Papers by Miguel Angel Garcia Gil

Studies in health technology and informatics, 2016
About 37 thousand people die per year in Europe due to infections by resistant bacteria. Fighting... more About 37 thousand people die per year in Europe due to infections by resistant bacteria. Fighting antimicrobial resistances (AR) is a top priority to save lives and reduce costs. AR is triggered mostly by uncritical antibiotic prescription. This paper presents HAITool, a decision-making information system to support antibiotic prescription. The system was co-developed together with health professionals using Design Science Research Methodology, empowered with innovative data visualization techniques to improve AR management. HAITool includes integrated visualizations of patient, microbiology, and pharmacy data, facilitating clinical decision support, antibiotic prescriptions quality and antibiotic-resistant bacteria monitoring. It also includes an alert module that monitors conformance of antibiotic prescriptions with norms and guidelines. HAITool is evaluated using both the Österle principles and interviews with physicians and infection control team from three participant hospitals.
This research is focused on the use of an Artificial Neural Network-based prototype in order to m... more This research is focused on the use of an Artificial Neural Network-based prototype in order to measure and predict the probability that students drop out of university. This probability is calculated in an early stage when the students get enrolled in some of the university study programs. Once we obtain the results they are analyzed and compared in order to know how the factors affect to the model behavior and the predicted result. Finally, we describe how this research can assist student advisors by using a support tool that helps them to identify in a fast way those students with a high risk of dropping out of university, and help them before they quit school. Keywords-artificial neural networks; students drop out; early prediction; university drop out

Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2012
2045 Background: Sunitinib is a multitargeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor that has direct antitumor... more 2045 Background: Sunitinib is a multitargeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor that has direct antitumor and antiangiogenesis activity through targeting VEGFR 1-2, PDGFR α-β, c-kit, bFGF, (CSF-1), FLT3 and RET. Experimental studies in GB mice showed angiogenic activity, prolonged survival and synergy with irradiation Methods: Eligible pts were ≤75 years with GB not amenable to resection, PS≥2, MMS ≥25. Treatment was sunitinib 37.5mg daily for 8 w before radiotherapy, during radiotherapy (60Gy, 6 w) and after radiotherapy until disease progression. Primary endpoint was overall response (OR) (RANO criteria) after 8 w of sunitinib treatment before radiotherapy. Secondary endpoints were % pts free of neurological deterioration before radiotherapy, % pts who completed radiotherapy, PFS, OS and 1-year survival. We used a Simon 2-stage design (12 →20) based on OR to calculate the number of patients needed to detect at least 10% of responses with α error of 0.05 and β error of 0.10. Twelve patient...

Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2006
1516 Background: Temozolomide resistance is mainly mediated by the enzyme AGT that repair DNA dam... more 1516 Background: Temozolomide resistance is mainly mediated by the enzyme AGT that repair DNA damage in a suicide way. Inhibition of this enzyme is greater when temozolomide is administered in a extended schedule that also obtains higher exposure to the drug. Methods: Primary objective is to assess is extended schedule temozolomide can revert resistance. Patients with bidimensionally measurable high grade glioma refractory to temozolomide defined as either progression during treatment or in the following tree months of drug withdrawal were included. Temozolomide was administered at a dose of 85 mg/m2 daily for 21 consecutive days every 28 days until unacceptable toxicity or progression. Results: Up to now we have included 41 patients, 29 of them available for the first analysis. Mean age is 51.3 (23–77), male 22 (76%), ECOG 0/1/2 7 (24%)/13 (45%)/9 (31%), histology is glioblastoma 18 (61%), anaplastic astrocytoma 9 (31%), anaplastic oligodendroglioma 1 (3.4%) other high grade glioma...

Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology, Jan 21, 2018
Ki-67 proliferative index (Ki-67) is a predictive and prognostic factor in breast cancer (BC). Ho... more Ki-67 proliferative index (Ki-67) is a predictive and prognostic factor in breast cancer (BC). However, some international committees do not recommend its use in routine practice due to insufficient clinical evidence and lack of standardisation and assessment method reproducibility. Scoring of Ki-67 by digital pathology may contribute to overcome these drawbacks. We evaluated 136 core biopsies of BC patients and calculated the correlation of Ki-67 scored by two breast pathologists with two methods, eyeballing visual assessment (EB) on the microscope and digital image analysis (DI), both assessed from hot spot areas (HS) and the average between hot and cold spot areas (AVE). Good and higher correlation between pathologists was observed for HS using DI in comparison to EB (0.861 vs. 0.828). Correlation in HS with both methods was very similar in homogeneous tumours (0.869 vs. 0.866). Lower correlation was found in heterogeneous tumours if EB was used instead of DI (0.691 vs. 0.838). G...
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2008
... M. Gil Instituto Catalan de Oncologia, Barcelona, Spain; El Institut d'Investigació Biom... more ... M. Gil Instituto Catalan de Oncologia, Barcelona, Spain; El Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge, Barcelona, Spain; Hospital Valle de Hebron, Barcelona, Spain; Hospital Mutua de Terrassa, Terrassa, Spain; Badalona, Barcelona, Spain; Hospital de St. Pau, Barcelona ...
Epoca, 2009
El cambio del Pais Vasco ha comenzado por el de los propios socialistas hoy en el Gobierno. Entre... more El cambio del Pais Vasco ha comenzado por el de los propios socialistas hoy en el Gobierno. Entre 2005 y 2008, el PSE se abstuvo en el Parlamento hasta en cuatro ocasiones (mas una en contra) de instar con el PP al entonces consejero de Interior del PNV para que actuara mas contundentemente contra el entorno de ETA
Epoca, 2009
La proxima asamblea de socios, que debe convocarse antes del 19 de abril, se presenta movida; en ... more La proxima asamblea de socios, que debe convocarse antes del 19 de abril, se presenta movida; en ella previsiblemente se cubriran las dos vacantes de su Junta Directiva. El malestar entre buena parte de los socios es patente. Alcaraz denuncia que hechos como el acercamiento de presos o la presencia de ANV se despachen "con una mera nota de prensa para cubrir el expediente".
Epoca, 2009
Except for correspondence and where otherwise noted, all citations to James's writings are to The... more Except for correspondence and where otherwise noted, all citations to James's writings are to The Works of William James (Harvard University Press, ed. Burkhardt, Bowers, and Skrupskelis). Full references are provided in the Bibliography.
Epoca, 2009
ERC le ha dado 15 dias al Gobierno para que presente una nueva propuesta de financiacion que les ... more ERC le ha dado 15 dias al Gobierno para que presente una nueva propuesta de financiacion que les satisfaga o se levantan de la mesa. Las encuestas les auguran una caida en picado. Montilla, ante los rumores de ruptura con ERC y la precaria situacion del PSOE en el Congreso, dice que agotara la legislatura y seguira negociando. A Zapatero se le acumulan los problemas y el tripartito se tambalea. Puede haber elecciones anticipadas. Incluso despues de Semana Santa; Artur Mas tiene posibilidades de ser nuevo presidente de la Generalitat.
Repertorio De Jurisprudencia Aranzadi, 2005
Epoca, 2009
Tras un ano al frente de la AVT, vuelve la polemica al seno de la asociacion. Las cuentas y su ge... more Tras un ano al frente de la AVT, vuelve la polemica al seno de la asociacion. Las cuentas y su gestion, en solfa para muchos, fueron aprobadas por un 60% de los votos. La tension y la division ya son un hecho
La Deuda Externa Dimension Juridica Y Politica Vi Coloquio America Latina Y Europa 1999 Isbn 84 89743 11 8 Pags 269 278, 1999
Epoca, 2009
La Xunta de Tourino, bajo la responsabilidad del actual secretario general del PSdeG, compro y re... more La Xunta de Tourino, bajo la responsabilidad del actual secretario general del PSdeG, compro y reformo una sede por mas de un millon y medio de euros sin llegar a estrenarla. Al lujo de esta oficina se le suma el escandalo de que no aparezcan unas pinturas y otros objetos que han sido facturadas por mas de 17.500 euros. La Xunta anuncia a Epoca una investigacion
Xviii Semana De Estudios Del Mar 2000 Pags 177 198, 2000
Actualidad Administrativa, 2000
Epoca, 2009
Del "sistema financiero mas solido del mundo" a la intervencion en CCM... Zapatero, pre... more Del "sistema financiero mas solido del mundo" a la intervencion en CCM... Zapatero, preso de sus palabras, afronta las horas mas bajas del Gobierno: en evidencia, contestado en las calles, desacreditado en el exterior y en soledad parlamentaria
Papers by Miguel Angel Garcia Gil