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The Binding of Isaac fangame, heavily inspired by Plants vs. Zombies · By DoctorHummer, toncho_

This game sucks and here's why

A topic by DoctorHummer created Feb 04, 2022 Views: 39,357 Replies: 357
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Post here all the bugs and flaws, as well as your opinion about some mechanics and things that infuriate you. Since the game is still in the alpha stage of development, a lot can change, and you can contribute to this.



Deleted 3 years ago

it is just so epic. it does countdown, then says "CRY" and crashes. So the only thing you can is to cry


That Happens to me too and i don't know why. Can you CRY to make a patch please ?

I saw keelvin playing it and it looks rly freaking cool ! 

If needed, Info of my puter : Windows 10,  More than 3 TB, Intel core i7

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i dont know if this helps, but here is the crash notes (for doctorhammer himself xx)

idk what to do



FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: shBlackNWhite

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_o_card_Draw_0


Getting the same crash

Just solved it! You need to update your DirectX,  which you can do here:

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having this issue as well, but i'm using crossover to run it on mac. tried reinstalling and that didn't fix it

edit: just tried v0.1.3.1 and i still get the same error code as listed above

same but i run it via. wine bottler


i've noticed whenever i "plant" acid baby during a boss fight it disables the shovel, active and pill slots.

this game is phenomenal btw


Was playing and got to the caves I think. A green champion red fly just flew past everything I had at the front and killed me? Is this a bug with the champion or is there a mechanic im not getting


... They fly over anything infront of it.

Babies that lob shots can kill it while it is flying


that's just a mechanic, you need to kill them before they get off the ground or make space for them to land (they get tired and land after a few spaces if there's space)


You should be able to take more than 4 babies in at a time, i get that we have passives and active items to help with that but you cant do much with only 3 other towers besides lil chad. Even 1 extra slot would be enough to remedy this issue, also the red flys in the mines suck ass. You have to deliberately leave holes in your defense if you dont have a lobbing tower to kill them cuz otherwise they just go over everything. 


Yeah, the red flies destroyed almost all my chargers immediately because if they reached my defense I couldn't do anything to stop them, should be tweaked to have them come down every few seconds.


i know this Is based on rng, but If you get demon baby he actually attacks every enemy in a 5x5 block including Flying enemies so yeah That's something cool if you get demon baby


I actually did get demon baby so that's how I got through the floor, but I'd still say flying enemies are unbalanced as not having the right baby can kill your run.


yea i guess you're right

XD I literally had to repeat the same level 30 times because of an evil fly I was so frustrated that ahaha I started reading after literally using all my possible combinations, I only used spiders and prayed very hard I couldn't do anything else I won but after -.- I lost in the next level


The animation for the Ragdoll boss throwing an enemy felt a bit too vague, it was hard to tell where the enemy landed so I wasn't able to move the stuff I placed on the carts to stop them from getting destroyed, maybe add an indicator on which tile it lands on.


the boss follows your cart if it has a baby on it, theres no way to dodge the throw

You can actually move the baby mid-throw and dodge it so you can direct the throws wherever you like

In the Ark III a frosty kept getting knocked back and keeps playing the noise over and over again. it's off screen and wont come back and now i have no choice but to start over : [

next time that happens, just delete the babies in the front because it just keeps attacking those plants


the "civil war" challenge can place poops at the very beggining of the track, causing you to not be able to break them. One time an entire track got covered by poop and i couldnt break them so i just insta-lost.

If you get demon baby It attacks everything in a 5x5 area so if you get blocked by poop Remember that demon babys can do the trick

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You sadly can't get any babies in "Civil War" because it's a challenge.

Mullibooms explodes poops

yeah but i cant place them on poop, and no enemies were going near the lane that had all the poop so i couldnt explode them


ok so, one time i accidentally restarted a run, then i went to the menu on the new run, after i pressed continue, i had all the items and children from the old run

blue room and two items already yeehaw

Same here, seems to be an issue with how the game handles save data. If you restart, then go back to menu and press continue, it remembers all the stuff you had in the old run.

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I found a softlock, there is an enemy frozen in red goo stuff at the end of the line, and I can't hit it.

dang i got the same in a good run. the only thing you can do is having demon baby, lil loki, abel or something that hits behind sadly

You can Save & Quit to redo the level

Red Flies are just too overpowered for a regular enemy that spawns more than one time in a wave. You just cant react over everything and you will garanteed lose at least one dodger, even if your conditions to kill it were pretty good.

Can you tone down a bit the Red flies in the caverns? They are wayy too strong maybe lessen theyre hp a little

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if theire hp will be lessed they will die in first 2 tiles or just destroy the lane completely like they do now. The problem is in flight exactly. It needs to be more limited, not just flying over everything while also being invincible

i mean demon babies counter those but you Will Need good rng to get that one

try grabbing lobbers, they can attack air


game crashes as soon as it starts, its looking for a shader or something.


После того, как Единорог уничтожил святую какашку землю, малыши всё ещё были под баффом.
А ещё лопата и активка были недоступны, это фича?
Игра классная

Активки недоступны - это я так понимаю фича, он их замораживает


Game crashes as soon as the round starts. The error message seems to be something about a black and white shader but I'm not entirely sure.


I'd suggest that for the boss levels, make the babies spawn a bit quicker? (At least the blue room - mines area) Because an enemy could slip by pretty easily and you wouldn't have anything on hand to stop it, id say all the (first loop) regular levels were pretty good to control but when it came to the first wave of the bosses, that part nearly killed the run everytime. 

(Btw the concept of this game is genius, so just props to you for creating this, it's amazing)

Don't know if this is intentional or not, but the shovel can't delete Bob's Brain until it grows.

it can, the hitbox is just small

it can, but its hitbox is very small

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the red flies that hover over your plants should be slower. i had a run ended because a fly hovered through all my defences without me noticing.
i know there is a zombie in pvz2 that acts this way but when that one hovers over the plants it slows down.
also i think a way to see what enemies and bosses you have seen (like the almanac from pvz) would be cool.
also also, i used the pokeball thing in that mage that freezes your babys and then realesed it and it carried that level, the next and it defeated the boss. maybe it could be nerfed, like maybe reducing the knockback. because the reason why it was so good was because it never got to move offscreen.
edit: i forgot to mention, this game is amazing

in fact, that zombie is not slow, it just up→fly→down once by once, but red fly is up→fly→fly→.........→down, and you lost


Loving the game so far, and it feels great to play! However, I feel the game was not designed around the achievements. I've been going for multiple runs trying to beat it without heart producing units, but I get overwhelmed at every moment. I either get a lucky draw at the start, or I'm forced to restart the run, due to not having enough crowd control. 

Recently got to the third world, and in the first actual wave I lost all of my units immediately. There was nothing I could do, there's too few units and too many mechanics to actually complete this challenge reliably. 

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Try to first pass all stages With producing hearts and picking useful babies/items for no heart play. When you beat third boss and there starts second loop(first levels again), it's easier to play with collected items and proper babies for your strategy. Basically, you don't have to pass all 3 arcs without chads from the start, you just need to pass them, so even if no-heart after 3 or 4 loops to get all you want, it's fine.

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