Papers by Joanna Bohatkiewicz

Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 2017
The aim of the paper is to present modular value chains (MVCs) as a technological and organisatio... more The aim of the paper is to present modular value chains (MVCs) as a technological and organisational phenomenon that affects industrial organisation and innovation, and to identify the characteristics and types of SME positions (roles) in modular value chains that are associated with innovation development and growth. Research Design & Methods: The study employs two methods, which are literature review and a multiple-case study approach based on two SMEs in the IT industry of which one acts as an independent innovator generating proprietary solutions and the other one is a supplier of production capacity in the area of lower to medium value-adding solutions. Findings: SME roles in modular value chains range from lowest-tire subcontractors in captive or market-based governance to major roles typical of large players in modular governance, e.g., quasi-lead firms and quasi-contract manufacturers. The latter two roles are associated with innovation and high growth. Implications & Recommendations: The recommendations as to the role of public policy and geographical context are provided regarding how to facilitate SMEs' integration into MVCs with a focus on innovativeness and expansion. The question for further research is whether the roles identified in the case studies can be treated as SME-specific models of participation in modular value chains, or are they only development stages of growth SMEs towards the roles of large firmsleader firms and contract manufacturers (system integrators). Contribution & Value Added: The paper contributes by identifying the roles that SMEs can play in modular value chains and by identifying governance arrangements that SMEs apply to accomplish innovation and high growth.

. two. universities.. The. integral. part. of. the. organization's. functioning. of. the. organiz... more . two. universities.. The. integral. part. of. the. organization's. functioning. of. the. the.implementation.of.the.objectives.and.achieving.a.competitive.advantage. in. the. market.. This. trend. covers. articles. referring. to. the. participation. of., association,. or. the. conditions. that. should. be. met. between. enterprises. and. institutions. supporting. the. technological. development. of. the. organization.. Other. considerations. concern. customer. preferences. concerning. their. choice. of. commercial. banks,. the. factors. that. determine. the. choice. of. financial.,.or.the.demands.of.sustainable., the. functioning. of. the. organization. from. a. sectoral. perspective. and. across. industries.. A. distinctive. feature. is. a. sectoral. approach. to. knowledge-based. business. services, . the. determinants. of. knowledge-based. products. in. the. pharmaceutical. industry,. and. the. behavior. of. competing. companies. in. the. concept. of. capturing. value. or. the. value. in. a. sectoral. approach.. The. issues. related. to. the. protection. of. personal. data. in. the. healthcare. sector,. patent., The. prepared. monograph. is. an. interdisciplinary. compendium. of. knowledge. on. the. functioning. of. both. commercial. and. non-commercial.,.meso,.and.macro.. The. advantage. of. this. type. of. studies. is. modern. and. up-to-date. look. at. the. problems. of. management,. organization. behavior,. or. the. functioning. of. the.

Surgery is considered as one of the most demanding and challenging domains of medical activities.... more Surgery is considered as one of the most demanding and challenging domains of medical activities. This is because of the continuous development of procedures and implementation of modern and innovative methods of surgical treatment. However, the application of new medical technologies makes surgical procedures a highly cost-intensive medical area. In this regard, improvement efficiency should be a strategic component of daily management in a hospital. The objective of this paper is to introduce an observation method for assessing surgical workflow, as a component of management process in a hospital. Basically, possible workflow disruptions were cited as factors for delays and deviations from the natural progression of a procedure. In this regard, the research approach assumed investigating intraoperative activities during live surgeries which is quite a new aspect of hospital workflow. The main method for data acquisition was a direct observation with photo/ or video registration of live surgeries. Also, a common checklist containing workflow assessment criteria for recognizing any deviation was developed. Both the sequences and workflow assessment criteria were implemented using CAPTIV software version L7000 enabled for cross-sectional analyzes including descriptive statistics. Also, interviews with surgeons and scrub nurses were conducted in order to recognize the additional factors contributing to intraoperative efficiency. As a result, 10 factors influencing surgical workflow were recognized that are directly connected with important aspects of management such as the communication aspects of surgical teamwork members or physical workload of the surgeon and scrub nurse.

Lecture notes in intelligent transportation and infrastructure, Jun 18, 2019
This article has the aim to investigate the spatial distribution of animal-vehicle collisions (AV... more This article has the aim to investigate the spatial distribution of animal-vehicle collisions (AVCs) in Poland on national roads and motorways. Besides identifying hot spot locations of animal mortality within the country, it also researches on regional scale the relationship between levels of traffic volume or traffic speed and the amount of AVCs. The analysis involves data collected by the Polish General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways with 2014 until 2017 as time range. The geospatial analyses are carried out with QGIS. The Malopolska Province has the highest concentration of AVCs in Poland. Results of the analysis on regional level show that traffic speed and traffic volume are both not strongly correlating to the total animal mortality, meaning that higher levels of the parameters do not lead to higher amounts of AVCs. Accidents occur most frequently on road sections with a traffic volume of an average number of 10,000 to 15,000 vehicles per day. The severe accidents with large sized animals, the Big-Four, are occurring most often at road sections with speed limits between 70 and 90 km/h. This work will be continued, which will investigate the influence of the landscape adjacent to the road on a local scale.

Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, 2018 competition.and.coope... more competition.and.cooperation.of.local.government.units..The.survey.covered.local.,.,. it.was.noted.that.the.geographical.location,.distance.from.the.metropolis,.or. the.lack.of.adequate.transport.infrastructure.have.a.significant.impact.on.the.,.one. could. formulate. the. thesis. that. the. density. of. cooperation. networks. between. local.government.units.decreases.with.a.greater.distance.from.the.metropolis.. peripheral. areas,. the. study. makes. an. important. contribution. to. identifying. The. research. results. contained. in. the. chapter. refer. to. the. role. of. leadership.'s.intention,.the. of. a. business. network,. centered. around. a. small. consulting. company. that. is. a. decision. center,. provides. knowledge. about. leadership. in. the. network.. The.developed.collection.of.leadership.expressions.for.the.analyzed.immature. inter-organizational. network. (IIN). can. be. a. starting. point. for. research. into. other.emerging. business.networks.. At.this. stage. of. the. research,. the. results.,. the. author. analyzed. network. theory. and. complexity. theory. in. relation. to.'s.original.contribution. is. to. consider. the. intra-organizational. network. as. a. socio-technical. system.. in.organizational.research..As.a.consequence.of.the.analyzes,.new.research. questions.were.formulated.regarding.other.possibilities.of.using.methods.and.

Zakres tematyczny niniejszej pracy magisterskiej opiera się na zagadnieniach związanych z zarządz... more Zakres tematyczny niniejszej pracy magisterskiej opiera się na zagadnieniach związanych z zarządzaniem projektami, w szczególności zaś projektami typu foresight, metodyce PRINCE2, jak również na elementach zarządzania strategicznego.W niniejszej pracy stworzono oraz zaprezentowano metodykę zarządzania projektami typu foresight korporacyjny. Wydzielono zasady, etapy, elementy metodyki, wzbogacając istnieje już rozwiązania o narzędzia oparte o rozwiązania formularzowe, które pomocne będą w realizacji poszczególnych stadiów projektu tak, by zakończył się on mierzalnym sukcesem.Zaproponowano wykorzystanie metod, pochodzących tak z zarządzania projektami (w tym PRINCE 2), jak i zarządzania strategicznego, jak również, w przypadku wyższego stopnia ogólności, z nauk o zarządzaniu. Zdefiniowano zmiany zachodzące w obszarze zarządzania, przedstawiono charakterystykę projektów typu community, podając także przykład projektu Coursera. Zdefiniowano projekty foresightowe, przedstawiono kró...

. two. universities.. The. integral. part. of. the. organization's. functioning. of. the. organiz... more . two. universities.. The. integral. part. of. the. organization's. functioning. of. the. the.implementation.of.the.objectives.and.achieving.a.competitive.advantage. in. the. market.. This. trend. covers. articles. referring. to. the. participation. of., association,. or. the. conditions. that. should. be. met. between. enterprises. and. institutions. supporting. the. technological. development. of. the. organization.. Other. considerations. concern. customer. preferences. concerning. their. choice. of. commercial. banks,. the. factors. that. determine. the. choice. of. financial.,.or.the.demands.of.sustainable., the. functioning. of. the. organization. from. a. sectoral. perspective. and. across. industries.. A. distinctive. feature. is. a. sectoral. approach. to. knowledge-based. business. services, . the. determinants. of. knowledge-based. products. in. the. pharmaceutical. industry,. and. the. behavior. of. competing. companies. in. the. concept. of. capturing. value. or. the. value. in. a. sectoral. approach.. The. issues. related. to. the. protection. of. personal. data. in. the. healthcare. sector,. patent., The. prepared. monograph. is. an. interdisciplinary. compendium. of. knowledge. on. the. functioning. of. both. commercial. and. non-commercial.,.meso,.and.macro.. The. advantage. of. this. type. of. studies. is. modern. and. up-to-date. look. at. the. problems. of. management,. organization. behavior,. or. the. functioning. of. the.
Budownictwo i Architektura, 2016
Artykuł oparty jest na pierwszych doświadczeniach z korzystaniaz nowych technologii projektowych.... more Artykuł oparty jest na pierwszych doświadczeniach z korzystaniaz nowych technologii projektowych. W artykule analizuje się możliwość zastosowaniaodpowiednich narzędzi i metod zarządzania, które mają na celu doskonalszą ochronęśrodowiska przyrodniczego i ludzi w budownictwie komunikacyjnym. Zastosowanie dwóchtechnologii: projektowania (BIM) i zarządzania projektem oraz procesem budowy (Leanmanagement) powinno mieć za zadanie poza minimalizacją błędów i kosztów efektywniejszepodejście do spraw ochrony środowiska i ochrony zdrowia ludzi. Autorzy opisują nowąkoncepcję wskazując na możliwość połączenia systemów BIM oraz Lean managementw jeden system, który powinien zostać dodatkowo rozbudowany o zagadnienia środowiskowe(eLBIM) zwłaszcza w przypadkach lokalizacji obiektów budownictwa komunikacyjnegow terenach wrażliwych przyrodniczo i społecznie.

The aim of this article is to describe the factors that facilitate upgrading process of knowledge... more The aim of this article is to describe the factors that facilitate upgrading process of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) clusters in global value chains. The observed phenomenon which can be described as an increase in value added produced by KIBS leads to a similar increase at the clusters’ level, and consequently to an increase in the position of these clusters in global value chains. This topic constitutes a new research area. The available definitions of clusters were reviewed. The nature and specificity of knowledge-intensive business services’ clusters were presented. The concepts of upgrading and global value chains were defined and the idea of upgrading of KIBS’ clusters in global value chains were presented. As a result of the literature analysis, endogenous and exogenous factors influencing the upgrading of clusters in global value chains were presented. The article is conceptual and based on scientific literature, the review of which was a research method used
Raport badawczy opracowany przez fundację Kraków Miastem Startupów na zlecenie Urzędu Miasta Krak... more Raport badawczy opracowany przez fundację Kraków Miastem Startupów na zlecenie Urzędu Miasta Krakowa w ramach Krakowskiego Tygodnia Startupów
Papers by Joanna Bohatkiewicz