Papers by Edgardo Ayala Gaytan
ACR North American Advances, 2020
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 2022

Revista Desarrollo y Sociedad, 2018
2014, este trabajo estudia los factores de riesgo que están asociados a la conducta violenta de l... more 2014, este trabajo estudia los factores de riesgo que están asociados a la conducta violenta de los jóvenes de 14 a 18 años en México. Se encuentra que existen dos tipos de factores de riesgo predominantes que están correlacionados a los actos violentos de gritar, golpear objetos, golpear personas, portar armas o haber sido arrestado que comenten los jóvenes: 1) factores relacionados con adicciones (drogas o alcohol) y 2) violencia dentro del hogar o en el entorno cercano (violencia genera violencia). Actos de violencia más graves (portar armas o haber sido arrestado) presentan una mayor correlación con factores relacionados a las adicciones, mientras que actos violentos menos graves (gritar, golpear objetos o gritar personas) presentan correlación tanto con factores relacionados con las adicciones como con factores relacionados con la violencia en el entorno.
Economic Analysis and Policy, 2013
ABSTRACT We used the Fiscal Observatory Survey of the University of Murcia (2007) to examine the ... more ABSTRACT We used the Fiscal Observatory Survey of the University of Murcia (2007) to examine the antecedents of trust in the Spanish government (at city, regional and state levels).We found that the main drivers of trust are individuals’ perception of the government’sperformance and the socio-economic environment in which they live. Regarding the consequences, we tested a variant of the rule compliance hypothesis: the higher the trust in the government, the higher the citizens’ fiscal awareness, meaning individuals are more conscious of their fiscal obligations and more intransigent on fiscal fraud.Our results suggest that trust levels shape tax awareness, producing virtuous or vicious loops.

Multidisciplinary Business Review, 2010
Previous research has shown the positive effect of enhanced brand credibility on product choice. ... more Previous research has shown the positive effect of enhanced brand credibility on product choice. However, there is substantial need to extend research efforts and test the validity of the existing conceptual models in different cultural settings. Accordingly, the purpose of this investigation is to examine the degree to which the positive effects of brand credibility on consideration and brand choice vary across consumers with different cultural orientations (individualism/collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance) as well as across different levels of brand familiarity (a well-known brand versus an unknown brand). Particularly, this empirical analysis uses survey data on tangible consumer products collected from respondents in Mexico and Germany. The obtained results confirm the positive effects of brand credibility on consideration and purchase for consumers who exhibit higher scores regarding theculturaldimensionsofcollectivism,uncertaintyavoidanceandpowerdistance. Furt...

Multidisciplinary Business Review, 2011
This research brings evidence that technological readiness of call center agents in Mexico, that ... more This research brings evidence that technological readiness of call center agents in Mexico, that is how ready employees are to embrace new technologies, is an important antecedent of the service quality they deliver, once we controlled by other key determinants of the service quality in this industry such as commitment and job satisfaction. A survey was designed to assess a variant of Parasuraman and Colby (2001) Technological Readiness Index or TRI, service quality and other relevant variables in a sample of 420 contact employees of a call center located in Mexico. Evidence indicates that agents that score high in TRI scale render better service quality than agents with low TRI scores. Moreover, service quality improves more when TRI improves, than when job satisfaction and organizational commitment do. The study suggest managers might use TRI as a diagnostic tool to recruit customer contact employees and also for segmenting them; they can decide which type of trainee they need and...

El Trimestre Económico, 2014
Las participaciones del ingreso laboral en México que se estiman a partir del Sistema de Cuentas ... more Las participaciones del ingreso laboral en México que se estiman a partir del Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales son excepcionalmente reducidas —entre 0.25 y 0.33— comparadas con la evidencia internacional. En el presente artículo argumentamos que existe un severo problema de subregistro de los ingresos laborales debido al autoempleo y al nulo registro de ingresos laborales de los empleadores y los no remunerados. Proponemos tres criterios para corregir las participaciones, que van desde asignar el salario promedio de los remunerados hasta hacer estimaciones de ecuaciones mincerianas para predecir el costo de oportunidad de los individuos de acuerdo con sus atributos. Encontramos que, una vez hechos los ajustes, el peso de los ingresos laborales se encuentra entre 42 y 47% del valor agregado, y que las correcciones son especialmente grandes en la agricultura, construcción, comercio, restaurantes y servicios, sectores con alta incidencia de informalidad y de empresas pequeñas y micro

The most common statistic used in order to prove China’s negative impact on Mexico’s trade with t... more The most common statistic used in order to prove China’s negative impact on Mexico’s trade with the US is the share of US imports precedent from Mexico exporters. This approach suggests that China’s expansion in the US market negatively correlates with the growth of the Mexican exports. However, and contrary to conventional wisdom and the ad-hoc shift share approach, our analysis suggest that: 1) even when China displacement effect is not minor, the China expansion in the US market explains at the most one third of the decline in the rate of growth of the Mexican exports to that nation; 2) contradicting the shift share approach that target almost half of the Mexican sectors under the China threat, we localized that almost all the displacement (95 percent) occurred in two sectors, textiles and machinery; and 3) two thirds of the employment losses in the textile industry are explained by long run factors, such as technology, and just one third is due to China’s growth in the US market...

Contaduría y Administración, 2018
Marketing campaigns aligned with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices are increasing a... more Marketing campaigns aligned with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices are increasing as a strategy to reach brand differentiation and consumer preference. However, the challenge for many firms is to understand the impact of social and environmental campaigns in consumer’s perception and how these campaigns create economic and social value. Knowing that consumers make decisions based on several attributes, we use a conjoint analysis to determine the influence of CSR campaigns, brand, and price over purchase decisions. Data was collected online from a sample of Mexican consumers and was analyzed using panel data. From this sample we evaluate the direct and indirect effects of CSR campaigns in consumer preference, developing a method to map the preference increase in monetary terms. Our results show that consumers are willing to pay a premium price around 22% for leading brands if their products are associated with social campaigns and 10% for regular suppliers. This effect ...
Estudios Económicos de El Colegio de México
Se estiman los efectos de la influenza AH1N1 en el consumo de carne de puerco a través de un mode... more Se estiman los efectos de la influenza AH1N1 en el consumo de carne de puerco a través de un modelo de demanda de consumo AIDS (por sus siglas en inglés) para el consumo de carne en México. Adicionalmente, los efectos indirectos a través de la economía mexicana son calculados con un modelo de equilibrio general. Se concluye que el presunto riesgo de contraer la influenza AH1N1 mediante el consumo de carne de puerco provocó pérdidas económicas de 94 millones de dólares. El rumor afectó a los sectores: porcino, de venta de granos y de manufactura de alimentos, bebidas y tabaco. Las familias pobres rurales fueron las más afectadas.

Contaduría y Administración
Marketing campaigns aligned with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices are increasing a... more Marketing campaigns aligned with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices are increasing as a strategy to reach brand differentiation and consumer preference. However, the challenge for many firms is to understand the impact of social and environmental campaigns in consumer's perception and how these campaigns create economic and social value. Knowing that consumers make decisions based on several attributes, we use a conjoint analysis to determine the influence of CSR campaigns, brand, and price over purchase decisions. Data was collected online from a sample of Mexican consumers and was analyzed using panel data. From this sample we evaluate the direct and indirect effects of CSR campaigns in consumer preference, developing a method to map the preference increase in monetary terms. Our results show that consumers are willing to pay a premium price around 22% for leading brands if their products are associated with social campaigns and 10% for regular suppliers. This effect is not present in environmental campaigns. We prove that social campaigns create economic benefits for the firm, whereas society benefits from consumers' participation in social campaigns.

Estudios Económicos de El Colegio de México
espanolSe estiman los efectos de la influenza AH1N1 en el consumo de carne de puerco a traves de ... more espanolSe estiman los efectos de la influenza AH1N1 en el consumo de carne de puerco a traves de un modelo de demanda de consumo AIDS (por sus siglas en ingles) para el consumo de carne en Mexico. Adicionalmente, los efectos indirectos a traves de la economia mexicana son calculados con un modelo de equilibrio general. Se concluye que el presunto riesgo de contraer la influenza AH1N1 mediante el consumo de carne de puerco provoco perdidas economicas de 94 millones de dolares. El rumor afecto a los sectores: porcino, de venta de granos y de manufactura de alimentos, bebidas y tabaco. Las familias pobres rurales fueron las mas afectadas. EnglishThis article presents estimates of AH1N1’s effects on the consumption of pork through an Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) for meat consumption in Mexico. Additionally, indirect effects through the Mexican economy are estimated using a general equilibrium model that captures the effects of intersectoral relationships and the induced effects by the circular flow of income. It is concluded that the presumed risk of contracting AH1N1 via pork consumption provoked total economic losses of $94 million. The rumor affected the pork sector, the grains sector and the manufacturing sector of food, beverages and tobacco. The poor rural households were the most affected.
El Trimestre Economico, 2014
Los autores agradecen los valiosos comentarios de dos dictaminadores anónimos de EL TRIMESTRE ECO... more Los autores agradecen los valiosos comentarios de dos dictaminadores anónimos de EL TRIMESTRE ECONÓMICO, así como la asistencia técnica de
Telecommunications Policy

Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2017
Purpose This paper aims to seek to provide a more comprehensive view of the determinants of exper... more Purpose This paper aims to seek to provide a more comprehensive view of the determinants of experienced well-being by incorporating personal characteristics suggested to be significant predictors of global well-being, such as income, materialism, religiosity, community mindedness and sleep quality (Diener et al., 1999; Frey and Stutzer, 2002), as well as time-use activities (Kahneman and Krueger, 2006) and contextual elements, such as day of the week (Csikszentmihalyi and Hunter, 2003; Kahneman et al., 2004a) and the presence of companions, into a single model of predictive experienced well-being using the day reconstruction method (Kahneman et al., 2004a). Design/methodology/approach The authors applied the day reconstruction method to a sample of 1,823 episodes from 104 undergraduate students at a private university in Mexico to determine time assignment and emotional experience. Data were analyzed using a panel data regression model. Findings It is currently accepted that experie...
Magis Revista Internacional De Investigacion En Educacion, 2014
Actitudes y causas de fraude entre estudiantes universitarios en México: un estudio exploratorio ... more Actitudes y causas de fraude entre estudiantes universitarios en México: un estudio exploratorio Attitudes et causes de fraude parmi les étudiants universitaires au Mexique: une étude exploratoire Atitudes e causas de fraude entre os estudantes universitários do México: um estudo exploratório
Papers by Edgardo Ayala Gaytan