Hi, I don't see the "Get Other Key" option in the download page . I can only download the cover.png
A collection of NPCs for Pathfinder Second Edition (PF2) · By
The download page should look somewhat akin to this example from the Itch.io website, with the Claim Steam Key section replaced with a Get Other Key section. If it looks otherwise, let me know and we I can try and get in touch with itch.io staff and see if they can figure out what's causing your issue.
Based on the colour scheme, and slightly different layout, I'm wondering if it is taking you to a different page than the one I intend.
At the top of your page you should see a You own this game message (pictured below), along with a download button. If you click that button does it take you to a page that looks more similar to the one I posted above?
Understood. Thanks for going through the troubleshooting steps with me, I'll have to get in touch with the Itch.io staff to figure out what might be causing the issue. This is my first time selling anything on Itch.io so its all new to me. It looks like most people have been able to get their key alright, based on conversations I've there is clearly something going wrong with your download page.
If you can send me an email to [email protected] from the email address you purchased the module with, I'll email you a copy of your key.
I'm going to get in touch with the Itch.io staff to see if I can track down the root cause of this issue. However, in the meantime if you can send me an email to [email protected] from the email address you purchased the module with, I'll email you a copy of your key.
Thank you both for you patience. I've discovered the root cause of the issue. Itch.io doesn't include external keys with their free community copies system.
For anyone who encounters this issue in future, just know that there will be a delay in the receipt of keys as I need to send them out manually.