Tecnológico de Monterrey
Campus Ciudad Juarez
This work examines whether stepwise discriminant function analysis of a suite of craniodental variables enables feeding behaviour and habitat preferences to be identi®ed in fossil ungulates. There are several morphological features of the... more
Questions: Are different types of terrestrial mammalian-dominated ecosystems characterized by specific taxon-free patterns in the trophic structure of the mammalian community? If so, are these patterns an intrinsic property of the... more
Estimating the body mass of extinct ungulates: a study on ... M. Mendoza1,2, CM Janis1 & P. Palmqvist2 ... 1 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA 2 Departamento de Ecologıa y Geologıa,... more
The main objective of this thesis is the characterization of a horizontal ground heat pump system. The characterization consists on (a) the design of a real-time and continuous coefficient of performance (COP) and energy efficiency rate... more
Greenhouse structures have demonstrated success enhancing crop yields in farmlands, but the energy for thermal control and lighting make them impractical in cold weather locations because traditional greenhouse construction techniques... more
Greenhouse structures are widely used to enable sheltered plant growth. However, traditional transparent greenhouse structures are generally only used in moderate climates because the cost of the energy required for heating in cold... more
This paper describes a solar tracking system designed to operate at the specified coordinates in the methodology used to calculate the position of the sun, which can be changed to make the system work at any desired location, These data... more
Header Files.-Son las librerías, es decir, son archivos donde especifican para que sirvan los comandos que usas. Por ejemplo, en la librería conio.h viene como funciona el clrscr.. si no pones la librería entonces cuando usas clrscr no... more