Papers by Oguz Demir

Numerous studies have examined the growth rate and the level of development of countries. Accordi... more Numerous studies have examined the growth rate and the level of development of countries. According to economy, sociology, and even history, it can be easily observed that knowledge is one of the most important indicators for countries to achieve sustainable growth and development. Education is seen as the main input for a society to be considered a “knowledge society, ” and the aim of this study is to investigate this multidimensional character of education. In the scope of the study, United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN)’s Knowledge Society Index is reviewed and recalculated with respect to different variables to understand the significance of being a knowledge society for the economic g rowth of a country. Regarding this recalculation, another important aim of the study is to rank Turkey in the recalculated index and try to expose reasons for its actual situation. In this context, Turkey’s strengths and weaknesses are set out. In conclusion, in accordance with the ...
In the last twenty years digital technologies started to be used more commonly by companies all a... more In the last twenty years digital technologies started to be used more commonly by companies all around the world and these technologies started to transform all processes of manufacturing and other industries. Considering this transformation process, the objective of this study was to identify the major technological trends and their impact on the organizational behavior referring to the change in the employment trends all over the world in industrial level. In the paper the digitalization and the digital trends are identified, the digital professional skills are analyzed and the trends for organizational behavior are focused. The descriptive study shows us that digitalization is not only transforming the national economies and industries but also has and will have a huge impact on organizational
The aim of this research is to examine the reasons of the level of FDI inflow differences among c... more The aim of this research is to examine the reasons of the level of FDI inflow differences among countries and try to understand why some countries are more attractive for investors. The research used a dataset of 103 countries for due to data availability and created a FDI Inflow Index for 2016. Principal Components Analysis was used to analyze and construct the FDI Index. The results show that even there are substantial improvements in the conditions of developing economies for higher FDI levels, still, the macroeconomic conditions, business and legal environment and agglomeration effects are better situated in developed economies which make them more attractive for investors.
Inovasyon, firmalarin urun ve surec kalitelerini iyilestirmekte, uretim maliyetlerini dusurmekte,... more Inovasyon, firmalarin urun ve surec kalitelerini iyilestirmekte, uretim maliyetlerini dusurmekte, daha hizli buyumelerini saglamakta ve verimliligini artirmaktadir. Bu noktada, inovasyonun sirketlerin buyumesi, gelismesi ve surdurulebilir olmasi acisindan kilit role sahip oldugu gorulmektedir. Diger taraftan, firma duzeyinde inovasyonun gelisimini etkileyen bircok degisken bulunmaktadir. Bu arastirma firma duzeyinde inovasyon surecini etkileyen unsurlari incelenmektedir. Bu noktada, birbirlerinin tamamlayicisi olarak genelden ozele inovasyon ekosistemi ve firmalarin inovasyon sistemi icerisindeki yeri ve onemi, firma duzeyinde inovasyon stratejileri ve firma duzeyinde inovasyon kaynaklari ele alinmaktadir.
AJIT-e: Online Academic Journal of Information Technology, 2018
In this study, we analyzed the data about the technological diversification of export composition... more In this study, we analyzed the data about the technological diversification of export composition of upper middle-income countries and the impact of the technological composition of exported goods on GDP growth. Using the dynamic panel data analysis techniques for 34 countries between 1995-2015, we confirmed that exports of high technological products will have a significant positive impact on economic growth for upper middle-income countries as well as medium technological products’ exports which have a limited effect. The exports of low-tech products will have a negative effect for economic growth in the long run.
Eurasian Economic Review, 2019
This study investigates the robustness and validity of the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis... more This study investigates the robustness and validity of the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis for Brazil,

Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 2015
Numerous studies have examined the growth rate and the level of development of countries. Accordi... more Numerous studies have examined the growth rate and the level of development of countries. According to economy, sociology, and even history, it can be easily observed that knowledge is one of the most important indicators for countries to achieve sustainable growth and development. Education is seen as the main input for a society to be considered a "knowledge society," and the aim of this study is to investigate this multidimensional character of education. In the scope of the study, United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN)'s Knowledge Society Index is reviewed and recalculated with respect to different variables to understand the significance of being a knowledge society for the economic g rowth of a country. Regarding this recalculation, another important aim of the study is to rank Turkey in the recalculated index and try to expose reasons for its actual situation. In this context, Turkey's strengths and weaknesses are set out. In conclusion, in accordance with the determinations, policy recommendations to authorities are also included.
Creative Industries Journal, 2018
Istanbul, one of the biggest cities in Europe with a population of approximately 15 million, is t... more Istanbul, one of the biggest cities in Europe with a population of approximately 15 million, is trying to transform its economic structure from an industry based to a service based city. The physical infrastructure, traditional and historical background of the city as well as its huge talent pool and dynamic economy will be a leverage whereas the relatively low level of consumption of creative goods and services can slow down this development process. This research compares Istanbul with other similar cities in Europe and analyses the human capital, physical structure and spatial distribution of creative industries within the city.
This paper examines the increasing role of BRIC Countries in global economy and provides a descri... more This paper examines the increasing role of BRIC Countries in global economy and provides a descriptive data analysis for comparison of Turkey with BRIC countries. In this paper in three main economic indicators –GDP, international trade and FDI-Turkey and BRIC countries has been compared among each other and with major developed economies like EU, USA and Japan to understand better the positioning of those developing economies. After the descriptive data analysis it has been seen that while BRIC countries are increasing their importance with leadership of China in global economy, Turkey has more to do especially in terms of international trade and FDI movements to be considered in the same league with BRIC Countries.

Numerous studies have examined the growth rate and the level of development of countries. Accordi... more Numerous studies have examined the growth rate and the level of development of countries. According to
economy, sociology, and even history, it can be easily observed that knowledge is one of the most important
indicators for countries to achieve sustainable growth and development. Education is seen as the main input for
a society to be considered a “knowledge society,” and the aim of this study is to investigate this multidimensional
character of education. In the scope of the study, United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN)’s
Knowledge Society Index is reviewed and recalculated with respect to different variables to understand the
significance of being a knowledge society for the economic g rowth of a country. Regarding this recalculation,
another important aim of the study is to rank Turkey in the recalculated index and try to expose reasons for its
actual situation. In this context, Turkey’s strengths and weaknesses are set out. In conclusion, in accordance
with the determinations, policy recommendations to authorities are also included.
Turkey has seen great economic improvements in recent years, but it
is still not utilising its p... more Turkey has seen great economic improvements in recent years, but it
is still not utilising its potential compared to other major developing economies. Below, Oguz Demir considers how investors select countries in which to invest and addresses the main determinants
for countries to attract more FDI, with a focus on Turkey and the
attractiveness of BRIC countries.

Avrupa Birliği (AB), halen 25 üye ülkesi, yaklaşık 500 milyon nüfusu ve yaklaşık €25 trilyon tuta... more Avrupa Birliği (AB), halen 25 üye ülkesi, yaklaşık 500 milyon nüfusu ve yaklaşık €25 trilyon tutarında ekonomik büyüklüğe sahip bir pazar oluşturmaktadır. Türkiye'nin AB'ye dahil olma çabaları 45 yıllık bir geçmişe dayanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren yabancı sermayeli şirketlerin Türkiye'nin AB'ye dahil olma sürecinin, organizasyonları ve Türkiye ekonomisi üzerindeki etkilerine yönelik beklentileri incelenmektedir. Bu incelemeler yönünde, Yabancı Sermaye Derneği'ne üye 42 şirket üzerinde keşfedici bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Anket yöntemiyle toplanan verilere, frekans dağılım analizleri uygulanmaktadır. Çalışmada, Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren yabancı sermayeli şirketlerin büyük çoğunluğunun, Türkiye'nin AB'ye dahil olma sürecinde ekonomik koşullarının iyileşeceğini öngörmelerine rağmen, Türkiye'ye yeni yatırım yapma konusunda kararsız oldukları sonucuna varılmıştır.
Conference Presentations by Oguz Demir
Books by Oguz Demir
Papers by Oguz Demir
economy, sociology, and even history, it can be easily observed that knowledge is one of the most important
indicators for countries to achieve sustainable growth and development. Education is seen as the main input for
a society to be considered a “knowledge society,” and the aim of this study is to investigate this multidimensional
character of education. In the scope of the study, United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN)’s
Knowledge Society Index is reviewed and recalculated with respect to different variables to understand the
significance of being a knowledge society for the economic g rowth of a country. Regarding this recalculation,
another important aim of the study is to rank Turkey in the recalculated index and try to expose reasons for its
actual situation. In this context, Turkey’s strengths and weaknesses are set out. In conclusion, in accordance
with the determinations, policy recommendations to authorities are also included.
is still not utilising its potential compared to other major developing economies. Below, Oguz Demir considers how investors select countries in which to invest and addresses the main determinants
for countries to attract more FDI, with a focus on Turkey and the
attractiveness of BRIC countries.
Conference Presentations by Oguz Demir
Books by Oguz Demir
economy, sociology, and even history, it can be easily observed that knowledge is one of the most important
indicators for countries to achieve sustainable growth and development. Education is seen as the main input for
a society to be considered a “knowledge society,” and the aim of this study is to investigate this multidimensional
character of education. In the scope of the study, United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN)’s
Knowledge Society Index is reviewed and recalculated with respect to different variables to understand the
significance of being a knowledge society for the economic g rowth of a country. Regarding this recalculation,
another important aim of the study is to rank Turkey in the recalculated index and try to expose reasons for its
actual situation. In this context, Turkey’s strengths and weaknesses are set out. In conclusion, in accordance
with the determinations, policy recommendations to authorities are also included.
is still not utilising its potential compared to other major developing economies. Below, Oguz Demir considers how investors select countries in which to invest and addresses the main determinants
for countries to attract more FDI, with a focus on Turkey and the
attractiveness of BRIC countries.