Papers by Antje Barabasch
Career and Technical Education Research, 2005
This article explains factors of individualization, structure, post-industrialization, and unific... more This article explains factors of individualization, structure, post-industrialization, and unification related to school-to-work transitions of East German youth. We illuminate Beck's theory of risk and argue that in a market society young people are left to fend for themselves in career and technical education. Unemployment, particularly in the East, is a structural condition that impacts transitions among those looking for apprenticeships and better employment opportunities. We close with some of the research findings on work values in East Germany.
Guest Editors: Antje Barabasch, Sandra Bohlinger and Stefan Wolf
In diesem Beitrag werden verschiedene Forschungsansätze und -perspektiven im Bereich Policy-Trans... more In diesem Beitrag werden verschiedene Forschungsansätze und -perspektiven im Bereich Policy-Transfer in der (Berufs-)Bildung vorgestellt. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf dem Policy-Transfer der bundesdeutschen Berufsbildungshilfe, der exemplarisch an den Ländern Ägypten, Korea und Malaysia illustriert wird. (DIPF/Orig.)

Research in Comparative and International Education, 2021
The article contributes to the understanding of educational policy transfer with a particular foc... more The article contributes to the understanding of educational policy transfer with a particular focus on VET and labour-market related training. A review of VET policy transfer literature is followed by a description of travelling VET reforms in adult and vocational education and training around the globe. Historical foundations of VET policy transfer are described with an emphasis on lending and borrowing from the global North to the global South. Finally, contemporary forces that influence global policy transfer, derived from personal observation, are described. We aim to contribute to a better understanding of policy cycles by depicting the influence of different dynamics on decision-making for policy transfer in VET. We argue that there can be various reasons to policy transfer, not just attractiveness of a particular educational system or approach, but also global industry demands for workforce development or the influence of big data and social media.

Research in Comparative and International Education, 2021
International policy transfer is a key theme within international and comparative education and h... more International policy transfer is a key theme within international and comparative education and has not been explored fully in the fields of vocational education, workplace learning and labour marketrelated adult education. The term refers to the process of exchanging and adopting policy measures, reforms, strategies and ideas from one context to another (Dolowitz and Marsh, 2000; Li and Pilz, 2021), either with or without adaption to the new context. We explore policy transfer in respect to learning, be it voluntary and purposeful, incidental and accidental or purposeful, but enforced (Phillips and Schweisfurth, 2011). International policy transfer has a long and strong tradition in education. With respect to vocational education and training, for example, the apprenticeship training in German-speaking countries has been a role model for many countries all over the world for decades and there were countless attempts to transfer at least elements of it to other regions and countries (e.g. Euler, 2013; Oeben and Klumpp, 2021). In the field of (labour-market related) adult education, policy transfer is less obvious though it was particularly international organizations which "borrowed" concepts of lifelong learning and learnt from one another as regards learning over the lifespan (e.g. Jarvis, 2014). Policy borrowing is particularly eminent in higher education and the Bologna process is one of the most prominent examples of policy transfer. Additional examples refer to the learning outcomes orientation, qualifications frameworks or New Public Management tools finding entrance to education (such as the use of monitoring or benchmarks in education). Against this background, this special issue is concerned with debates and theoretical perspectives on the issue of international policy transfer. We, the editors, intent to contribute to closing the gap of
Dimensionen der Berufsbildung, 2010

Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 2011
Zusammenfassung: Die internationale Praxis des Transfers von Berufsbildungsstrukturen, Curricula ... more Zusammenfassung: Die internationale Praxis des Transfers von Berufsbildungsstrukturen, Curricula oder Best Practices, kurz zusammengefasst in dem englischen Begriff ‚Policies', findet seit mehr als 40 Jahren zwischen Deutschland und zahlreichen anderen ländern statt. Wir werden in diesem Artikel zunächst den theoretischen rahmen zur Analyse des Policy Transfers erläutern. im zweiten Teil wird das modell der Arbeitskultur als ein entwicklungsansatz vorgestellt, der als theoretische grundlage bei weitergehenden empirischen Studien zur erklärung der Kontextfaktoren des Policy-Transfer-Prozesses herangezogen werden könnte. Dieses modell wenden wir exemplarisch auf die Analyse des Policy Transfers im Bereich der Berufsbildung auf die länder China und Türkei an und betrachten Hintergründe, Akteure und Ziele beziehungsweise tatsächlich erfolgte Transferleistungen.
The notion of autonomy is increasingly emphasized in VET. In this paper, we address how companies... more The notion of autonomy is increasingly emphasized in VET. In this paper, we address how companies and vocational trainers can respond appropriately to this vital, basic psychological need. Based on examples from a qualitative study conducted at the Swiss Post we discuss measures meant to support autonomy in apprentices. We clarify the notion of autonomy and its crucial connection to human motivation by reviewing some of the supervising methods of workplace trainers and provide information about training measures by which the Swiss Post affords autonomy-support for its apprentices.
Papers by Antje Barabasch