Papers by Stefano Picchio

The complexity of the issues connected with protection and management of the environment entails ... more The complexity of the issues connected with protection and management of the environment entails a growing demand for knowledge and data concerning changes that have occurred in the past, current states and trends. New technologies offer extraordinary opportunities for a joint public and private sector effort to improve our understanding of territorial and environmental states and problems. However, at least as regards Italy, environmental and territorial information systems suffer both from cultural underdevelopment and a lack of public initiative. Political and cultural effort is needed to promote action designed to provide better understanding of the environment, with a view to ensuring its protection and enhancement. A research project launched by the University IUAV of Venice, Italy-Department of Planning has two primary aims: − to promote reconsideration of the connection between supply and demand with regard to information to support the processes of territorial and environmental management; − to promote reconsideration of the present organization of the national mapping agencies. The research project is divided into four sub-projects. The objective of the first is to explore the system of "ongoing" land and environmental management archives (those which are stable and regularly updated) commonly kept by public administrations for specific institutional/managerial activities. The second sub-project explores the contribution currently being made by the system of sensors installed on various platforms (satellites, aerial, terrestrial and marine vehicles and networks) and dedicated to monitoring the environment. The aim of this sub-project is therefore to classify all the data collected by these sensors and to make them available for a variety of different users. Together, the first two sub-projects represent the complete structure for the supply of environmental and territorial data. The goal of the third section is to analyse the demand for information on the part of the regulatory-politicalinstitutional system on the one hand and of policy makers and urban managers on the other. This sub-project also sets out to understand the relations between demand segments and supply opportunities. The objective of the fourth sub-project is to investigate and present an overview of the institutions that deal with territorial information (cartographic institutions at state, regional, ministerial levels, etc.) in order to verify the relationship between their respective

Proceedings of International Conference CISBAT 2015 Future Buildings and Districts Sustainability from Nano to Urban Scale, 2015
Knowledge on the energy related status of urban areas is an important basis for measures to impro... more Knowledge on the energy related status of urban areas is an important basis for measures to improve sustainability and energy efficiency of the built environment. The "Urban Energy Web" project (UEb) developed an IT solution to share knowledge about energy consumption/energy behaviours of buildings and/or cities. The main output is the "UEb City Platform", a transnational web based platform to be used both as "Information Portal" and "Decision Support System". The platform was implemented and tested in two pilot areas: the city of Feltre, in the Veneto Region (Italy) and the region of Pinzgau Pongau, with a focus on the city of Zell Am See (Austria). The transnational level of the project and cooperation helped to compare policy disparities/differences. The application of the UEb methodology with different premises to the pilots triggered different results. In Feltre the UEb City Platform has been used for developing and integrating the Sustainable Energy Action Plan and to select some critic buildings to be included in a list of retrofitting intervention. In addition, the system triggered a network between experts, public administration and citizens. In Austria is used as an information portal for citizens, politicians and energy consultants. The platform includes indicators on refurbishment rates, average energy savings due to refurbishment, solar insolation on roofs, distances to district heating or gas infrastructure.

''Energy Web Feltre'' \ue8 un progetto di ricerca e sperimentazione sul campo inc... more ''Energy Web Feltre'' \ue8 un progetto di ricerca e sperimentazione sul campo incentrato sul tema del monitoraggio dei consumi energetici alla scala urbana, con l'obiettivo di realizzare un sistema di conoscenze socialmente condivise sullo stato di fatto dei consumi e delle emissioni del tessuto edilizio urbano. Il progetto, avviato dal 2011 e applicato sulla realt\ue0 urbana di Feltre, in provincia di Belluno, sviluppa un modello digitale ad altissima risoluzione della citt\ue0 al quale vengono associati i dati di uso e monitoraggio dell'organismo urbano, i consumi reali degli edifici e le misure delle dispersioni termiche ottenute tramite termografie dei fronti edilizi. Alla conclusione del progetto, sar\ue0 possibile implementare ed utilizzare un quadro di conoscenze a scala urbana, da condividere via web tra la comunit\ue0 locale dei cittadini, degli amministratori e delle imprese del settore dell\u2019edilizia innovativa e dei servizi di Facility & Energy Management. In questo modo si intendono supportare e favorire le condizioni necessarie per sviluppare politiche ed programmi di efficienza energetica basati su strategie di retrofitting di edifici e quartieri esistenti, cos\uec come di razionalizzazione dei consumi energetici, tramite servizi di gestione e riqualificazione energetica ad altissimo livello di innovazione

Established models to represent the territory are moving toward an integrated system of geographi... more Established models to represent the territory are moving toward an integrated system of geographically referenced information accessible via web, filled with data coming from different technological platforms ever more efficient, including satellite imaging systems, new solutions for telecommunications and territorial innovative monitoring networks. This picture is further enhanced by the integration of sensor networks, Internet and mobile phones which allow for the development of monitoring activities, even on real time base. On the other hand, the rapid evolution of Earth Observation systems offers outstanding images that can be interpreted and automatically classified with increasing efficiency. From this ground, a new cognitive approach arises, and it is based on two innovative paradigms for the knowledge of the territory: City Sensing and City Modelling. Among the benefits of geo-referenced processing of environmental/territorial data, an innovative contribution to governmental paradigms and practices and to planning instruments, both regulative and negotiated, has to be recognized. All this with the support of new communication instruments based on Web 2.0 philosophy.
Il laboratorio dell'architettura p.
The historical-cartographical approach for analysis and management SIC and ZPS: a case of study i... more The historical-cartographical approach for analysis and management SIC and ZPS: a case of study in the Sibillini Mountains Nati onal Park. In this study is described the historical-cartographic methodological approach used for the analysis and the formulation of the Manageme nt Plan of the SIC IT5340019. Beginning from some tied up shared concepts to the interpretation and the reading of the landscape, according to dif ferent schools of thought, the territory of the Ambro Valley has been investigated through elaborations such as GIS-cartographic of the ortophotos, putting to comparison the data related to the vegetable coverage in 1954 and 2001.
Il Clima cambia le Città, 2013

L\u2019evoluzione delle citt\ue0 negli ultimi decenni ha evidenziato una crescente difficolt\ue0 ... more L\u2019evoluzione delle citt\ue0 negli ultimi decenni ha evidenziato una crescente difficolt\ue0 nella comprensione dei fenomeni urbani. I processi di degrado sembrano aver seguito percorsi e logiche indipendenti dagli strumenti di governo, aggravando le conseguenze di eventi naturali straordinari e rendendo critica l\u2019impostazione di azioni di mitigazione dei rischi. La UE da alcuni anni sta promuovendo un approccio strategico all\u2019adattamento al rischio e verso l\u2019utilizzo di strumenti innovativi di conoscenza per il quale riteniamo necessaria un\u2019adeguata analisi di criticit\ue0 e attori coinvolti, lo sviluppo di tecnologie e metodi per il supporto decisionale e l\u2019integrazione dei dati misurati con la conoscenza esperta e il sapere diffuso. Si propongono tre casi di studio relativi alle dinamiche agro-forestali, alla costruzione di una banca dati per la contabilizzazione del verde urbano utile per la protezione dalle acque, la valutazione del fabbisogno energ...
Servizio di monitoraggio continuo del territorio e dell\u2019ambiente a bassa quota con velivolo ... more Servizio di monitoraggio continuo del territorio e dell\u2019ambiente a bassa quota con velivolo leggero
Servizio di monitoraggio continuo del territorio e dell\u2019ambiente a bassa quota con velivolo ... more Servizio di monitoraggio continuo del territorio e dell\u2019ambiente a bassa quota con velivolo leggero
Unisky, the University of Venice spin-off Unisky is a recently born spin-off of the University of... more Unisky, the University of Venice spin-off Unisky is a recently born spin-off of the University of Venice (IUAV). The exeperiences and skills of the envolved researchers, coming from different academic departments, led to the institution of this modern working group, which is mainly focused in providing sistemic and permanent monitoring of land and environment. The projects carried out by Unisky favoured a strong partnership network with private companies, able to complete the spin-off technological offer.
Papers by Stefano Picchio