Wayan Suparta is a lecturer and researcher for over 25 years. Started on 1st December 2020 he is a principal lecturer at the Department of Electrical Engineering of Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta (ITNY). Previously he was a principal lecturer at the Department of Informatics of Universitas Pembangunan Jaya Tangerang (6 Feb 2019 - 5 Feb 2020). a lecturer at the Department of Electrical Engineering of Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia ( 1 Feb - 30 June 2018). He was an Adjunct Professor at the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Technology Yogyakarta (Sep 2017 – Jan 2018). He also associates faculty member of Doctor of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University (BINUS), Jakarta from 2015 until now. Before returning to his home country, he was associated with the Space Science Centre (ANGKASA), Institute of Climate Change (IPI) of UKM in the capacity of Associate Professor from April 4, 2012, to April 3, 2017 (5 years). From April 4, 2017, onwards, he was actually a de facto full professor at the Space Science Centre (ANGKASA), IPI, UKM, but due to high-level political intrigue in UKM with the grounds of financial issues, he decided to resign on June 16, 2017. He believes that if one door of sustenance is closed then another door will open. He started his career as a teacher of Physics, Electronics, and Computer at the senior high school of SMUK Cor Jesu Malang (1994-1997), Indonesia and a teacher at SMUK Santo Aloysius Bandung (1997 – 2000). After difficult to find a job in Indonesia, he eventually became an Engineering Lecturer at the College Legenda Group, Malaysia (2000 – 2004). In 2003, he pursues a Ph.D. in Electrical, Electronic, and System Engineering of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and graduated in 2008. After Post Doctoral Fellow (2007-2008), he appointed as a Senior Lecturer (1 July 2008 – 3 April 2012) at the Institute of Space Science, UKM. His research interests involved GPS Meteorology applications, Aerospace Sciences, Communication Systems (Remote Sensing), Artificial Neural Network applications and Space meteorology. The research project, publication, award and networking, and details of his biography can be found at Wikipedia (Dr. Wayan Suparta profile), ORCID repository, or Google Scholar.
Phone: 622744437886
Address: Perum Ayodhya Citra II - G3, Maguwoharjo
Depok, Sleman
Phone: 622744437886
Address: Perum Ayodhya Citra II - G3, Maguwoharjo
Depok, Sleman
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This book was prepared in conjunction with the fifth meeting of the 2017 International Conference on Space Science and Communication (IconSpace2017), held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 3-5 May 2017 to introduce graduate stuandents, researchers, lecturers, engineers, geospatialists, meteorologists, climatologists, astronomers and practitioners to the latest applications of space science, telecommunications, meteorology, remote sensing and related fields. The individual papers discuss a broad range of space science and technology applications, e.g. the formation of global warming from space, environmental and remote sensing, communication systems, and smart materials for space applications.