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Questo articolo ha l’obiettivo di presentare alcuni tra gli spunti teorici emersi recentemente nella geografia critica anglosassone “autonomous geographies” al fine di portare alla luce tematiche con cui la ricerca geografica... more
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      Social MovementsRadical GeographyCritical GeographyFair Trade
This paper critically presents a reflexive account of the meaning of activism and its more personal implications as faced by the engaged researcher wishing to act as both an activist and an academic. The main purpose here is to offer a... more
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    • Social Movements
This work is in line with recent the British and American ocean academic debate and aims to develop insights among scholars and teachers with discussions on the sea, ocean literacy and oceanic citizenship. The Authors state the key role... more
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    • Sociology
This paper critically presents a reflexive account of the meaning of activism and its more personal implications as faced by the engaged researcher wishing to act as both an activist and an academic. The main purpose here is to offer a... more
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    • Social Movements
Questo articolo ha l’obiettivo di presentare alcuni tra gli spunti teorici emersi recentemente nella geografia critica anglosassone “ autonomous geographies ” al fine di portare alla luce tematiche con cui la ricerca geografica... more
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      Social MovementsRadical GeographyCritical GeographyFair Trade
The sea is undeniably the unique heritage shared among the world’s inhabitants. Most people seem to identify very little or no connection between their activities and the future of the ocean. However, a well-preserved ocean may enhance... more
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    • Geography
This article presents an educational experience in schools held by academics in the UNESCO site of Mantova and Sabbioneta. It is the result of a wider, interdisciplinary study – sponsored by MOBARTECH, an Italian research project – aimed... more
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    • Sociology
The 2010 UNPD’s Assessment of Development Results defined the Maldives “a vulnerable Small Island Developing State” by pointing out the influence of both external and local human factors on their fragile ecosystems. This impact is deeply... more
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      BusinessGeographyEnvironmental GeographyIsland Studies
Lo studio presenta i risultati preliminari di un lavoro di ricerca più ampio sulla montagna iperturistificata come territorio fragile per riflettere criticamente sulle proposte di sostenibilità in vista delle Olimpiadi di Milano-Cortina... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical Science
Partendo dal testo di Rachele Borghi Decolonialita' e Privilegio (2020), questo scambio a quattro voci realizzato online nel pieno della pandemia interroga alcune delle questioni fondamentali del dibattito accademico critico... more
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      HumanitiesLanguage Culture and CommunicationAcmeACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies
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      CatholicismArab-Israeli conflictAntisemitism
Dopo che il 14 luglio 1938 il regime fascista ebbe diffuso il documento Il fascismo e i problemi della razza ed ebbe mostrato così il suo intento persecutorio nei confronti degli ebrei 1 , Giuseppe Bottai, ministro dell'Educazione... more
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      FascismJewish HistoryJewish EducationAntisemitism
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      CatholicismEditoria Cattolica
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      CatholicismCatholic Church History
The 1938 Italian anti-Jewish laws harshly and intensely hit the school. The Jewish communities had to arrange the future of thousands of ousted students in a short time, but they also faced the problem of hundreds of teachers who had lost... more
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      FascismJewish HistoryJewish EducationAntisemitism
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      CatholicismArab-Israeli conflictAntisemitismIsraeli-Palestinian conflict
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      Ottoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesIslamic Studies
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      Israel StudiesPostcolonial StudiesIsrael/PalestinePalestine
The aim of this essay is to examine the development of the oral history of the Palestinian Nakba from its first steps, in the late Seventies, to the large production and its systematization in the first twenty years of the XXI century.... more
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      Israel/PalestineOral historyPalestinePost-Colonialism