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Indiana University School of Library & Information Science

Journal created:
on 12 May 2005 (#7096996)
on 17 July 2011
Bloomington, Indiana, United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Welcome! This is a community pertaining to the Indiana University School of Library & Information Science. If you are a current student, alumni, or just a fan, this is a great way to meet classmates, keep in touch with old friends, and network.

  • Do you choose courses based on whether or not they meet in the classroom with windows?

  • Do you wish you had someone with whom to reminisce about your professor's political jokes?

  • Have you ever gotten lost trying to find the so-called "second floor"?

  • Do you miss having a pink locker?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the community for you!
academic librarians, academic libraries, american library association, archives, bathrooms with passwords, bibliographic control, big ten, bloomington, books, buildings confusing as hogwarts, cataloging, censorship, chick-fil-a, children's librarians, children's literature, classification schemes, collection development, collection management, conservation, databases, dewey decimal classification, digital libraries, distance learning, dunn meadow, freedom of information, government documents, graduate school, herman wells, historical documents, history of the book, hoosiers, indexes, indexing, indiana, indiana university, indianapolis, information, information architecture, information literacy, information retrieval, information science, information systems, information technology, internships, iu, iu slis, iub, iupui, job opportunities, jobs, kirkwood avenue, knitting librarians, knowledge management, law libraries, librarian, librarians, librarianship, libraries, library, library and information science, library of congress classification, library school, library science, library weblogs, literature, mcpl, mis, mls, monroe county, periodicals, phd, pink lockers, preservation, public librarians, public libraries, public services, rare books, reference, reference interviews, reference librarians, research, researching, school librarians, school media specialists, serials, shepherd lab, slis, special k chewies, special librarians, special libraries, storytelling, technical services, technology, the classroom with windows, the mac lab, university libraries, wells library, young adult literature
