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Although the term ‘‘industrial designer’’ is a well known title, the understanding of industrial design as a profession is still unclear, as evidenced by its application in the sector. In light of this, schools of industrial design... more
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Furniture can be defined as a global product which needs to fulfill a series of high design input such as seating, storage and display. Companies from different countries have an ongoing interest on entering or increasing their share in... more
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, önde gelen Türk ve İsveç mobilya firmalarının güncel tasarım-odaklı inovasyon (TOİ) uygulamalarını incelemek ve analiz etmektir. Literatürde inovasyon üzerine geniş yayınlar bulunmasına rağmen, özellikle Türkiye gibi... more
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Dış mekan fitness aleti, Endüstriyel tasarım, Kullanıcı odaklı Tasarım, Düz çizgi mekanizmaları Bu çalışmanın amacı dış mekan fitness aleti kullanıcılarının antropometrik ölçülerinin belirlenerek, hali halızırda kullanımda olan bir dış... more
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University-industry collaboration (UIC) provides not only effective training for students but also knowledge production in universities for industry to contribute to the economy . The paper proposes to analyse reasons for deficiencies in... more
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This research focused on the masters degree programme in industrial design (ID), which is research and practice oriented in the light of current themes and design principles. It argued that a masters degree in industrial design would help... more
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    • Architecture
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the adoptability of Open Source Tools (OST) as a learning strategy in undergraduate Industrial Design (ID) education. OST has the potential for students to overcome certain difficulties in specific... more
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Abstract: This study explores and analyzes recent design-driven innovation (DDI) practices in the furniture industries in Turkey and Sweden. The study was conducted in three phases: an in-depth literature review; the identification and... more
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Keywords Abstract Ergonomics Anthropometry Classroom furniture Industrial design Mismatch The aim of the research is to determine the anthropometric measures of school children aged 12-13, who live in Izmir, Turkey, in order to propose... more
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The purpose of the study was to evaluate the adoptability of Open Source Tools (OST) as a learning strategy in undergraduate Industrial Design (ID) education. OST has the potential for students to overcome certain difficulties in specific... more
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This research focused on the masters degree programme in industrial design (ID), which is research and practice oriented in the light of current themes and design principles. It argued that a masters degree in industrial design would help... more
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      EngineeringDesignINDUSTRIAL ARTS
University-industry collaboration (UIC) provides not only effective training for students but also knowledge production in universities for industry to contribute to the economy (Bektaş & Tayauova, 2013). The paper proposes to analyse... more
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    • Engineering
Ergonomics Anthropometry Classroom furniture Industrial design Mismatch The aim of the research is to determine the anthropometric measures of school children aged 12-13, who live in Izmir, Turkey, in order to propose anthropometrically... more
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Although the term ''industrial designer'' is a well known title, the understanding of industrial design as a profession is still unclear, as evidenced by its application in the sector. In light of this, schools of industrial design... more
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      EngineeringDesignIndustrial DesignJob Search
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Quality Function deployment (QFD) is a useful method for optimizing products which can be applied during the design process as well as in the postproduction process for further developments and revisions. This paper aims at examining the... more
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      ArchitectureQuality Function Deployment
The aim of this research is to design a system that will raise awareness among vocational education students about occupational health and safety and the integration of Augmented Reality (AR) systems into the application/concept. Simply,... more
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Herein, the importance of design methods for a company’s competence in the commercial world and the importance of integrating design into the product development process in the initial stages are discussed. Notably, driver environments... more
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      Industrial DesignUser Centred Design