Papers by Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani-PhD
This paper identifies factors that impede/promote the use of a green supply-chain approach in Sma... more This paper identifies factors that impede/promote the use of a green supply-chain approach in Small and Medium size organizations in Pakistan. Quantitative approach was used to evaluate the proposition of the paper i.e. impact of government rules and regulation, customer pressure and environmental awareness on promoting green supply chain management in organizations. The results of this study identified that presence of strong rules and regulations imposed by the government and the pressure exerted by the customer promotes the use of green supply chain in SMEs. Furthermore, lack of awareness regarding green supply and its advantages does impede the use of green supply chain in SMEs in Pakistan.

The vibration of fuel prices in the energy market of Pakistan has sprung to huge extent. From the... more The vibration of fuel prices in the energy market of Pakistan has sprung to huge extent. From the economic perspective of any nation's monetary uplifting, the government's view can be achieved via increasing the fuel/ energy prices but such measures always disturbs to discontented civilians of the same salaries who are liable to pay increased taxes. Daily prices of four major sources of energy including gasoline, diesel, kerosene and compressed natural gas (CNG) for the period of April 2006 to May 2011 have been investigated for checking the co-movements among them. Unit Root Test discloses that the prices are non-stationary at same order. While the Johansen Co-integration test shows that the prices of all the four energy products are co-integrated with each other. This is in contrast to the artificial situations as the Pakistani government exercises artificial pricing movements of specific oil over the other.
There is a blend of various factors on which the hiring of employee is based upon. This paper inv... more There is a blend of various factors on which the hiring of employee is based upon. This paper investigates and interrogates the contribution of physical attractiveness and referrals in the hiring of employee and further ponders on which matters the most from the above outlined variables when an employee is hired. The findings of the paper clearly confirm that it is the physical attractiveness which matters the most when an organization (hiring manager) goes for hiring on any hierarchical level.

Today's workplace is diverseand constantly altering. The conventional employer/employee relations... more Today's workplace is diverseand constantly altering. The conventional employer/employee relationship of past has been turned upside down. Employees are living in a diverse and growing economy and have almost unlimited job opportunities but they face the bad times of recession too. The overall work environment and global economy are rapidly changing that leaves no space for definite forecasting. These factors have created an environment where the business is in need of its employees more and not the employees in need of job opportunities. For this reason, managers at workplace face several ethical issues; sexual harassment is one of the majors. This paper examines the relationships between survey-based reports of sexual harassment at work places and its impact on job performance. The findings of this paper revealed that sexual harassment is the most rated violence in organizations. The findings further revealed that gestures of sexual nature of opposite sex are associated with sexually offensive comments, invitation of dates and sexual involvements.
The personality traits which include physical appearance in particular always matter once an orga... more The personality traits which include physical appearance in particular always matter once an organization goes for hiring new entrants. The principal point of this study is to comprehend the relationship of a candidate's physical appearance, qualification, dressing style, attractive communication skills, gender, and candidate's photograph on resume with the hiring decision taken by a manager. The findings of this paper reveal that decision of hiring managers does not necessarily based upon the physical attractiveness but is influenced by various other factors which include candidate's appearance, his/her dressing style and educational qualifications.
This study investigates the autocorrelation in economic indicators of Pakistan before and after N... more This study investigates the autocorrelation in economic indicators of Pakistan before and after Natural disaster in the light of variables, which includes GDP (deflator), Inflation (CPI), Money supply (M2), Remittances and Net export (X-M). This study considers the data for the period of 1989-2009. In this study, data has been divided into two sets; first having a data for the period of 1989-2005 for before earthquake and second has a data for the period of 2006-2009 for after earthquake. The findings of this paper reveal that all of the major economical players of Pakistan as stated above do follow the certain upward trend for the period before natural disasters. While, after the event of natural disasters these major players have no certain trend and they move randomly.

Recall and Recognition, two important aspects when one talks about advertising and consumers awar... more Recall and Recognition, two important aspects when one talks about advertising and consumers awareness towards the brands. This study has mainly been focused on the brand symbols and its importance in the mind of the consumers. Does a brand symbol really play a role of differentiating a brand from another and how well it gets associated with the consumer? Questions like these are well-answered in this research. 250 respondents from the largest city of Pakistan i.e. Karachi were handed over a questionnaire on 18 brand symbols on an unrestricted non-probability sampling criteria. Education, age and gender are the focus of this study predicting the recall and recognition of the brand symbols. Consumer behavior entails variations towards selection of brand and the change in behavior is mostly due to brand recall and not recognition, which was found by testing the variables through multiple linear regressions (OLS-Model). It was of interest to find that except of gender, there is no association found between recognition of brand symbols and the said variables. Age has positive impact on recall of brand symbols and education has negative impact on recall of brand symbols. Furthermore, gender plays no role in predicting the recall and but somehow associated with recognition of brand symbols.

Media always helps to reveal the real face of the societies while it is also a source of entertai... more Media always helps to reveal the real face of the societies while it is also a source of entertainment besides portraying the various societal allegories to illuminate the various issues of various societies. This research aims at interrogating the viewership pattern of housewives while gauging and identifying the existence of any sort of relationship between the viewership and the connectedness of individuals (Housewives) with the TV programs. In order to interrogate the outlined relationship, the frequency of viewership was questioned and level of connectedness with the programs was analyzed. Story, Cast, Acting of soap opera, Allegory (i.e. Dramas that are based on Serious/ Social Issues), escape factor, fashion factor, imitation factor, talk shows and reality shows were used as the proxies for program connectedness while stories and acting of soap opera, fashion factor and the morning talk shows are found to be the most preferred among the respondents/ housewives. The frequency of program viewership and the duration of television viewership were found to have significant relationship with all those various outlined proxies of program connectedness which has the huskier preference level.
Brand awareness remains fundamental to consumer life as the interaction initiation point to the b... more Brand awareness remains fundamental to consumer life as the interaction initiation point to the brands. This paper put forwards the relationship of brand awareness on consumer/brand loyalty in the packaged milk brands in the urban Pakistan. There is evidence of brand awareness and consumer/brand loyalty on brand equity. The approach takes into account sources of brand equity-brand awareness, consumer/brand loyalty, and image (perceptions / associations) on the sample of consumer households. This paper suggests that in Pakistan among the packaged milk brands there is no relationship between brand awareness and consumer/brand loyalty. In addition, testing relationship by setting perceptions as the mediating variable between brand awareness and consumer/brand loyalty results the same. For practicing managers and marketers it is important to note that there is a need to update their understanding of the nature and role of brand awareness on convenience products which has random switch purchase behavior and low-involvement. In the current era, marketers must develop branding strategies for commodity-products such as milk packaged brands by investing and strengthening its supply chain system, to create and increase brand awareness for the milk brands in-turn to build consumer/brand loyalty than trying to directly build consumer/brand loyalty by heavy spending on promotional tools.
This study investigates the effects of Trust Factors on Customer's Acceptance of Word of Mouth re... more This study investigates the effects of Trust Factors on Customer's Acceptance of Word of Mouth recommendations. A sample size of 1000 consumers of different brands has been taken randomly on the basis of convenience. Results obtained from statistical analysis using the Logistic regression as a statistical tool which showed that the individual variables like experience, affinity, expertise are displaying no significant impact upon the acceptance of word of mouth.
In the financial market the very peculiar and key focus is about the trading volume response to C... more In the financial market the very peculiar and key focus is about the trading volume response to Consumer price index (CPI). Therefore, taking CPI as one of the important economic variables, the Karachi Stock Exchange-100 index trading volume was investigated in connection with the CPI. The outcomes of this study suggested that CPI has a major association with the KSE-100 index trading volume. The statistical test further elaborated this significance and has revealed a negative relationship between CPI “Consumer price index” and “KSE-100 index trading volume”. Another interesting key feature to this research was the presence of endogeneity in the data used for the research.
The nexus between Oil prices and inflation always have been an important issue for policy makers.... more The nexus between Oil prices and inflation always have been an important issue for policy makers. This research is an empirical investigation on the unidirectional causality between crude oil price and the Inflation (consumer price index) in Pakistan. The unidirectional causality was interrogated by applying Granger causality on the annual data of crude oil prices and consumer price index for period 1980 to 2010. The findings show that there is a unidirectional causality between the crude oil price and inflation, which runs from crude oil price to inflation; that is the crude oil price has a causative impact on the inflation.

Customer Satisfaction has been generally researched and is being used to attain competitive advan... more Customer Satisfaction has been generally researched and is being used to attain competitive advantage. Since everyone in the market is trying to satisfy its customers, it becomes imperative for the organization to delight its customers. Customer delight in the banking sector study has found that how the account holder of banks can be delighted not just by their services but by reaching beyond the expectations of the customers. Research was initiated with exploratory investigation through 300 personal interviews to identify the elements that create delight in the mind of customers. This enabled the generation of a customer delight model with eight variables. These eight variables are the fundamentals of a customer delight model. Delight model was tested on 3000 Bank account holders confirming the successful validation of the research using t-test technique. The findings revealed that all eight variables are very necessary in delighting the customers.
The paper is an emphasis on the financial sustainability of micro financing in Pakistan where Ban... more The paper is an emphasis on the financial sustainability of micro financing in Pakistan where Banks and institution use different products & services that help in reducing the poverty by coping up with subjective & objective poverty, this study found that banks were more commercialized in terms of payback & interest rates while engaged in micro financing but despite that Banks are endeavoring more ventures to uplift poverty in Pakistan through micro financing to poor.
In the financial market the very peculiar and key focus is about the trading volume response to C... more In the financial market the very peculiar and key focus is about the trading volume response to Consumer price index (CPI). Therefore, taking CPI as one of the important economic variables, the Karachi Stock Exchange-100 index trading volume was investigated in connection with the CPI. The outcomes of this study suggested that CPI has a major association with the KSE-100 index trading volume. The statistical test further elaborated this significance and has revealed a negative relationship between CPI “Consumer price index” and “KSE-100 index trading volume”. Another interesting key feature to this research was the presence of endogeneity in the data used for the research.
World trade has grown rapidly. Several factors are highlighted by literature as the driving force... more World trade has grown rapidly. Several factors are highlighted by literature as the driving forces behind the growth of world trade. Reductions in barriers to trade are one of them. A comprehensive empirical investigation is carried to ascertain the trade reducing and increasing effect of barriers to trade and facilitators to trade. The new version of gravity model is developed in the connections in this study while analyzing the effect of GDP, distance, remittances, FDI, transportation cost, exchange rate, inflation, population, import and export of specifically trading partners on trade flows during bilateral trade. The study revealed that the developed version of gravity model explains the trade flows substantially and vigorously for the nations from developed world than for the nations from developing world.

One of the renowned agendas’ of the management study around the globe encircles the gender- biasn... more One of the renowned agendas’ of the management study around the globe encircles the gender- biasness or non-biasness in performing the basic managerial functions. Pertaining to the factual studies, mixed views have been brought to light that whether male supervisors have a good relationship with male subordinates or female subordinates and whether female supervisors have good relationship with female subordinates or male subordinates. It is often assumed that cross gender supervisor subordinate relationships are better than same gender supervisor subordinate relationships. The involvement of subordinates in the four managerial functions namely planning, organizing, controlling and motivating are investigated to conclude the effects of gender on subordinate involvement in management functions by the supervisors. A sample of 1000 respondents were specifically chosen from banking sector to identify if gender of supervisor and subordinate has any effect on subordinates’ involvement across managerial functions. To achieve this, firstly, mean of male supervisor with same and cross gender subordinates is compared on the basis of their involvement in managerial functions through applying the split analysis. Results revealed that male supervisors involve male subordinates more in managerial functions than female subordinates. As for female supervisors they have the same level of involvement of both the genders across managerial functions but somehow these involvements are more towards the male subordinates
This study examines that out of monetary shocks (∆M2) and real shocks in share prices (∆Yt-k), wh... more This study examines that out of monetary shocks (∆M2) and real shocks in share prices (∆Yt-k), which one or both really explain share prices of Karachi stock exchange 100 index. The time series econometrics is used to investigate the data for the monthly period of January 1991 to January 2011 for money supply (M2) and share prices of KSE 100 index. The results of unit root test reveal that there is a real shock in share prices and it explains the share price of KSE 100 index temporarily, while Vector auto regression revealed that Share prices of KSE 100 index is meagerly explained by the monetary shocks.

Does economic growth need Democracy? Or is it the non democratic rule that may pave the way to pr... more Does economic growth need Democracy? Or is it the non democratic rule that may pave the way to produce economic prosperity in the country like Pakistan? These queries have developed many arguments, which after decades emerge no nearer to being resolved. This study takes a nearer gaze at the contentions behind these inquiries and tries to clarify the linkages of Democracy/ Non-Democratic rule with economic growth. Precisely this paper is an attempt to investigate the Economic performance in Pakistan while considering the role of democratic Government and non-democratic Government in comparison. More traditional methods of comparative institutional analysis are used to understand the mechanisms through which Democracy or Autocracy either helps or hinders the process of development and growth. The results revealed and concluded that overall performance/ growth of economy of Pakistan is far better in Non-Democratic Government than the Democratic rule.
Papers by Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani-PhD