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This book wrote by Sumit K. Mandal and it is about creole of Arab Hadrami histories in malay archipelago island between 17c-18c in pra colonial era.
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Penjawat awam merupakan aset penting terhadap pencapaian misi dan visi sesebuah jabatan khususnya dalam Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri Sabah. Sesebuah jabatan akan lebih cemerlang bila mana ketua dan kakitangan mempunyai hubungan kerjasama yang... more
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Abstrak Kewujudan komuniti peranakan Arab di Kepulauan Melayu bermula dari kedatangan para pedagang dan pendakwah arab yang berasal dari kota Hadramawt, Yaman. Para pedagang dan pendakwah tersebut turut dikenali sebagai Sharif, Syed, dan... more
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    • Southeast Asian Studies
The appointment of an HR manager based on the halo effect can hinder the achievement of the organization's goals. This is because the HR manager may not be able to function effectively. The article explains the impact of this issue and... more
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    • Public Administration
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    • History
The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of blended learning towards students’ performance in Electrochemistry topic among Malaysian secondary school students. A quasiexperimental study was carried out at one of the secondary... more
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      Canterbury TalesThe canterbury talesFramed Narratives
From the paper readers can get the idea that how Aristotle proves in his book Poetics that Tragedy is superior than Epic.
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      LiteratureLiterary Criticism
Things Fall Apart is authored by Chinua Achebe (1930-2013) who is one of the most outspoken contemporary and internationally recognized African writers and intellectuals. Achebe writes this novel in response to European novels that stated... more
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      LiteratureAfrican Literature
In "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place", Earnest Hemingway (1899-1961) presents the story of a common day in a restaurant where two waiters are involved in a regular conversation. But under this usual day life a complex and harsh reality is... more
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      American LiteratureLiterature
Illness as Metaphor" is one of the most remarkable and significant works of a well-known American writer, Susan Sontag. In this essay Sontag mainly represents the way people create myths about an illness and describe it by using... more
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Reflective teaching practice is crucial for second language educators as it helps them improve their teaching methods and professional growth by critically analyzing their classroom experiences. First introduced by John Dewey and then... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageReflective PracticeTeacher EducationReflective practice in education