Andrea R. Jain
Phone: 317-274-1721
Address: Department of Religious Studies
425 University Blvd., CA 335
Indianapolis IN 46202-5140
Address: Department of Religious Studies
425 University Blvd., CA 335
Indianapolis IN 46202-5140
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Books by Andrea R. Jain
By discussing a wide array of modern yoga types, from Iyengar Yoga to Bikram Yoga, Jain argues that popularized yoga cannot be dismissed—that it has a variety of religious meanings and functions. Yoga brands destabilize the basic utility of yoga commodities and assign to them new meanings that represent the fulfillment of self-developmental needs often deemed sacred in contemporary consumer culture.
Papers by Andrea R. Jain
By discussing a wide array of modern yoga types, from Iyengar Yoga to Bikram Yoga, Jain argues that popularized yoga cannot be dismissed—that it has a variety of religious meanings and functions. Yoga brands destabilize the basic utility of yoga commodities and assign to them new meanings that represent the fulfillment of self-developmental needs often deemed sacred in contemporary consumer culture.
How do diverse communities that practice yoga think about the rightful care of the body? This workshop – a morning of talk, practice, and creativity -- will bring together scholars and practitioners to explore questions about yoga, ethics and the body. We will consider how Indian religious traditions have conceptualized these questions, explore the public reshaping of yoga, and reflect on how a yoga practice can nurture new ethical approaches.
This half-day workshop includes short talks, practice sessions, and creative experiences. Through these different ways of knowing and reflecting, participants gain the opportunity to deepen their personal and community understanding of yoga, ethics and the body.
This event is free and open to the public. Places are limited and pre-registration is required. Participants will have the opportunity to contribute to ongoing research about the meaning of yoga today.
9:00-9:30: Andrea Jain, Indiana University-Purdue University, "Yoga and the Ethics of the Body: Sex, Religion, and Power Across Traditions"
9:30-10:00: Alan Goode, Yoga Mandir, "On Samyama: Inquiry and Practice"
10:00-11:00: Patrick McCartney, Kyoto University, "Body Mapping: A Workshop"
11:00-11:15: Morning Tea
11:15-12:15 Shameem Black, Australian National University, "Anti-Instagramming the Body: A Writing/Art Workshop"
12:15-12:30 Concluding Reflections
Andrea R. Jain, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, editor of the Journal of American Academy of Religion, and author of Selling Yoga: From Counterculture to Pop Culture (Oxford University Press, 2014). She is a regular contributor to Religion Dispatches and co-chair of the Yoga in Theory and Practice Group of the American Academy of Religion.
Alan Goode is the Director of Yoga Mandir in Canberra. He is a senior teacher and a direct student of B.K.S. Iyengar- one of the most influential teachers of Yoga in the last century.
Alan is passionately involved with the practice of yoga and its application to daily life. Through his writing he unravels the themes of the yoga sutras and demonstrates their link to our daily practice.
Patrick McCartney, Ph.D. is a JSPS Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Japan; a Research Associate at Nanzan Anthropological Institute, Nanzan University, Japan; and a Visiting Fellow at the South and South-East Asian Studies Department, Australian National University, Australia.
Shameem Black, Ph.D. is the Acting Director of the South Asia Research Institute and a Fellow in the Program of Gender, Media and Cultural Studies in the School of Culture, History and Language in the College of Asia and the Pacific at the Australian National University.
Samyama Lab is a partnership between the South Asia Research Institute at the Australian National University and Yoga Mandir: An Iyengar Institute. This workshop is supported by the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, the ANU South Asia Research Institute, and Yoga Mandir.
This workshop is presented with funding through APIP, at the College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University.