Papers by André De Tienne
Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências eBooks, 2021
Transactions of The Charles S Peirce Society, 1993
Dans cet article, Peirce critique les theses kantiennes sur l'espace et le temps et formule s... more Dans cet article, Peirce critique les theses kantiennes sur l'espace et le temps et formule ses propres hypotheses
Manuscripts and scholarly editions are essential resources for humanities researchers. However, m... more Manuscripts and scholarly editions are essential resources for humanities researchers. However, most of those resources do not exist in digital form or are not easy to access online. This forces scholars to spend unnecessary time and effort to conduct research on different versions of materials (physical and digital) from different sources. To solve this problem, we propose CORPUS -- a Collaborative Online Research Platform for Users of Scholarly editions -- to support scholarly research online in an efficient manner. To design CORPUS, we conducted contextual inquiries with 10 scholars in philosophy to collect user requirements and generate design ideas. An interactive prototype was developed based on the user requirements. Finally, we conducted a formal evaluation study with the same 10 scholars to test the usability of CORPUS.

et 1126, qui rallie pour le moment la majorite des chercheurs (Constant J. Mews, «On Dating the W... more et 1126, qui rallie pour le moment la majorite des chercheurs (Constant J. Mews, «On Dating the Works of Peter Abelard», Archives d'histoire doctrinale et litteraire du moyen age, vol. 52 [1985], p. 73-134). II faut savoir que la minutieuse etude de Mews a bouleverse les idees auparavant acceptees selon lesquelles \e Dialogus etait l'ceuvre ultime d'Abelard en raison notamment de sa forme inachevee. II y a ensuite un probleme de sources exactes auxquelles se refere Spade pour traduire YEthica. II signale dans sa breve introduction (p. XXVII) qu'il utilise dans Pensemble l'edition critique latine de Luscombe, sauf a quelques occasions — a une vingtaine de reprises — mais on ignore quelle version latine ou manuscrit il emploie alors ou s'il s'agit plutot de conjectures nouvelles de sa part. Comme il le fait dans le cas du Dialogus, afin de corriger les erreurs de l'edition Thomas (Rudolf Thomas, Petrus Abaelardus. Dialogus inter philosophum, Iudaeum et Christianum, ed. critique, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, Friedrich Frommann Verlag [Gunther Holzboog], 1970), on pourrait penser que Spade utilise dans ces cas l'edition moins fiable de la Patrologie latine (P.L. 178). Signalons aussi que le choix de rendre le mot latin «habitus», qui entre dans la definition de la vertu, par le terme anglais a connotations multiples «habit» n'est pas des plus heureux. II est preferable d'utiliser alors le terme «state» ou de conserver simplement le substantif latin «habitus». D'autres petites imprecisions se glissent ca et la, comme lorsque Adams impute a Ciceron les theses stoiciennes de l'egalite et de 1'unite des vertus (p. XViil), ainsi que le fait le philosophe du Dialogus, alors que le rheteur romain soutient plutot, d'apres ce qui est cite, celle de la connexion des vertus, selon laquelle celui qui possede une vertu a de fortes chances d'en posseder d'autres, bien que chacune d'elles puisse varier en intensite (p. 105106). Quant a savoir si Ciceron lui-meme a soutenu la doctrine de l'egalite et de 1'unite des vertus qu'il rapporte a quelques occasions, notamment dans sesParado.xa Stoicorum (paradoxe III), c'est toute la question! (cf. Definibus, IV, 54 sqq., 74 sqq.).
Transactions of The Charles S Peirce Society, 1989
Semiotic Society of America eBooks, 1988
Primary Texts in Cambridge Pragmatism Early Criticisms and Controversies, 1897-1910 Later Critici... more Primary Texts in Cambridge Pragmatism Early Criticisms and Controversies, 1897-1910 Later Criticisms and Controversies, 1911-1940 The Lasting Influence of Peirce and James 5 reset volumes of articles and book extracts. Each volume has a new introduction plus a name and subject index.

Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture
This paper discusses the semiotic and metaphysical framework within which Peirce elaborated a sym... more This paper discusses the semiotic and metaphysical framework within which Peirce elaborated a symbolical and dynamical conception of personhood. It exhibits the centrality of Peirce's early conception of the "unity of consistency" along with its decentering advantages. It describes how this gave rise to a metaphysics of personhood that questions the singularity of individuals. It then conducts a semiotic study of the evolutive process across which something indeterminate evolves into something determinate that increasingly personifies itself following the logic of symbolization, taking into account two major types of indetermination: generality and vagueness. It then considers the kind of teleology at work within personification. It concludes that personhood so conceived is not restricted to only individual human beings, for the process of symbolization at work is not confined to a particular species-specific application.

© This paper is not for reproduction without permission of the author(s). Psychologists of all st... more © This paper is not for reproduction without permission of the author(s). Psychologists of all stripes have struggled to understand the mechanics of the learning process. For Peirce learning is fundamentally a semiotic process-and thus pre-psychological-so that semiotic theorists have a lot to contribute to the analysis of learning in general. In my lecture I will examine five assertions extracted from one of Peirce's most suggestive writings on the nature of learning (from a text entitled "On Topical Geometry, in General, " published in Collected Papers 7.536, c. 1899): (1) there is an essential relation between learning and the flow of time; (2) learning is a continuous process; (3) learning is virtually reasoning; (4) learning is interpretation; (5) and finally learning is representation, and thus another name for the central category of thirdness. I suggest, among other things, that learning is a process of becoming increasingly more sensitive to all kinds of sign...
The American Journal of Semiotics, 2021
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Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 1989
... Page 2. 386 Andre De Tienne 2. Kant's Theory, Most Briefly The primary question we have ... more ... Page 2. 386 Andre De Tienne 2. Kant's Theory, Most Briefly The primary question we have to ask is why Kant resorted to a transcendental deduction to establish the validity of his table of categories. The section of the Critique ...
The American Journal of Semiotics, 2020
DeSign in the TransModern World is no mere book. It is not merely a bound collection of sheets of... more DeSign in the TransModern World is no mere book. It is not merely a bound collection of sheets of paper covered with right-justified paragraphs full of printed characters distributed in twelve chapters, each one ending with a copious list of references, and the last disguised in a momentously culminating epilogue. The volume is far more than "Reflections on Signs and Language," the name of the collection edited by Susan Petrilli and Augusto Ponzio at Peter Lang, of which this masterpiece is the second member. Farouk Seif's work cannot hold in any collection. It is one of a kind, not equivalent to any other creation. It is, inherently, a paradox all on its own. A review of it must therefore begin with the statement of a paradox. It really is not a book. What is it, then?
Magritte au risque de la sémiotique, 1999
Signs of Humanity / L’homme et ses signes, 1992
Papers by André De Tienne