Papers by Anna Kraszewska
Acta Archaeologica Carpathica, Dec 1, 2022
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons license (CC BY... more This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL)
Sites from the Stone Age in Dunajec river upper catchment basin-new perspective, AAC 51: 293-306.... more Sites from the Stone Age in Dunajec river upper catchment basin-new perspective, AAC 51: 293-306. Recently, the region of Podhale has yielded several new archaeological finds, gathered during the surface survey (difficult to carry on in that region due to the decreasing number of cultivated fields) in the area of Biały Dunajec and Czarny Dunajec rivers catchment basins. Artifacts can be linked with the period of Stone Age and Early Bronze Age. In some cases, their techno-typological profiles suggest a more precise chronology. The choice of raw material used in the described inventories is limited to flint and radiolarite (its red variation).
This article discusses the objectives of the Stone Age Man in Caves of the Tatra Mountains projec... more This article discusses the objectives of the Stone Age Man in Caves of the Tatra Mountains project, which aims to explain the mysterious absence of evidence for the Palaeolithic in the Tatra Mountains of Eastern Europe. We present preliminary work from Hučivá Cave, which demonstrates clear traces of Magdalenian settlement within this region.

P. Valde-Nowak, A. Kraszewska 2014. Nowa Biała and Sromowce Niżne — Late Palaeolithic Central Car... more P. Valde-Nowak, A. Kraszewska 2014. Nowa Biała and Sromowce Niżne — Late Palaeolithic Central Carpathian sites with Arched-backed Points, AAC 49: 5–35. This article may be viewed as an attempt of summarizing research results of two Late Palaeolithic sites from the Central Western Carpathians located in the following places: Sromowce Niżne on the Dunajec river in the Pieniny Mts. and Nowa Biała on the Białka in the Podhale region. The discovery of these sites in the late 70s and 80s of the last century changed the common view that mountains areas located north of the Tatras were settled relatively late and that the settlement began in the Late Medieval. Both sites were excavated shortly after having been discovered. Although rich inventories of stone remains obtained during excavations are typical for technocomplex with arched-backed points but, they differ with respect to stone processing technology, typology and raw materials structure. A thesis about the existence of very classica...
Obłazowa Cave was first excavated in 1985, and is best known for the discoveries of remains of se... more Obłazowa Cave was first excavated in 1985, and is best known for the discoveries of remains of settlement from the time of Middle and Upper Palaeolithic. The traces of most recent settlement in the cave, found in the uppermost part of the stratigraphy can be attributed to Magdalenian settlement. Results of latest excavation brought more precise date this occupation face. In years 2016 and 2017 in layer III of the cave a series of artifacts, and a small sandstone female figurine were found.

Acta Archaeologica Carpathica
In 2012, series of archaeological rescue excavations were carried out at Zagórze, due to the cons... more In 2012, series of archaeological rescue excavations were carried out at Zagórze, due to the construction of the Świnna Poręba retention reservoir on the Skawa river in Wadowice district (Lesser Poland voivodeship). During this research, in one of the excavated sites – no. 8 – a flint tool was discovered below the top of the slope in the diluvial cover, in the secondary position. The preliminary analysis showed that it is a so-called flame knife, characteristic tool of the Corded Ware culture. Sometime later, feature no. 894 was discovered, located approximately 35 meters from the aforementioned flame knife, at the top of the slope. Five fragments of pottery were found in this feature. Four of them have been classified as fragments of CWC ceramics, including fragments of a beaker and an amphora. On the basis of these finds, as well as comparisons to other sites, two hypotheses were formulated regarding the nature of the discovered feature: a flat grave or a feature of a settlement c...

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
There is a widespread belief that the abrupt warming at 14.7 ka had a profound impact on the envi... more There is a widespread belief that the abrupt warming at 14.7 ka had a profound impact on the environment. However, the direct correlation between the global climatic event and changes in local environments is not obvious. We examined faunal succession in an intra-mountain basin of the Western Carpathians to assess the potential influence of the climatic change between Greenland Stadial-2a and Greenland Interstadial-1e on the local environment. We investigated three vertebrate assemblages (total number of identified specimens = 18,745; minimum number of individuals = 7515; 138 taxa) from Obłazowa Cave (western entrance) and a Rock overhang in Cisowa Rock, radiocarbon dated to the period before and after the global warming, between ca. 17.0 and 14.0 ka. Our data revealed that the major abrupt warming that occurred 14.7 ka had little impact on the local environment, which could suggest that ecosystems in Central Europe were resilient to the abrupt global climate changes. The increase in fauna population sizes and species diversities in local biotopes was gradual and began long before the temperature increase. This was supported by the analysis of ancient DNA of Microtus arvalis, which showed a gradual increase in effective population size after 19.0 ka. The results of palaeoclimatic reconstruction pointed out that the compared sites were characterized by similar climatic conditions. According to our calculations, the differences in the annual mean temperatures did not exceed 0.5°C and mean This article is part of the Topical Collection on Post-glacial human subsistence and settlement patterns

Quaternary International
Nowa Biała 1 is a unique site of the Federmesser culture in the area of Carpathian Mountains, and... more Nowa Biała 1 is a unique site of the Federmesser culture in the area of Carpathian Mountains, and also one of the few Final Palaeolithic sites known from this territory. From taxonomic point of view the artefacts represent the Federmesser culture as an element of Arch-backed points technocomplex (APT) – well known from the European Plain and practically quite unknown from the mountains till now. Hunters’ camp, with the dwelling structure and workshop, was situated on a terrace of the Białka River close to its gorge, and in the proximity of a rocky hill (the Obłazowa Rock) – which itself was a great observation spot. The cultural layer found in the site was connected with an initial soil, the presence of which was observed within the aeolian loess-like deposits. Thie age of pedogenic processes (based on OSL dating) was undoubtedly younger than 14.7 ka and older than 11 ka. Radiocarbon dating suggests the Late Allerød age of the site. The present paper contains the results of fieldwork as well as geological and palaeobotanical analyses, provided data on the natural environment at the time when prehistoric hunters settled and also in the preceding period. According to study results, in the Late Glacial, during the time of this settlement in the vicinity of the Białka River gorge the patches of coniferous forests grew, in the valley habitats – alder and willow, and mires formed in the wetlands, rocky hills were covered with open plant communities with steppe and tundra elements. Variability of surrounding environs resulted in diversity of animal species and allowed Final Palaeolithic people to explore differentiated geoecosystems. Access to water and possibility of fishing was provided by the proximity of the river.
Recherches Archéologique Nouvelle Serie
During rescue excavations carried out in 2012 in site 8 at Zagórze, Comm. Mucharz, Dist. Wadowice... more During rescue excavations carried out in 2012 in site 8 at Zagórze, Comm. Mucharz, Dist. Wadowice, a hoard of bronze objects was discovered, comprising a binocular brooch of the Strzebielinko type, three spiral bracelets made of thick bronze sheet of triangular cross-section, and three twisted necklaces with flattened and rolled ends. The deposit should be dated to HaD and linked with the Górnośląsko-Małopolska (Upper Silesian-Lesser Polish) group of the Lusatian culture. The spiral bracelets and the decoration featuring on the ends of one of the necklaces find the closest analogies in the hoard from Krásna Hôrka, Dist. Tvrdošín, in Slovakia. All metal objects originating from site 8 at Zagórze were subjected to chemical and technological analysis (XRF spectrometer of the Spectro-MIDEX type).

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
There is a widespread belief that the abrupt warming at 14.7 ka had a profound impact on the envi... more There is a widespread belief that the abrupt warming at 14.7 ka had a profound impact on the environment. However, the direct correlation between the global climatic event and changes in local environments is not obvious. We examined faunal succession in an intra-mountain basin of the Western Carpathians to assess the potential influence of the climatic change between Greenland Stadial-2a and Greenland Interstadial-1e on the local environment. We investigated three vertebrate assemblages (total number of identified specimens = 18,745; minimum number of individuals = 7515; 138 taxa) from Obłazowa Cave (western entrance) and a Rock overhang in Cisowa Rock, radiocarbon dated to the period before and after the global warming, between ca. 17.0 and 14.0 ka. Our data revealed that the major abrupt warming that occurred 14.7 ka had little impact on the local environment, which could suggest that ecosystems in Central Europe were resilient to the abrupt global climate changes. The increase in fauna population sizes and species diversities in local biotopes was gradual and began long before the temperature increase. This was supported by the analysis of ancient DNA of Microtus arvalis, which showed a gradual increase in effective population size after 19.0 ka. The results of palaeoclimatic reconstruction pointed out that the compared sites were characterized by similar climatic conditions. According to our calculations, the differences in the annual mean temperatures did not exceed 0.5°C and mean This article is part of the Topical Collection on Post-glacial human subsistence and settlement patterns

Quaternary International, 2019
Nowa Biała 1 is a unique site of the Federmesser culture in the area of Carpathian Mountains, and... more Nowa Biała 1 is a unique site of the Federmesser culture in the area of Carpathian Mountains, and also one of the few Final Palaeolithic sites known from this territory. From taxonomic point of view the artefacts represent the Federmesser culture as an element of Arch-backed points technocomplex (APT) – well known from the European Plain and practically quite unknown from the mountains till now. Hunters’ camp, with the dwelling structure and workshop, was situated on a terrace of the Białka River close to its gorge, and in the proximity of a rocky hill (the Obłazowa Rock) – which itself was a great observation spot. The cultural layer found in the site was connected with an initial soil, the presence of which was observed within the aeolian loess-like deposits. Thie age of pedogenic processes (based on OSL dating) was undoubtedly younger than 14.7 ka and older than 11 ka. Radiocarbon dating suggests the Late Allerød age of the site. The present paper contains the results of fieldwork as well as geological and palaeobotanical analyses, provided data on the natural environment at the time when prehistoric hunters settled and also in the preceding period. According to study results, in the Late Glacial, during the time of this settlement in the vicinity of the Białka River gorge the patches of coniferous forests grew, in the valley habitats – alder and willow, and mires formed in the wetlands, rocky hills were covered with open plant communities with steppe and tundra elements. Variability of surrounding environs resulted in diversity of animal species and allowed Final Palaeolithic people to explore differentiated geoecosystems. Access to water and possibility of fishing was provided by the proximity of the river.
Obłazowa Cave was first excavated in 1985, and is best known for the discoveries of remains of se... more Obłazowa Cave was first excavated in 1985, and is best known for the discoveries of remains of settlement from the time of Middle and Upper Palaeolithic. The traces of most recent settlement in the cave, found in the uppermost part of the stratigraphy can be attributed to Magdalenian settlement. Results of latest excavation brought more precise date this occupation face. In years 2016 and 2017 in layer III of the cave a series of artifacts, and a small sandstone female figurine were found.

During the many years of excavations in Obłazowa Cave, it has been stated that apart from the mai... more During the many years of excavations in Obłazowa Cave, it has been stated that apart from the main entrance to
the cave, at least one more opening must have existed in the past. Excavations in the area of a supposed second entrance
were conducted in the years 2009-2016, and led to the discovery of the mentioned opening under a rock shelter as well
as a small, yet consistent inventory of artefacts found in a concentration interpreted as the remains of a fireplace. Dates
obtained from the bones and charcoal point towards the final phase of the last glacial period. In the inventory there are no
cores, but the presence of en éperon butt type was noted. Such a technological feature suggests that the inventory might
have had a Late Magdalenian connection, or that it was possibly Hamburgian. The Magdalenian connection hypothesis is
supported by the discovery of a backed bladelet, a form atypical in Hamburgian inventories. Also, a part of the inventory
was chipped from a specific raw material – so called Bircza flint, known from different Magdalenian sites. An interesting
problem is connected with a find not directly linked with the discussed inventory. A shouldered point, found in an
uncertain context, close to the main opening of the cave (but outside of the chamber) and underneath the overhang where
the discussed inventory was discovered, raises new questions and gives possible meaning to the overall issue.
Folder. Stała wystawa historyczno-archeologiczna w Muzeum Miejskim Suchej Beskidzkiej

The water reservoir in Świnna Poręba was completed in recent years on the border of the Middle an... more The water reservoir in Świnna Poręba was completed in recent years on the border of the Middle and Small Beskidy Mts. Due to the completion of this hydrological investment, a number of archaeological sites have become threatened by destruction. Zagórze, Wadowice distr. is one of those. After removing of topsoil, a partly damaged clay pot was found in upside down position. The clay pot is very characteristic for the broadly defined Beaker — Baden environment. The obvious analogy can be seen in the Moravian — Silesian sites, especially in terms of the Drahanovice phase, simultaneous with the TRB IIA and proto-Bo-leraz phase. In the mountain area of the Skawa river basin in the Western Beskidy Mts., two archaeological features, each one with a single Neolithic pot with Baden affinities, were found over the recent years at two nearby sites: Zagórze 1 and 2, located on the same land form. The space between them was carefully examined and no remains contemporary for these features were found. The single pot placed upside down with no other artefacts inside the object implies that it might had been a grave. The facts described herein prove not only transit migrations. The nature of recorded remains evokes associations to pastoral lifestyle , i.e. semi-nomadism, summer pasturing in the mountains and transhumance.

This article may be viewed as an attempt of summarizing research results of two Late Palaeolithic... more This article may be viewed as an attempt of summarizing research results of two Late Palaeolithic
sites from the Central Western Carpathians located in the following places: Sromowce Niżne
on the Dunajec river in the Pieniny Mts. and Nowa Biała on the Białka in the Podhale region.
The discovery of these sites in the late 70s and 80s of the last century changed the common view
that mountains areas located north of the Tatras were settled relatively late and that the settlement
began in the Late Medieval. Both sites were excavated shortly after having been discovered.
Although rich inventories of stone remains obtained during excavations are typical for technocomplex
with arched-backed points but, they differ with respect to stone processing technology, typology
and raw materials structure. A thesis about the existence of very classical relations between
them and the so-called Witów-complexes as well as typical connections with the Federmesser
enviroment is proposed in this article.
Papers by Anna Kraszewska
the cave, at least one more opening must have existed in the past. Excavations in the area of a supposed second entrance
were conducted in the years 2009-2016, and led to the discovery of the mentioned opening under a rock shelter as well
as a small, yet consistent inventory of artefacts found in a concentration interpreted as the remains of a fireplace. Dates
obtained from the bones and charcoal point towards the final phase of the last glacial period. In the inventory there are no
cores, but the presence of en éperon butt type was noted. Such a technological feature suggests that the inventory might
have had a Late Magdalenian connection, or that it was possibly Hamburgian. The Magdalenian connection hypothesis is
supported by the discovery of a backed bladelet, a form atypical in Hamburgian inventories. Also, a part of the inventory
was chipped from a specific raw material – so called Bircza flint, known from different Magdalenian sites. An interesting
problem is connected with a find not directly linked with the discussed inventory. A shouldered point, found in an
uncertain context, close to the main opening of the cave (but outside of the chamber) and underneath the overhang where
the discussed inventory was discovered, raises new questions and gives possible meaning to the overall issue.
sites from the Central Western Carpathians located in the following places: Sromowce Niżne
on the Dunajec river in the Pieniny Mts. and Nowa Biała on the Białka in the Podhale region.
The discovery of these sites in the late 70s and 80s of the last century changed the common view
that mountains areas located north of the Tatras were settled relatively late and that the settlement
began in the Late Medieval. Both sites were excavated shortly after having been discovered.
Although rich inventories of stone remains obtained during excavations are typical for technocomplex
with arched-backed points but, they differ with respect to stone processing technology, typology
and raw materials structure. A thesis about the existence of very classical relations between
them and the so-called Witów-complexes as well as typical connections with the Federmesser
enviroment is proposed in this article.
the cave, at least one more opening must have existed in the past. Excavations in the area of a supposed second entrance
were conducted in the years 2009-2016, and led to the discovery of the mentioned opening under a rock shelter as well
as a small, yet consistent inventory of artefacts found in a concentration interpreted as the remains of a fireplace. Dates
obtained from the bones and charcoal point towards the final phase of the last glacial period. In the inventory there are no
cores, but the presence of en éperon butt type was noted. Such a technological feature suggests that the inventory might
have had a Late Magdalenian connection, or that it was possibly Hamburgian. The Magdalenian connection hypothesis is
supported by the discovery of a backed bladelet, a form atypical in Hamburgian inventories. Also, a part of the inventory
was chipped from a specific raw material – so called Bircza flint, known from different Magdalenian sites. An interesting
problem is connected with a find not directly linked with the discussed inventory. A shouldered point, found in an
uncertain context, close to the main opening of the cave (but outside of the chamber) and underneath the overhang where
the discussed inventory was discovered, raises new questions and gives possible meaning to the overall issue.
sites from the Central Western Carpathians located in the following places: Sromowce Niżne
on the Dunajec river in the Pieniny Mts. and Nowa Biała on the Białka in the Podhale region.
The discovery of these sites in the late 70s and 80s of the last century changed the common view
that mountains areas located north of the Tatras were settled relatively late and that the settlement
began in the Late Medieval. Both sites were excavated shortly after having been discovered.
Although rich inventories of stone remains obtained during excavations are typical for technocomplex
with arched-backed points but, they differ with respect to stone processing technology, typology
and raw materials structure. A thesis about the existence of very classical relations between
them and the so-called Witów-complexes as well as typical connections with the Federmesser
enviroment is proposed in this article.
monograficznego ujęcia krzemienia jurajskiego. Wypełniamy te lukę ze świadomością, że miejsce tej
skały w polskich studiach nad prehistorycznym i historycznym krzemieniarstwem jest szczególne.
Można zaryzykować stwierdzenie, że to artefakty wytworzone właśnie z tego krzemienia jako jedne z
pierwszych dotarły do rąk polskich prekursorów naszej dyscypliny. Musiało tak właśnie być, gdy
pionierskie, XIX wieczne badania archeologiczne objęły namuliska jaskiń Jury Krakowsko-
Przekazywany do rąk Czytelników tom dokumentuje referaty wygłoszone w 2017 roku w Krakowie
podczas konferencji „Krzemień jurajski w pradziejach”, zadedykowanej, tak jak niniejszy tom,
Profesorowi Bolesławowi Ginterowi, który dla poznanie znaczenia złóż krzemieni jurajskich i
sposobów ich pradziejowej obróbki zrobił tak wiele…