Papers by Harits Setyawan

ELSYA: Journal of English Language Studies, 2024
This research aims at reviewing the previous studies on emojis and emoticons in computer-mediated... more This research aims at reviewing the previous studies on emojis and emoticons in computer-mediated communication to provide information the extent to which they have been studied, as well as proposing a new concept for investigation and how it is implemented in research. To answer the research objectives, the author reviewed articles about emojis and emoticons published from 2012-2021. The data are collected by using an application called Publish and Perish, as well as free social networking sites ResearchGate and Academia. The findings of the previous research are then synthesized. The research results show that the differences and similarities of emojis and emoticons, as well as which of them is used more often and why one of them is preferred have been investigated. Both emojis and emoticons are used to express emotion, clarify meaning, substitute texts and punctuations. Then, the use of emojis and emoticons is influenced by social relationships, level of formality and gender, emotional relationships, social media platforms, and linguistic patterns. Despite that, emojis and emoticons are not used correctly in terms of the meaning contained in them and have not been much studied by using linguistic theories. It implies that more research on emojis and emoticons which is paired with linguistic theories is needed. For that reasons we propose that the myth which emerges as the folded hand emoji is used and why the myth emerges are studied in the future research.

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
This study traces the extent to which visual language has been studied in research in order to pr... more This study traces the extent to which visual language has been studied in research in order to provide a new concept of how visual language is studied and how the new concept is applied to research for future researchers who want to investigate further about visual language. The data was collected through research articles on visual language published from 1997 to 2022. The results showed that visual language has been studied in media such as, images, comics, books & magazines, videos & animations, posters & info graphics, motifs, logos & brands, packaging designs, and writing. Studies that have been carried out have not revealed how visual language is used in video thumbnails on YouTube. In addition, most previously conducted studies on visual language discuss the language using only one scientific approach so as to potentially inhibit the possibility of new findings that can bring benefits globally. Therefore, the researchers suggested to subsequent researchers to uncover how visual language is used in YouTube video thumbnails and examine the signifier and signified contained in them so as to integrate the disciplinary approaches of Visual Communication Design and Linguistics, especially Semiotics.

English Language Education Reviews, May 31, 2022
Writing has been considered the most difficult skill to master by EFL university students. It nee... more Writing has been considered the most difficult skill to master by EFL university students. It needs more effort and time for mastery. Some challenges in writing can make students confused. This condition has inspired the researchers to conduct the study. The study aims to identify the common errors in firstyear students' essay writing and provide suggestive solutions for the problems encountered by the students. This study was implemented using quantitative and qualitative approaches (mixed method). The researchers analyzed 205 students' essays to identify the writing errors. After that, they randomly interviewed selected students to find the specific problems and suggestions. The data gathered were then classified and analyzed thematically. Based on the analyzed data, the most frequent error was faulty sentences which was 60.41%, grammar as the second error was 16.88%, the third error was mechanics with 13.1%, and vocabulary and other errors were 5.38% and 4.22%. The result shows that most students got difficulty writing sentences correctly. Therefore, providing appropriate learning materials for students and giving feedback on their writing are suggested.

This research is conducted to achieve three main objectives: (1) to find out whether or not the t... more This research is conducted to achieve three main objectives: (1) to find out whether or not the third year students of SMP Karya Bakti Gadingrejo make errors in using correlative conjunction, (2) to find out types of errors that the students make in using correlative conjunction based on surface strategy and communicative effect taxonomies, and (3) to find out the percentage of the students’ errors in using correlative conjunction. In this research, descriptive analysis is used. It is a method that simply looks at phenomena with intense accuracy and precisely describes what the writer finds. The subject of the research is the third year students of SMP Karya Bakti Gadingrejo class IX. C. The data of the research are collected by using grammar elicitation task. The data are then analyzed by using surface strategy and communicative effect taxonomies and put on percentage. Based on data analysis, it was found that based on surface strategy taxonomy, errors that the students make in usi...

THE EFFECT OF ADJUSTED LEARNING STYLE ACTIVITY ON STUDENTS’ READING ACHIEVEMENT AT THE SECOND SEM... more THE EFFECT OF ADJUSTED LEARNING STYLE ACTIVITY ON STUDENTS’ READING ACHIEVEMENT AT THE SECOND SEMESTER STUDENTS OF STBA TEKNOKRAT Harits Setyawan [email protected] Master of English Education Lampung University This research was intended to find out whether or not there was a significant difference in students’ reading achievement after being taught through activities adjusted to their learning styles. There were 18 students involved as the samples of the research. They were chosen purposefully by using learning style questionnaire and reading test. The students were then taught based on their learning styles and given a test every three meetings. The result shows that when visual students were taught through activities adjusted for visual students, they got better mean score than auditory and kinesthetic students did. Similarly, when auditory students were taught through activities adjusted for auditory students, they got better mean score than visual and kinesthetic did. Fu...

Edukasi Lingua Sastra
Towards the presidential election of Republic of Indonesia in 2019, many discourses related to th... more Towards the presidential election of Republic of Indonesia in 2019, many discourses related to the presidential election 2019 appeared in various mass media. The media included printed, electronic, and online news which gave information, editorial, advertisement, and other forms related to the presidential election. These various contents about the presidential election were interesting to be explored through research because they could uncover realities which were represented differently, for different purposes, and with distinctive ideology in each mass medium. These phenomena could be found not only in national online mass media, but also in online mass media in Lampung. Observing how the prospective president and vice president were represented in local online mass media was an interesting thing. That was because by using data from local online mass media, we could identify how constellation movement and political dynamics in national level were represented in local level with u...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahasa verbal dan bahasa non-verbal yang digunakan oleh... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahasa verbal dan bahasa non-verbal yang digunakan oleh peserta didik dalam mengekspresikan perasaan malu pada saat mengikuti perkuliahan dalam jaringan. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan puisi, lagu, dan rayuan/ gombalan untuk memicu hal-hal lucu dalam perkuliahan daring. Dari hasil analisis data ditemukan bahwa peserta didik menggunakan bahasa verbal dan non-verbal dalam mengekspresikan perasaan malu. Namun, bahasa verbal yang digunakan oleh peserta didik tidak memiliki banyak variasi bentuk seperti bahasa non-verbal yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan perasaan malu. Kata Kunci: Bahasa Verbal dan Non-Verbal, Rasa Malu, Perkuliahan dalam Jaringan

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Bahasa Inggris Universitas Lampung, 2017
This research was aimed to investigate face acts used by the English teacher in the classroom int... more This research was aimed to investigate face acts used by the English teacher in the classroom interaction. To collect the data, the researcher came to the school and made some recordings. The recordings were then transcribed and analyzed based on speech act classification by Yule (2002). The finding of this research showed that both face saving acts and face threatening acts occurred in the classroom interaction. This finding implied that face saving acts and face threatening acts could occur in social interaction between people who were socially distant. Furthermore, the finding of this research also showed that face saving acts outnumbered face threatening acts in the classroom interaction. This finding implies that teachers try to reduce the possibility of making their students feel embarrassed or down when the students make errors or mistakes. In this research, it was also found that the English teacher used some techniques in performing face saving acts. The techniques were giving the right answer, suggesting that the students asked for help, and encouraging that the students struggled harder.

Jurnal Teknosastik: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, 2013
This research is titled Analysis of Students' Errors in Using Correlative Conjunctions in Their W... more This research is titled Analysis of Students' Errors in Using Correlative Conjunctions in Their Writing. It is intended to find out common errors made by students when using correlative conjunction in their writing. Correlative Conjunction is one of conjunctions in English. Analyzing students' errors in using the conjunction becomes important because communication in English involves and cannot be separated from the use of its. Since correlative conjunction is taught at junior high schools, the subjects of this research were junior high school students at the second year. The research was conducted at SMP Karya Bakti Gadingrejo and the population of the subject was 30 persons. The data of the research were collected by giving the students a question sheet which consisted of 20 items requiring them to join two sentences into one through correlative conjunction. The students' errors in joining the sentences were analyzed based on Surface Strategy and Communicative Effect Taxonomy by Dulay, Burt, and Krashen (1982: 151). The result of the research shows that Omission errors place the first position with 42.83% of overall errors made by the students. The second position is placed by Misordering errors with 22.33%. Addition errors place the third position with 6.33% and Misformation errors place the last position with 2.16%. Based on Communicative Effect Taxonomy, Global Error is 17.50% and Local Error is 26.33%. The percentage of overall errors is 73.66% and the percentage of correct answers is 16.33%. The result implies that the students have problems in using correlative conjunctions mostly in pairing the conjunction.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Workshop Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 2016, 2016
This research is intended to find out speech acts used by the English teacher in the classroom. T... more This research is intended to find out speech acts used by the English teacher in the classroom. The researcher made some recordings and analyzed the data based on speech act classification by Yule, 2002. The result shows the teacher uttered all speech act classifications. However, there are several utterances which can be classified into more than one speech act classification. The finding of this research implies that there should be added one more speech act classification for utterances which have more than one function.
Smart Journal, 2017
This research aimed to investigate college policy effects on students’ motivation in learning Eng... more This research aimed to investigate college policy effects on students’ motivation in learning English as a supplementary subject. The research was conducted at two colleges which applied different policies in English language teaching as a supplementary subject. There were 2 classes from each of the colleges. The overall samples were 40 college students who were chosen through systematic sampling method. They derived from 4 different classes. Each of the classes consisted of 10 samples. The result showed that there was a significant difference in student attendance at the two colleges. It implies that college policy significantly affects students’ motivation in learning English.

Teknosastik, 2018
The objectives of this research were to find out undergraduates' awareness of English irregular v... more The objectives of this research were to find out undergraduates' awareness of English irregular verbs and to find out what errors that the students made in using the irregular verbs. This research was conducted at University of Teknokrat Indonesia. The population of this research was the first semester students. There were 30 university students who were chosen as the samples. They were all S1 English Literature students. The data of this research were collected through a written task. The task was designed to measure the students' ability in using irregular verbs in sentences telling about past events. There were 140 irregular verbs tested to the students. The result of the research showed that the undergraduates' awareness of English irregular verbs is low; 22 (73.3%) out 30 students made errors in using English irregular verbs. The errors varied into three types; using the rule of regular verbs for irregular verbs, using simple form verbs for past events, and creating new words which did not exist in English vocabulary. The highest number of error was placed by applying the rule of regular verbs for irregular verbs with 14 incorrect verbs (53.8%), the second position was placed by using simple form verbs for past events with 9 incorrect verbs (34.6%), and the third position was placed by creating new words which did not exist in English vocabulary with 3 incorrect verbs (11.5%). The results of this study indicate that students in which English is a foreign language might still have insufficient English vocabulary when they come to higher schools.

Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris, 2019
This study aimed at investigating the effect of Blended Method (online and offline teaching and l... more This study aimed at investigating the effect of Blended Method (online and offline teaching and learning) and Traditional Method (offline teaching and learning), as the comparison, on students' reading achievement. There were 200 college students involved in this study. Half of them were taught through a blended teaching method and half of them were taught through a traditional teaching method. The data were taken from the students' final scores in the lectures which included scores of assignment, quiz, mid-term test, and final term test. The final scores of the two groups were compared to find out the effect of the blended teaching method and the traditional teaching method. The result showed that the scores of students who were taught through Blended Method were significantly better than the scores of students who were taught through Traditional Method. It indicates that utilizing new methods while maintaining good aspects of pre-existing methods has a positive impact on students' achievement.

Global Research in Higher Education, 2018
The main objective of this research is to investigate the students' English proficiency after lea... more The main objective of this research is to investigate the students' English proficiency after learning the subject for six years; 3 years at Junior High School and 3 years at Senior High School. This research was conducted at some higher schools in Lampung. The higher schools involved both public and private institutions. The samples were chosen purposefully; students who were taught by the researcher. In overall there were 40 samples involved in this research. At the beginning of the class, before the students were taught by the researcher, they were given a multiple-choice test that measured the students' knowledge of English grammar. The result showed the mean score that the students got was 47.5, which meant very low English proficiency. It indicates that a long-duration learning of English does not guarantee that students will be proficient in that language.
KODE Jurnal Bahasa, 2021
This study aims to find out the verbal language and non-verbal language used by students to expre... more This study aims to find out the verbal language and non-verbal language used by students to express feelings of embarrassment in online course. This research instrument uses poetry, songs, and humor to trigger funny things in online lectures. From the results of the data analysis found that learners used verbal and non-verbal language in expressing feelings of embarrassment. However, the verbal language used by learners did not have much variety of forms such as non-verbal language used to express feelings of embarrassment.
Keywords: Verbal and Non-Verbal Language, Embarrassment, Online Course

JEE (Journal of English Education), 2021
Kahoot! as a game-based student response system has been widely used for new virtual learning exp... more Kahoot! as a game-based student response system has been widely used for new virtual learning experiences. On the other hand, the impacts of Kahoot! in learning EFL for university students have not been investigated yet. The objective of this study is to describe students’ perceptions towards the use of Kahoot! in learning EFL and explore students’ learning virtual experience by using Kahoot!. The research method used is qualitative method with data collection technique by using observation techniques and documentation techniques. Interviews were done to collect students’ perceptions. Furthermore, the benefits of using Kahoot! and the description of activities in Kahoot! have been observed. The result of the analysis revealed that students have a positive learning experience toward Kahoot!. As a result, Kahoot! can be used as an additional learning application for reviewing the materials and motivating students to learn English.

Global Research in Higher Education, Jun 1, 2018
The main objective of this research is to investigate the students' English proficiency after lea... more The main objective of this research is to investigate the students' English proficiency after learning the subject for six years; 3 years at Junior High School and 3 years at Senior High School. This research was conducted at some higher schools in Lampung. The higher schools involved both public and private institutions. The samples were chosen purposefully; students who were taught by the researcher. In overall there were 40 samples involved in this research. At the beginning of the class, before the students were taught by the researcher, they were given a multiple-choice test that measured the students' knowledge of English grammar. The result showed the mean score that the students got was 47.5, which meant very low English proficiency. It indicates that a long-duration learning of English does not guarantee that students will be proficient in that language.
JURNAL SMART, Sep 22, 2017
This research aimed to investigate college policy effects on students' motivation in learning Eng... more This research aimed to investigate college policy effects on students' motivation in learning English as a supplementary subject. The research was conducted at two colleges which applied different policies in English language teaching as a supplementary subject. There were 2 classes from each of the colleges. The overall samples were 40 college students who were chosen through systematic sampling method. They derived from 4 different classes. Each of the classes consisted of 10 samples. The result showed that there was a significant difference in student attendance at the two colleges. It implies that college policy significantly affects students' motivation in learning English.

The objectives of this research were to find out undergraduates’ awareness of English irregular v... more The objectives of this research were to find out undergraduates’ awareness of English irregular verbs and to find out what errors that the students made in using the irregular verbs. This research was conducted at University of Teknokrat Indonesia. The population of this research was the first semester students. There were 30 university students who were chosen as the samples. They were all S1 English Literature students. The data of this research were collected through a written task. The task was designed to measure the students’ ability in using irregular verbs in sentences telling about past events. There were 140 irregular verbs tested to the students. The result of the research showed that the undergraduates’ awareness of English irregular verbs is low; 22 (73.3%) out 30 students made errors in using English irregular verbs. The errors varied into three types; using the rule of regular verbs for irregular verbs, using simple form verbs for past events, and creating new words w...

English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris
This study aimed at investigating the effect of Blended Method (online and offline teaching and l... more This study aimed at investigating the effect of Blended Method (online and offline teaching and learning) and Traditional Method (offline teaching and learning), as the comparison, on students’ reading achievement. There were 200 college students involved in this study. Half of them were taught through a blended teaching method and half of them were taught through a traditional teaching method. The data were taken from the students’ final scores in the lectures which included scores of assignment, quiz, mid-term test, and final term test. The final scores of the two groups were compared to find out the effect of the blended teaching method and the traditional teaching method. The result showed that the scores of students who were taught through Blended Method were significantly better than the scores of students who were taught through Traditional Method. It indicates that utilizing new methods while maintaining good aspects of pre-existing methods has a positive impact on students’...
Papers by Harits Setyawan
Keywords: Verbal and Non-Verbal Language, Embarrassment, Online Course
Keywords: Verbal and Non-Verbal Language, Embarrassment, Online Course