このプラグインは WordPress の最新3回のメジャーリリースに対してテストされていません。もうメンテナンスやサポートがされていないかもしれず、最新バージョンの WordPress で使用した場合は互換性の問題が発生する可能性があります。

Easy Quote


You can easily add an quote functionality to your WordPress website.

The system will let user to choose your service-category/products first. When user select any catetegory/product, then it will show the child items name along with its price.
If user select one or multiple items, it will show total price.

Optionally, you can add any other plugins short-code at the last step. E.g. you can use any form plugin short-code to show up a contact form to collect user data or manual booking.

GitHub Repository:



After Installation, you will find a menu named \”EasyQuote\” in your WordPress admin panel.

  1. First you need to click on the EasyQuote menu
  2. Then you have to create product list with \”Add new model\” that will appear in the front-end.
  3. Along with adding new model, you have to put items name and price, that will appear after the visitor select a model.
  4. You can re-order your product/model list with the menu Reorder Model Lists
  5. You can Add short-code to display form or any other content at the end of the quoting form, from the menu EasyQuote Option Page
  6. You can customize the quoting form first step name with the option First step field name found in the menu page EasyQuote Option Page


Installation Instructions

After Installation, you will find a menu named \”EasyQuote\” in your WordPress admin panel.

  1. First you need to click on the EasyQuote menu
  2. Then you have to create product list with \”Add new model\” that will appear in the front-end.
  3. Along with adding new model, you have to put items name and price, that will appear after the visitor select a model.
  4. You can re-order your product/model list with the menu Reorder Model Lists
  5. You can Add short-code to display form or any other content at the end of the quoting form, from the menu EasyQuote Option Page
  6. You can customize the quoting form first step name with the option First step field name found in the menu page EasyQuote Option Page




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