Acta Chiropterologica, 2023
Cave ecosystems are known for their unique relationships among various species. In this study, we... more Cave ecosystems are known for their unique relationships among various species. In this study, we report an unusual interaction between a bat and a cockroach in the Grutas de Martínez de la Torre cave system in Oaxaca, Mexico. While cave cockroaches are known to feed on bat pups falling down to the ground, and some species of insectivorous bats prey on cockroaches, this interaction was different. A small lesser naked-backed bat (Pteronotus fulvus) was captured with a lesion on its back. This lesion was caused by a cockroach (Nyctantonina azteca) who created a large cavity between the patagium and epidermal epithelium tissue where it
was found. The cockroach showed injuries on its left side, including its tegmina, legs II and III, and antenna. The wounds on both organisms were not recent, indicating that this interaction had been going on for some time. If we had not detected this event, it is likely that this relationship would have persisted until one of them died. The observed interaction is difficult to categorize, however we evaluated two hypotheses; one being predation and the other parasitism. From our analysis of data presented in this paper we found support for an opportunistic case of parasitism, in which N. azteca persisted underneath the wing membrane of P. fulvus. Biotic relationships between bats and cockroaches in cave ecosystems are complex and have the potential for unexpected species interactions.

Contactos. Revista de Educación en Ciencias e Ingeniería, 2024
Los microplásticos (MP) y nanoplásticos (NP) son productos químicos derivados del plástico con ta... more Los microplásticos (MP) y nanoplásticos (NP) son productos químicos derivados del plástico con tamaños de 1 μm - 5 mm y 1 nm - 1 μm, respectivamente, que han sido encontrados en todas las matrices ambientales y que tienen un gran potencial de contaminación. La presente revisión describe los principales impactos de la presencia de MP y NP en los seres vivos. Las fuentes más importantes de generación de estos polímeros se encuentran en artículos de uso y cuidado personal (e.g. cosméticos, botellas de plástico). Mientras que las principales afectaciones en los seres vivos se han registrado a nivel digestivo,
reproductivo e inmunológico. Documentamos que el 87% de los artículos científicos sobre el tema se publicaron entre 2019-2023, principalmente por autores de China, USA e Italia. Se sugiere continuar trabajando
en técnicas para su detección y en el planteamiento de metodologías sólidas para analizar profundamente sus efectos.

Journal of Morphology, 2024
Male genitalia morphology in Myrmeleontidae has traditionally been insufficiently studied, althou... more Male genitalia morphology in Myrmeleontidae has traditionally been insufficiently studied, although it has received increased attention for its diagnostic value in recent times. A neutral terminology has generally been applied in standard taxonomic practice, yet knowledge of an equivalent and stable terminology across taxa based on comparative morphology has been missing. Herein a detailed comparative morphology study with examples from most tribes within Myrmeleontidae, including owlflies (Ascalaphinae), attempts to relate external and internal genital structures
based on a proposed groundplan for Neuroptera and Myrmeleontidae. We contend that a groundplan based on 10 abdominal segments, plus vestigial structures from an 11th segment, coherently depicts structural components across myrmeleontid taxa. A gonarcus, an element of Neuropterida amply referred in Neuroptera, is supported to represent the pair of abdominal appendages of segment X medially fused, with gonocoxite and gonostylus components. In most myrmeleontid taxa, basal (gonocoxites) and distal (gonostyli) components separate, with gonostyli positioned posteriorly with respect to gonocoxites, still united with translucent, lightly sclerotized tissue, forming a more or less conical structure, a proposed synapomorphy for the family. Ninth gonostyli are generally reduced (pulvini) and have migrated close to the base of gonarcus (10th gonocoxites). A pelta, also a potential synapomorphy for Myrmeleontidae, derives from paired setose surfaces of the 10th gonostyli, medially positioned (still evident in Bubopsis). Three structural types of gonarcus are diagnosed for illustrative purposes, as they may represent convergent constructs.

Investigación y Ciencia, 2022
México es un país megadiverso, con gran variabilidad de recursos naturales que satisfacen necesid... more México es un país megadiverso, con gran variabilidad de recursos naturales que satisfacen necesidades para el bienestar humano, donde las artesanías son un importante ejemplo por su valor como patrimonio cultural. En el país se han identificado 22 regiones bioculturales, como el Valle de Tehuacán, reconocida por ser la región semiárida con la biodiversidad más rica de América del Norte. En cada región del país las artesanías forman parte de la tradición cultural y representan un ingreso importante. Según datos del INEGI en 2019 las artesanías contribuyeron con 19.1% del total de ingresos en el sector de la cultura. Sin embargo, en los últimos años la demanda por artesanías producidas con materiales naturales ha aumentado, provocando una mayor explotación de los recursos y/o la modificación del medio ambiente. Se sugiere efectuar estudios de impacto ambiental, así como llevar a cabo prácticas sustentables de los recursos empleados para la elaboración de artesanías.

Therya, 2021
Bats have a great variety of wing morphologies that determines the bat’s flight performance, and ... more Bats have a great variety of wing morphologies that determines the bat’s flight performance, and this in turn conditions the forage aerosphere and the food it can obtain. Several studies have shown differences in wing morphology, flight performance, and forage aerospheres among species from different trophic guilds. However, for species that share a guild this is not entirely clear. It is possible that these species have differences in their diet and show changes in wing morphology that modify their flight performance and forage areas. Determining this will allow a better understanding of spatial segregation among species that share a trophic guild. These studies allow the identification of species assemblages based on wing morphological differences and flight performance that would not be distinguished only by guild membership. Our goal was to define the species assemblages that make up a community of Neotropical cave dwelling bats based on their trophic guild, flight performa...
Predator-prey interactions may have a large impact on the overall properties of an ecosystem. Thi... more Predator-prey interactions may have a large impact on the overall properties of an ecosystem. This paper discusses the importance of predator-prey relationships to maintain balance in an ecosystem; also the effects it may cause the introduction of alien species are exemplified.

Mugil curema is a common species in coastal areas to which is conferred reproductive migrations t... more Mugil curema is a common species in coastal areas to which is conferred reproductive migrations to the open sea with possibilities to spawn in estuarine waters. Previous studies described it as a species complex, which could be explained in terms of reproductive isolation and/or philopatric behavior. In order to test philopatry in M. curema, 10 locations in the Gulf of Mexico, one in the Atlantic Ocean, and three in the Mexican Pacific were sampled. One hundred individuals were analyzed with Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I (COI), 121 with control region, and 380 with microsatellite loci. The mitochondrial results showed two lineages: Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and Mexican Pacific (MP) separated by a genetic distance of 4.5% with COI and 11.7% with control region. However, shared haplotypes were found between oceans, suggesting evidence of an ancestral connection. In addition, genetic structure was found in MP, suggesting the possibility of cryptic lineages. The microsatellite results showed ...

Marine Biology
Cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and microsatellite markers were used to evaluate the genetic structu... more Cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and microsatellite markers were used to evaluate the genetic structure, connectivity, and evolutionary history of white mullet ( Mugil curema ), along locations in the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico (GoM), and Pacific coasts. DNA sequences of 125 COI were obtained and identified as Mugil curema with 100% identification and coverage. COI sequences resulted in the formation of two haplogroups, one in the GoM along with a location in Oaxaca named Huave System (HU), belonging to the Pacific coast, and another one in Mexican Pacific (MP, with exception of the former). The evolutionary history of both haplogroups concur with the closure of the Isthmus of Panama (1.5 My). The MP haplogroup showed a subdivision in a northern group and a southern group, with a separation of 0.4 My that could be the result of a combination of Pleistocene factors and oceanographic changes following the closure of the Isthmus of Panama. Furthermore, microsatellites result also revealed that the GoM/HU haplogroup has larger genetic distances with other samples from the MP than with those of the GoM; this result was confirmed with the individual allocation analysis. The presence of Huave System mullets within the GoM lineage may be due to the confinement of individuals in this locality, that have retained ancestral polymorphisms of the GoM sister lineage, or to a recent connection. The genetic similarity of fish populations in both coasts of Mexico is a completely new report on a species that recently connected the Pacific and Atlantic coasts.

…………………….……………………………………. 2 3. INTRODUCCIÓN ……………..…………………………….……… 4 4. MARCO TEÓRICO …..………………………... more …………………….……………………………………. 2 3. INTRODUCCIÓN ……………..…………………………….……… 4 4. MARCO TEÓRICO …..……………………………………….……… 7 4.1. Filogeografía …..……………………………………….……… 7 4.2. ADN mitocondrial ……………………………..…………….……… 8 4.3. Región control mitocondrial …………………………………… 9 4.4. Citocromo b mitocondrial …………………………………………… 4.5. Teoría de Coalescencia …………………………………………… 4.6. Métodos de Análisis …………………………………………… 4.6.1. Genética de Poblaciones …………………………………… 4.6.2. Estructura poblacional …………………………………… 4.6.3. Índices de diversidad genética …………………………… 4.6.4. Prueba de Mantel …………………………………………… 4.6.5. Relaciones filogenéticas …………………………………… Cladogramas …………………………………………… 4.6.6. Redes haplotípicas …………………………………………… 4.6.7. Método de parsimonia estadística …………………………… 4.6.8. Análisis filogeográficos …………………………………… Análisis de clados anidados …………………………… Crítica al NCA …………………………………………… Historia Demográfica …………………………………… Filogeografía de Pteronotus davyi en México II Distribución mismatch ………………………… Theta (S) ………………………………………… Prueba de Tajima ………………………………… 4.6.9. Análisis de bootstrap paramétrico …………………………… S de Slatkin y Maddison ……………..…………… 5. ANTECEDENTES …………………………………………………… 5.1. Familia Mormoopidae …………………………………………… 5.2. Clasificación …………………………………………………… 5.3. Relaciones filogenéticas …………………………………………… 5.4. Origen ………………...………………………………………… 5.5. Análisis filogeográficos …………………………………………… 5.6. Especie de estudio: Pteronotus davyi …………………………… 5.6.1. Taxonomía y distribución …………………………………… 5.6.2. Diagnosis …………………………………………………… 5.6.3. Hábitat …………………………………………………………… 5.6.4. Ecología …………………………………………………… 5.6.5. Reproducción …………………………………………………… 6. JUSTIFICACIÓN…………………………………………………………… 7. OBJETIVOS …………………………………………………………… 7.1. Objetivo general …………………………………………………… 7.2. Objetivos específicos …………………………………………… 8. HIPÓTESIS ………………...………………………………………… Filogeografía de Pteronotus davyi en México III 9. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS …………………………………………… 9.1. Trabajo de campo …………………………………………………… 9.2. Trabajo de Laboratorio …………………………………………… 9.2.1. Extracción de ADN total …………………………………… 9.2.2. Amplificación vía PCR …………………………………… Citocromo b …………………………………………… Diseño de cebadores para la región control …… Región control …………………………………………… 9.2.3. Purificación y cuantificación de productos amplificados……. 9.2.4. Obtención de secuencias nucleotídicas …………………… 9.3. Trabajo de Gabinete …………………………………………… 9.3.1. Edición y alineamiento de secuencias …………………… 9.3.2. Análisis de estructura genética de poblaciones …………… 9.3.3. Análisis de expansión del intervalo geográfico …………… 9.3.4. Análisis filogenéticos …………………………………………... 9.3.5. Asociación entre distancias genéticas vs. distancias Filogeografía de Pteronotus davyi en México VI LISTA DE FIGURAS FIGURA PÁGINA Estructura general de la región control de mamíferos …………… 2 Estructura general del gen citocromo b …………………………… 3 Árbol filogenético de mormoópidos propuesto por Smith (1972).. 4 Cladograma compuesto" propuesto por Arnold et al. (1982) …… 5 Cladograma de especies de Pteronotus y Mormoops propuesto por Lewis-Oritt (2001) …………………………………… 6 Imagen de Pteronotus davyi …………………………………… 7 Distribución de las tres subespecies de P. davyi …………… 8 Mapa indicando las localidades de muestreo de P. davyi …… 9 Esquema general de la región amplificada del gen citocromo b… 10 Esquema del fragmento amplificado de la región control …… 11 Caracterización de los árboles poblacionales representando los modelos usados en las simulaciones coalescentes …… 12 Regiones secuenciadas del gen mitocondrial citocromo b …….. 13 Ubicación y frecuencia haplotípica de la región control del ADNmt de las poblaciones estudiadas de P. davyi ……………….. 14 Distribución mismatch de todos los haplotipos de P. davyi ……. 15 Distribución mismatch de los haplotipos del sureste de Pteronotus davyi …………………………………………………… 16 Distribución mismatch de los haplotipos del pacífico-golfo de Pteronotus davyi ………………………………………………………………...… Filogeografía de Pteronotus davyi en México VII FIGURA PÁGINA Cladograma consenso de 67 haplotipos de P. davyi a partir de MV utilizando a P. parnellii como grupo externo ……………. 18 Cladograma consenso de 67 haplotipos de P. davyi a partir de un análisis Bayesiano con P. parnellii como grupo externo ……. 19 Árbol neighbor-joining de los 105 individuos secuenciados de P. davyi. ………………………………………………………….... 20 Relación entre distancias geográfica y distancias genéticas entre todas las poblaciones de P. davyi.……………………………. 21 Red haplotípica de 67 haplotipos P.davyi de la región control mitocondrial …………………………………………………………… 22 Diseño de clados anidados de los haplotipos de la región control de P. davyi …………………………………………………… 23 Resumen de los resultados del NCA para los haplotipos de P. davyi …………………………………………………………… 24 Distribución mismatch de los haplotipos del clado 3-7 del NCA … 25 Distribución del estadístico de Slatkin y Maddison (1989) ……… 26 Posibles refugios pleistocénicos y rutas de expansión y diversificación utilizados por Pteronotus davyi …………………… 27 Correlación lineal entre la latitud y la diversidad nucleotídica de las poblaciones de la región del pacífico ……………………… 28 Correlación lineal entre la latitud y la diversidad nucleotídica de las poblaciones de la región del golfo ….……………………… 29 Propuesta de ESU's y MU's para Pteronotus davyi en México.…

Biodiversity and Conservation, 2021
The phantom vampire, Vampyrum spectrum (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae), is the largest South America... more The phantom vampire, Vampyrum spectrum (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae), is the largest South American flying mammal classified as threatened by the IUCN. Despite the broad distribution of this species across South America, its low population density and the spatial isolation of its populations may compromise its response to the expected climate change. Using species distribution models, we increased our knowledge of the historical, current, and future spatial distribution patterns of this species. Considering past [last glacial maximum (LGM) and middle Holocene], current, and future climatic scenarios for the South American extent, we used MaxEnt, random forest (RF), and support vector machine methods to model the distribution of V. spectrum over time and identify/quantify climatically stable areas. We observed that our models achieved good performances for all algorithms, especially for RF. The spatial distribution patterns obtained from the models made it possible to identify areas where V. spectrum was more stable over time. From the LGM to the current and future scenarios, the overall balance is the loss of areas in the species distribution range. By using multitemporal analyses, we may be able to identify repeated historical patterns where some conservation areas may be effective in the future if the spatial patterns of distribution are similar to past distributions. Our work contributes to increasing the knowledge of the spatial distribution of the species, providing support for practical management and conservation plans while also showing the importance of predicting historical spatial patterns and considering their spatial trends.

Therya, 2021
The number of ethological studies based on Mexican mammals have increased in recent years compare... more The number of ethological studies based on Mexican mammals have increased in recent years compared to those from other Latin American countries. This study conducts an analytical review of the literature on ethological studies of native Mexican mammals. Specialized publications and electronic bibliographic databases were thoroughly searched to identify ethological studies of Mexican mammals published in scientific journals between 1900 and 2018. Information on the collection locality, state, first author nationality, country of origin of the journal, and taxa studied were recorded for each article. The articles were then classified into the 12 major ethological fields, and their data were grouped and summarized in five-year periods, and a map showing the geographic distribution of the studied localities was built using QGIS. A total of 160 studies were identified; three distinct periods could be recognized: the first (1900 to 1953) with a lack of publications, the second (1954 ...

Therya, 2021
The Big Naked-backed Bat, Pteronotus gymnonotus, is one of the 15 species currently recognized of... more The Big Naked-backed Bat, Pteronotus gymnonotus, is one of the 15 species currently recognized of this genus, with relatively few specimens in scientific collections, besides being poorly studied. It has a geographical distribution spanning from México through Central America and reaching Perú and Brazil, in which it occupies a variety of habitats from desert to tropical forests below 400 meters above sea level. Here, we report the records that demonstrate its presence, and data about its natural history in southeastern México, the northernmost part of its geographic distribution range. Between June 2002 and July 2018, we captured specimens in 44 bat roosts located in southeastern México, including the Parque Estatal Agua Blanca, Macuspana, Tabasco; Grutas de Martínez de la Torre, Matías Romero Avendaño, Oaxaca; and in Cueva de Villa Luz, Tapijulapa, Tabasco. In the three locations mentioned, we recorded the occurrence of P. gymnonotus individuals, whose taxonomic identificat...

Investigación y Ciencia de la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, 2017
La familia Felidae, representada por 37 especies, presenta alta diversidad de patrones en su pela... more La familia Felidae, representada por 37 especies, presenta alta diversidad de patrones en su pelaje: liso, rosetas, rayas o manchas. En este trabajo se abordan diferentes aspectos de la evolución, función y variaciones en los patrones del pelaje de los felinos. La teoría más aceptada de la coloración de su pelaje asume que el patrón ancestral es un pelaje manchado. Actualmente, estos patrones se distribuyen en 22 especies con manchas, dos con rayas horizontales, dos con rayas verticales y seis presentan coloración uniforme. También presentan tonalidades atípicas como el melanismo (exceso de melanina) caracterizado por un pelaje obscuro –carácter benéfico– y el albinismo y leucismo (deficiencia de melanina) donde presentan una coloración blanca –carácter perjudicial–. Estas variaciones en el color y en los patrones del pelaje están estimuladas por la diversidad del hábitat y comportamiento, que tienen un papel importante enla comunicación, camuflaje y funciones fisiológicas de los fe...

Diversity, 2021
Two sibling bare-backed bat species (Pteronotus fulvus and P. gymnonotus) have been traditionally... more Two sibling bare-backed bat species (Pteronotus fulvus and P. gymnonotus) have been traditionally differentiated by their size. However, intermediate specimens between the two species have been found in sympatric populations along southern Mexico and it has been suggested that they may be the outcome of a hybridization process between the two species. We used one mitochondrial (COI), three nuclear markers (PRKCL, STAT5A and RAG2) and 13 microsatellites to explore the evolutionary relationships between these two species and elucidate whether the intermediate morphotypes correspond to hybrid individuals. These markers have been analyzed in sympatric and allopatric populations of the two species plus the closely related species Pteronotus davyi. We confirmed the species-level differentiation of the three lineages (P. fulvus, P. davyi and P. gymnonotus), but the phylogenetic hypotheses suggested by the nuclear and mitochondrial markers were discordant. We confirm that the discordance be...

Therya, 2019
Due to the potential of bats to travel long distances, the great diversity of habitats in which t... more Due to the potential of bats to travel long distances, the great diversity of habitats in which they are found, and their biological peculiarities, bats typically have been excluded in biogeographic analyses. However, like other mammals, bats show common distributional patterns strongly influenced by their biotic and abiotic interactions, aspects that have been poorly analyzed mainly due to technical and methodological limitations. Such occurrence data are limited to a subset of a species' range, the scale of occurrence records, characteristics of the life history (e. g., territory size, vagility) of the taxa being studied, and issues of environmental variable selection and, therefore, the modeling methods and the evaluation of them. In this work, the objectives were to: 1) Evaluate the spatial variation in bat richness in Mexico, both for the order as a whole and at the family taxonomic level. 2) Quantify overlapping species occurrences and corresponding richness values in order to statistically model and generate bat richness maps at different taxonomic levels. 3) Explore the relationship of bat richness with environmental factors and with the biogeographic regions proposed for Mexico. 4) Identify areas of interest with high richness. The information available on the Global Biodiversity Information Facility database for bat species with distribution in Mexico was downloaded, and clearly erroneous records deleted. Using the Kriging Ordinary utility (KO), inside the QGIS software, a geostatistical analysis interpolation data was used to determine patterns of richness. The relationship of bat richness to climate, vegetation, and the biotic provinces proposed for Mexico was also explored. Spatial variation in richness was evaluated at the taxonomic levels of order and family. Based on this determination, areas of interest were identified for their high richness. When considering all species of bats the highest diversity is in the central part of the West, the Northeast zone and on both sides of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. However, there are differences present at the family level. Deciduous tropical forest vegetation type presents high bat richness, followed by pine-oak forest and evergreen tropical forest. Temperate sub-humid, warm sub-humid and warm-humid climate types correspond to the highest bat richness of both order and family. Collection localities are not uniformly distributed over the country, most of them being concentrated in the west, east and south of the country, while there are very few records in the north and central plateau, and this is reflected in the richness concentration per cell (values from 0 to 52 species per cell). Protection of the four areas with an overall high concentration of bat richness detected in this analysis should be a priority during the development of conservation strategies. Debido a su amplia capacidad de desplazamiento, la gran diversidad de hábitats en los que se les encuentra y a sus peculiaridades biológicas, los murciélagos han sido excluidos o marginados en muchos análisis biogeográficos. No obstante, se puede esperar que presenten patrones comunes que caractericen su distribución y que exista una regionalización fuertemente influenciada por sus interacciones bióticas y abióticas, aspectos que han sido poco abordados, principalmente por limitaciones técnicas y metodológicas. En este trabajo los objetivos fueron: 1) Evaluar la variación espacial de la riqueza de murciélagos en México, tanto a nivel general como a nivel de familias. 2) cuantificar las ocurrencias de especies superpuestas y los valores de riqueza correspondientes con el fin de modelar estadísticamente y generar mapas de riqueza de murciélagos a diferentes niveles taxonómicos. 3) Explorar la relación de la riqueza de murciélagos con diferentes factores ambientales y con las regiones biogeográficas propuestas para México. 4) Identificar áreas de interés con alta diversidad. La información disponible en la base de datos Global Biodiversity Information Facility para las especies de murciélagos con distribución en México fue depurada, y mediante la utilería de "kriging ordinario (KO)", del programa QGIS, se sometió a un análisis geoestadístico de interpolación de datos para determinar sus patrones de riqueza y la generación de mapas que resaltan este aspecto. La variación espacial de riqueza se evaluó en los niveles taxonómicos de orden y familia. Las áreas con mayor riqueza para la totalidad de especies de murciélagos se localizan en la parte central del Occidente, la zona Nororiental y a ambos lados del Istmo de Tehuantepec. Sin embargo, hay diferencias a nivel de familia. El tipo de vegetación de bosque tropical caducifolio presenta una gran riqueza de murciélagos, seguido del bosque de pino y encino y el bosque tropical perennifolio. Los climas templado subhúmedo, cálido subhúmedo y cálido húmedo corresponden a la mayor riqueza de murciélagos. Los registros de las localidades colectadas no se encuentran distribuidas de manera uniforme en el país, la mayoría de ellas están concentradas en el oeste, este y sur del país, mientras que hay muy pocos registros en la meseta norte y central, sesgo que se refleja en la concentración de riqueza por celda (valores de 0 a 52 especies por celda). La protección de las cuatro áreas con una alta concentración general de la riqueza de murciélagos detectada en este análisis debe ser una prioridad durante el desarrollo de las estrategias de conservación.

Marine Biology, 2019
Mugil cephalus generally inhabits coastal areas and migrates to the open sea to reproduce. Based ... more Mugil cephalus generally inhabits coastal areas and migrates to the open sea to reproduce. Based on tagging studies, it has been suggested that this species could present philopatric behavior, which would be reflected in the genetic structure. To test philopatry in M. cephalus, 11 locations in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and three in the Mexican Pacific (MP) were sampled. 151 and 177 specimens were analyzed using mtDNA, COI and control region, respectively. Ten microsatellite loci were examined in a total of 311 individuals. COI results showed that GOM and MP do not share haplotypes. Each littoral represents a distinct genetic group with a genetic distance of 5.4%. However, historical genetic flow was found between these two regions, which could represent a remnant of the connection at the Isthmus of Panama or due to the interconnection of rivers during the Pleistocene on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. The GOM presented panmixia (FST = 0.001 COI, 0.023 control region, and 0.039 microsatellites), and the high gene flow between locations (Nm > 139) could lead to the underestimation of the markers of philopatric behavior. The MP also presented panmixia using COI (FST = 0); however, it showed two genetic groups (north and south) using microsatellites in both sexes (FST = 0.176 ♂ and 0.144 ♀). Given the evidence that the Tehuanos winds can produce a barrier between the locations of the MP, particularly during the spawning season, it is possible that genetic structure is the result of this barrier rather than philopatry.

Acta Chiropterologica, 2018
Wagner's mustached bat (Pteronotus personatus) is an insectivorous bat distributed throughout Ame... more Wagner's mustached bat (Pteronotus personatus) is an insectivorous bat distributed throughout America from Mexico to Brazil, which inhabits a range of habitats from rain forests to dry deciduous forests. There are two currently recognized species within the P. personatus complex, for which we examined 235 cytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequences and 138 cytochrome b (Cytb) sequences in order to explore its genetic variation in Mexico as well as in Central and South America. Our results reveal considerable differences in the genetic structure inside this species complex, indicating five genetic lineages: 1) Gulf of Mexico and the Mexican Pacific coastal plain to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, 2) Southeastern Mexico, 3) Guatemala, 4) Guyana and Suriname-COI/Guyana and Venezuela-Cytb, and 5) Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and Brazil. In addition, we used the isolation-with-migration coalescent method to estimate divergence times. The results indicate that vicariant events occurred roughly 1,624,000-2,450,000 years ago during the Early Pleistocene, wherein Central America was the center of two separate diversification processes, one toward Mexico and the other South America. The intraspecific lineages obtained for P. personatus demonstrate the need to reevaluate the species complex limits of this taxon.

THERYA, 2019
Tapirella bairdii participates in the dynamics of tropical forests through herbivory and seed dis... more Tapirella bairdii participates in the dynamics of tropical forests through herbivory and seed dispersal. The objective of the present study was to review and analyze the literature published on T. bairdii in México between 1865 and 2018 aiming to identify information gaps and advances in knowledge and propose future research perspectives. The literature references on T. bairdii in México published in periodic scientific journals between 1865 (year of description of the species) and 2018 were organized in the software Endnote Plus. Articles were arranged into 5-year periods to identify publication trends. Articles were grouped according to 1) the 11 main topics, 2) the Mexican state where the study was carried out, 3) country of origin (national or foreign) of the first author, and 4) country of origin of the journal (national or foreign). A total of 136 published articles were recorded, more than eighty-eight percent between 1995 and 2018. Eighty-one percent of studies were carried out by Mexican researchers. These articles were published in 43 foreign and 11 national journals. Seventy-three percent of the studies were carried out in Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Campeche. A total of 233 records of occurrence of T. bairdii in México have been documented. The topics most frequently addressed include ecology, taxonomy and phylogeny, and distribution. No research has been published on physiology and ethology. The most productive years of research (1995-2018) can be explained by the increase in the number of Mexican researchers, with more funds allocated to research projects, information dissemination about the tapir, and the greater economic, scientific, and technological developments in different areas. The participation of national researchers is highlighted, with most articles published in foreign journals. The compilation of published information highlights the need to continue preserving Natural Protected Areas (NPAs), the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor, and unprotected regions that are home to tapir populations. Also, the connectivity between tapir populations should be improved, and the availability of tapir habitats in the country should be warranted. Research is needed to cover information gaps on basic aspects of the biology of the species, including physiology, ethology, diseases and parasitism, genetics, anatomy, reproduction, and evolutionary history, among others. Our findings reveal that no research on the physiology and ethology of tapirs has been conducted. Finally, the formation of a collaborative network to define and prioritize efforts and set guidelines is a priority. Tapirella bairdii participa en la dinámica de los bosques tropicales al realizar procesos de herbivoría y dispersión de semillas. La finalidad de este trabajo fue revisar y analizar la bibliografía publicada entre 1865 y 2018 sobre T. bairdii en México para identificar los avances y sesgos en su conocimiento, y proponer perspectivas de investigación hacia el futuro. La bibliografía sobre T. bairdii en México publicada en revistas científicas entre 1865 (año de la descripción de la especie) y 2018 se organizó en el programa Endnote Plus. Se elaboraron archivos por lustros para identificar tendencias en la producción. Los trabajos se agruparon de acuerdo a: 1) 11 temas principales, 2) las entidades federativas donde se desarrolló el estudio, 3) el país de origen (nacional o extranjero) del primer autor, y 4) el origen de la revista (nacional o extranjera). Se registraron 136 publicaciones, con más del 88 % entre 1995-2018. El 81.6 % se realizaron por autores mexicanos. Se publicaron en 43 revistas extranjeras y 11 nacionales. El 73 % de los trabajos se desarrollaron en Chiapas, Oaxaca y Campeche. Se cuantificaron 233 registros de ocurrencia de T. bairdii en México. Los temas más abordados fueron sobre ecología, taxonomía y filogenia, y distribución. Hay nula investigación sobre fisiología y etología. Los años más productivos (1995-2018) pueden ser explicados por un incremento de investigadores mexicanos, del financiamiento de proyectos de investigación, de la divulgación sobre el tapir y por un mayor desarrollo económico, científico y tecnológico. Resalta la participación de investigadores nacionales con la mayoría de las publicaciones en revistas de origen foráneo. La síntesis de información indicó que es necesario continuar con la protección de las Áreas Naturales Protegidas (NPAs), del Corredor Biológico Mesoamericano, y de las regiones no protegidas que alberguen poblaciones del tapir; también se debe mejorar la conectividad entre ellas, para garantizar la disponibilidad de sus hábitats en el país. Se requieren incrementar los estudios sobre enfermedades y parasitismo y cubrir huecos de información sobre aspectos básicos de la biología de la especie como la fisiología, genética, anatomía, reproducción, historia evolutiva, entre otros. Se deben iniciar esfuerzos para estudiar la fisiología y la etología donde hay nula investigación. Finalmente, es prioritaria la formación de una red de colaboración para definir, priorizar esfuerzos y plantear directrices.

Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 2015
In Chihuahuan Desert arid zone, particularly the states of Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi, Mexico,... more In Chihuahuan Desert arid zone, particularly the states of Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi, Mexico, have been distinguished by its large mining activity, however, many of these mines are disuse, becoming potential refuges for various species of cave bats. Monitoring the potential roosts by Corynorhinus townsendii was made within the system of mines in the vicinity of the Sierra La Mojonera Flora and Fauna Protection Area, at Mexico's Central Highlands in the states of Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi. Which consisted of visual inspection inside, and mist netting at the entrance of different mines during an annual cycle. The main reproductive roosts for C. townsendii were identified. Spermatogenesis takes place during May-September; the mating period in November-December, whereas the sequence of gestation-lactation occurred since March to August of the next year. These data confirm that C. townsendii in the area of study follow a seasonally monoestrous reproductive pattern, characterized by an asynchrony between the ovarian and spermatogenic cycles.
was found. The cockroach showed injuries on its left side, including its tegmina, legs II and III, and antenna. The wounds on both organisms were not recent, indicating that this interaction had been going on for some time. If we had not detected this event, it is likely that this relationship would have persisted until one of them died. The observed interaction is difficult to categorize, however we evaluated two hypotheses; one being predation and the other parasitism. From our analysis of data presented in this paper we found support for an opportunistic case of parasitism, in which N. azteca persisted underneath the wing membrane of P. fulvus. Biotic relationships between bats and cockroaches in cave ecosystems are complex and have the potential for unexpected species interactions.
reproductivo e inmunológico. Documentamos que el 87% de los artículos científicos sobre el tema se publicaron entre 2019-2023, principalmente por autores de China, USA e Italia. Se sugiere continuar trabajando
en técnicas para su detección y en el planteamiento de metodologías sólidas para analizar profundamente sus efectos.
based on a proposed groundplan for Neuroptera and Myrmeleontidae. We contend that a groundplan based on 10 abdominal segments, plus vestigial structures from an 11th segment, coherently depicts structural components across myrmeleontid taxa. A gonarcus, an element of Neuropterida amply referred in Neuroptera, is supported to represent the pair of abdominal appendages of segment X medially fused, with gonocoxite and gonostylus components. In most myrmeleontid taxa, basal (gonocoxites) and distal (gonostyli) components separate, with gonostyli positioned posteriorly with respect to gonocoxites, still united with translucent, lightly sclerotized tissue, forming a more or less conical structure, a proposed synapomorphy for the family. Ninth gonostyli are generally reduced (pulvini) and have migrated close to the base of gonarcus (10th gonocoxites). A pelta, also a potential synapomorphy for Myrmeleontidae, derives from paired setose surfaces of the 10th gonostyli, medially positioned (still evident in Bubopsis). Three structural types of gonarcus are diagnosed for illustrative purposes, as they may represent convergent constructs.
was found. The cockroach showed injuries on its left side, including its tegmina, legs II and III, and antenna. The wounds on both organisms were not recent, indicating that this interaction had been going on for some time. If we had not detected this event, it is likely that this relationship would have persisted until one of them died. The observed interaction is difficult to categorize, however we evaluated two hypotheses; one being predation and the other parasitism. From our analysis of data presented in this paper we found support for an opportunistic case of parasitism, in which N. azteca persisted underneath the wing membrane of P. fulvus. Biotic relationships between bats and cockroaches in cave ecosystems are complex and have the potential for unexpected species interactions.
reproductivo e inmunológico. Documentamos que el 87% de los artículos científicos sobre el tema se publicaron entre 2019-2023, principalmente por autores de China, USA e Italia. Se sugiere continuar trabajando
en técnicas para su detección y en el planteamiento de metodologías sólidas para analizar profundamente sus efectos.
based on a proposed groundplan for Neuroptera and Myrmeleontidae. We contend that a groundplan based on 10 abdominal segments, plus vestigial structures from an 11th segment, coherently depicts structural components across myrmeleontid taxa. A gonarcus, an element of Neuropterida amply referred in Neuroptera, is supported to represent the pair of abdominal appendages of segment X medially fused, with gonocoxite and gonostylus components. In most myrmeleontid taxa, basal (gonocoxites) and distal (gonostyli) components separate, with gonostyli positioned posteriorly with respect to gonocoxites, still united with translucent, lightly sclerotized tissue, forming a more or less conical structure, a proposed synapomorphy for the family. Ninth gonostyli are generally reduced (pulvini) and have migrated close to the base of gonarcus (10th gonocoxites). A pelta, also a potential synapomorphy for Myrmeleontidae, derives from paired setose surfaces of the 10th gonostyli, medially positioned (still evident in Bubopsis). Three structural types of gonarcus are diagnosed for illustrative purposes, as they may represent convergent constructs.