Papers by altug akin

Infodemic Management for Social and Behavior Change: Youth Mobilization for Combating Disinformation During COVID-19.
Journal of Health Communication, 2023
This study discusses an undergraduate elective university course as a notable case for youth mobi... more This study discusses an undergraduate elective university course as a notable case for youth mobilization in combatting misinformation during COVID-19 with positive social and behavior change outcomes of an indicative nature. Remote modality of the civic engagement course entailed students’ voluntary work at partnering with society organizations specialized in new media technologies. Students’ engagement with the civil society organizations’ three different research and implementation projects as a form of voluntary work enabled them to mobilize in accordance with a vital dimension of infodemic management, namely engagement of communities to take positive action. Results derived from a mixed model research present that individual change observed on the students’ knowledge, attitudes and practices as well as social change objectives of partnering institutions and the course are modestly positive, suggesting replication of adapted course design and implementation in relevant contexts.

Proceedings of Galatasaray University Conference on Strategic Communication Management 3, 16th of December, 2020., 2021
Aralarında sağlık iletişiminin de bulunduğu birçok davranış değişikliği ve toplumsal dönüşüm amaç... more Aralarında sağlık iletişiminin de bulunduğu birçok davranış değişikliği ve toplumsal dönüşüm amaçlı iletişimsel çabanın tasarlandığı ve uygulandığı yöntemlerden biri de orijinal adıyla “Communication for Development”, kısaltılmış ya da uluslararası literatürde kabul görmüş haliyle “C4D”dir. Bu çalışmada Birleşmiş Milletler kuruluşlarından UNICEF’in C4D operasyonu ele alınmış ve özellikle de çocuk ve aile sağlığı alanlarında C4D yaklaşımının içerdiği ve sunduğu imkanlar tartışılmıştır. İlk olarak UNICEF’in C4D kavramlaştırması ve bunun gerisinde yatan kuramsal arka plan, ardından da çeşitli küresel örnekler aracılığıyla yaklaşımın temel özellikleri ele alınmıştır. Bu örnekler arasında COVID-19 ile mücadele de yer almış, bu bağlamda Risk İletişimi ve Toplumsal Katılım uygulamaları derinlemesine incelenmiştir. Konferansın teması olan ve C4D’nin tanımlayıcı niteliklerinden biri olan disiplinlerarasılık ayrıca değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın nihai amacı, C4D yaklaşımının sağlıkla ilgili alanlarda yürütülecek iletişimsel ve/veya
programatik çabalara sunduğu ya da potansiyel olarak sunabileceği katkıyı ortaya koymaktır. İkincil amaç ise C4D hakkında Türkiye’deki alan yazınında epey sınırlı olan yayın, araştırma ve tartışmayı başlatmaktır.
Fields of popular communication beyond the nation: a study of Eurovision Song Contest as product & as production
Does Journalism Exist in Turkey?
Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 2019
In this article, I analyze the post-coup media and communications environment in Turkey with a pa... more In this article, I analyze the post-coup media and communications environment in Turkey with a particular focus on the practice of journalism, which is becoming increasingly complicated. Following an approach that considers both the constraints imposed on journalism and struggle for news-making, this study represents an attempt to better comprehend the most recent condition of the field of journalism in Turkey, where both producing the news and making sense of the news have become increasingly arduous endeavors. In order to study the structural constraints and struggles of journalists and news organizations, I deploy Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory as a theoretical framework to scrutinize the current situation of journalism in Turkey.

Public Participation in Television: Will TV save us?
Iamcr 2011 Istanbul, Mar 24, 2011
“How shall we understand social communication and political action in a symbolic, media-dominated... more “How shall we understand social communication and political action in a symbolic, media-dominated society? If the talk is action, is the talk-show also action-forming public opinion, making visible society’s plural or marginal voices?” (Livingstone, 1994, 4) These questions posed by Silvia Livingstone in the introduction of her canonic book Talk on TV: Audience participation and public debate, today still are increasingly relevant, although they were asked almost two decades ago, in 1994. As the dominance of the media in the everyday life has been growing day by day, and as the political life has increasingly been constituted through its immersion in a media-dominated world, the relationship between democratic participation and the media is still a vital issue. Following Livingstone’s track, and keeping another key question of her in mind - “is the viewer a member of the public (citizen), or part of a mass audience (a consumer)?”, in this article the contemporary forms of participation to the television will be analyzed based on the Spanish case. Although citizen participation to television can take various forms such as involvement to managerial and editorial decisions of media institutions via audience councils and/or audience representatives, sending complaint/recommendation letters to media outlets regarding their decisions, and re-organizing the tele-visual flow via technological advancements such as interactive TV; the focus of this article is on the participation to television through taking part in the programs. In the light of the discussions about the increasing visibility of the ordinary people on the television screen and its potential consequences regarding the citizen participation, our analysis of the Spanish case is composed of three levels: The analysis of forms of participation in Spanish TV programming, investigation of the participation in relation with the program formats-genres, and study of a particular program that is representative of the most prevalent TV programming with public participation, namely Salvame (“Save me” in English). Reframed in the context of participation, the question we aim to answer in this paper is whether the media can potentially provide sites for public participation. We try to answer this crucial question in the light of our analysis of the contemporary Spanish television in regards with public participation, in the context of the forms of public participation to television with a historical view.
WWF-Türkiye (Doğal Hayatı Koruma Vakfı), 2022
Bu rapor, sürdürülebilir tarım uygulamalarının buğday üreticileri arasında nasıl yaygınlaştırılab... more Bu rapor, sürdürülebilir tarım uygulamalarının buğday üreticileri arasında nasıl yaygınlaştırılabileceğini, 2020 ve 2021 Ekim ayları arasında Konya, Ankara, Eskişehir, Edirne, Tekirdağ, Kayseri, Sivas ve Şanlıurfa illerinde yapılan bir alan araştırmasına dayanarak tartışmaya sunmaktadır. Alan çalışması kapsamında, onlarca uzman, önder çiftçi ve akademisyen ile mülakatlar yapılmış ve 545 çiftçiyle bir anket çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmamızda Doğrudan Ekim, sürdürülebilir tarım bağlamında bir yenilik-inovasyon olarak ele alınmış olup Türkiye’nin yakın geçmişindeki Doğrudan Ekim deneyimi sürdürülebilir tarımın yaygınlaşması açısından bir örnek olay değerlendirilmiştir

Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi, 2021
Concerned with exploiting communication tools for development purposes, Communication for Develop... more Concerned with exploiting communication tools for development purposes, Communication for Development was born in the specific context of post-World War II years as an implementation area or practice, prior to its establishment as an academic research domain. The same era coincidences with implementation of Marshall Plan, which included Turkey among its beneficiary countries. Marshall Plan and its communication, with a specific focus on the films in/about Turkey, constitute the core to the study, which aims to contribute to the limited literature on Marshall Plan communication in Turkey and the history of Communication for Development in Turkey. Underlying impulses of the Plan, its implication, the communication strategies and methods utilized throughout the Plan and films are studied, while the Marshall Plan films about Turkey are contextualized in the modernization paradigm-dominated period of communication for development practice and research.

Markets, Globalization & Development Review, 2017
This study elaborates on the non-governmental organizations in Turkey that operate within the bro... more This study elaborates on the non-governmental organizations in Turkey that operate within the broadly defined media field, where a wide variety of organizations, associations, movements and platforms are observed. Focusing on the two most disputed subdomains of the media in Turkey, namely news and information technologies, this descriptive research, at the first level, examines the causes or existence reasons of the NGOs along with their strategies, operations and achievements or failures. Their organizational forms and resources are studied at the second level. Third level of the study investigates their relations with a particular focus on their operational context. It has been found that the socio-political environment in the country or ongoing crises of different sorts, multiply the number of issues, and the existing complications impede mobilization.
Bu makalede Türkiye televizyon haberciliğinde köklü etkiler yaratmış olan NTV'nin kuruluş süreci ... more Bu makalede Türkiye televizyon haberciliğinde köklü etkiler yaratmış olan NTV'nin kuruluş süreci ve sonrasında yaşananlar küreselleşme ve küresel etkileşim bağlamında incelenmiştir. NTV bu süreçte Türkiye televizyon haberciliğinde kendine yer edinme çabasını CNN International ve BBC gibi uluslararası yayın faaliyeti sürdüren haber televizyonları ve New York One gibi yerel yayın yapan Türkiye dışı örneklerden beslenerek gerçekleştirmiştir. Seçici küresel etkileşim olarak adlandırılabilecek bu etkileşim süreci, model almaktan ziyade var olan ihtiyaçlara cevap verecek ilham kaynaklarının değerlendirilmesi olarak düşünülebilir. Bulgular NTV'nin haber birimlerinde farklı seviyelerde görev almış kişilerin yarı yapılandırılmış derinlemesine mülakatlarla edinilmiş tecrübelerine, tanıklıklarına ve ifadelerine dayanmaktadır.
Journalism, 2017
Turkey has been experiencing events with major impacts on almost all areas of life, including jou... more Turkey has been experiencing events with major impacts on almost all areas of life, including journalism, since the failed coup attempt of 15 July. Since then, the public's access to healthy news by the public and news making by journalists/news organizations have become increasingly crucial, yet complex operations. This article focuses on the 2 months after failed coup attempt, from the events that took place in the very first hours of the coup attempt, which are presented and discussed from media and communication perspective. This is followed by a detailed critical examination of consequently declared state of emergency in relation to news and news organizations. Then, post-coup attempt situation in Turkey is contextualized in a global tendency, namely, increasing complexity in sense making as journalistic institutions' public service roles deteriorate.

Bu makalede futbol taraftarlığı kimlikleri etrafında bir internet forumunda bir araya gelmiş bir ... more Bu makalede futbol taraftarlığı kimlikleri etrafında bir internet forumunda bir araya gelmiş bir topluluğun, Özgür Soylu isimli taraftarın deplasman maçına giderken öldürülmesi olayı ardından medya mağduru oldukları hissini kolektifleştirmeleri ve öfkelerini medyaya karşı eylemlere dönüştürme süreçleri incelenmiştir. İçerik analizi ve internet etnografisi yöntemlerinin kullanıldığı araştırmada hedeflenen, forum kullanıcısı taraftarların ortaya koydukları medyaya yönelik tepkinin özelliklerinin, sebeplerinin ve dönüşümünün derinlemesine anlaşılmasıdır. Medyanın toplumsal gücünün denetim altında tutulma yollarından biri olarak tartışılan taraftarların medyaya yönelik tepkisinin medya ve iletişim çalışmaları alanındaki eleştirel yaklaşımları besleyebileceği noktaların tartışıldığı makalede öfkenin eyleme dönüşümü medya gücü ve alternatif medya kavramlarından hareketle ele alınmıştır. Bu süreçte önemli bir durak olarak medya mağduriyeti hissi kavramı önerilmiştir.
This article examines critical deeds of football supporters towards the news media,
as a result of their self-perception as media victims following news reports about murder of a football supporter, namely Ozgur Soylu, on the way to an away game to support his team. Research, using content analysis as well as Internet ethnography
methods to study the Internet forum of football supporters, aims to deeply comprehend characteristics, dynamics and transformation of football supporters’
anger towards media. In addition to media power and alternative media notions, concept of self-perception as media victim is proposed as a crucial step in the transformation of the rage against media towards action against media. Finally, football supporters’ critical position taking is proposed as an unusual form of media criticism from which critical media and communication studies can learn from.
Global Media Journal, 2015
The Internet sphere in Turkey has become a stage on which different and novel forms of opposition... more The Internet sphere in Turkey has become a stage on which different and novel forms of oppositional political activity can be observed. The article considers three case studies drawn from two axes of categorization, which are legality-illegality, and individual-organized action: the actions of the hacker group Redhack, Alternative Informatics Association, and the action by individuals against the Youtube Ban in Turkey. With the study of both sides of the three conflict lines, based on the concept of hegemony, as initiated by Antonio Gramsci and interpreted by Raymond Williams, it is aimed to gain a better understanding of the main components of the power struggle in and around the online realm in Turkey.
IJOC- International Journal of Communication, 2013
This article applies notions drawn from Pierre Bourdieu's field theory to explore the Turkish pro... more This article applies notions drawn from Pierre Bourdieu's field theory to explore the Turkish production front of the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) and to reveal unorthodox imaginations about the entertainment phenomenon. Its findings, based on in-depth interviews with actors who have been involved in the production of Turkey's contribution to the ESC-rather than consuming it via national media channels as the vast majority of the public does-indicate that the actors' views are vastly different from the dominant discourses about the ESC in Turkey. Along with a discussion of the reasons for the discrepancy between aggressive media discourses and producers' approaches to the ESC, this article also highlights national media outlets' key role in shaping the imaginations about communicative phenomena beyond national borders.
Infoamérica (Iberoamerican Communication Review), 2011
Altug Akin es profesor de comunicación en la Universidad de Izmir (Turquía) y periodista de la Se... more Altug Akin es profesor de comunicación en la Universidad de Izmir (Turquía) y periodista de la Sección para Turquía de la BBC.
İletişim Araştırmaları - İLEF, 2010

Eastbound, 2009
Recently, the Turkish broadcasting sector -an affluent TV landscape with more than 400 TV station... more Recently, the Turkish broadcasting sector -an affluent TV landscape with more than 400 TV stations of which 23 are national and 16 are regional ones, has been controlled largely by a handful of conglomerates with a variety of "interests". Among these interests the political ones are evident, as well as their implications on the nature of "politics" in the country. By the early 2000's, the major example of the non-democratic interplay between politics and media in Turkish history turned out to be manifest. In this study, the electoral campaign of a particular political party, Genc Party (Young Party -GP), in the 2002 general elections will be analyzed, in relation to the political communication strategies deployed. GP, whose political attitude can best be described as "eclectic ultra-nationalism", or "pop ultra-nationalism", was established only five months before the elections, building on the prevailing corporate network and personal image of its founder Cem Uzan, a young successful business man and media baron. GP received 7,5 percent of overall votes (approximately 2,5 million votes), which can be regarded as an exceptional success in Turkish electoral history. GP's campaign which applied unique communication methods and was backed up by media of various kinds signifies the 'de-politicization' of politics, the take over of the political sphere by the media sphere, the victory of image vs. content, and finally the Turkish version of Berlusconi's party "Forza Italia". The article discusses the bitter relationship between media, politics and the public sphere as it was experienced in a post-deregulation Turkish setting.
Proceedıngs of Inter: A European Cultural Studies: Conference , Jan 1, 2007
Proceedings of the 5th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress. Istanbul: Logistics Association Turkey. in M. Tanyas & A. Eser (Eds.),, 2007
Book Chapters by altug akin
CultureCIVIC: Kültür Sanat Destek Programı 2021–2024, 2024
Son dönemde, başta UNICEF olmak üzere, aralarında çeşitli Birleşmiş Milletler kurumlarının da bul... more Son dönemde, başta UNICEF olmak üzere, aralarında çeşitli Birleşmiş Milletler kurumlarının da bulunduğu çok sayıda uluslararası kuruluş ve örgütün faaliyetlerinde benimsedikleri bu yaklaşım özünde insan
ve toplulukların nasıl değişip dönüşebilecekleri gibi oldukça eski ve epey de felsefi bir soruyla muhatap olur. Bu değişim ve dönüşümün “nasıl” olacağı
sorusuna birazdan geçmek kaydıyla önce “neden” sorusuna verilecek yanıtta mutabık olmak gerekiyor. Bireyler ve topluluklar neden değişmeli/dönüşmelidir?
Papers by altug akin
programatik çabalara sunduğu ya da potansiyel olarak sunabileceği katkıyı ortaya koymaktır. İkincil amaç ise C4D hakkında Türkiye’deki alan yazınında epey sınırlı olan yayın, araştırma ve tartışmayı başlatmaktır.
This article examines critical deeds of football supporters towards the news media,
as a result of their self-perception as media victims following news reports about murder of a football supporter, namely Ozgur Soylu, on the way to an away game to support his team. Research, using content analysis as well as Internet ethnography
methods to study the Internet forum of football supporters, aims to deeply comprehend characteristics, dynamics and transformation of football supporters’
anger towards media. In addition to media power and alternative media notions, concept of self-perception as media victim is proposed as a crucial step in the transformation of the rage against media towards action against media. Finally, football supporters’ critical position taking is proposed as an unusual form of media criticism from which critical media and communication studies can learn from.
Book Chapters by altug akin
ve toplulukların nasıl değişip dönüşebilecekleri gibi oldukça eski ve epey de felsefi bir soruyla muhatap olur. Bu değişim ve dönüşümün “nasıl” olacağı
sorusuna birazdan geçmek kaydıyla önce “neden” sorusuna verilecek yanıtta mutabık olmak gerekiyor. Bireyler ve topluluklar neden değişmeli/dönüşmelidir?
programatik çabalara sunduğu ya da potansiyel olarak sunabileceği katkıyı ortaya koymaktır. İkincil amaç ise C4D hakkında Türkiye’deki alan yazınında epey sınırlı olan yayın, araştırma ve tartışmayı başlatmaktır.
This article examines critical deeds of football supporters towards the news media,
as a result of their self-perception as media victims following news reports about murder of a football supporter, namely Ozgur Soylu, on the way to an away game to support his team. Research, using content analysis as well as Internet ethnography
methods to study the Internet forum of football supporters, aims to deeply comprehend characteristics, dynamics and transformation of football supporters’
anger towards media. In addition to media power and alternative media notions, concept of self-perception as media victim is proposed as a crucial step in the transformation of the rage against media towards action against media. Finally, football supporters’ critical position taking is proposed as an unusual form of media criticism from which critical media and communication studies can learn from.
ve toplulukların nasıl değişip dönüşebilecekleri gibi oldukça eski ve epey de felsefi bir soruyla muhatap olur. Bu değişim ve dönüşümün “nasıl” olacağı
sorusuna birazdan geçmek kaydıyla önce “neden” sorusuna verilecek yanıtta mutabık olmak gerekiyor. Bireyler ve topluluklar neden değişmeli/dönüşmelidir?