このプラグインは WordPress の最新3回のメジャーリリースに対してテストされていません。もうメンテナンスやサポートがされていないかもしれず、最新バージョンの WordPress で使用した場合は互換性の問題が発生する可能性があります。

fitnessbliss calculators plugin


Plugin for calculating Water intake, BMI calculator, protein Intake for the fitness freaks.
Use on websites:
Dumbbell Exercises
Ejercicios Con Mancuernas
Total Gym Exercises
Improve Physique

  1. Water Intake calculator

    This calculator will ask you about Age, Gender, height, weight,Activity level and weather of your area.
    After calculating the given data, this calculator will show you the exact water intake one should have to take.

    Shortcode : [fitnessbliss-water-intake-calculator]

  2. Protein Intake calculator

    This calculator will ask you about Age, Gender, height, weight,Activity level and you goal.
    After calculating the given data, this calculator will show you the exact protein intake one should have to take.

    Shortcode : [fitnessbliss-protein-intake-calculator]

  3. BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator

    This calculator will ask you about height and weight.
    After calculating the given data, this calculator will show you your BMI value with different classifications according to the BMI.

    Shortcode : [fitnessbliss-bmi-calculator]

  4. BFP (Body Fat Percentage) calculator

    This calculator will ask you to add height,weight and age.
    After calculating the given data, this calculator will show you your BFP value with different classifications according to the BMP.

    Shortcode : [fitnessbliss-bfc-calculator]

  • Every calculator could be used as a widgets in WordPress also.


  • WordPress 6.0.0 or greater.
  • PHP version 5.2.4 or greater.
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater.

Automatic installation

Automatiic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of Fitness Calculator Plugin, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.

In the search field type Fitness Calculator Plugin and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found our Fitness Calculator Plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking “Install Now”.

Manual installation

The manual installation method involves downloading our Fitness Calculator Plugin and uploading it to your webserver.


Automatic updates should work like a charm; as always though, ensure you backup your site just in case.




fitnessbliss calculators plugin はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。


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  • First initial version.