Seamlessly convert google spreadsheets, google sheets into captivating data tables just in a few clicks.
Quickly find specific data within your table using the powerful search functionality, making it easy to filter and locate information instantly. -
Organize your table effortlessly by sorting columns in ascending or descending order, providing a clear and structured view of your data. -
Handle large datasets efficiently by dividing your table into manageable pages, improving performance and user experience. -
Google Sheets Integration
Seamlessly sync your table with Google Sheets to update or fetch data, ensuring your content is always current. -
Images support
Enhance your table’s visual appeal by adding and displaying images directly within table cells. -
Links support
Include clickable links in your table for easy navigation to external resources, internal pages, or related content. Just add a URL in a cell.
– WordPress version 6.4 or higher
– PHP version 8.0 or higher
– Browser compatibility: Edge >= 88, Firefox >= 78, Chrome >= 87, Safari >= 13.1
External services
This plugin pulls data via Google Sheets API if you specified API key in the settings, otherwise plugin pulls data via publicly available link you provided.
How can I import my google sheet?
Open your Google Sheets spreadsheet, go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Share with others”. Under “General access” select “Anyone with the link”, then click “Copy link” button. After that go to the LiveSheets plugin, click “ADD TABLE” button, create a name for your table and paste the copied link. Hit “IMPORT” button.
How to place my google sheet on a WordPress page?
Simply copy a shortcode of a selected table and paste it on a desired page.
How to sync data?
On the LiveSheets plugin page click on a row with a desired table. On the right-top corner click dropdown button, then click “Sync Data” menu item. Currently data-sync is available in manual mode only. Auto-sync feature is in development.
Can I add images to table cells?
You can simply paste a URL (it should contain an image extension) to a publicly available image into the desired cell, and the plugin will do the rest.
Can I add links to table cells?
Yes, you can simply paste a link into the desired cell, and the plugin will do the rest.
Can I order / suggest a feature?
Sure, just send a message to the author.
LiveSheets: Google Sheets | Data table | Spreadsheets はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。
- Initial Public Beta Release.