Got a question about how a specific realm, or the rules of enemies or equipment from a realm? Put it here!
Fell Woods - how do the Mystic Boon and the Reinforced Wall interact? We had a mild argument about whether preventing the first reinforcement wave prevented the healing.
Also the timing on the Mystic Boon was a bit unclear - does it happen when the first reinforcement wave arrives, or when you first set up Gorrax and his Lads?
(The realm was really fun - lots of little touches worked very well for some fine emergent story. It's my favourite realm so far)
A few Realm-specific questions following from my post in the General thread. Beware minor spoilers.
1. Adjacent to the Engraved. I've added "other" to help clarify.
2. It does not work if blocked. I've added that note to the spell.
3. Good point! The pamphlet realms are a little different, so you do get to keep that consumable.
4. Gear can't be used if they aren't facing Harm.
5. Yes.
6. No, you still need to kill the mobs. However, having killed the Rime Knight, they won't resurrect if you die or respawn.
7. Good catch! I've removed the boxes and clarified the action is repeatable.
8. One full combat. The wording has been clarified.
Playing my first game in the Grim Coast and decided to head to the Gnarled Tree and having my first fight there. Having fun so far, but I had a few questions about how the Writher's Spike Pods are intended to work. Are they supposed to be removed after dealing damage? If not, can multiple be placed in the same space? Can Block be used to reduce damage when moving into the space?
Just finished the realm in four moves (1 -> 2 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10) and while it was cool to catch the Rune Lord with their pants down (metaphorically) it seemed a bit easy to do, given the clock only advances for movement or death. I didn't die once, which is a first. To be fair, I have a few realms under my belt now, but even with my standard loadout of great-axe and shield I think we could have taken the Realm Knight in Dragon Knight form, without exploring half the realm.
Maybe the fight should offer a different reward for beating them before they complete the first stage of their transformation?
The only other fight we had was against DRAKE and that was a lot of fun - the cadence of having two stances was a nice change. My only query there is whether the Drake's Talon card should have the "sword" quality on it?
Under normal circumstances you can do any or all of the actions at a point while you're there.
If there's a Fight, you generally have to complete that (or have it marked from an earlier visit) to do any other action.
Page 11 of the rules covers actions. Often (but not always) taking an action at a point will cause the Realm Clock to tick - which usually means something bad is getting more imminent.
I believe since rather than saying "Two Handed," and instead using the verbiage of "Mode," the Scythe is intended to only be used in one hand, and only in one mode at a time. So at the top of a round, you would decide whether to use it in Reap mode or Reave mode.
However, I do believe that this could use some clarification, because the very definition of Versatile in the rulebook indicates that this term essentially means "can be used in one or two hands." But I would still default to my interpretation above since specific rules within realms override the rulebook.
In the Fell Woods, the Smasher's Pack trait states "If Smasher starts next to another enemy..." Does the word "next," as opposed to "adjacent," imply that this trait should activate when another enemy is adjacent to the Smasher in addition to when another enemy is sharing the Smasher's space?
Edit: After thinking on this a while since I've posted, I believe it should be treated as "adjacent," instead of some new term.
Question regarding the Draco Rune, and this may extend to other pieces of gear/equipment/runes that are similar.
When I use this rune for the effect that deals 3 Harm to all enemies, can I choose to have this Harm apply before enemies have dealt Harm to me?
The core RUNE rulebook, page 32, seems to indicate that any actions that aren't moving or attacking can be resolved before or after Harm is dealt from the attacks of the current round. So my question can also be worded as this: does activating a Harm-dealing rune count as one of these other actions that takes place whenever I want during this phase of combat; or must I apply this Harm simultaneously with all characters' attacks as usual?
My thinking: activating a rune which deals Harm means it should also be applied simultaneously with other attacks. I've been playing it the other way and thinking it was unbelievably powerful, but if my realization is correct, then it's a bit more reasonable in power level (although still very strong imo).
Runes are intended to be able to be activated at any time during the combat round, depending on when you want them, or what makes the most sense for the rune.
So I would interpret the Draco run as using it whenever you want, before Harm. But if you feel that is too powerful, you can always relegate it to the Harm step in combat.
I have additional questions.
- Fell Woods
"The Militia be used at any time to revert a Point so that it is no longer Lost."
Can Militia I get in Hinzelton only be used in Hinzelton? Can I revive at any point?
- Hollow Anfel, Phase 1
What is the Harm range on a die roll of 6?
- Frostdale Storm Giant’s Actions
• 1-2: Columns A & C • 3-4: Columns B & D • 6: Columns A & D
Is 5 OK without anything?
thank you.
I have a question about a rune from Rune.
Thank you for your time.
(and thank you for a very fun game! I am currently obsessed!)
While watching your youtube videos, I've noticed a few things have changed in the final version and I'd love clarification if possible.
Amulet of Dawn on page 42 has a higher healing value than the same item on page 71, Healing 1 hp seems to be more balanced as a starting item, so I'll assume 42 is an old version/typo
Can the player and one enemy still occupy the same space or just two enemies, and if so, does all harm still get increased by +1?
Some weapons still have the range as "same", such as the Erupting Flame weapon, and some weapons lost that descriptor like the sword, was this intentional?
1. The values on 42 and 71 are the same, both Heal 2. You might be looking at an older version of the PDF if they are not the same.
2. Two characters can occupy the same space, though the rule for dealing +1 Harm has been removed.
3. The sword no longer hits at Same range.
The videos were recorded with an early version of the rules, so you should look at the most recent PDF for the updated rules instead of the videos.
Thanks for the speedy reply!
RE: Amulet
The PDF I'm using was just emailed to me a few days ago, those would be "Rune Rulebook 1.1" pages and spreads (I checked both) I also checked my print copy that arrived this week, it also has differing values for the amulet.
Been loving the game, enjoyed your videos, finished Grim Coast and the Hollow so far, will try a playthrough on my channel in the next month or so.
Fallen cleric chr, sword/sling, then siphon amulet, health rune.
I might try a homebrew sci-fi adaptation if I get time.
DRACO LANDS: The Realmbreaker's break ability says it destroys the realm if it runs out of adjacent spaces, but the Realmbreaker starts in the corner and can't move, which I think means it will always destroy the realm on its third break. Am I understanding this correctly? Also, what happens if it tries to break the space the Engraved is on?
Just an idle curiosity; I managed to take it down just in time with the best weapon in the game (Griff's Dagger), but right afterward I realized how close I was to a big game over.
Thank you for making this great game!
Hi there, general question on the grim coast. Do I need to do an action if I move to an area? I kinda want to explore some of the locations without fighting, to save my health well as I travel between day and night. I was hoping to skip fights if I didn't need to do them.
I could see this going either way. I think of dark souls, where the first time I adventured through the undead burg, I fought everything! The 80th time i was skipping lol