validity and reliability.
In this study, the researcher has attempted to study the relationship, difference and the level o... more In this study, the researcher has attempted to study the relationship, difference and the level of the teacher’s perception of the student’s motivation, different motivational strategies and the indicators of student’s academic achievements as seen in the Omani public school. The teacher’s perceptions regulated by the different reasons or causes which caused the lack of motivation amongst students, strategies used by the teachers and the various demographics like gender, class levels taught and their teaching experience. The schools selected from the Al Dakhelia Governorate, which is one of the 11 Governorates in Sultanate of Oman. Besides that, this survey correlational study used of (Hardre, 2008) teacher motivational perception (α=.75) and motivational Strategies (α=.84) questionnaires scores of Cronbach's Alpha. Pilot study have been conducted on 30 teachers which indicates scores of Cronbach's Alpha (α=.74). The results of this study showed that there was a moderate per...
The purpose of this study is to examine the reliability and validity of the translated and adapte... more The purpose of this study is to examine the reliability and validity of the translated and adapted Multicultural Counselling Competence and Training Survey-Revised (MCCTS-R) for its use in measuring perceived multicultural counselling competence among counsellor trainees in Malaysia. This descriptive-correlational study was conducted on 208 counsellor trainees from local universities. They were chosen through cluster random sampling. The drawing procedure was done using a fishbowl method. At the time of data collection, the counsellor trainees were at the end of their counselling internship in various organisations around Klang Valley and East Malaysia during the study. Based on the factor analysis, the three-factor structure, which was the same as the original version, was confirmed with 20 items retained. For reliability, internal consistency and construct reliability were evaluated and confirmed. The finding showed that internal consistency was α = .952 and construct reliability ...
Based on Self-Efficacy Theory, multicultural counseling self-efficacy is derived from the selfeff... more Based on Self-Efficacy Theory, multicultural counseling self-efficacy is derived from the selfefficacy concept. It is usually measured together when measuring multicultural counseling competence. This study aims to examine the usability of Multicultural Counseling SelfEfficacyRacial Diverse (MCSE-RD) on the sample of undergraduate counselor trainees in the Malaysian context. The usability is measured through investigating the adapted and Malay translated MCSE-RD psychometric properties such as its factor structure, reliability and validity. There are 205 counselor trainees from local universities who completed the questionnaire. The factor analysis resulted in the adapted MCSE-RD’s three-factor structure with 16 items were confirmed. Findings showed that MCSE-RD possessed excellent reliability as the internal consistency was α = .966 and construct reliability of .938. For construct validity, the values of the MCSE-RD’s items were in the range of r = .681 to .870. The convergent vali...
Serious pecuniary indebtedness has become a taxing phenomenon, even among civil servants. This re... more Serious pecuniary indebtedness has become a taxing phenomenon, even among civil servants. This research intended to identify the level and relationship of the financial well-being of civil servants who experience serious pecuniary indebtedness in the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE). The study sample consisted of 635 respondents, including officers and members of the implementation group (AKP). Financial well-being instrument (Abd Rahim, 2018) were used to measure the study variables. The instrument had a Cronbach’s alpha reliability of .89. The study’s data confirmed that the percentage for the financial well-being covering subdimensions knowledge, thought, and behaviour was at a high level. On the contrary, the percentage for the emotional subdimensions was at a moderate level. The study’s conclusions also unearthed no significant difference between financial well-being by gender and marital status reported. However, a significant difference was recorded between financial well...
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)
The cross-cultural counseling inventory-revised (CCCI-R) is one of the limited instruments availa... more The cross-cultural counseling inventory-revised (CCCI-R) is one of the limited instruments available to measure the observed multicultural counselling competence. Most studies utilized self-report multicultural counselling competence instruments. Therefore, for the benefit of counsellor educators and multicultural training in Malaysia, this study investigated the factor structure, reliability, and validity of the adapted CCCI-R in the local context. There were 38 supervisors who completed 205 the adapted CCCI-R for their respective counsellor trainees. As the result, internal consistency was found to be=.947, while construct reliability was found to be .968. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) yielded a convergent validity value of .909. The adapted CCCI-R factor structure, reliability, and validity were all verified in this study. Counsellor educators were able to successfully employ the CCCI-R across gender and ethnicity when rating counsellor trainees observed multicultural co...
International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 2021
The concept of career decision self-efficacy has been a topic of discussion for a long time and r... more The concept of career decision self-efficacy has been a topic of discussion for a long time and remains an important concept up to this day. Career counselling is effective in helping students in their career development. The current study examined the relationship between career decision self-efficacy and vocational identity. We followed the expectations of the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) and hypothesized that there is a significant relationship between career decision self-efficacy and vocational identity. We also studied the differences between genders on the two variables and the effect of career decision self-efficacy on vocational identity. The sample of the study comprised of 243 Generation Z participants from UiTM Shah Alam. The finding shows that there are no differences between genders on the career decision self-efficacy and female and vocational identity and female, which finding is in contrast to previous findings. The result of the study also shows that there...
A correlational study was conducted in order to examine the relationship between difficulties in ... more A correlational study was conducted in order to examine the relationship between difficulties in emotion regulation, subjective well-being and working alliance between counsellor and client among substance abusers from ten local residential substance-use treatment centres in Malaysia. A total of 211 participants were recruited through random sampling. The age of participants ranged from 18 to 61 years old (min age 36 years old). Data was collected through the administration of Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Difficulty in Emotion Regulation Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Loneliness Scale and Counsellor-Patient Relationship Scale. The research intends to explore the associations between aspects of emotion dysregulations with level of satisfaction with life and working alliance between counsellor and client. Data was analysed using Pearson’s correlation. Significant findings revealed that: (a) More difficulties in two aspects of emotion dysregulation are associated with lower ...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Jan 10, 2018
The study examined the cancer patients' psychological wellbeing and the need for mental health sc... more The study examined the cancer patients' psychological wellbeing and the need for mental health screening among cancer patients undergoing cancer related treatments. This research was conducted on 240 cancer patients (120 male and 120 female) from the Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology, Hospital Kuala Lumpur. This study used the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS) as an instrument for mental health screening and data collection. Both descriptive and statistical analyses were performed on the data using mean, frequency, percentage, and independent sample t tests. Findings show that female participants recorded higher prevalence rates of symptoms related to depression, anxiety, and stress. Statistical analyses indicate there are significant differences in mean scores of depression, anxiety, and stress between genders. Implications of the research and suggestions for further study are also discussed.
Teachers’ financial well-being and job satisfaction are quintessential as teachers are the princi... more Teachers’ financial well-being and job satisfaction are quintessential as teachers are the principal players entrusted in delivering knowledge. This research intended to identify the level and relationship of teachers’ financial well-being and job satisfaction in the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE). The study sample included teachers in a district in the State of Perlis. This investigation employed a financial well-being questionnaire established by the Division of Psychology and Counseling with researchers (2018) and a job satisfaction questionnaire utilising the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) introduced by Weiss, Dewis, England & Lofquit, 1967. Financial well-being instruments had an Alpha Cronbach reliability of .89, while the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire Instrument (MSQ) had an Alpha Cronbach reliability of .90. The study outcomes confirmed that teachers obtained a high percentage of the level of the financial well-being of 49.5%, followed by a moderate ...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
Human development tasks must be geared toward achieving career planning for adolescents' futu... more Human development tasks must be geared toward achieving career planning for adolescents' future careers. Career planning is an important part that will determine the success of adolescents’ future lives. This study examines the impact of a career development intervention module on high school students’ career maturity and decision-making in Saudi Arabia. A quasi-experimental design involving pre-test and post-tests was adopted using forty respondents randomly selected from each of the two high schools assigned into experimental and control groups. Two sets of questionnaires were adopted and used for data collection. An independent t-test showed that a career development intervention module has a significant effect on Saudi high school students’ career maturity and career decision-making. Thus, the career development intervention module significantly improved students’ maturity in career choice and decision-making for future life. As a result, professional career training should ...
This study is to determine the relationship between perceived stress and resilience with happines... more This study is to determine the relationship between perceived stress and resilience with happiness. This study used a descriptive, cross-sectional design. A representative sample of 310 pre-university students were selected through multistage sampling. The study utilized Perceived Stress Scale, Resilience Scale, and Subjective Happiness Scale. The finding reveals that there is a difference between males and females' pre-university students in terms of happiness variable. Female subjects are happier compared to males. There are simple and multiple relationships between perceived stress and resilience with happiness among pre-university students. Increased level of resilience and decreased level of perceived stress are associated with students’ happiness. Based on the results, enhancing the students' level of happiness should receive more attention in order to produce professional graduates who are academically competent, and able to adapt to their environment. Directions for ...
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
The study assesses the relationship between career decision-making and family, financial reasons,... more The study assesses the relationship between career decision-making and family, financial reasons, and self-esteem among undergraduates in Jigawa state, Nigeria using a quantitative correlational research design of the 1,200 undergraduates from Sule Lamido University and Federal University Dutse who made up the population of the study, 373 undergraduates were randomly sampled for the study. Instruments used are: Factors influencing undergraduate students' career decision-making questionnaire and a career decision-making self-efficacy short-form questionnaire. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) by using Smart Partial Least Squares (Smart-PLS3) was used to analyse the data in line with the hypotheses. The results show that family and financial reasons are positively significant in career decision making among undergraduates. Decisions about family and career (t = 4.300), (β= 0.225), and (P=0.000). With (t = 2.047), (β =0.102), and (P=0.041), the second most significant paths are f...
International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2022
This paper examines relationships between family, peer group, media and career decision making am... more This paper examines relationships between family, peer group, media and career decision making among undergraduate students in nigeria. A quantitative correlational research design was utilized. 1,200 undergraduates form the population while 373 constitute the sample size of the study. The instruments used are factors influencing undergraduate students' career decision making questionnaire with a reliability coefficient (α=.853) and career decision making self-efficacy short form questionnaire (α=.919). Structural equation modelling (sem) by using smart partial least squares (smart-pls 3.2.9) show that family and career decision making has highest significant path (t=3.828), (β=0.197) and (p=0.000) and the second highest significant path is media and career decision making (t=2.806), (β=0.129) and (p= 0.005) have significant relationship with career decision making at 0.05 level of significant. It was recommended that parents should support and endorse their children’s career ch...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2020
Counselling is a professional service that required the counselor to use scientific theory for pr... more Counselling is a professional service that required the counselor to use scientific theory for providing effective session with the client. Theory is an important aspect of counselling that which helps the counsellor conceptualize client issues and as a guide for directive session. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of effective treatment that commonly used in wide range of issues. The aim of this review is to identify effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy in group counselling. The review is based on Science Direct database from university as a primary literature to search journal articles. The electronic databases used are ProQuest and Google Scholar website also has been utilized. The term "effect", "effectiveness", "cognitive behavioral therapy", "cbt" and "group counselling" as key words are used in the search. 10 journal articles extracted were reviewed. The review found that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy seems to be effective for group counselling session. CBT also give significant improvement for each individual members in group counselling. In conclusion, it is proven that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach contribute benefit and effectiveness for group counselling process.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2018
This study is to identify the enhancement of students' self-concept through the implementation of... more This study is to identify the enhancement of students' self-concept through the implementation of group guidance. A group guidance activity was conducted in accordance with the group guidance structured activities, aiming to improve the self-concept of primary school students. A total of 64 fifth year students were selected for this study through simple random sampling. They were randomly assigned to a treatment group (n = 31) and a control group (n = 33). Both groups were given the Tennessee Self-Concept Children:2 (TSCS: 2) to measure their level of self-concept before and after the intervention. The experimental group went through a seven-week group guidance module with two sessions per week. Analysis shows that there is a significant difference in the mean score of the self-concept of post-intervention between the treatment group and the control group. The implementation of group guidance has helped to improve the self-concept of primary school children through adaptive activities.
The International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2020
Counselling is a professional service that required the counselor to use scientific theory for pr... more Counselling is a professional service that required the counselor to use scientific theory for providing effective session with the client. Theory is an important aspect of counselling that which helps the counsellor conceptualize client issues and as a guide for directive session. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of effective treatment that commonly used in wide range of issues. The aim of this review is to identify effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy in group counselling. The review is based on Science Direct database from university as a primary literature to search journal articles. The electronic databases used are ProQuest and Google Scholar website also has been utilized. The term “effect”, “effectiveness”, “cognitive behavioral therapy”, “cbt” and “group counselling” as key words are used in the search. 10 journal articles extracted were reviewed. The review found that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy seems to be effective for group counselling session. CBT also giv...
This paper examines relationships between family, peer group, media and career decision making am... more This paper examines relationships between family, peer group, media and career decision making among undergraduate students in nigeria. A quantitative correlational research design was utilized. 1,200 undergraduates form the population while 373 constitute the sample size of the study. The instruments used are factors influencing undergraduate students' career decision making questionnaire with a reliability coefficient (α=.853) and career decision making self-efficacy short form questionnaire (α=.919). Structural equation modelling (sem) by using smart partial least squares (smart-pls 3.2.9) show that family and career decision making has highest significant path (t=3.828), (β=0.197) and (p=0.000) and the second highest significant path is media and career decision making (t=2.806), (β=0.129) and (p= 0.005) have significant relationship with career decision making at 0.05 level of significant. It was recommended that parents should support and endorse their children's career choice and not to impose any career that is against their wishes. It was concluded that institutions and non-governmental organization should be organizing regular career guidance program, it will enable students to explore their interests and abilities at an early stage of adolescence that may help them make wise and realistic career decision.
Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2021
Background: Alfred W. Adler (1870-1937), psychotherapist and founder of the school of individual ... more Background: Alfred W. Adler (1870-1937), psychotherapist and founder of the school of individual psychology, believed that education, marriage, and job play important role in human development. Higher learning is a demanding and challenging period for students that can result in high rates of psychological distress affecting their life satisfaction. Aim: The research is to study the links between family communications, perceived stress and resilience with life satisfaction among pre-university students in UPM. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted among a sample of 310 (females 158 and 152 males) pre-university students from a public university in Malaysia. Four instruments were used in this research namely the Family Communication Scale (FCS, Olson et al., 2004), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS, Cohen et al., 1983) Resilience Scale (CD-RISC, Connor-Davidson, 2003) & The Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener et al. 1985). The data were analyzed using independent t-test, Pearson c...
Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, 2021
This study validated and tested the reliability of Career Development Intervention Module (CDIM) ... more This study validated and tested the reliability of Career Development Intervention Module (CDIM) meant for unskilled workers within the context of Malaysia. The module was developed based on Intelligent Career Model (ICM), with incorporation of Sidek’s Module Development Model (SMDM) at the time of the development process. The content validity of the developed module was determined by gaining feedback from a panel of five experts during the module development phase. The reliability test was performed via pilot test that involved 30 unskilled workers in a vehicle assembly plant. The participants were composed of young employees who had joined the selected company for less than three years and yet to obtain certification for their skills. The validation analysis revealed that the panel of experts was in agreement with the suitability of the developed CDIM for unskilled workers in order to improve their career competencies. The outcomes of the pilot test displayed that the objectives o...
Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research, 2017
Lack of structured group guidance modules that assist students in enhancing their emotional intel... more Lack of structured group guidance modules that assist students in enhancing their emotional intelligence and competencies spells an unfortunate circumstance as such modules represent an indispensable application that can be routinely used by counsellors and guidance teachers. In light of this scarcity, the need to develop a comprehensive module and its constituent sub-modules based primarily on counselling and psychology theory grows more and more imperative to equip counsellors and guidance teachers with a proper alternative that can be used in a range of diverse settings to help develop students holistically. This paper presents a group guidance module developed for students’ emotional intelligence and discusses the test of its validity and reliability.
In this study, the researcher has attempted to study the relationship, difference and the level o... more In this study, the researcher has attempted to study the relationship, difference and the level of the teacher’s perception of the student’s motivation, different motivational strategies and the indicators of student’s academic achievements as seen in the Omani public school. The teacher’s perceptions regulated by the different reasons or causes which caused the lack of motivation amongst students, strategies used by the teachers and the various demographics like gender, class levels taught and their teaching experience. The schools selected from the Al Dakhelia Governorate, which is one of the 11 Governorates in Sultanate of Oman. Besides that, this survey correlational study used of (Hardre, 2008) teacher motivational perception (α=.75) and motivational Strategies (α=.84) questionnaires scores of Cronbach's Alpha. Pilot study have been conducted on 30 teachers which indicates scores of Cronbach's Alpha (α=.74). The results of this study showed that there was a moderate per...
The purpose of this study is to examine the reliability and validity of the translated and adapte... more The purpose of this study is to examine the reliability and validity of the translated and adapted Multicultural Counselling Competence and Training Survey-Revised (MCCTS-R) for its use in measuring perceived multicultural counselling competence among counsellor trainees in Malaysia. This descriptive-correlational study was conducted on 208 counsellor trainees from local universities. They were chosen through cluster random sampling. The drawing procedure was done using a fishbowl method. At the time of data collection, the counsellor trainees were at the end of their counselling internship in various organisations around Klang Valley and East Malaysia during the study. Based on the factor analysis, the three-factor structure, which was the same as the original version, was confirmed with 20 items retained. For reliability, internal consistency and construct reliability were evaluated and confirmed. The finding showed that internal consistency was α = .952 and construct reliability ...
Based on Self-Efficacy Theory, multicultural counseling self-efficacy is derived from the selfeff... more Based on Self-Efficacy Theory, multicultural counseling self-efficacy is derived from the selfefficacy concept. It is usually measured together when measuring multicultural counseling competence. This study aims to examine the usability of Multicultural Counseling SelfEfficacyRacial Diverse (MCSE-RD) on the sample of undergraduate counselor trainees in the Malaysian context. The usability is measured through investigating the adapted and Malay translated MCSE-RD psychometric properties such as its factor structure, reliability and validity. There are 205 counselor trainees from local universities who completed the questionnaire. The factor analysis resulted in the adapted MCSE-RD’s three-factor structure with 16 items were confirmed. Findings showed that MCSE-RD possessed excellent reliability as the internal consistency was α = .966 and construct reliability of .938. For construct validity, the values of the MCSE-RD’s items were in the range of r = .681 to .870. The convergent vali...
Papers by asmah ismail