Aeddan Shaw
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Papers by Aeddan Shaw
This paper presents the results of a pilot study on the functions of images in Polish and British history coursebooks using a proprietary paradigm based on existing scholarship in English Language Teaching. It shows that the pedagogical functions of images in history coursebooks vary greatly between the two educational contexts. In Britain, images are typically treated as historical sources in themselves, whilst in Poland they typically perform more of a decorative function. The paper closes with a number of recommendations for further research and publishers of history coursebooks.
Keywords: visual culture, Polish & British educational contexts, history
teaching, ELT, critical thinking
Keywords: Millennials; active Learning; Robert Pirsig; Generation Gap
This paper, having made the case for using Shakespeare in such a fashion, will explore some of the most useful features and present some practical examples.
This paper presents the results of a pilot study on the functions of images in Polish and British history coursebooks using a proprietary paradigm based on existing scholarship in English Language Teaching. It shows that the pedagogical functions of images in history coursebooks vary greatly between the two educational contexts. In Britain, images are typically treated as historical sources in themselves, whilst in Poland they typically perform more of a decorative function. The paper closes with a number of recommendations for further research and publishers of history coursebooks.
Keywords: visual culture, Polish & British educational contexts, history
teaching, ELT, critical thinking
Keywords: Millennials; active Learning; Robert Pirsig; Generation Gap
This paper, having made the case for using Shakespeare in such a fashion, will explore some of the most useful features and present some practical examples.