Pawel Sekowski
Assistant Professor at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland,
PhD in History of Sorbonne Université &
of the Jagiellonian University
(Joint International Supervision, cotutelle)
Phone: +48126631258
Address: Institute of History
Jagiellonian University
ul. Golebia 13
31-007 Krakow
room 208 / 209 (2nd stage)
PhD in History of Sorbonne Université &
of the Jagiellonian University
(Joint International Supervision, cotutelle)
Phone: +48126631258
Address: Institute of History
Jagiellonian University
ul. Golebia 13
31-007 Krakow
room 208 / 209 (2nd stage)
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Books by Pawel Sekowski
The situation of the Polish immigrant community in France, its status and developments are studied in their social, political and cultural dimensions. A prominent place is given to the analysis of three phenomena characteristic of the life of Poles in France - "factors of the maintenance of polonity": Polish education, Polish chaplaincy and especially the associative life of Poles in France. These elements are presented in the perspective of the repatriation (reemigracja) organized by the Polish authorities from Warsaw and of the deep political conflict that arose between the supporters of the new government of communist-dominated Poland and Polish anti-communist militants in France.
The studied period is a real turning point in the process of social integration of Poles in France, especially for the "second generation" of immigrants, who increasingly became French of Polish origin.
Quelle intégration à la société d’accueil, au lendemain de la seconde guerre mondiale, pour les Polonais immigrés et fixés en France dans l’entre-deux guerres ? Pawel Sekowski examine divers aspects de ce processus progressif concernant, dans sa grande majorité, des hommes et des femmes relevant du statut des « travailleurs étrangers » dans les années 1944-1949, processus qui fut accéléré par les années d’hostilités et le contexte particulier de l’après-guerre.
La situation de la communauté immigrée des Polonais en France, son statut et les évolutions survenues en son sein sont étudiés dans leurs dimensions à la fois sociales, politiques et culturelles. Une place prépondérante est accordée à l’analyse de trois phénomènes caractéristiques de la vie des Polonais en France, « facteurs du maintien de la polonité » : l’enseignement polonais, l’aumônerie polonaise et surtout la vie associative des Polonais en France. Ces éléments sont présentés dans la perspective du rapatriement (reemigracja) organisé par les autorités polonaises de Varsovie et du conflit politique profond qui surgit entre les partisans du nouveau gouvernement de la Pologne populaire (dominé par les communistes) et les militants anticommunistes polonais en France.
La période étudiée constitue un véritable tournant dans le processus de l’intégration sociale des Polonais en France, notamment pour la « deuxième génération » des immigrés, ceux-ci devenant, de plus en plus, Français d’origine polonaise.
Book awarded in the national competition Władysław Pobóg-Malinowski for the Best Historical Debut of the Year 2009 in the category of Master's theses (competition organized by the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences and by the Institute of National Remembrance.
Papers by Pawel Sekowski
The situation of the Polish immigrant community in France, its status and developments are studied in their social, political and cultural dimensions. A prominent place is given to the analysis of three phenomena characteristic of the life of Poles in France - "factors of the maintenance of polonity": Polish education, Polish chaplaincy and especially the associative life of Poles in France. These elements are presented in the perspective of the repatriation (reemigracja) organized by the Polish authorities from Warsaw and of the deep political conflict that arose between the supporters of the new government of communist-dominated Poland and Polish anti-communist militants in France.
The studied period is a real turning point in the process of social integration of Poles in France, especially for the "second generation" of immigrants, who increasingly became French of Polish origin.
Quelle intégration à la société d’accueil, au lendemain de la seconde guerre mondiale, pour les Polonais immigrés et fixés en France dans l’entre-deux guerres ? Pawel Sekowski examine divers aspects de ce processus progressif concernant, dans sa grande majorité, des hommes et des femmes relevant du statut des « travailleurs étrangers » dans les années 1944-1949, processus qui fut accéléré par les années d’hostilités et le contexte particulier de l’après-guerre.
La situation de la communauté immigrée des Polonais en France, son statut et les évolutions survenues en son sein sont étudiés dans leurs dimensions à la fois sociales, politiques et culturelles. Une place prépondérante est accordée à l’analyse de trois phénomènes caractéristiques de la vie des Polonais en France, « facteurs du maintien de la polonité » : l’enseignement polonais, l’aumônerie polonaise et surtout la vie associative des Polonais en France. Ces éléments sont présentés dans la perspective du rapatriement (reemigracja) organisé par les autorités polonaises de Varsovie et du conflit politique profond qui surgit entre les partisans du nouveau gouvernement de la Pologne populaire (dominé par les communistes) et les militants anticommunistes polonais en France.
La période étudiée constitue un véritable tournant dans le processus de l’intégration sociale des Polonais en France, notamment pour la « deuxième génération » des immigrés, ceux-ci devenant, de plus en plus, Français d’origine polonaise.
Book awarded in the national competition Władysław Pobóg-Malinowski for the Best Historical Debut of the Year 2009 in the category of Master's theses (competition organized by the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences and by the Institute of National Remembrance.
This publication is the result of research conducted by an interdisciplinary group of young Polish researchers from various academic centres throughout Poland, who are interested in the issues of migration and migrants between the 19th and 21st centuries.
The beginnings of this collaborative eff ort, which does not have a formal structure, date back to 2016, when the author of the present introduction contacted PhD students interested in this topic from Poland’s leading research institutions with a view to establishing cooperation of an interdisciplinary nature.
The present volume is the latest initiative from our group. The scope of the issues raised in the papers is very broad. In the opinion of the volume’s editors, what binds them together into a coherent whole is their focus on the issue of migration and immigrants, including refugees, in chronological and thematic order, from the 19th to the 21st century. The advantage of such an approach is the opportunity it provides the authors to present the results of their own research, conducted in most cases as part of their doctoral dissertations.
Paweł Sękowski, Introduction
Krzysztof Popek, "Muslim Emigration from the Balkan Peninsula in the 19th Century: A Historical Outline"
Patryk Mamczur, "Rent Parties, Old Settlers and Jitterbugs: The Everyday Life of African Americans after Their Exodus to Northern Cities as Preserved in Oral Histories, 1917–1945"
Kamil Kartasiński, "Polish Veterans of the Polish Armed Forces in the West: Who Decided to Emigrate to the USA and Canada after World War II – an Oral History Perspective"
Mikołaj Murkociński, "Between War and Peace: A Brief Comparison of Polish Refugees’ Administrations in East Africa and Lebanon"
Paweł Sękowski, "The Care and Assistance Provided for Polish Child Refugees in Barcelona in the Immediate Post-WWII Period"
Karolina Wanda Olszowska, "The Protection Provided by International Refugee Organizations in Turkey in the Immediate Post-War Period"
Jarema Słowiak, "The Role of the International Commission for Supervision and Control in Vietnam in the Population Exchange between Vietnamese States during Years 1954–1955"
Aleksandra Samonek, " Violation of Privacy in Migration Control Decreases Citizens’ Liberties and Public Accountability"
Paulina Szydłowska, "Polish Child Migrants – Psychological Perspective"
Olivier Forcade, Rainer Hudemann, "A Vast Tableau of Migrations: Conclusion"
This publication is a kind of review of the current state of research on the problems of Polish-French relations and the history of France in the 20th century. It pays special attention to the three assumptions adopted during the preparation of this set of sketches as a whole.
First of all, thirteen texts contain articles written by both Polish researchers (eleven articles) and French (two texts). If we look at the publication through the prism of the languages in which the papers are written, eight texts is in Polish and five in French. The publication is therefore not only a manifestation of active cooperation between
researchers from Poland and France, but - we hope so - will also contribute to develop the exchange of ideas and mutual knowledge between scholars from both countries.
Secondly, it should be considered important to gather in a single volume papers of the renowned scholars with well-known and valued scientific achievements and, on the other hand, texts of young researchers dealing with French issues and Polish-French relations.
Thirdly, this publication is interdisciplinary. Among authors, alongside historians, there are political scientists, romanists and geographers. Of course, this involves a broader view of the presented issues as well as gathering various research perspectives in one volume.
Table of contents:
Tomasz Schramm, "Francja, Niemcy i Polska bezpośrednio po I wojnie światowej"
Małgorzata Gmurczyk-Wrońska, "Francja wobec wojny i pokoju Polski z bolszewikami (1919–1921)"
Isabelle Davion, "Pologne et Petite Entente à la Société des Nations"
Frédéric Dessberg, "La Russie (et l’URSS) : un élément dérangeant des relations franco-polonaises au XXe siècle"
Przemysław M. Żukowski, "W trójkącie francusko-polsko-sowieckim w latach 1918–1926: Konflikt czy szansa na wspólne działanie? Odpowiedź z perspektywy kontaktów naukowych"
Michał K. Nowak, "Na łamach „Tygodnika Ilustrowanego”: Francja jako fenomen kształtujący polską tożsamość w latach 1918–1928"
Mateusz Gajda, "Francja i Polska wobec hiszpańskiej wojny domowej (1936–1939)"
Paweł Sękowski, "Les Polonais dans la Résistance communiste en France"
Józef Łaptos, "UNRRA, IRO i władze francuskie wobec zjawiska przeobrażania się polskich dipisów w uchodźców politycznych (1944–1950)"
Witold Zahorski, "Les Socialistes français et la République populaire de Pologne : de la méfiance mutuelle à la fin des années 70"
Magdalena Heruday-Kiełczewska, "Francuska lewica a NSZZ „Solidarność”"
Michał Cholewa, "Zmiany w kulturze strategicznej Francji po zimnej wojnie"
Sławomir Dorocki, Paweł Brzegowy, "Départements et régions d’outre-mer : héritage du passé colonial de la France. Esquisse d’une problématique"