Hey there,
Your game is a beautiful exploration game. The music was on point, the sound fx were minimal but effective, the low poly rocks were never repetitive and the lighting was gorgeous. The moments where I was traversing stairs and rock outcrops were my favorite - you seem to have a real eye for that kind of environment and pacing. I could have done that for hours.
The problems I had were pretty minor: The maze was a little large and I couldn't see the buttons, but I made it through. There were a few times where I jumped and expected the momentum to carry me, but as soon as I let go of directional input, I stopped mid air and fell. I got used to it, but I think having momentum in air (like with a rigidbody) would feel more graceful and match your game's aesthetic. I thought the Inside inspired light puzzles were too abrupt and punishing after such a peaceful journey, and I actually felt they were possibly unnecessary. As someone who designs platformers, I feel an internalized pressure to challenge players with hard puzzles and dangerous situations, but playing your game reminded me to relax a bit and trust that the journey itself is worth it.
I did want to pick your brain about lighting if you don't mind. Were you using real time lighting throughout? and what volumetric lighting tool were you using?
Thanks and great work!