Papers by Aryuanto Soetedjo
International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 2017
This paper presents a technique to classify the circular traffic sign based-on HOG (histogram of ... more This paper presents a technique to classify the circular traffic sign based-on HOG (histogram of oriented gradients) and a ring partitioned matching. The method divides an image into several ring areas, and calculates the HOG feature on each ring area. In the matching process, the weight is assigned to each ring for calculating the distance of HOG feature between tested image and reference image. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm achieves a high classification rate of 97.8%, without the need of many prepared sample images. The results also show that the best values of the number of orientation bins and the cell size of the HOG parameters are 5 and 10 x 10 pixels respectively.

Soliditas, Mar 14, 2019
Pembangkit listrik tenaga pikohidro merupakan salah satu alternative pembangkit listrik skala kec... more Pembangkit listrik tenaga pikohidro merupakan salah satu alternative pembangkit listrik skala kecil yang dapat diterapkan di daerah pedesaan dimana tersedia aliran sungai yang mempunyai debit air yang kontinu dan tinggi jatuh air yang relative rendah untuk menggerakkan turbin yang dapat menghasilkan daya listrik. Untuk dapat menghasilkan daya listrik dengan potensi yang demikian, diperlukan pembangkit listrik tenaga skala pikohidro. Di Desa Gelang Kecamatan Sumberbaru Kabupaten Jember lokasi geografisnya merupakan sebuah dataran tinggi daerah perkebunan kopi dan teh, yang terdiri dari beberapa dusun dan kampung, diantara kampung dihuni oleh sekelompok warga Kampung Seng dan Kampung Genteng yang sampai saat ini belum menikmati listrik karena belum terjangkau jaringan listrik PLN. Dari hasil survei, kampung tersebut mempunyai potensi energy terbarukan berupa sungai yang mempunyai debit air kontinyu sepanjang tahun dan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pembangkit listrik tenaga skala pikohidro. Pada program kemitraan masyarakat ditawarkan solusiya itu memanfaatkan potensi energi terbarukan yang ada pada kampung tersebut untuk menghasilkan daya listrik. Pada lokasi Kampung Seng dan lokasi Kampung Genteng dapat diterapkan pembangkit listrik tenaga skala pikohidro menggunakan komponen bekas, sedangkan keluaran daya listriknya dapat digunakan untuk mensuplai kebutuhan listrik pada Mitra (1) dan Mitra (2). Kata kunci : energi terbarukan, pembangkit listrik tenaga pikohidro, komponen bekas.
IEICE Electronics Express, 2007
We propose a new approach for tracking circular traffic signs from image sequences to improve the... more We propose a new approach for tracking circular traffic signs from image sequences to improve the performance of traffic sign detection, by reducing search region and suppressing misdetection caused by temporal occlusion or poor quality of image. Our proposed tracking, called two-layered blobs tracking, does not require an accurate model of the fixed object-moving camera system, which is essential in the Kalman-Filter tracking. The experimental results show that the proposed approach could track the circular traffic signs from a moving camera effectively, without any restrictions on speed and movement of the vehicle, and camera installation, thus it is easy to be implemented in real situation.

Energies, Aug 27, 2020
This paper presents the development of a discrete model of a photovoltaic (PV) system consisting ... more This paper presents the development of a discrete model of a photovoltaic (PV) system consisting of a PV panel, Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT), a dual-axis solar tracker, and a buck converter. The discrete model is implemented on a 32-bit embedded system. The goal of the developed discrete PV model is to provide an efficient way for evaluating several algorithms and models used by the PV system in real-time fashion. The proposed discrete model perfectly matches the continuous and discrete model simulated with MATLAB-SIMULINK. The real-time performance is tested by running the model to simulate the PV system, where the fastest time sampling of 1 ms is achieved by the buck converter model, while the longest time sampling of 100 ms is achieved by the solar tracker model. Moreover, a novel method is proposed to optimize the net energy, which is calculated by subtracting the energy consumed by the tracker from the PV energy generated. The proposed net energy optimization method varies the operation time interval of the solar tracker under high and low solar irradiation conditions. Based on the real-time simulation of the discrete model, our approach increases the net energy by 29.05% compared to the system without the solar tracking and achieves an increase of 1.08% compared to the existing method.
In this paper, we propose a vision system to detect laser spot from the laser pointer used in the... more In this paper, we propose a vision system to detect laser spot from the laser pointer used in the shooting range simulator. The developed shooting simulator utilizes a low cost wireless camera to capture the laser spot on the target. Different from the existing laser pointer-camera systems, our system places the camera inside a target box where the circular pattern target attached in front of it. The algorithm locates the position of circular pattern automatically by employing the image processing techniques. The simple thresholding method is adopted to detect the laser spot. From the experiments conducted, our system could detect the position of the laser spot accurately.

Energies, Sep 25, 2019
This paper presents a hardware testbed for testing the building energy management system (BEMS) b... more This paper presents a hardware testbed for testing the building energy management system (BEMS) based-on the multi agent system (MAS). The objective of BEMS is to maximize user comfort while minimizing the energy extracted from the grid. The proposed system implements a multi-objective optimization technique using a genetic algorithm (GA) and the fuzzy logic controller (FLC) to control the room temperature and illumination setpoints. The agents are implemented on the low cost embedded systems equipped with the WiFi communication for communicating between the agents. The photovoltaic (PV)-battery system, the air conditioning system, the lighting system, and the electrical loads are modeled and simulated on the embedded hardware. The popular communication protocols such as Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) and Modbus TCP/IP are adopted for integrating the proposed MAS with the existing infrastructures and devices. The experimental results show that the sampling time of the proposed system is 16.50 s. Therefore it is suitable for implementing the BEMS in a real-time where the data are updated in an hourly or minutely basis. Further, the proposed optimization technique shows better results in optimizing the comfort index and the energy extracted from the grid compared to the existing methods.

Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics, 2007
Traffic sign recognition system is an intelligent vision system to recognize traffic signs on the... more Traffic sign recognition system is an intelligent vision system to recognize traffic signs on the road. This paper describes a new approach on red color thresholding for traffic sign recognition system. To extract red color from an image, a thresholding method based on the CIE -RGB chromaticity diagram was proposed. A gr histogram of the image was developed by subtracting the normalized red of RGB color from the normalized green one. A threshold value is selected automatically by analyzing the gr histogram. To evaluate the proposed method, comparison to the other red color thresholding methods was made using tested images taken from real environments with varying illuminations and backgrounds. From the experiment, our proposed method resulted in the thresholding quality with average score of 0.630 and average execution time of 0.038 seconds which is the best performance among the others.

Electronics, Sep 10, 2018
Energy management systems in residential areas have attracted the attention of many researchers a... more Energy management systems in residential areas have attracted the attention of many researchers along the deployment of smart grids, smart cities, and smart homes. This paper presents the implementation of a Home Energy Management System (HEMS) based on the fuzzy logic controller. The objective of the proposed HEMS is to minimize electricity cost by managing the energy from the photovoltaic (PV) to supply home appliances in the grid-connected PV-battery system. A fuzzy logic controller is implemented on a low-cost embedded system to achieve the objective. The fuzzy logic controller is developed by the distributed approach where each home appliance has its own fuzzy logic controller. An automatic tuning of the fuzzy membership functions using the Genetic Algorithm is developed to improve performance. To exchange data between the controllers, wireless communication based on WiFi technology is adopted. The proposed configuration provides a simple effective technology that can be implemented in residential homes. The experimental results show that the proposed system achieves a fast processing time on a ten-second basis, which is fast enough for HEMS implementation. When tested under four different scenarios, the proposed fuzzy logic controller yields an average cost reduction of 10.933% compared to the system without a fuzzy logic controller. Furthermore, by tuning the fuzzy membership functions using the genetic algorithm, the average cost reduction increases to 12.493%.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2012
This paper presents an eye detection technique basedon color and shape features. The approach con... more This paper presents an eye detection technique basedon color and shape features. The approach consists of three steps: a rough eye localization using projection technique, a white color thresholding to extract white sclera, and an ellipse fitting to fit the ellipse shape of eye. The proposed white color thresholding utilizes the normalized RGB chromaticty diagram, where white color objects are bounded by a small circle on the diagram. Experimental result shows that the proposed technique achieves a high eye detection rate of 91%.

Applied system innovation, Dec 20, 2022
A camera vision system is a fast and effective approach to monitoring leaves. It can be used to m... more A camera vision system is a fast and effective approach to monitoring leaves. It can be used to monitor plant growth, detect diseases, and conduct plant phenotyping. However, due to the outdoor environment of plants, it becomes challenging to use. This paper addresses the problems of Vetiveria zizanioides leaf segmentation by comparing different camera types and segmentation techniques. Visible, no infrared filter (NoIR), and thermal cameras interfaced in an embedded device were used to capture plants during the day and at night. Several popular thresholding techniques and the K-Means algorithm were employed for leaf segmentation, and their performance was measured using Recall, Precision, and F1 score. The comparison results show that the visible camera achieved the best performance on daytime images, with the highest Recall of 0.934 using Triangle thresholding, the highest Precision of 0.751 using K-Means (K = 3), and the highest F1 score of 0.794 using Multi-Otsu thresholding. For nighttime images, the highest Recall of 0.990 was achieved by the thermal camera using Isodata and Otsu thresholding, the highest Precision of 0.572 was achieved by the NoIR camera using K-Means (K = 3), and the highest F1 score of 0.636 was achieved by the NoIR camera using K-Means (K = 3). To compare the leaf segmentation performance of the thresholding techniques and the K-Means algorithm between our image dataset and the well-known plant image dataset, we also evaluated the methods using the Ara2012 image dataset. The results showed that K-Means (K-3) achieved the best performance. The execution time of K-Means was about 3 s, which was longer than the thresholding techniques. However, it is still acceptable for the real-time plant monitoring system.

A smart home is a combination of technology and services in the home environment that aims to inc... more A smart home is a combination of technology and services in the home environment that aims to increase the efficiency, comfort and safety of its residents. This smart home is controlled by Outseal PLC which communicates locally using RS485 with Haiwell SCADA HMI. Apart from controlling and monitoring through the Haiwell SCADA HMI[1], you can do it via a smartphone by downloading the Haiwell Cloud app in the Playstore. When the light is turned on via the Haiwell Scada HMI or using a Smartphone, the buttons on the Haiwell Scada HMI and the smartphone will turn on. And there is a delay of about 5 seconds, due to the time it takes to send information to Outseal PLC. The main objective of this journal is to introduce children to smart home by making a miniature smart home using SCADA, Outseal PLC Arduino Mega and other components. In this paper we use SCADA, the RS 485 control protocol to create this miniature smart home. It used to be that if the user wanted to control equipment, he had...

Prosiding SENIATI
COVID-19 menjadi salah satu pandemi global yang bertanggung jawab atas tingginya angka kematian d... more COVID-19 menjadi salah satu pandemi global yang bertanggung jawab atas tingginya angka kematian dan penurunan stabilitas ekonomi selama dua tahun terakhir. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah penyebaran virus penyebab pandemi tersebut adalah dengan memakai masker saat berada di tempat umum. Namun dalam kenyataan di lapangan, masih banyak orang yang memakai masker dengan cara yang salah dan bahkan ada yang tidak memakai masker saat berada di tempat umum. Dari permasalah tersebut, dibutuhkan suatu sistem klasifikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi penggunaan masker berbasis citra. Dalam artikel ini, dijelaskan suatu penelitian mengenai pengembangan algoritma pengolahan citra yang dipadukan dengan pembelajaran mesin berbasis jaringan syaraf tiruan mendalam untuk proses klasifikasi penggunaan masker. Model dari jaringan syaraf tiruan mendalam yang digunakan adalah LeNet. Dalam proses pembelajaran mesin digunakan dataset sebanyak 400 gambar yang dibagi menjad...

Prosiding SENIATI
Indonesia merupakan negara maritim yang luas wilayahnya didominasi oleh perairan sehingga banyak ... more Indonesia merupakan negara maritim yang luas wilayahnya didominasi oleh perairan sehingga banyak penduduk indonesia yang berprofesi sebagai nelayan. Oleh karena banyak yang berprofesi sebagai nelayan maka masalah kecelakaan nelayan akibat cuaca perlu di tanggulangi. Permalan cuaca di Indonesia umumnya dilakukan oleh badan khusus yang dalam hal ini adalah BMKG. BMKG memperkirakan cuaca dalam cakupan wilayah yang cukup luas yang biasanya mencakup ruang lingkup kabupaten/kota. Hal ini tentu bermasalah bagi beberapa pekerjaan yang secara khusus bergantung pada cuaca disatu titik terpusat seperti nelayan. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut penulis akan mencoba membuat suatu alat yang bisa memberikan informasi kondisi cuaca pada satu titik dengan akurat. Pembuatan alat pemberi informasi kondisi cuaca ini mernerpak logika fuzzy yang di program menggunakan Arduino. Variabel yang dijadikan input pada penelitisn ini adalah suhu, kelembaban udara, tekanan udara, dan kecepatan angin. Hasil penelitia...

Prosiding SENIATI
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) merupakan pembangkit listrik alternatif yang ramah lingkun... more Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) merupakan pembangkit listrik alternatif yang ramah lingkungan dan optimal dalam proses penyerapan sinar matahari. Salah satu metode untuk mengoptimalkan kenerja panel surya yaitu dengan solar tracker. Sistem solar tracker dual axis pada rancangan ini mengembangkan dari yang sudah ada dengan menghilangkan penggunaan sensor cahaya, dengan metode ini dapat mengurangi penggunaan dari sensor LDR dan dapat memaksimalkan fungsi dari panel surya yang pada umumnya hanya digunakan untuk penghasil energi listrik saja dengan metode pemberian sekat pemisah pada panel surya dapat difungsikan sebagai pelacak cahaya matahari untuk mengikuti arah cahaya matahari. Untuk pengujian solar tracker dual axis daya listrik yang dihasilkan tanpa sensor LDR yaitu 34,678 W perhari, dan dengan sensor LDR daya listrik yang dihasilkan yaitu 33,206 W perhari. Pengujian dilakukan dari jam 07:00 sampai jam 16:00 dengan 7 kali pengujian
International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 2017
This paper presents a technique to classify the circular traffic sign based-on HOG (histogram of ... more This paper presents a technique to classify the circular traffic sign based-on HOG (histogram of oriented gradients) and a ring partitioned matching. The method divides an image into several ring areas, and calculates the HOG feature on each ring area. In the matching process, the weight is assigned to each ring for calculating the distance of HOG feature between tested image and reference image. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm achieves a high classification rate of 97.8%, without the need of many prepared sample images. The results also show that the best values of the number of orientation bins and the cell size of the HOG parameters are 5 and 10 x 10 pixels respectively.
International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2017
Community Reinforcement and Development Journal, 2022
Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) Komunal merupakan suatu unit pengolahan air limbah domesti... more Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) Komunal merupakan suatu unit pengolahan air limbah domestik yang perlu dipantau dan dipelihara secara teratur. Pada kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini diimplementasikan suatu sistem pemantauan IPAL secara realtime yang dapat diakses oleh pengelola IPAL melalui aplikasi Android di Smartphone. Sehubungan dengan kondisi pandemi COVID-19 yang belum memungkikan pemasangan alat dan sensor di lokasi IPAL, maka digunakan model data IPAL yang dismulasikan pada piranti elektronika tertanam yang mengirimkan data ke server Internet of Things (IoT) berbasia aplikasi Blynk. Aplikasi sistem pemantau IPAL telah berfungsi dengan baik dan dapat dioperasikan dengan mudah oleh pengguna untuk memantau IPAL secara realtime.
International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2017

Jurnal Bumigora Information Technology (BITe), 2020
Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus Ostreatus) adalah tanaman sejenis fungi yang sering dibudidayakan pada lin... more Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus Ostreatus) adalah tanaman sejenis fungi yang sering dibudidayakan pada lingkup pertanian Indonesia, dikarenakan tanaman ini memiliki banyak kegunaan dari segi kuliner dan kesehatan. Jamur tersebut dibesarkan dengan cara memanipulasi parameter lingkungan, agar sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat tumbuh didalam suatu wadah/tempat yang telah disediakan. Perlu diketahui bahwa jamur tersebut pertumbuhannya dapat dipengaruhi oleh pH, suhu dan kelembapan yang dapat mempengaruhi tumbuhnya jamur, agar pertumbuhan budidaya jamur tersebut dapat terpantau dan terkontrol, maka diperlukan sebuah alat yang dapat mengontrol parameterr lingkungan tersebut agar sesuai dengan yang seharusnya. Dari hasil pengujian alat keseluruhan, dapat dikatakan bahwa alat tersebut dapat merespon perubahan parameter lingkungan berdasarkan nilai sebenarnya dari media dan lingkungan jamur tersebut, serta mengetahui estimasi panen yang dianjurkan.
This paper presents a color segmentation technique based on the normalized RGB chromaticity diagr... more This paper presents a color segmentation technique based on the normalized RGB chromaticity diagram for extracting symbols and characters of road sign images. The method separates blue color of the sign’s background by utilizing the developed histogram on the RGB chromaticity diagram for selecting threshold automatically. The morphology operators are used to extract symbols and characters. From the experiments using real scene images with varying illumination, the proposed method could extract symbols and characters of road sign images properly.
Papers by Aryuanto Soetedjo