Mechanical Misfit — LiveJournal
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Mechanical Misfit

2/5/07 09:41 pm

new me?

no, just new journal....

i try to make a new one every year, i don't know why. It keeps me fresh i sopose.

1/30/07 07:34 pm

the best movie....... ever 

1/29/07 09:23 pm

well, i got kicked out of first hour for drinking orange juice today.

lock me up and throw away the key..... I'm a hardend criminal now.

ill hope for a snow day, but it probly won't hapen. If it does, im gonna bike it out tho.

1/15/07 10:23 pm

Personal Apocalypse or New Beginning

I saw a special on ABC not to long ago, then again on the history channel this evening. It was entitled "Last days on Earth". The special featured the ten greatest threats to mankind, and our existence as we know it. It was an very thought provoking experience for me. Threat number four was the scenario of a giant meteor striking the earth.

A question was posed by the narrator, asking, If you knew the very second humanity and all life as you understood it was to end? Would you loose yourself in religion, perhaps spending your time repenting for your wrongs? Would you still go to work, or bother to pay your bills? It was suggested that some people would try to create a self sufficient shelter to ride out the apocalypse in. Other theories were that all hell would break loose, and any type of civil order would be lost. One of the show's guests suggested that people would just want to find love. I myself would try my hardest to live out the rest of my days to the fullest.

Aside from realizing once again how bad us as humans are destroying our planet by global warming, and reassuring our problems with nuclear weapons, I was forced into thinking about something more personal to me. My own apocalypse. Soon my world as I know it will be coming to an end. I will be graduating on June 5th.

I hadn't realized how close the end was until just this evening. If my math serves me right, as I'm writing this I have 140 days until I graduate and we all go our separate ways. I'm worried about what will happen afterwards, but I'm more worried about the road until then. I won't waste time with all the thing's I wish I could change, or with all things I've done that I regret over the past few years, but I will write more about what I want to accomplish before I'm done in this building.

Should I just ride it out? Keep going as I'm going, with my head down and my arms crossed, and striving for mediocrity? I won't. I'm going to do just as I would if it were the end of the world. I'm going to stand up and make friends, and strengthen the bonds with those I'm already close to. I'm going to love being here while I still can. I'm going to work twords Being more social. I'm going to be "okay" being forced into doing assignments such as this, because once there isn't pressure on me to put meaningful words on paper, I simply won't. I'm going to enjoy myself, and make things enjoyable for those close to me.

I realize that through all this, I sound as if I'm being overly nostalgic, but perhaps I should be. It feels right to me to slow down and take it all in. That's what i want for all the other members of my graduating class; to live out the final half of our time together and make it the best time of our lives. We only live once, and should have some fun times together before we have to worry more about nuclear holocaust or a giant meteor destroying our planet.

1/15/07 01:36 am

I saw a special on abc not to long ago, then again on the history channel this evening. It was entiteld "Last days on Earth". The special featured the ten greatest threats to mankind, and our existance as we know it. It was an very thought provoking experiance for me. Threat number four was the senario of a giant metero striking the earth.

A question was posed by the narator, asking, If you knew the very second humanity and all life as you understood it was to end? Would you seek out love, or perhaps Loose yourself in religion? Would you still go to work, or bother to pay your bills? It was suggested that some people would try to create a self suficiant shelter to ride out the appocoylps in. Other theoryes were that all hell would break loose, and any type of civil order would be lost. One of the show's guests suggested that people would just want to find love.

Aside from realizing once again how bad us as humans are destroying our planet by global warming, and putting the thought of our problems with nuclear weapons into my head, I was forced into thinking about somthing more personal to me. My own Apocalyps. Soon my world as I know it will be comming to an end. I will be graduating on June 5th.

I hadn't realized how close the end was untill just this evening. If my math serves me right, as I'm writing this I have 140 days untill I graduate and we all go our seperate ways. I'm worried about what will happen afterwards, but I'm more worried about the road untill then. I won't waste time with all the thing's I wish I could change, or with all things I've done that I regret over the past few years, but I will write more about what I want to accoplish before I'm done in this building.

Should I just ride it out? Keep going as I'm going, with my head down and my arms crossed, and striving for mediocracy? I won't. I'm going to do just as suggested in "Last days on Earth" and search out love. I'm going to stand up and make friends, and strenghten the bonds with those I'm already close to. I'm going to try to love being here while I still can. I'm going to work twords Being more social. I'm going to love being forced into doing assignments such as this, because once there isn't preasure on me to put meaningfull words on paper, I simply won't.

and i think i'll write more on this later...

1/8/07 01:24 pm

I'm getting really out of shape. I clocked it at 210lbs this morning thats up from 175lbs over the summer. What happend to the lean mean ass kickin machine I used to be? Fast food everyday since school started, that's what. I'm going on a diet for a while now, no more fast food, and no more meat for a while either. And I gotta start bikin it more. Kinda a bad day to start a new exersize routine too, cause of the snow and what not... ohh well.

I took a personal day from school today, because I hate mondays and I have an upset stomach.

1/1/07 02:02 am

Well, my name it is Saddam, Saddam
Yes, my name it is Saddam; it is Saddam
My name it is Saddam an' I hate you, one and all
An' I hate you, one and all
Damn your eyes

I killed a man, they said; so they said
I killed a man, they said; so they said
I killed a man, they said an' I smashed in his head
An' I left him layin' dead
Damn his eyes

But a-swingin', I must go; I must go
A-swingin', I must go; I must go
A-swingin', I must go while you critters down below
Yell up: "Saddam, I told you so."
Well, damn your eyes!

I saw George in the crowd; in the crowd
I saw George in the crowd; in the crowd
I saw George in the crowd an' I hollered, right out loud:
"Hey there George, ain't you proud"?
Damn your eyes

Then the Sherriff, he came to; he came to
Ah, yeah, the Sherriff, he came to; he came to
The Sherriff, he come to an he said: "Saddam, how are you"?
An I said: "Well, George, fuck you!"?
Damn your eyes

My name is Saddam, Saddam
My name is Saddam, Saddam
My name you knew it well, an' I'll see you all in hell
An' I'll see you all in hell
Damn your eyes

12/28/06 03:32 am

fuck armageddon, this is hell.

We're killing ourselfs, and our planet. We need to stand up and do somthing about it. All we do is fight and kill and destroy, but we should be embracing our similaritys, not our differences. All the evedence for global warming can be seen out your window. Turn on the news, there is a genocide in darfur, and we're trying to instate a failing government in iraq. Everyone who wants nuclear weapons has them. Shit's fucked up right now, and we're the ones who will have to live with what may end up happening. We need to change things.

Time's running out, And I'm not afraid for myself, but for the little childeren who will have to grow up in the chaos we've so neatly created for them.

or maybe we're better off dead

12/27/06 12:56 am

the van now has breaks.... yay....

im hoping to have it roadworthy by the end of break so i can start driving it soon.

12/23/06 07:41 pm

"It's a festivus for the rest of us! And if you try to stop that, then so help me I'mma break through your skull."

-Abe lincoln, 1861 
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