Papers by Onder Erkarslan

International Journal of Maritime Engineering
The study aims to contribute to the literature by comprehensively discussing the importance of de... more The study aims to contribute to the literature by comprehensively discussing the importance of design methods to the company's competence in the commercial world and the importance of integrating design into the product development process in the early stages. The driver environment on today's boats is not ergonomically designed and this project aimed to design a new driver environment with improved ergonomics, user experience and aesthetically compelling for the market. The project was conducted with a user-centred design methodology, meaning that all team members were involved throughout the product development process to create design value for users with new solutions that meet their needs. The result is a new console, seating unit and hardtop design that takes into account the importance of ergonomics, user experience and manufacturability. These elements have not only integrated all the equipment in a user-friendly way, but also with easy maintenance and manufacturing ...

International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 2022
Herein, the importance of design methods for a company’s competence in the commercial world and t... more Herein, the importance of design methods for a company’s competence in the commercial world and the importance of
integrating design into the product development process in the initial stages are discussed. Notably, driver environments
on current boats are not ergonomically designed. Hence, this study aimed at designing a new driver environment with
improved ergonomics and user experience that is aesthetically compelling to the market. This study is based on a usercentred design approach, which implies that all team members participate throughout the product development process to
create design value for users by crafting innovative solutions that satisfy their requirements. Consequently, a new console,
seating unit, and hardtop design that consider the importance of ergonomics, user experience, and manufacturability are
developed. These elements are not only integrated in a user-friendly manner but also provide improved maintainability
and productibility.

Design and technology education : an international journal, Jun 30, 2021
The aim of this research is to design a system that will raise awareness among vocational educati... more The aim of this research is to design a system that will raise awareness among vocational education students about occupational health and safety and the integration of Augmented Reality (AR) systems into the application/concept. Simply, projected on the work force surface, the AR system warns the students as they perform actions that pose a risk, need caution and may result in accidents. Therefore, by repetitive warnings, students learn the faultiness of actions in a faster pace and develop and insightful awareness. The research involves a literature review and two experiments studies in Çınarlı Vocational and Technical High School (CVHS) with high school and Dokuz Eylül University Mechanical Engineering (DEU ME) students. A system is designed according to the findings from these studies. As a result, students learnt to be more cautious, and the number of mistakes they make decreased. This will result in decrease in the number of occupational accidents, deaths and financial loss. The project presents an innovative method applicable both to the industry and the training a qualified work force.

Quality Function deployment (QFD) is a useful method for optimizing products which can be applied... more Quality Function deployment (QFD) is a useful method for optimizing products which can be applied during the design process as well as in the postproduction process for further developments and revisions. This paper aims at examining the applicability of QFD and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to incorporate customer expectations and design quality into the product through a case study on a ceramic washbasin (1). In the first phase of the study customer needs and satisfaction are surveyed based on the current product design. This data is then merged with a Voice of Engineer (VOE) chart where technical attributes and features corresponding to the items in the Voice of Customer (VOC) are listed. By using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the customer needs as well as technical attributes are quantified and prioritized. Quality characteristics are then obtained by the calculation of customer weights according to the level of importance, which were then transformed into measurable technical attributes in the House of Quality (HOQ). Interrelations among customer requirements, technical attributes and planning blocks were put in a matrix in order to get precise evaluations. The findings of this study demonstrate that the application of QFD at an earlier period in the design phase can help to efficiently implement design remediation.

BİR YENİDEN TASARIM PROJESİ: BİR DIŞ MEKAN FİTNESS ALETİ TASARIMININ KULLANICILARININ ANTROPOMETR... more BİR YENİDEN TASARIM PROJESİ: BİR DIŞ MEKAN FİTNESS ALETİ TASARIMININ KULLANICILARININ ANTROPOMETRİK VE BİYOMEKANİK VERİLERİNE UYGUN OLARAK DÜZELTİLMESİ Anahtar Kelimeler Öz Ergonomi, Antropometri, Biyomekanik, Dış mekan fitness aleti, Endüstriyel tasarım, Kullanıcı odaklı Tasarım, Düz çizgi mekanizmaları Bu çalışmanın amacı dış mekan fitness aleti kullanıcılarının antropometrik ölçülerinin belirlenerek, hali halızırda kullanımda olan bir dış mekan fitness aletinin kullanıcılara uygun olarak yeniden tasarlanmasıdır. Çalışmaya, Eskişehir ilinde ikamet eden 100(50 kadın ve 50 erkek) dış mekan fitness aleti kullanıcısı gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Katılımcıların yaşı 18 79 arasında olup, yaş ortalamaları 31’dir (SD: 1,15277). Çalışmada boy, omuz yüksekliği, kol yana uzanım mesafesi, yumruk yüksekliği, ön kol uzunluğu, üst kol uzunluğu, omuz-parmak ucu uzunluğu, diz yüksekliği, aşık kemiği yüksekliği ve el uzunluğu ölçüleri toplanmıştır. Toplanan ölçüler, herhangi bir antropometrik uyumsu...

International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 2011
Although the term ''industrial designer'' is a well known title, the understanding of industrial ... more Although the term ''industrial designer'' is a well known title, the understanding of industrial design as a profession is still unclear, as evidenced by its application in the sector. In light of this, schools of industrial design should, despite the immense contributions to the sector made by their past graduates, continuously revise their curricula and review their deficiencies to provide a better correlation between their graduates and the needs of the industry. The aim of this study is to ascertain the role of the industrial designer from the perspective of industry by analyzing the specifications stated in job adverts for the recruitment of industrial designers. This study was conducted in three phases. In the first phase, an in-depth literature review was completed. The second phase was dedicated to the identification of the industrial designer in terms of education institutions, and to realize this, the curricula and course contents of industrial design undergraduate programs selected from ten universities in Turkey were analyzed. The third phase was directed towards identifying the profile of the industrial designer from the perspective of industry. Thus, the analyses were made through an investigation of the job opportunities available in the industrial design profession announced in seven major job search websites during the last 4 months of 2009. The results of this study are crucial for all parties involved as they help to satisfy the recruitment expectations of industrial design education, the industry, and the graduates.
Mitos Üyeleri. Türkçe Türkçe. English English; Türkçe. Üye Paneli. Üye Giriş Formu Kullanıcı Adı.... more Mitos Üyeleri. Türkçe Türkçe. English English; Türkçe. Üye Paneli. Üye Giriş Formu Kullanıcı Adı. Şifre. registration Kayıt Ol reset password Şifre Yenile. merkez Mitos Ulusal Açık Erişim Sistemi.

The International Journal of Design Management and Professional Practice, 2019
Abstract: This study explores and analyzes recent design-driven innovation (DDI) practices in the... more Abstract: This study explores and analyzes recent design-driven innovation (DDI) practices in the furniture industries in Turkey and Sweden. The study was conducted in three phases: an in-depth literature review; the identification and selection of furniture companies; and analysis of the selected companies based on the strategic, operational, marketentry and organizational dimensions. We used case-study methods and conducted semi-structured interviews with designers and design managers of leading furniture companies from Turkey (Nurus, Ersa, Burotime, and Tuna Ofis) and Sweden (Offecct and Skandiform). Through cross-case analysis of national outcomes, we propose additional drivers to DDI theory, such as product segmentation, activity research, culture research and concept/designer research. The results of this study are crucial for all parties involved, as they suggest ways to achieve incremental and radical design-driven innovations. Keywords: Design-Driven Innovation, Design Management, Innovation Strategies, Exploratory Approach, Turkish and Swedish Furniture Firms

Ergonomi, 2019
Ergonomics Anthropometry Classroom furniture Industrial design Mismatch The aim of the research i... more Ergonomics Anthropometry Classroom furniture Industrial design Mismatch The aim of the research is to determine the anthropometric measures of school children aged 12-13, who live in Izmir, Turkey, in order to propose anthropometrically appropriate school furniture (desk and chair), and to compare findings with the available classroom furniture produced according to Standards of Classroom Furniture, published by Republic of Turkey General Directorate of Primary Education to determine potential mismatches. A total twelve anthropometric data were collected by convenience sampling from 393 (207 male and 186 female) students. The data was analysed with the aid of the SPSS v13 software on a desktop computer. Descriptive statistics for each anthropometric dimension are given as mean, standard deviation and 5th and 95th percentile values for male and female in mm. The obtained anthropometric data used for calculating classroom furniture dimensions, sitting height, seat depth, seat width, backrest height and desk height. Mismatches were found when the findings were compared with the Standards of Classroom Furniture, published by Republic of Turkey General Directorate of Primary Education and the dimensions of primary school classroom furniture supplied by DMO.

University-industry collaboration (UIC) provides not only effective training for students but als... more University-industry collaboration (UIC) provides not only effective training for students but also knowledge production in universities for industry to contribute to the economy (Bektaş & Tayauova, 2013). The paper proposes to analyse reasons for deficiencies in UIC with a comparative analysis of the curriculum of the industrial design (ID) department of Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) and Linnaeus University (LNU), and taking feedback from industry. As a comparative analysis of curriculum, ID programmes in IZTECH and LNU were examined to understand differences and similarities. To develop UIC for IZTECH, LNU was accepted as an example, and then the two institutions were compared according to each curriculum. For comparison of ID courses, the taxonomy method in the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) Handbook 2014-2015 was used. There are three categories for design courses, which are professional design practice (PDP), design studies (DS), and design th...

Design and technology education : an international journal, 2010
This research focused on the masters degree programme in industrial design (ID), which is researc... more This research focused on the masters degree programme in industrial design (ID), which is research and practice oriented in the light of current themes and design principles. It argued that a masters degree in industrial design would help graduates specialise in the related field and improve their skills. Therefore, institutional and academic structures of the seven programmes offering masters degrees’ in ID in Turkey were analysed in this study. In addition to this, two survey studies were carried out among the teaching staff in order to find out the current status of the programmes in terms of their strengths and weaknesses. As a result of the field study, problems concerning the academic staff of masters programmes came into prominence as the most important weaknesses despite positive progress witnessed in the increasing number of programmes. In addition, the required improvements of Higher Education Council criteria for the discipline were also found to be a critical situation f...

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the adoptability of Open Source Tools (OST) as a learnin... more The purpose of the study was to evaluate the adoptability of Open Source Tools (OST) as a learning strategy in undergraduate Industrial Design (ID) education. OST has the potential for students to overcome certain difficulties in specific tasks, such as design presentation, design research, design decision, concept generation and design documentation. In this study, both quantitative and qualitative methodologies are used to develop the research. As the first step of the research, quantitative methodology is employed, using a survey method to collect data from students. The survey investigates industrial product design students’ perceptions of difficult tasks and their reasons, as well as their awareness of OST. In the second phase of the study, qualitative methodology is followed to acquire feedback on the proposal regarding Open Source (OS) use in an ID studio course using case studies. The simulation follows qualitative methodology, using primarily observations and obtaining verb...

Although, “industrial designer” is a well known title, determination of Industrial Design as a pr... more Although, “industrial designer” is a well known title, determination of Industrial Design as a profession is still unclear through its application in the sector. The Schools of Industrial Design should constantly revise their curricula and overview their deficiencies in order to provide a better correlation between their graduates and the needs of the industry, despite of the immense contribution to the sector, made by their past graduates. The aim of this study is to ascertain the role of industrial designer from the gaze of industry by analyzing the specifications stated in the job adverts for the recruitment of Industrial Designers. This study was conducted in three phases: In the first phase an in-depth literature review was completed. The second phase is dedicated through identification of Industrial Designer in terms of education institutions. In order to realize this, the curricula and course contents of Industrial Design undergraduate programs, selected among ten universitie...

Bu calismanin amaci dis mekan fitness aleti kullanicilarinin antropometrik olculerinin belirlener... more Bu calismanin amaci dis mekan fitness aleti kullanicilarinin antropometrik olculerinin belirlenerek, halihalizirda kullanimda olan bir dis mekan fitness aletinin kullanicilarina uygun olarak yeniden tasarlanmasidir. Calismaya, Eskisehir ilinde ikamet eden 100(50 kadin ve 50 erkek) dis mekan fitness aleti kullanicisi gonullu olarak katilmistir. Katilimcilarin yasi 18 ila 79 arasinda olup, yas ortalamalari 31’dir ( SD: 1,15277). Calismada boy, omuz yuksekligi, kol yana uzanim mesafesi, yumruk ygksekligi, on kol uzunlugu, ust kol uzunlugu, omuz-parmak ucu uzunlugu, diz yuksekligi, asik kemigi yuksekligi ve el uzunlugu olculeri toplanmistir. Toplanan olculer, herhangi bir antropometrik uyumsuzluk olup olmadigini belirlemek adina halihazirda kullanimda olan dis mekan fitness aleti olculeriyle karsilastirilmistir. Elde edilen veriler yetiskin kullanicilarin vucut olculeriyle, mevcut dis mekan fitness aleti olculerinin birbiriyle uyumlu olmadigini gostermistir. Sonrasinda, mevcut fitness aletinin hareket ciktisi, biomekanik limitlerle karsilastirilmistir. Karsilastirma sonucu yaralanmalara neden olabilecek bir uyumsuzluk tespit edilmistir. Tespit edilen bu uyumsuzluklar toplum sagligini tehlikeye attigindan, bir dis mekan fitness aleti, FE02 Stepper, kullanicilarinin antropometrik verilerine ve biomekanik limitlerine uygun olarak, sonraki tasarimlara ornek olabilmesi adina, yeniden tasarlanmistir.

Keywords Abstract Ergonomics Anthropometry Classroom furniture Industrial design Mismatch The aim... more Keywords Abstract Ergonomics Anthropometry Classroom furniture Industrial design Mismatch The aim of the research is to determine the anthropometric measures of school children aged 12-13, who live in Izmir, Turkey, in order to propose anthropometrically appropriate school furniture (desk and chair), and to compare findings with the available classroom furniture produced according to Standards of Classroom Furniture, published by Republic of Turkey General Directorate of Primary Education to determine potential mismatches. A total twelve anthropometric data were collected by convenience sampling from 393 (207 male and 186 female) students. The data was analysed with the aid of the SPSS v13 software on a desktop computer. Descriptive statistics for each anthropometric dimension are given as mean, standard deviation and 5th and 95th percentile values for male and female in mm. The obtained anthropometric data used for calculating classroom furniture dimensions, sitting height, seat depth, seat width, backrest height and desk height. Mismatches were found when the findings were compared with the Standards of Classroom Furniture, published by Republic of Turkey General Directorate of Primary Education and the dimensions of primary school classroom furniture supplied by DMO. SINIF MOBİLYALARI VE ÖĞRENCİ VÜCUT ÖLÇÜLERİ ARASINDAKİ UYUMUN ARAŞTIRILMASI: İZMİR ÖRNEĞİ Anahtar Kelimeler Öz Ergonomi Antropometri Sınıf mobilyası Endüstriyel tasarım Uyum Bu çalışmanın amacı İzmir ilinde okuyan 12-13 yaş arası öğrencilerin antropometrik verilerinin belirlenerek onlar için ergonomik uygunlukta okul sırası ve masası ölçülerinin saptanması ve standartları T.C. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'nca belirlenerek okulların kullanımına tahsis edilmiş olan sınıf mobilyalarının öğrenciler için uygun olup olmadığının tespit edilmesidir. Bu kapsamda 393 (207 erkek ve 186 kadın) öğrenciden 12 farklı antropometrik ölçü toplanmıştır. Toplanan ölçüler SPSS v13 yazılımı yardımıyla analiz edilmiş, her ölçü için ortalama, 5. ve 95. yüzdelikler olmak üzere betimsel istatistiki değerler elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen antropometrik veriler uygun oturma yüksekliği, oturma genişliği, oturma derinliği, sırtlık yüksekliği ve masa yüksekliği ölçülerinin hesaplanmasında kullanılmış ve mevcut sıra ve masa ölçüleriyle karşılaştırılmıştır. Karşılaştırma sonucu, T.C. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'nca belirlenmiş sınıf mobilyası ölçülerinin ve DMO tarafından tedarik edilen sınıf mobilyalarının İzmir ilinde okuyan öğrenciler için uygunluğunun tartışmalı olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.

Abstract: This study explores and analyzes recent design-driven innovation (DDI) practices in the... more Abstract: This study explores and analyzes recent design-driven innovation (DDI) practices in the furniture industries in Turkey and Sweden. The study was conducted in three phases: an in-depth literature review; the identification and selection of furniture companies; and analysis of the selected companies based on the strategic, operational, marketentry and organizational dimensions. We used case-study methods and conducted semi-structured interviews with designers and design managers of leading furniture companies from Turkey (Nurus, Ersa, Burotime, and Tuna Ofis) and Sweden (Offecct and Skandiform). Through cross-case analysis of national outcomes, we propose additional drivers to DDI theory, such as product segmentation, activity research, culture research and concept/designer research. The results of this study are crucial for all parties involved, as they suggest ways to achieve incremental and radical design-driven innovations.
Keywords: Design-Driven Innovation, Design Management, Innovation Strategies, Exploratory Approach, Turkish and Swedish Furniture Firms

Evaluating Adopt-ability of Open Source Tools for Problem Solving in Specific Design Tasks in Industrial Design Education, 2019
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the adoptability of Open Source Tools (OST) as a learnin... more The purpose of the study was to evaluate the adoptability of Open Source Tools (OST) as a learning strategy in undergraduate Industrial Design (ID) education. OST has the potential for students to overcome certain difficulties in specific tasks, such as design presentation, design research, design decision, concept generation and design documentation. In this study, both quantitative and qualitative methodologies are used to develop the research. As the first step of the research, quantitative methodology is employed, using a survey method to collect data from students. The survey investigates industrial product design students' perceptions of difficult tasks and their reasons, as well as their awareness of OST. In the second phase of the study, qualitative methodology is followed to acquire feedback on the proposal regarding Open Source (OS) use in an ID studio course using case studies. The simulation follows qualitative methodology, using primarily observations and obtaining verbal feedback. The results indicated that students were willing to adopt OST as an effective design tool and to overcome difficulties in the design process.
The Design Journal, 2013
This study aims to evaluate the strong and weak aspects of industrial product design (IPD) and in... more This study aims to evaluate the strong and weak aspects of industrial product design (IPD) and industrial design (ID) education in Turkey in the context of their relations with Turkish industry. This study was conducted in four major phases. The study started with a SWOT analysis of the economy in Turkey and continued with an analysis of ID education using data on undergraduate and graduate education programmes, the number of faculty members, the number of graduates

Design and Technology Education an International Journal, 2010
This research focused on the masters degree programme in industrial design (ID), which is researc... more This research focused on the masters degree programme in industrial design (ID), which is research and practice oriented in the light of current themes and design principles. It argued that a masters degree in industrial design would help graduates specialise in the related field and improve their skills. Therefore, institutional and academic structures of the seven programmes offering masters degrees' in ID in Turkey were analysed in this study. In addition to this, two survey studies were carried out among the teaching staff in order to find out the current status of the programmes in terms of their strengths and weaknesses. As a result of the field study, problems concerning the academic staff of masters programmes came into prominence as the most important weaknesses despite positive progress witnessed in the increasing number of programmes. In addition, the required improvements of Higher Education Council criteria for the discipline were also found to be a critical situation for the future of programmes.
Papers by Onder Erkarslan
integrating design into the product development process in the initial stages are discussed. Notably, driver environments
on current boats are not ergonomically designed. Hence, this study aimed at designing a new driver environment with
improved ergonomics and user experience that is aesthetically compelling to the market. This study is based on a usercentred design approach, which implies that all team members participate throughout the product development process to
create design value for users by crafting innovative solutions that satisfy their requirements. Consequently, a new console,
seating unit, and hardtop design that consider the importance of ergonomics, user experience, and manufacturability are
developed. These elements are not only integrated in a user-friendly manner but also provide improved maintainability
and productibility.
Keywords: Design-Driven Innovation, Design Management, Innovation Strategies, Exploratory Approach, Turkish and Swedish Furniture Firms
integrating design into the product development process in the initial stages are discussed. Notably, driver environments
on current boats are not ergonomically designed. Hence, this study aimed at designing a new driver environment with
improved ergonomics and user experience that is aesthetically compelling to the market. This study is based on a usercentred design approach, which implies that all team members participate throughout the product development process to
create design value for users by crafting innovative solutions that satisfy their requirements. Consequently, a new console,
seating unit, and hardtop design that consider the importance of ergonomics, user experience, and manufacturability are
developed. These elements are not only integrated in a user-friendly manner but also provide improved maintainability
and productibility.
Keywords: Design-Driven Innovation, Design Management, Innovation Strategies, Exploratory Approach, Turkish and Swedish Furniture Firms