Papers by I Made Wahyu Wijaya
Journal of Ecological Engineering, Jun 1, 2023

Jurnal Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan
Sampah bunga merupakan salah satu sampah yang secara spesifik dihasilkan dari kegiatan seremoni a... more Sampah bunga merupakan salah satu sampah yang secara spesifik dihasilkan dari kegiatan seremoni agama Hindu. Sampah ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai kompos karena mengandung bahan organik yang mudah didegradasi. Untuk mempercepat proses degradasi dibutuhkan bioaktivator. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian biaktivator berbeda terhadap proses pembuatan kompos sampah bunga. Sampel sampah bunga yang digunakan terdiri dari gemitir (Tagates erecta L.), pacar air (Impatiens balsamina L.), bunga hortensia (Hydrangea), dan kamboja (Plumeria). Reaktor yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan reaktor aerobik yang dilengkapi dengan lubang untuk sirkulasi udara. Suhu dan pH dalam reaktor komposting mengalami perubahan dari 25-26oC ke suhu sekitar 35-36oC sedangkan pH menjadi ke pH normal. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya proses metabolisme dalam reaktor. Kada air alam sampah mengalami penurunan dari sekitar 80% menjadi dibawah 50% selama waktu detensi 30 hari. C/N ...

Lumbung Inovasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Pengembangan Desa Ayunan sebagai desa wisata tentunya akan berdampak pada peningkatan pengunjung ... more Pengembangan Desa Ayunan sebagai desa wisata tentunya akan berdampak pada peningkatan pengunjung dan berimplikasi pada peningkatan timbulan sampah. Pengelolaan sampah yang baik tentunya sangat penting dalam pengembangan desa wisata untuk memberikan suasana yang nyaman dan asri baik bagi masyarakat desa ataupun pengunjung. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah sebagai akselerasi pengelolaan persampahan di Desa Ayunan untuk mendukung pengembangan Desa Ayunan sebagai Desa Wisata. Kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa pembinaan kelompok PKK Desa Ayunan sebanyak 50 orang untuk mengolah sampah organik rumah tangga menjadi kompos dengan menggunakan komposter bag. Serangkaian kegiatan berupa workshop pembuatan kompos dan pendampingan intensif telah dilakukan untuk memastikan kegiatan pengolahan sampah organik di Desa Ayunan telah dilakukan. Berdasarkan hasil monitoring, anggota PKK telah melakukan pembuatan kompos di rumah nya masing-masing dan tentunya akan memanfaatkan kompos y...

Journal of Ecological Engineering
The leakage of temple waste in the environment surrounding the temples has made the image of temp... more The leakage of temple waste in the environment surrounding the temples has made the image of temples not only a cultural icon but also a contributor to landfill waste on the island. About 292.36 kg of temple waste is generated from a single ceremonial at Griya Anyar Tanah Kilap Temple. The temple waste consists of 90,16% of organic waste (food, leaf and discarded flower) that is easily biodegraded. This research aimed to examine the temple waste to be recycled into Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). Leaf and flower waste are used as RDF material using two different drying methods, namely natural drying and pyrolysis. The results showed that the pyrolysis RDF has a similar caloric value to the natural drying RDF with 3311.7 kcal/kg and 2912.7 kcal/kg, respectively. According to the electrical power potential, pyrolysis RDF has 3856.19 kWh/tons, meanwhile natural drying RDF has 3391.59 kWh/tons. The pyrolysis RDF has less organic content and quite higher ash content than the natural drying RDF, making it better quality and appropriate to be applied in the community for a long-term sustainable temple waste recycling.

Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences
Intensive shrimp cultivation with a high level of shrimp biomass and feeding will also result in ... more Intensive shrimp cultivation with a high level of shrimp biomass and feeding will also result in high waste disposal. This condition can cause pollution in the surrounding waters and reduce the quality of the environment, which will threaten the sustainability of the environment and the sustainability of shrimp cultivation on the shrimp farm. The problem is the pollution load of shrimp farm wastes in the intensive cultivation system and the pollution status of coastal waters. This study aims to analyse the pollution load of shrimp farm wastes and the pollution status of coastal waters. This research was carried out in the coastal area of Jembrana District for four months, from March to June 2022. It was conducted by collecting data directly in the field. Samples were taken by purposive sampling method, namely at the inlet and outlet of the reservoir, the outlet of the shrimp farm, the outlet of the WWTP, coastal waters and marine waters. The pollution load level of shrimp farm waste...

International Journal of Geomate, Mar 10, 2018
Water sensitive city is a very important issue for the development of future cities. Water sensit... more Water sensitive city is a very important issue for the development of future cities. Water sensitiveness is a kind of way of life for all communities in the cities. Cities with a low level of environmental awareness would be difficult to implement the issue of water sensitive city. The aim of this study is to access how water sensitive city concept could be implemented in Surabaya. Observations and surveys using focus group discussion (FGD) and in-depth interview (IDI) were conducted to get real information on each musrenbang from kelurahan level up to kecamatan and city level. The concept of water sensitive city was likely to be possible to be implemented in Surabaya. It was, however, not easy to be implemented as human basic needs like poverty eradication, education, and sanitation was not discussed during musrenbang as these needs were indicators to further discuss the issue of water sensitive city. Water sensitive should not be thought and discussed as a concept, but it had to be practiced as the daily livelihood of the communities to create of robust cities for water-related issues.

Advances in Tropical Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences, 2022
The generation of organic waste is one of the biggest problems in developing countries like Indon... more The generation of organic waste is one of the biggest problems in developing countries like Indonesia. Examples of organic waste that can be obtained, such as leaves, include banana leaves and coconut leaves. One way to process waste that can generally be done is by composting. In the composting process, a bioactivator such as EM4 is needed to accelerate the reaction process in the waste. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of EM4 bioactivator in the degradation process of banana leaf and coconut leaf waste. Measurement of processing quality is measured in-situ with parameters of temperature, pH, and humidity. The waste temperature increased above 32oC for the addition of EM4 bioactivator, while without the addition of bioactivator it only increased to 31oC. pH tended to be in normal conditions and was in an acidic state on day 12. Humidity decreased from the beginning of the waste process to the end of the process. The final result of composting quality has met the crit...

Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan, 2021
Kegiatan upacara di tempat suci pura di Pulau Bali rata-rata menghasilkan sampah sekitar 2000 L/h... more Kegiatan upacara di tempat suci pura di Pulau Bali rata-rata menghasilkan sampah sekitar 2000 L/hari. Sebagai bagian yang sangat penting dari budaya Bali, sesajen yang terdiri dari bunga, daun, buah-buahan dan bambu disajikan di setiap upacara keagamaan. Pembuangan sampah pura yang tidak tepat berpotensi menimbulkan gangguan pada kehidupan manusia dan lingkungan, seperti air dan sanitasi, penumpukan sampah, peningkatan tingkat pencemaran, dan kesehatan manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendaur ulang sampah pura, khususnya sisa bunga menjadi dupa organik serta mengkaji alternatif lain dalam daur ulang sampah pura. Daur ulang sisa bunga menjadi dupa organik dilakukan dengan menggunakan tiga bahan campuran. Kajian literatur digunakan untuk menambah informasi alternatif daur ulang sampah pura dari penelitian sebelumnya. Hasil eksperimen menunjukan bahwa sampah sisa bunga dapat didaur ulang menjadi dupa organik. Rasio campuran 1:2 untuk sisa bunga dan bubuk esensial memberikan hasi...

Rata-rata jumlah wisatawan di obyek wisata ini pada bulan Januari-Maret 2014 adalah 288 orang, 15... more Rata-rata jumlah wisatawan di obyek wisata ini pada bulan Januari-Maret 2014 adalah 288 orang, 15% di antaranya wisatawan asing. Beberapa fasilitas penunjang berupa warung, restoran apung, balai serta wahana permainan anakanak telah dibangun. Pihak pengelola obyek wisata telah menyediakan fasilitas pengelolaan sampah, namun masih belum memadai. Terlebih-lebih daerah wisata ini mendapat sampah kiriman dari laut dan Sungai Buleleng. Tujuan perencanaan ini adalah menentukan timbulan dan komposisi sampah di obyek wisata Eks Pelabuhan Buleleng, merencanakan sistem pengelolaan sampah, serta menghitung biaya modal, operasional dan pemeliharaannya. Timbulan dan komposisi sampah dari fasilitas penunjang diukur dengan mengacu pada SNI 19-3964-1994. Pengambilan sampah di pesisir dan sungai dilakukan dengan metode transek. Perencanaan sistem pengelolaan sampah yang meliputi pewadahan, pengumpulan, dan TPS mengacu pada SNI 19-2454-2002, Buku Materi Bidang Sampah I 2013 Ditjen Cipta Karya Kemente...

One of the causes of open defecation (OD) is low awareness of local community towards open defeca... more One of the causes of open defecation (OD) is low awareness of local community towards open defecation free behavior. This community does not have a healthy toilet and usually defecate in the river. This poor environment is coupled with poverty and small footprint. Therefore, the tr.iggering methods should be modified by including the finance concept in form of stimulant funds to accelerate ODF targets by using appropriate technology for land limitations. The construction of healthy toilet in Kelurahan Kebonsari, Jambangan sub-district, was conducted in RW2 which consisted of RT 6 (4 units) and RT 7 (1 unit) and 2 units in RT 2 of RW 3. Construction was initiated with focus group discussion and indepth interview to locate the proper location to be triggered. Healthy toilet construction was conducted in cooperation among self-help community, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), and the community itself. Every month the users had to pay the toilet construction (capacity of 0.75 m 3) of IDR 100,000 for 10 months. Therefore, with this healthy toilet construction, KelurahanKebonsari becomes one of ODF village in Surabaya City.

Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan, 2021
The generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) in Bali has various environmental impacts. One of t... more The generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) in Bali has various environmental impacts. One of the updates on sustainable waste processing is the RDF treatment plant processing. Before carrying out the processing, MSW characterization is needed because each region has a diverse composition. The processing of MSW into RDF provides benefits for achieving MSW reduction targets, renewable energy use, and the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. For this reason, this study was conducted to determine the potential of MSW in Bali as an alternative to renewable fuel and its potential to reduce GHG. MSW's potential calorific value as a raw material for RDF in Bali can reach 9.58 - 17.71 MJ/kg. The implementation of processing waste into RDF in pellets has shown a calorific value of ± 3904 - 4945 kkcal/kg. Implementing MSW processing into RDF in Bali can reduce GHG by 178 - 330 times compared to open dumping.

International Journal of GEOMATE, 2018
The option of reusing treated wastewater is becoming necessary for environment sustainability app... more The option of reusing treated wastewater is becoming necessary for environment sustainability approach. In fact, wastewater effluent discharge regulations have become stricter leading to a better water quality. Municipal activities, agriculture, and rapid urbanization led to increased nitrogen and phosphorus discharge to the water system. More often, the effluents from municipal wastewater treatment plant failed to meet the national standard for effluent quality. Excess nutrients, mostly N and P is the main cause of eutrophication the which results in oxygen depletion, biodiversity reduction, fish kills, odor, and increased toxicity. Biological nutrient removal technologies are preferred and widely used to remove nitrogen and phosphorus from domestic wastewater and protect water quality. Chemical compositions in wastewater are highly diverse substances from simple compounds to complex polymers. Some wastewater samples were analyzed in this research. Conventional technology still retains the basic principle of complete nitrogen cycle through nitrification and denitrification. Anammox is a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to the basic method of nitrogen removal. Anammox has been identified as a new biotechnology for nitrogen reduction from wastewater. Compared to the common process of nitrogen removal, anammox can reduce 64% off aeration, 100% of an exogenous electron donor, and sludge production by 80-90%. Some benefits from anammox include high nitrogen removal rate, lower operational cost, and small space requirements. Anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) in Indonesia has been used commonly as communal wastewater treatment. Promoting anammox process in ABR potentially become an improvement for ABR in removing nitrogen better. This combination process still outlined for further research.

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017
Domestic wastewater effluent is the main contributor to diverse water pollution problems. The con... more Domestic wastewater effluent is the main contributor to diverse water pollution problems. The contaminants contained in the wastewater lead the low quality of water. The presence of ammonium and nitrate along with phosphorus are potentially cause eutrophication and endanger aquatic life. Excess nutrients, mostly N and P is the main cause of eutrophication which is result in oxygen depletion, biodiversity reduction, fish kills, odor and increased toxicity. Most of the domestic wastewater in Surabaya City still contains nitrogen that exceeded the threshold. The range of ammonium and orthophosphate concentration in the domestic wastewater is between 6.29 mg/L-38.91 mg/L and 0.44 mg/L-1.86 mg/L, respectively. An advance biological nitrogen removal process called anammox is a sustainable and cost effective alternative to the basic method of nitrogen removal, such as nitrification and denitrification. Many research have been conducted through anammox and resulted promisingly way to remove nitrogen. In this process, ammonium will be oxidized with nitrite as an electron acceptor to produce nitrogen gas and low nitrate in anoxic condition. Anammox requires less oxygen demand, no needs external carbon source, and low operational cost. Based on its advantages, anammox is possible to apply in domestic wastewater treatment in Surabaya with many further studies.

International Journal of GEOMATE, 2019
Wastewater is belong to one of the parts of sanitation objects. According to the studies, there i... more Wastewater is belong to one of the parts of sanitation objects. According to the studies, there is 7,98% of area was categorised as very high risk sanitation while 12,88% got high risk sanitation. There is still 1 % of the society practicing open defecation in the sewerage, and 0,27% to the land. As the part of sanitation, provision of wastewater treatment is one of the efforts to reach the universal access of 100-0-100, which means achieving 100% served by proper sanitation. The pollution in the mainstream is caused by the untreated domestic wastewater, which is directly discharged to the river. The wastewater services in Surabaya City by 2015 is 97,53% with 43 domestic wastewater installed. Surabaya City has some rules to manage and control the domestic wastewater. The effluent of domestic wastewater treatment is controlled by the rules with some parameters. The nitrogen content of the effluent in some domestic wastewater treatment was analysed according to APHA. The strategies were described according to the local sanitation strategic in Surabaya City. This study shown that there were three out of seven units of ABR have higher concentration of ammonium comparing with the national standard. Surabaya City has Sanitation Development Plan 2017, which is clearly describing the strategies plan for the domestic wastewater development 2017-2021. These strategies including the implement of related local rules, increase of wastewater services, increase of knowledge, participation and awareness of the society, increase the provision and access of sanitation supporting facilities, and optimization of sludge treatment in Surabaya City.

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 2020
The outbreak of coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) receives much attention globally. On January 30, ... more The outbreak of coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) receives much attention globally. On January 30, 2020, WHO has stated it was a global health emergency. The Indonesian Government requiring that all work from home and restricting access to activities outside the home. In the Bali Province, it has had a positive impact on the environment, especially for the amount of waste generation and emissions. The main objectives of this study were to analyse solid waste generation and to provide a review of issues in environmental impact during and before the pandemic of COVID-19 in Bali Province. LCA technique has been used extensively to evaluate the environmental performance of several municipal solid waste management technologies. An LCA study consists of four stages, such as goal and scope, life cycle inventory, life cycle impact analysis, and interpretation. The degraded organic carbon (DOC) value before the pandemic was 0.121 while after the pandemic the DOC reduced to 0.058. Moreover, methane and carbon dioxide production from waste generation per day was counted in this study. The total global warming potential from waste generation has been drastically reduced from 1,859.6 kg CO 2eq /day to 420.8 kg CO 2eq /day.

Rata-rata jumlah wisatawan di obyek wisata ini pada bulan Januari-Maret 2014 adalah 288 orang, 15... more Rata-rata jumlah wisatawan di obyek wisata ini pada bulan Januari-Maret 2014 adalah 288 orang, 15% di antaranya wisatawan asing. Beberapa fasilitas penunjang berupa warung, restoran apung, balai serta wahana permainan anakanak telah dibangun. Pihak pengelola obyek wisata telah menyediakan fasilitas pengelolaan sampah, namun masih belum memadai. Terlebih-lebih daerah wisata ini mendapat sampah kiriman dari laut dan Sungai Buleleng. Tujuan perencanaan ini adalah menentukan timbulan dan komposisi sampah di obyek wisata Eks Pelabuhan Buleleng, merencanakan sistem pengelolaan sampah, serta menghitung biaya modal, operasional dan pemeliharaannya. Timbulan dan komposisi sampah dari fasilitas penunjang diukur dengan mengacu pada SNI 19-3964-1994. Pengambilan sampah di pesisir dan sungai dilakukan dengan metode transek. Perencanaan sistem pengelolaan sampah yang meliputi pewadahan, pengumpulan, dan TPS mengacu pada SNI 19-2454-2002, Buku Materi Bidang Sampah I 2013 Ditjen Cipta Karya Kemente...

Kelangkaan air bersih merupakan salah satu permasalahan utama di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia. S... more Kelangkaan air bersih merupakan salah satu permasalahan utama di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia. Salah satu penyebab kelangkaan air bersih adalah ketersediaan sumber air baku yang kurang memenuhi kebutuhan manusia. Kebutuhan air baku dengan kualitas, kuantitas, kontinuitas dan keterjangkauan sangat dibutuhkan seiring pertumbuhan penduduk yang terus meningkat. Pada beberapa daerah yang mengalami krisis air, masalah kekurangan air ini terjadi hampir setiap tahun. Dengan demikian, ketersediaan sumber air baku sangat penting dalam penyediaan air bersih bagi masyarakat. Pemilihan sumber air baku untuk air minum harus memenuhi syarat dari segi kuantitas, kualitas, kontinuitas, dan keterjangkauan (aksesibilitas). Pengelolaan air baku disesuaikan dengan jenis air baku yang digunakan. Pengambilan air baku dilakukan dengan menggunakan bangunan unit air baku, yakni intake, bround captering, sumur, dan penampung air hujan. Perlindungan sumber air baku dapat dilakukan dengan pembagian zona perlindungan air yang didasarkan dengan faktor kesehatan dan biologis. Penyusunan Master Plan Air baku juga menjadi salah satu solusi dalam upaya perlindungan air baku dan pemetaan potensi sumber air baku.

Kota Denpasar merupakan tujuan wisata internasional, sehingga pengelolaan lingkungan, khususnya s... more Kota Denpasar merupakan tujuan wisata internasional, sehingga pengelolaan lingkungan, khususnya sanitasi menjadi salah satu prioritas utama bagi pemerintah. Upaya pencegahan masuknya air limbah domestik yang tidak teroleh telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah melalui Denpasar Sewerage Development Project (DSDP) sebagai pengolahan air limbah domestik terpusat, serta Instalasi Pengolahan Lumpur Tinja (IPLT) Suwung untuk pengolahan lumpur tinja. Sesuai dengan RTRW Kota Denpasar, lokasi IPAL DSDP dan IPLT Suwung terletak di luar kawasan tempat suci dan berbatasan langsung sengan kawasan hutan mangrove. Efluen air limbah tidak mencemari kawasan perairan di hutan mangrove karena sudah sesuai dengan standard baku mutu kualitas air limbah yang berlaku. Berdasarkan target pencapaian akses sanitasi bidang air limbah dalam RPJMD Kota Denpasar 2010-2015, pencapaian pelayanan air limbah baik secara komunal maupun terpusat adalah 62,41%. Dalam operasional dan pemeliharaan fasilitas DSDP, terdapat peraturan daerah yang mengatur tarif retribusi pelayanan pengolahan air limbah domestik. Saat ini tarif retribusi berdasarkan Perda Provinsi Bali Nomor 2 Tahun 2011 tentang Retribusi Pengolahan Limbah Cair Domestik
Berdasarkan data statistik wisatawan tahun 2014, kedatangan wisatawan mancanegara ke Pulau Bali m... more Berdasarkan data statistik wisatawan tahun 2014, kedatangan wisatawan mancanegara ke Pulau Bali mengalami peningkatan yang cukup pesat dalam kurun waktu 5 tahun terakhir.
Papers by I Made Wahyu Wijaya