Institute of Technology, Tralee
Business & Social Studies
The context of this research is based on the European reference framework, which presented ‘Entrepreneurship and a sense of initiative’ as one of eight key competences for lifelong learning that citizens require in a knowledge-based... more
This study assesses the extent and pattern of change in the distribution of grades in the Irish Leaving Certificate examination between 1992, when the current grading system was introduced, and 2006. It also evaluates whether grade... more
The paper is a case study of grading disparity in higher education -variation in the grades awarded for similar academic effort across examiners, disciplines and institutions -based on the first cohort of graduates from the ab initio BSc... more
Grade Inflation occurs when there is an upward trend over a period of time in examination grades awarded in the absence of a matching improvement in learning or achievement. This paper explores the causes of the grade inflationary trend... more
Grade Inflation occurs when there is an upward trend over a period of time in grades awarded to successive cohorts of students taking a given examination or set of examinations in the absence of a matching improvement in learning or... more