Tina Lindhard
Tina Lindhard was born in Cape Town, South Africa. She earned her MA in Transpersonal Psychology from Sofia University (ITP) and her PhD from the International University of Professional Studies in Consciousness Studies.She is an academic mentor at IUPS and also a qualified teacher in the Intuitive Meditation method also known as Arka Dhyana. She has several publications. Her research interests involve finding out about the role of the heart and its connection to the different levels of Consciousness. Dr. Lindhard is president of the nonprofit organization CCASpain and also chair of Consciousness Research of CICA, an international scientific organization.
Address: 6 Pico de la Pala,
Miraflores de Madrid,
28792 Miraflores de la Sierra,
Address: 6 Pico de la Pala,
Miraflores de Madrid,
28792 Miraflores de la Sierra,
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Papers by Tina Lindhard
doing ‘propaganda’ for one position or the other but should look at issues like the Social Construct of Reality Theory and abortion, from a new perspective based on the cutting edge of scientific thinking and research that is both interdisciplinary and, where necessary, includes ancient spiritual wisdom; it is wholistic. A multidisciplinary approach that draws from multiple fields allows for a more comprehensive understanding of complex issues. Thus, this scientific stance presented here can be considered ‘evolutionary within the tapestry of human evolution’. Scientists must also remember that
science, in essence, is creative and was once considered philosophy and was taught in tandem with the creative arts, including music; from a systemic point of view, all these disciplines are part of a whole, where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. The holistic approach does not provide nice, tidy answers regarding right and wrong. However, going beyond binary thinking opens dilemmas, creating new unthought-of ways to contemplate issues, which enables policymakers and the public to make more informed decisions backed by scientific evidence and research.
the transgender movement can be traced to the objectives specified in the manifestos of the Humanist Association, which, according to this author, also provides the basis for transhumanism. Transgenderism, framed as a human rights movement, promotes the idea that children have the right
to change their minds, try out new styles and express themselves. However, this is a cover-up by a vast new industry to win the battle of the minds of innocent children to select to change their sexual heritage using dangerous drugs and mutilate their bodies by removing body parts according to their
‘sexual’ whim. This movement is a prelude to the transhumanism movement as self-selecting to be sterilized through the mutilation of one’s biological sex opens society to ethically loaded issues like hiring mothers, artificial wombs and the selection of sperm and ovaries used to produce the next
generation. Transgender individuals, therefore, also play into the hands of the eugenics movement aimed at selective breeding and restraining population growth. Among other issues, this article explores the history, problems, players, and implications of transgenderism. It also opens the debate
between novelty as progressive and hereditary as congenital or inbred. Living according to our sexual orientation does not mean we have to mutilate our bodies or deconstruct our inherent biological identity; our gender preference can also change over time. In conclusion, I suggest that we must
explore and discover our spiritual nature and the spiritual underpinning of reality to protect our children and create a society that lives in harmony with each other and Nature, including our given inherent nature.
Building on the first three premises presented previously (11), here I suggest that as
mesoderm creates space and connects and the pulsating heart produces rhythm or waves, together they may form a spatiotemporal foundation from which the body of the embryo unfolds in time measured in 60 heart pulsations or seconds per minute. This development probably creates a dynamic, interconnected inner universe where there is a possible correlational and/or developmental relationship “between systems, layers,
doing ‘propaganda’ for one position or the other but should look at issues like the Social Construct of Reality Theory and abortion, from a new perspective based on the cutting edge of scientific thinking and research that is both interdisciplinary and, where necessary, includes ancient spiritual wisdom; it is wholistic. A multidisciplinary approach that draws from multiple fields allows for a more comprehensive understanding of complex issues. Thus, this scientific stance presented here can be considered ‘evolutionary within the tapestry of human evolution’. Scientists must also remember that
science, in essence, is creative and was once considered philosophy and was taught in tandem with the creative arts, including music; from a systemic point of view, all these disciplines are part of a whole, where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. The holistic approach does not provide nice, tidy answers regarding right and wrong. However, going beyond binary thinking opens dilemmas, creating new unthought-of ways to contemplate issues, which enables policymakers and the public to make more informed decisions backed by scientific evidence and research.
the transgender movement can be traced to the objectives specified in the manifestos of the Humanist Association, which, according to this author, also provides the basis for transhumanism. Transgenderism, framed as a human rights movement, promotes the idea that children have the right
to change their minds, try out new styles and express themselves. However, this is a cover-up by a vast new industry to win the battle of the minds of innocent children to select to change their sexual heritage using dangerous drugs and mutilate their bodies by removing body parts according to their
‘sexual’ whim. This movement is a prelude to the transhumanism movement as self-selecting to be sterilized through the mutilation of one’s biological sex opens society to ethically loaded issues like hiring mothers, artificial wombs and the selection of sperm and ovaries used to produce the next
generation. Transgender individuals, therefore, also play into the hands of the eugenics movement aimed at selective breeding and restraining population growth. Among other issues, this article explores the history, problems, players, and implications of transgenderism. It also opens the debate
between novelty as progressive and hereditary as congenital or inbred. Living according to our sexual orientation does not mean we have to mutilate our bodies or deconstruct our inherent biological identity; our gender preference can also change over time. In conclusion, I suggest that we must
explore and discover our spiritual nature and the spiritual underpinning of reality to protect our children and create a society that lives in harmony with each other and Nature, including our given inherent nature.
Building on the first three premises presented previously (11), here I suggest that as
mesoderm creates space and connects and the pulsating heart produces rhythm or waves, together they may form a spatiotemporal foundation from which the body of the embryo unfolds in time measured in 60 heart pulsations or seconds per minute. This development probably creates a dynamic, interconnected inner universe where there is a possible correlational and/or developmental relationship “between systems, layers,
values. By advocating for merciful human coexistence, DIALOGO collates various articles assessing conflict and societal responses to these pervasive behaviors. We start our endeavor with the inquiry, “How do discrimination, bias, and repudiation manifest across different societal, psychological, and cultural contexts, and what strategies can be employed to mitigate these pervasive human behaviors effectively?”
Key Words: education, cultures, Western Education, evolution, Greek philosophy, thinking mind, intellect, feeling heart, consciousness.
Key words: security, defense, perception, projection, inner journey.
Customized VR experience this year's topics include: √ Differentiating Religious from Irreligious Spirituality √ Improve Self-Awareness Through Meditative Technics √ Effectiveness of Somatic Yoga and Meditation √ Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Prenatal behavior √ Learn about the 'spiritual but not religious' concept √ Atheism vs Irreligiousness √ Define 'religious inclusiveness' √ Get acquaintance with Spirituality vs Spiritualism √ Discover astral projection √ About Mindfulness/spiritual wellness √ Religions 'adaptative' behavior amid Covid-19 pandemic √ Contemporary debates over Liberalism vs Conservatism √ The significance of prayer/meditation √ Defining spiritual/religious Holiness √ Philosophy of Science and Spirituality √ Philosophy of Science and Religion √ Literature and Art engagement in S/R issues √ Movies Industry pursuit of S/R issues √ Healing in both Spiritual and Religious practices √ Managing Depression in a Post Pandemic World