I'm not frugal because I'm broke
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It's A Frugal Life!

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getting out of debt [17 Aug 2007|02:11pm]
N.B. I am in Australia, where the school terms and the $ exchange rate is different from the U.S. Currently $1 AUD is approx $.8 US.
I am a music teacher, and some of my students pay me by school term
and some pay by half-term. So where I stand at the moment, nearly all
of my students have paid me for the half-term that ends today, and
some have paid me for the full term. Also there are a couple of
students who have already paid enough to cover them up to halfway into
next term. The good news: I have a record that on the 7th July I was
in debt by about $5000 AUD. Then yesterday, according to my credit card
balance, savings account balance and cash in my wallet, by deficit was
down to about $550!! Not quite as good as it sounds, as I probably
owe something between $2000 and $3000 in bills, and even apart from
that my deficit will increase further between now and the end of the
term, as I probably won't be paid much more until then, and my
business overheads are considerable. Still, I am getting somewhere.
When I get paid for next term it should clear my credit card debt, and
I might POSSIBLY have enough money left over to last me into mid
January, if i am frugal enough. (I have a 55-days-interest-free
credit card, so if I dip into my credit card after mid-Jan, then even
if my students don't pay me until after lessons start again in
February that will still be soon enough to make the card payment). In
the meantime, I will have to see how big my bill will be for the past
three years' tax returns! Well anyway, it's good to know that now I
am earning enough to be able to save plenty. Also I recently got a
slow-cooker, which has been very handy for lazy cooking and cheap eating:)
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I always for get about communities! [11 Jul 2007|11:24am]

[ mood | awake ]

OK, so I've done like, all those things where you do stuff, and you're supposed to get money for it,
or prizes, or gift cards,
most of them are bullshit plain and simple.

I have found a few which aren't! seriously!

and there's more info on saving at the bottom!

i'm not cheap, i'm frugal!
frugal = smart ;-)

over the past, ohh, 5-6 months, I've received 5 gift cards for walmart, 4 of them for $10, one for $25,
thats $65!
How It Works-
basically, you sign up, and they send you emails, sometimes nothing for a day, sometimes like 8 in a day (no more than like 25 a week)
and you either get a minimum of 5 points for clicking on a link in the email, or it could be a survey email, and if you take it, and don't qualify, you get at least 10 points, and if you do, you get at lest 50 points (or more!)
then theres the usual fare that most sites like this have, where you sign up for something, and you get points or whatnot,
well to get a $10 walmart gift card is 1500 points, and for signing up for a book club or movie club (or something like netflix) you get anywhere from 1000-1500 points, which is almost an automatic giftcard!
now they also have alot of those just enter your email, or enter this contest to get points (signing up for stuff on other sites, you can get from 15-500 points depending on the site)
you can also go through them to, and print coupons for grocery(or whatnot) shopping-10 points for every coupon you redeem!

but thats not all, when you shop through their site (called a clickthrough) you earn points for how much you spend.
anywhere from 1-10 points per dollar, to 100-2000 points just for making a purchase at a specific site (again, all depends on what sites, and what you're buying)
you cn also get points by referring people, right now if you'd like to try, I can send you an invitation to try, just see how easy it is to earn points!
(my email is thezkitten @ or you can comment with it- and yes, I do get some points for you joining, but really, it's so worth it!!!)

I personally get the walmart gift cards (they have hundreds of places to choose from) and use them for gas, because when you use a walmart card (even the reloadable ones which are the ones you get from mypoints) at the pump, you save $.03 a gallon, and when gas is as high as it's been, it makes a difference! (at least to me it does!!)

all in all, the points add up quick! even just clicking on the emails they send!


I haven't been with this group for long, but it pays out!
the way ebates works, is when you shop through their site (clickthroughs like mypoints) you actually earn cash back!
most of the cash backs are 2-8%, may not seem like alot, but it does add up if you shop online alot..
they send you a check every three months (providing you're over $5.01) and it may not seem like alot at first, but once you start getting the checks, you can see how much it adds up to!
they also have a different store everyday that they offer double cash back on, and quite often its or something like that.
they also have coupons too, which help add savings!

right now if you sign up through my link (right here!) you get an extra $5 put in your account (along with the $5 you get for signing up!)

You're probably all "whatthefuck?!" well paypal can work for you!
I use paypal for alot, I receive payments for things I sell online (art stuff, jewelry, ebay, ect)
and I use it to pay for most things online as well!
well they offer a debit card to those who've had a paypal account for over 90 days, and are verified,
one of the best things about it? when you use the card, you get 1% cash back,
seriously! I've probably made $20-50 bucks back over the past 6 months!
its a mastercard debit card, so it works anywhere a debit or mastercard works, (i use it for pretty much everything!)
you can even use it to get cash out of atms (providing you have the $ in your paypal account)
for buying things online, this is an extra hell yah! it just adds to the savings!

I can hear all of you going what the fuck, right now.
well google can save you money.
first you use it to research what you want to buy, see who has the best prices (ALWAYS check shipping)
AND you can use google to your advantage to find discount codes, the best way?-
type in discound code - or coupon - or -promotional code-
and just see what the best code you can find is, usually at the least you can get a % off, or free shipping, or even free gifts!
all depends on how through you look,

now, you may be saying i'm full of bologna (ballonie?!) but no, I'm not, I just spend way too much time trying to make $ without having to kill myself at a job I hate!

now, you're asking how to make it all work best for you?
well this is what I did the other day,
my boyfriend needed something online, and asked me to grab them for him,
so I checked out the site he wanted to buy them from,
the order came to $48, which I thought was a lil high! ; -)
then I checked through google for sites that had coupons or promotional codes for the store
I did two googles, "coupons" and "promotional codes"
I ended up finding a code good for 10% off,
That brought me down to $43.20, but I wanted more
so I checked on ebates, and mypoints, I was 50 points from another gift card,
so I decided to go through mypoints, which got me 86 points (and the giftcard)
then I also used my paypal debit card and got my 1% back ($.43)
so all in all, I saved a good $5 dollars, and got more points towards my gift certificates!
if I had used ebates, I would have gotten $1.728 cash back,
but I was closer to the gift card, but almost $2 back would have been fine if mypoints didn't have the store listed as well!

it's a little extra work, but worth it to save some money!
since I shop online for like 90% of what i use/wear/buy, i save a hellava lot,
you may save more or less, depending on all that jazz,

I still also do other surveys through other companies, and I get the random $4-5 dollar check,
and occasionally i get the $10-20 dollar checks,
I've probably made (in checks, cashback, and gift certificates) over $500 in the past 6 months,
it may not be alot to you, but it's a hellavalot to me!

I'll be posting more later, after I've had a chance to try out more sites and such

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fashion tips [12 Oct 2006|07:09am]
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what kinds of clothes to buy cheaply? I am in my 30s, and my priorities with clothes are at the moment are: clothes that can be worn in very hot weather, clothes that are suitable for work (admin positions), clothes that are reaonably versatile, and (very important) that aren't going to go out of fashion too quickly. I'm not concerned about wearing exactly what's "in" at the very moment; being able to keep what I buy is what counts for me. Also I look many years younger than I am, so would also be comfortable in clothes intended for young girls (although I'm not actually sure of what difference it makes, but just so that you have some idea).

I like the idea of shopping in op shops, but don't want to spend a huge amount of time doing so, so it would be helpful if I had some idea of what I wanted and could quickly see whether or not the shop has it or not.
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S&S Worldwide [05 Oct 2006|11:04am]

they're a china based company
that has some of the best
halloween, arts n crafts, and general kids toys (and noviltys)
especialy good for entertainment/prizes large amounts of kids, for cheap

right now they're offering a special (if your a member or some crap like that)
and they allow the sharing of codes (can be used by any one any amount of times!)

E2343- $10 off an order of $30 or more
E2344- Free standard shipping for an order of $49 or more
E2346- $15 off an order fo $60 or more
E2347- $20 off an order of $60 or more placed online only
E2348- 10% off an order of $99 or more
E2349- 15% off an order of $200 or more
E2345- Free Standard shipping plus 10% off an order of $400 or more.

the free shipping  is to the 48 US states only,
Offer expires 11/15/06.

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Save Your Money, & Make Some Too!!! [02 Sep 2006|01:37am]

[ mood | sore ]

i've been browsing about online latly  (no life)
and i've noticed soo many people have websites on sites that have a kagillion ads,
or list thigns for sale in their livejournals,
so i'm spreading the word,

* your 100% free online classified marketplace. Our idea is simple, why pay Ebay when you can sell for free? This question reflects our attitude about selling online. And that is why sellers can post unlimited ads, 4 photos per ad, with up to 180 day listing periods all for free. And every blujay member gets an online webstore to showcase their items.

i host my store on blujay!


they offer free services to make great looking auction or store details (
basicly to help your ads look more professional!
(only a couple thigns are pay, the res are free!!!)


50 MB Free Web Hosting
» Free UNLIMITED Traffic
» Free Domain Hosting
» Free Subdomain Hosting
» Free DNS Server
» Free FTP Hosting Account
» Free POP3 Email Account
» Instant Account SetUp
» Web Based File Manager
» Easy to use Control Panel
» Reliable RAID Backups
» Stable Hosting Platform
» Super Fast Servers
» Reliable Data Center
» Ultra Fast Network
» 99.8% Uptime Guarantee
» 24x7 Network Monitoring
» Host Unlimited Web Sites

*Coffee Cup

(button links to their free stuff)

We don't just make Software, we make Webmasters. What we have done since 1996 is pretty simple. We make software so you can create a Website. If you already have a Website try our Award Winning HTML Editor and other Web Design Software and make your site even better today!
(they also offer lots of other programs useful to website builders)

with all three of these simple things,,, and CoffeeCup
you can set up a nice looking online website and store!

so please help spread the word,
cause i really am not fond of shopping in livejournals or on really crappy websites!
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If you're a new mother (with a baby under 3 months old) [02 Sep 2006|01:29am]

jemmifire Has a sign up where they'll send you a coupon for a free baby package if your baby is under 3 months old, and they'll also sign you up to get free birthday pictures on their birthdays for 3 years. :)

You'll have to check the site for locations.

I just got my son's pictures done today
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Style at a frugal price! [16 Jun 2006|10:07am]

So my car died (overheated, hole in the radiator, damaged head gasket and pistons!) and sadly there is no public transport to the area where I I decided to ebay some stuff to raise some money. Right now since my work is seasonal I'll be only but come august I'll need a car. So if any of you are looking for great clothing but at a cheap price (I'm frugal myself you know..) please check out my auctions.

Brands include BEBE, Guess, Ralph Lauren, Banana Republic, Sisley, United Colors of Benetton, American Apparel, BCBG Max Azria, JCrew, Laundry Shelli Segal, Playboy, Vintage Tees, Diesel, Mango MNG, Tommy Hilfiger, Ecko, Versace, Michael Stars, GAP, the Knot, DKNY, Disney, Rocawear, Abercrombie & Fitch, Anime Tees, Escada, Sean John, Miss Sixty, Leg Avenue and more!
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Juice box substitute? [25 Apr 2006|09:21am]


I'm looking for a container for juice or milk that is shaped like a juice box. My ten year old stepson loves the soymilk boxes and the size & shape are very portable. I just can't stomach paying more for less though. (I haven't done the math for the juice kind, but a 3-pack of 8.25 oz soymilk boxes costs $1 more than the highest not-on-sale retail price of the quart packages of the same brand of soymilk. It makes the per-ounce cost almost double! Gah!) Also, he really enjoys almond milk, but it isn't sold in individual packages.

Does anyone have a lead on homemade juice box packaging? He's at the age where they lose everything, so the only thermoses I'll pay for are too big and clunky. (Sleek small ones are spendy, and I won't take the chance of a $20 thermos being lost on the playground somewhere.) He has an insulated lunch box, so I don't really need insulated packaging if I pack and refrigerate the containers the night before. I also don't want anything too childish. He's starting to care about being cool, so buying anything that looks like it's made for babies will be a complete waste of money.

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Claire's is amazing. [15 Apr 2006|11:08pm]

So as long as you buy something else you can buy "surprise bags" for a dollar a piece. I spent $10 today and bought 2 things of body jewels, 55 pairs of earrings (some on cards of like 6 or 9 pairs), 3 headbands, 1 Tiara, 1 Pair of shoelaces, 13 necklaces, 7 bracelets, 1 watch, 1 ring, 1 butterfly bobby pin thing, 2 disney princesses hair elastics, 2 lip glosses, 2 wrist bands, 17 toe rings (some on cards with 3), i hair clip, 2 Italian Charm Bracelets, 4 Italian Charms (3 of which are Care Bears, the other was a Disney Princess), and a Care Bear keychain. The only drawback is you have no clue what you will get in the surprise bag. I am very rarely disapointed. They only have the surprise bags for xmas, easter, and back to school though so if you want them you have to go in the next couple days.
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sick of ebay's fees??? [04 Apr 2006|12:45pm]

so am i!!
so since we are of a froo-gal mind,

go here,,
theyre set up so you can sell what you will,
(like ebay)
but with no fees!!
(better than ebay)

save a few bucks for somthing more important :)

i'll be putting thigns for sale on my site on bluejay :)
(i'm lsited as
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[06 Mar 2006|02:50pm]

<lj user=itsafrugallife>

I made a banner to promote with. Feel free to promote any way you want, or even make your own banners to share. :)

♥ Sara
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[06 Mar 2006|02:26am]

Well lookie, people actually joined my community.

How about some posts and promoting?

♥ Sara
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some freebees [19 Jan 2006|06:14pm]

[ mood | blah ]

i keep forgetting to post some, so enjoy- ALOT!!Collapse )

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[12 Jan 2006|02:10pm]

More links added to the main page.

Courtesy of my friend Carol at work. :)

♥ Sara
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[08 Jan 2006|01:55pm]

Do you have a bunch of books sitting around collecting dust?
Swap them for the books you WANT! Free!

♥ Sara
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[06 Jan 2006|09:33pm]

The phone number to the Y is 831-9922. This is for the Y in Providence Rhode Island. I am not sure about other states, but as stated previously, I am sure other states have similar programs.

They run on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and offer Rapid Refund.

Please call to make an appointment.

♥ Sara

P.S. Please tell your friends about this community, and please post your tips, links... helpful anything! We all have to pitch in to make this community work.
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[06 Jan 2006|04:22am]

Do your taxes, free.

If you don't know how to do your own taxes, there may be programs in your community that will do them for you, or show you how to do them. I know here in RI the YWCA offers free tax refund filing. When I get more info on this, I will post it.

♥ Sara
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First post//Mod post [06 Jan 2006|04:05am]

Heya! Welcome to itsafrugallife.

This community isn't just based on just coupons, recipes, free stuff, etc. Anything pertaining to FRUGAL LIVING can be posted here. I don't care what it is, as long as it is on the subject of frugality.

If anyone has any links you would like posted on the info page, left me know.

♥ Sara
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