TraceMyIP Visitor IP Stats Tracker plugin features easy website analytics, visitor IP tracking with email alerts, hits counting, visitor IP blocking, IP redirecting, and IP access control.
Powerful features that help to stay in control of website visitations
Optimized for current web technology – accurately capturing all real-time website visitor interaction
- Website and Blog Visitor IP Tracking and Analytics
- Website Visits Email Alerts
- Visitor IP Blocking and Control
- Individual Link Tracking
- Tracking Visitor IP changes and Visitor Tagging
- EU GDPR Compliant Website and Blog Tracking
- Cookieless Tracking
- Provides additional features and targeted IP data to complement and associate with built-in dashboard statistics, Google Analytics, Semrush, Adobe Analytics, Statcounter, Clicky, Matomo Analytics and others. The IP address data can be matched to other stats packages and tagged to provide visit history data for specific site visits.
Website project dashboard. The configurable visitor statistics dashboard can be configured with more than 40 reports and variations available. It can also be configured to update the current number of site visitors, site performance and site access statistics at regular intervals.
Dashboard reports selection screen.
Project Summary screen, enables viewing all website and blog stats on a single page. These include current visitors online, today, yesterday, last 7 days, this month, and the total. Sound notifications are available when new visitors come to the site. The 30-day mini bar graph shows website page load activity over time.
Zoomable visitor map shows all visitors available in the real-time log. By clicking on each visitor icon, a new report is generated with detailed visitor activity, page view times, physical location, and other information.
A variety of statistical graphic charts gives quick visualization of recurring visitor traffic, traffic sources, social engagement, and National vs. International traffic sources.
Visitor IP Log shows individual visitors and their activity on a page level. If a visitor is online, he or she will be highlighted. Visitors can be tagged and tracked for IP changes over an extended period of time.
Page loads log provides detailed visitor and web page/blog activity information about every single page load in real-time. This includes visitor geolocation, ISP, organization, user agent, IP address changes, referrers, and landing pages
Individual Link and Page Tracking and Visitor Redirecting
The Integrated Page Tracker module allows controlling visitor traffic and redirecting visitors based on custom redirect and messaging rules.
Some of the Page and Link Tracker rules can be triggered based on a variety of website and blog visitor data such as visitor’s Current IP address, First IP address, Last or First IP address, Computer ID, Referrer URL, Referring subdomain, Referring search engine keywords, Landing page title, Landing page URL, Device types such as mobile, tablet and desktop, Device names such as iPad, iPhone, User agent strings, Device OS, Device OS version, Browsers, and other options.
Advanced General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)(EU) 2016/679 regulation tools allow for flexible custom configuration that allows web publishers to maintain the ability to capture blog and website visitor tracking data with maximum efficiency and data management scalability.
Visitor Email Alerts – a highly configurable email alert system. Schedule immediate, daily, weekly, or monthly alerts to capture website visitor activity and email you the reports.
Visitor Console Alerts – the console alerts work together with email alerts and notify users of a tagged visitor activity. The console alerts can either be configured as real-time popup notifications or compact single-line notifications that can be opened to see a full list of recent visitor activity alerts.
TraceMyIP features like visitor IP tracking, website statistics, and visitor email alerts with an IP control are instantly activated by registering a TraceMyIP.org account.
The installation consists of 3 simple steps:
1. Install the TraceMyIP WordPress plugin
2. Register an account at www.tracemyip.org which will provide you with a unique visitor tracker code
3. Place the code into the “Visitor Tracker Code” input box at the bottom of the TraceMyIP WordPress plugin settings page
That’s all! Now login to your TraceMyIP account and instantly observe website visitor activity in real-time.
Detailed steps to enable TraceMyIP.org tools for WordPress:
- Register a new TraceMyIP.org account by selecting a Visitor Tracker style or click on the [Add a New Project] menu button of an existing TraceMyIP account.
- Generate a Website Visitor Tracker code with TraceMyIP.org. If the code is lost, log in to your TraceMyIP account, go to “My Projects” page, and click on the “tracker code” link to recover your code.
- Install TraceMyIP plugin for WordPress and go to the plugin settings page using the WordPress dashboard menu
- Paste the TraceMyIP Visitor Tracker code into the [visitor tracker code] input box and click on the Update Settings button below
- Verify that the Visitor Tracker icon shows up on ALL pages of your WordPress site, including the mobile pages
- If you need visitor IP blocking, redirecting, and page access controls, generate a Page Tracker Code within your TraceMyIP project and place the code into the [Page Tracker Code] input box using the TraceMyIP plugin settings page
- To access the TraceMyIP console, login to your WordPress and go to [Dashboard] => [TraceMyIP Reports]. If your browser is not displaying reports from WordPress dashboard, open a new browser tab and login directly at TraceMyIP.org
- To configure GDPR Compliance Tools, log in to TraceMyIP.org and navigate to [My Account] => [Advanced Tracking Settings]
Support for TraceMyIP Visitor IP Tracker
For ALL tutorials and general information, please visit Learn TraceMyIP support site.
For the most frequently requested tutorials, please visit Popular Guides section.
If you have difficulties with installation and require further help with the TraceMyIP visitor IP tracker plugin or need to report an issue, please contact TraceMyIP support.
Is TraceMyIP Visitor IP Stats Tracker a free service?
TraceMyIP offers both free and premium subscriptions. The free subscription provides essential features at no cost. For advanced users, the premium subscription includes enhanced visitor email and sound alerts, advanced GEO tracking and GDPR controls, additional data storage, and other features.
What are the primary TraceMyIP features?
- Website Visitor GEO IP Tracking, Address Book tagging and visitor IP email alerts with console audio doorbell-like alerts
- Visitor IP Address Changes Tracking and Computer ID Tracking (Subject to GDPR Directive)
- Advanced Website Analytics and Statistics (some functions are similar to Google Analytics but also feature a visitor level analysis)
- Visitor IP Blocking and Visitor Traffic Control with Redirecting Rules using IP, Computer ID, connection and user system info
- Link and Page Tracking and security access control based on an IP address and other visitor data
- AD Campaigns Tracking (some features are similar to Google Analytics + individual visitor tracking and surveillance)
- EU GDPR-compliant visitor tracking with selective GEO IP masking, Computer IP masking, and other GDPR compliance tools
- Compatibility with WordPress multisite, JavaScript tracking, and basic HTML tracking codes
- User-configurable dashboard with advanced options, auto-update and animated graphic charts
How TraceMyIP plugin is different from other website statistics services?
- TraceMyIP has been around since year 2008! It has been a trusted and reliable service that supports its users and relies on user feedback to stay consistent with feature demands.
- Individual visitor surveillance. Observe the behavior of any given visitor over time, view changed IPs and browsing patterns.
- No inflated stats. Ever noticed how your current statistics show plenty of visits to your site but you can rarely see actual continued interest in your content, very few conversions/purchases, or contact requests? This is because, on some sites, over 80% of logged visits are actually bots, scripts, and content scraping mechanisms that forge real visitor activity to gain access to the content. As a result, it provides you with a false sense that your website attracts real people to read the content. TraceMyIP on the other hand blocks and filters the majority of content-scrapping mechanisms and bots, providing you with a more accurate picture of the amount of real people browsing your site.
- Email and console sound alerts. Get notified via email and console when a specific person visits your site and get sound alerts whenever there’s a new visit to your website while using your TraceMyIP console
- No major interface modifications. We keep the interface consistent with a design that has been stable for over a decade and is based on user feedback. This prevents our users from avoiding never-ending interface changes that cause additional learning curves, reduce productivity, and cause headaches. Once you learn TraceMyIP, you will not need to completely re-learn it again anytime soon. Stability is the key to productivity.
- No spam and your account information is never sold or shared with third parties. Your account information, email address, and IP address remain private. You will only receive your TraceMyIP account notifications to the email address provided. TraceMyIP is proud to be a spam-free service!
How many websites can be tracked with TraceMyIP?
A single user account can track up to 95 websites simultaneously at the same time in real-time. All websites can be organized in groups with an easy site search function to quickly locate an active website project.
What kind of alerts can I set up for the visits?
There are 2 types of alerts that can be configured
- Notifications while using the console – this provides visual and sound alerts whenever there are active visitors on your site
- Email alerts allow you to receive instant and scheduled email alerts for visitor IPs that were tagged using the TraceMyIP console.
How do I get email notifications and alerts when a specific person visits my website?
You can TAG (bookmark) any visitor and set up an email alert
- Locate the visitor on your logs that you would like to monitor
- Click on the Email Alerts icon next to the TAG button
- Assign the name and select when and how often you would like to get notified via email
For a step-by-step tutorial, see Visitor Email Alerts
How do I hide the visitor tracker on my pages?
To properly hide the tracker icon and make it invisible:
- Enable the [Invisible Tracker] option by going to [My Projects] page, clicking on the [edit] link for the project, and selecting the [Invisible Tracker] option. You can also refer to this Invisible tracker tutorial.
- Navigate to the WordPress TraceMyIP plugin settings page, and using the “Tracker Icon Position” menu set the option to “Header Script”. This may position the tracker on the left of the header or a footer, however, it will become completely invisible once the invisible tracker option is enabled.
Hiding the tracker with other methods will make tracking data unreliable as browsers tend to not load elements that are hidden otherwise.
What information do I get about each website visitor?
Some key information you’ll find on your TraceMyIP reports includes:
- Website visitor IP address, IP address changes
- Visitor GEO location on a city level
- Number of visits and returns over time, full browsing activity history with full URLs of all pages visited and their exact time
- Referring URLs where each visitor found the links to your site
- Search engine information that brought the visitor to your website
- Visitor Organization, ISP data, hostname, Internet browser information,
- Visitor Computer specifications include computer ID, screen resolution, operating system, browser type, version, and device name and model.
Additionally, you have the flexibility to assign custom street addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, and create visitor notes. This custom information will be associated with each person, ensuring easy visitor identification even if their IP address changes.
Can a specific visitor activity be identified on all of my websites?
With the IP tracking address book, you can effortlessly scan through all projects to locate the activity of a tagged visitor. Just TAG a visitor and click on the [activity] link to search all website logs for specific computer IP or ID activity.
Visitor IP Tracker, IP Stats Analytics and IP Control With Email Alerts はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。
Version 2.63
- Updated Geolocation engine
- Improved reliability of rendering visitor MAP avatars
- Increased loading performance of various reports
- Fixed issues with website analytics dashboard where charts did not render for some requests
- Implemented new dashboard for built-in affiliate program
Version 2.62
- Functionality check and update for WordPress 6.7
- Improved console report loading performance
- Improved layout of elements on Page Loads report
- Improved cross compatibility between browsers
Version 2.61
- Geographical positioning maps updates
- Improved visitor tracking code integration with WordPress templates
- Improved dashboard website analytics chart rendering
- Fixed issues with some long page URLs not figginwebsite stats dashboard panels
- Updates menu style for WordPress plugin integration
Version 2.60
- Provisional update
Version 2.59
- Added new feature allowing to add referrer notes to any link. This allows instantly visualize any specific link activity on traffic reports
- Added date and time of last visitor activity on some visitor cumulative stats reports
- Created a status notification on My Projects page with floating panel to jump to projects with active online visitors
- Optimized the “auto-update” feature on “My Projects” reports to produce more timely visual and sound notifications
- Fixed an issue with some browsers having difficulties with frequent data updates which caused some accounts to be logged out prematurely
- Implemented visual tweaks to improve user interface
- Implemented new features and user interface tips alerts which will be used from now on
- Updated GEO DB engine
- Improved integration for WordPress plugin
Version 2.58
- Minor adjustments for WordPress version 6.6 compatibility
- NEW feature: New visitor activity Audio Alerts threshold setting. Set the minimum number of new visitors required to trigger sound notifications
- Corrections to WordPress interface integration
- Added Firefox compatibility tweaks and user instructions to enable users browse reports inside the WordPress console
- Added new bots definitions
- Updated GEO-IP tracking engine
Version 2.57
- Verified WordPress version 6.5 compatibility
- Console notifications improvements
- Added new proxy and bot definitions
Version 2.56
- Campaign data capture improvements
- Optimized search engine detection and added new definitions
- Corrected issues with search engine reporting
- Fixed an issue with a printable reports view
- Optimized loading times for user interface
- Added new proxy detection definitions
- Improved Page Tracker actions responsiveness
Version 2.55
- User interface optimization
- Improved speed of loading reports and site access response
- New reporting servers configuration to optimize tracking performance
- Tracking engine revisions, modifications and improvements
- New Link & Page tracker PHP file for self hosted PHP tracking option
- New definitions for bots and proxy servers tracking
- Premium service GEO tracking updates to improve precision
Version 2.54
- New project Dashboard with new graphics, website performance meter, and configurable charts!
- Updated and modified crawler definitions blocking module
- Added bot-crawler auto-blocking function to Page Tracker logs
- Fixed an issue with the “Entry Pages” report that did not perform properly on some projects
- Improved rendering of selective graphics charts
- Interface enhancement. Fixed an issue with a project menu being partially off-screen on some devices
- Fixed an issue with visitor IP maps where the map was not loading for older browser versions
- Improved tracker loading speed. The new tracking code loads independently of the website content, thus improving the page rendering speed.
- Added “National vs International” stats to HTML visitor tracker code reports
- Optimized “Came From” report for more accurate results
Version 2.53
- Tracker code insertion fix for some templates that have missing body-level hooks
- Plugin description update
Version 2.52
- Tracker code async script insertion change. Improves header script execution and speed for invisible tracking
- Provisional updates
Version 2.51
- Added a new tracker header position to optimize the tracking for the invisible tracking feature
- Fixed an issue for Page Tracker not being properly loaded in some instances
- Added new PROXY server definitions
- Miscellaneous interface tweaks
- Verified compatibility with WordPress v6.3
Version v2.50
- WordPress integration tweaks for MAC-based systems
- Added new proxy server detection definitions
- Improved some interface layout elements
- New Geo Location definition additions
- Added new GEO data for timezones
- Improved cookieless tracking features
- Various tracking engine improvements
- Verified compatibility with WordPress v6.2
Version 2.49
- Improved visitor tracker loading speed
- Modified visitor tracker code to speed up website loading performance
- Increased console page loading speed
- Added new bots/crawler filter definitions
- Optimized proxy detection
- Corrected and added new timezone definitions
- Added new GeoIP territory definitions
- Performed minor WordPress plugin user interface modifications
Version 2.48
- NEW visitor location GEO tracking module
- Interface tweaks to improve web browser compatibility
- Resolved an issue with visitor ISP/Organization blocking
- Improved visitor tracking engine processing speed
- New proxy detection engine definitions
- Updated referrer spamming definitions
- Server-side updates for WordPress plugin integration
- New basic HTML tracking code version to continue tracking full URL landing pages. If you use an HTML type code that has not been updated since August of 2022, please generate and use a new visitor tracker code
- Minor plugin interface modification
Version 2.47
- Maintenance release
- Optimized a visitor tracker code parameter
- Updated list of proxy servers
- Minor updates to the user interface
Version 2.46
- GEO data update on country, state, and city level
- Interface tweaks for individual device layouts
- Update of proxy servers’ data
- Tracking engine speed optimizations
- Minor documentation revisions
Version 2.45
- Updated GDPR country allocation list
- Minor interface adjustments
- Provisional update to fix a bug where some WP installations failed to load the tracker code
- Update for documentation
Version 2.44
- Version update
- Minor text changes
Version 2.43
- Improvements to the user interface
- Visitor tracking engine optimization
- WP Plugin user information update
- Search engine and spam referrer definitions update
- Provisional interface update for v2.42
Version 2.42
- An update for WordPress multisite installation
- Enhancements for the user interface
- IP tracking engine improvements for premium-level subscriptions
- Referrer anti-spam definitions update
Version 2.41
- Visitor IP parsing update
- Proxy servers database update
- Referrer spam engine improvements
- Provisionary WordPress plugin update
- User interface tweaks
- Visitor List report renders speed optimizations
Version 2.40
- Provisionary plugin update
Version 2.39
- Improved performance of real-time report updating for “My Projects” summary page
- Optimized and decreased memory consumption for real-time reporting
- Added minor graphic enhancement for the user interface
- Revised for compatibility with WordPress 5.9
Version 2.38
- Fixed an issue with some hosted WordPress installations not properly utilizing the visitor tracker code
- Improved the performance of the visitor tracking routine for premium accounts
- Updated Computer ID detection algorithms
- Enhanced the notification timing for visitor email notifications
- Updated bot spamming database to prevent excessive log usage by bots
- Applied minor interface optimizations
Version 2.37
- Enhanced visitor email alerts combo notifications
- Improved GEO reporting speeds for large data blocks
- Added new bot definitions for detecting and blocking
- Corrected a minor issue with an undefined variable
- Minor interface improvements
Version 2.36
- New feature! Enhanced visitor email alerts
- Added new sounds to instant visitor alerts
- Implemented computer IDs exporting to a batch file
- Enhanced Computer ID tracking
- Various interface improvements
- Improved spam traffic filtering
- Added new definitions to user agents and bots
- Added new definitions to regional account settings
- Implemented page and link tracker optimizations
Version 2.33
- Improved the loading speed of the project summary report page
- New feature: project order and grouping for My Projects report page
- Implemented instant search for multi-projects summary report
- Added last visitor IP and Country to the project summary report
- Improved IP tracking engine performance for 20+ countries for premium accounts
- Updated spam referrer filters
- Added interface layout modifications
- Fixed an issue with the navigation menu not responding in outdated browsers
Version 2.32
- Reliability updates
- Improvements for WordPress visitor tracker code performance
- Updates for website and blog Geo location services
- Various tracking engine improvements
Version 2.31
- Provisional compatibility update # 0701200421
- Improved console loading speeds
- Improved GEO location algorithms for premium subscriptions
- Improved Computer ID resolution accuracy
Version 2.30
- Revisional vulnerability update # 0522200758
Version 2.29
- Addressed plugin vulnerability routines
Version 2.28
- Updated GEO tracking engine
- Improved visitor control redirect-to function
- Updated definitions for BOT filtering
- Improved interface loading speed
- Verified security and vulnerability routines
Version 2.27
- Improved WP plugin interface responsiveness
- Updated BOTS definition
- Added new GEO location IP data
- Added new GDPR compliance options
- Various interface tweaks
Version 2.26
- Improved the flow of the visitor tracker plugin setup
- Added new features and shortcuts to the WordPress plugin menu
- Added IPv4 & IPv6 status to the WordPress plugin menu
- Updated referrer spam definitions
- Upgraded all TraceMyIP servers to the latest hardware for increased performance
- Upgraded hardware network interfaces to reduce the latency
- Improved Visitor Tracker DNS resolution performance
- Improved IP address resolution accuracy
- Various user interface optimizations
Version 2.25
- Implemented password visibility toggle for authorized user management
- Added new [campaigns] drill down for visitor list
- Fixed an issue where some campaign visitors had an incorrect data aggregation
- Added new spam referrer definitions
- Logic improvements to the visitor tracker engine
- Minor interface adjustments for browser compatibility
- Updated proxy detection algorithms
- Updated WEB SPIDER definitions
- Added TraceMyIP menu items for the WordPress admin panel
- Minor bug correction over v2.24
Version 2.24
- Implemented password visibility toggle for authorized user management
- Added new [campaigns] drill down for visitor list
- Fixed an issue where some campaign visitors had an incorrect data aggregation
- Added new spam referrer definitions
- Logic improvements to the visitor tracker engine
- Minor interface adjustments for browser compatibility
- Updated proxy detection algorithms
- Updated WEB SPIDER definitions
- Added TraceMyIP menu items for the WordPress admin panel
Version 2.23
- Improved the precision of tracking for premium-level subscribers
- Added new search engine definitions and improved SE detection
- Improved spam referrer log filter algorithms
- Corrected an issue with the deletion of some IP tracking tags
- Implemented new methods of tracking changes in IP addresses
- Updated bots and spam referrers definitions
- Improved instant visitor Ip address redirect module
Version 2.22
- Implemented exporting tagged IPs via address book
- Updated proxy detection algorithms
- Added new definitions for bots blocking filters
- Improved bot detection and blocking
- Updated referrer spam filter definitions
- Improved GEO Tracking resolution for premium accounts
- Fixed an intermittent issue with Visitor Redirect Control Tokens
Version 2.21
- Improved WordPress plugin user interface
- Updated BOT definitions
- Improved speed of visitor tracker resolution
Version 2.20
- Implemented a new set of EU GDPR compliance tools
- Improved user interface graphical and responsiveness
- Added new OS and browser configuration detection algorithms
- Improved accuracy of visitor avatar data on GEO maps
- Added the ability to search the range of IP addresses by replacing the last digit of an IP with 0.
- Corrected an issue with reports generated in Excel when some columns were not assigned values
- Improved the RAW Log export layout for .CSV format
Version 2.19
- PHP maintenance provisions
- Updated BOT definitions
- Improved layout/appearance in specific browsers
Version 2.18
- Minor revisions
- Cumulative GEO tracking engine update
Version 2.17
- Resolved an issue with an interface that prevented timely page updates within the WordPress dashboard
- Updated website visitor tracker IP spam referrer blocker list
Version 2.16
- Improved accuracy of referrer keyword detection
- Updated list of spam IPs for auto-filtering
- Fixed a bug that occasionally caused Page Tracker editing issues
Version 2.15
- Improved visitor tracker loading speed
- Optimized reverse DNS host query performance
- Improved TraceMyIP user interface loading times
Version 2.14
- Provisional update to comply with WordPress version 4.7
- Updated IP tracing engine
- Improved account accessibility performance
Version 2.13
- Updated visitor IP tracking engine
- Improved analytics reports rendering speeds
Version 2.12
- Interface facelift rev 9.11
- Corrected issue with TraceMyIP not loading reports properly on SSL-enabled WordPress dashboards
Version 2.11
- Minor reporting interface revisions
Version 2.10
- Verified compatibility with the current WordPress version
Version .09
- Verified compatibility with the current WordPress version
- Updated spam referrer blacklist
- Added new user agent detection definitions
- Conformed to TraceMyIP v9.01
Version 2.08
- Verified compatibility with the current WordPress version
- Conformed to TraceMyIP v9.00
Version 2.07
- Improved performance of Link & Page trackers for redirecting visitors based on a new set of rules.
- Improved GEO targeting precision
- Improved bots/spider detection and filtering
- Conformed to TraceMyIP v8.98
Version 2.06
- Minor interface markup editing
Version 2.05
- Finalized 2.04 to stable
Version 2.04
- Improved browser scaling in embedded reporting
Version 2.03
- Fixed visitor tracker input field bug that affected older Apple Safari browsers
Version 2.02
- Improved browser response time for downloading reports
Version 2.01
- Added SSL auto code compilation
- Improved precision of tracking devices that do not support JavaScript
- Conformed to TraceMyIP v8.94
Version 1.00
- Initial stable release.