Papers by rahmat nawi siregar
Nyelanding Non-vulcanic geothermal is located in Air Gegas Subdistrict, South Bangka Regency, Ban... more Nyelanding Non-vulcanic geothermal is located in Air Gegas Subdistrict, South Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Province. The research area is in 106 16'23.0 "-106 16'19.5 " E and 2 42'02.3 "-2 42'00.7 " S. Geothermal manifestation is some water pools with 46 C thermal average and 6.42 pH. Geoelectricity with Wenner Configuration reveals subsurface condition with high resistivity (45-1046 m). Resistivity section in line 3 describes the presence of granite rocks with 1046 m at 2 – 2.5 m depth. Subsurface structures at 1 – 2 m depth are dominated by sandstone (100 – 300 m). High resistivity data indicates the geology structures are not related to vulcanic geothermal rocks which usually shows low resistivity rocks. Thermal source comes from jointed granite rock which contains Th (45.3 ppm), U(184.7 ppm), Ti (0.439%) and Y(123.1 ppm), whereas cap rocks are sandstone and aluvium sediment.
The potential of landslide in some area in Abang district, Karangasem Regency, Bali, has been ide... more The potential of landslide in some area in Abang district, Karangasem Regency, Bali, has been identified by using ground penetrating radar and geoelectricity with dipole – dipole configuration. The Research has been conducted in 6 sites. The interpretations of GPR and Geoelectricity revealed the presence of clay (8.52 cm/ns and 11.8 – 18.6 m), saturated sand (12.11 cm/ns and 216 m) and water penetration (3.23 – 4.27 cm/ns and 7.5 – 60 m) at 2 – 5 meter below the subsurface. The slip surface is detected at 5 – 8 m depth. The result of sample laboratory test show high plasticity limit (27.13 – 24.51) and liquid limit (34.50 - 30.00) which leads to landslide phenomenon.
Slip surface in mass movement zone in Kuantan Singingi Regency has been identified by using geole... more Slip surface in mass movement zone in Kuantan Singingi Regency has been identified by using geolectricity with dipole – dipole configuration and Cone Penetrating Test measurement. The research has been applied in 8 geolectricity sites and 8 CPT sites in 3 different subdistricts. Slip surfaces have been identified in line 1 at 1.5 m depth, 3.2 m depth in line 2, 1.6 m depth in line 3, 3.6 m depth in line 4, 10.8 m depth in line 5, 5.2 m depth in line 6, 6.8 m depth in line 7 and 10.12 m depth in line 8. Every site have >60° slope which are classified into extreme slope. The most extreme slope and most dangerous site is line 7 in Jalan Raya Taluk Kuatan – Muara Lembu with 63° slope and 10.2 m sediment thickness. The layer which is classified as slip surface is bedrock layer, where mass movement is translation type.
The potential area of liquefaction in southern Bali Island has been identified by using ground pe... more The potential area of liquefaction in southern Bali Island has been identified by using ground penetrating radar, resistivity geoelectricity with dipole-dipole configuration, and borehole data. The research has been conducted in 16 GPR's sites, 12 geoelectricity lines, and 8 borehole points. The interpretations of GPR and geolectricity revealed the presence of sand-silt-clay with (5.00 – 23.6) m resistivities at (0 – 5) meter depth and groundwater table with (0.265–17.1) m at (0–7) meter depth. The measurement of sand diameter in Sanur, Sarangan, Tanjung Benoa and Tuban reveal that sand-silt-clay fraction which has < 20 % fines are categorized as highly potential liquefaction.
Teaching Documents by rahmat nawi siregar
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Papers by rahmat nawi siregar
Teaching Documents by rahmat nawi siregar